GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Grandia 2"
(PC Games)

This game is also available on DC and PS2.

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Grandia 2 (PC Games)
Submitted By: Jebo88
or on PS2
PS this game does not have the first 3 missions

Special Stage

When you get Roan (King Roan) to be part of your team, exit the Palace.
When you get out, there are two places to go to, Raul Hills and the
King Roan's palace place in the south. Go to Raul Hills. When you arrive,
"Special Stage" will appear.
You can train yourself until you are ready to leave.
| Carbo Town - Mission Failed | IDXC005 |
| Ryudo 10 |
Go to the Granas Church. Here you'll report to the priest.
The priest will now give you a short version of the legend about Granas and
Valmar and the Battle of Good and Evil. Remember it well, as the battle of
Good and Evil and the relationship between Granas and Valmar is what the
entire storyline of Grandia II is based upon.
The priest will make you a new offer. Before Ryudo has decided to accept it
or not, the city will be under attack. It appears to be a girl named Millenia.
You'll have to fight her.
| Boss 1 \
| Millenia |
| Targets: Millenia |
| Difficulty: Not that hard |
| Ryudo 10 |
| It's impossible to defeat Millenia, so don't even try. This is more a |
| battle of survival. After a random ammount of turns Millenia will cast |
| "Zap!" |
| As soon as that happens the battle will end. Just make sure to keep your |
| HP up so you will survive everything she does. |
After this fight, Ryudo decides to take on the mission the priest wants to
hire him for. You'll be at the inn. The priest will come with Elena and she
will join the party. (This time for real). Time to leave this village and
hit the road.
| Inor Mountains | IDXC006 |
| Ryudo 10 | Elena 6 |
| Savespots: 1 |
| 1. Near the entrance |
- = Remove one of the mushrooms (use X to hack them with your sword)
= Follow the path west (you'll get at the savespot)
= From the savespot, keep following the road
= You'll reach a ramp going up the mountain. Take on the ramp and follow
the path.
= When you come into a "fork" take the southern way up (to the east)
= Once again in a fork take on the ramp (to the west)
= Exit south => INOR MOUNTAINS 2

- Some scenario will take place. After this you'll be completely recovered.
No savespot around, though.
= Go up the ramp to the east.
= Follow the road and take the ladder south at the east
= Go west up the mountain
= You can use the plank and rock at the end to free the treasure chest
you came past (surrounded by rocks). Do so.
= Go back to the chest (open it if you like)
= From there go south
= At the end go east
= Around the corner south
= Around the conrer west (some rocks will fall and block a path)
= Keep going west
= At the end around the corner east
= Keep going east (some rocks will fall and block a path)
= Keep going east
= Around the corner south
= Go down the ladder
= Go west
= At the end south, exit south => North Silesia
| Agear Town | IDXC007 |
| Ryudo 11 | Elena 7 |
Upon arrival you'll see that the town has been vandalized.
Go to the inn and talk to Vyx (the innkeeper, choose "greet the innkeeper")
Vyx will tell you what is going on. You'll also meet Roan who is pretty
distressed about the loss of some kind of medal. He tries to hire Ryudo, but
Ryudo refuses. Well you'll get stuck with Roan lateron anyway, so don't you
worry about that. After that Elena will pass out after eating Kuko Berries.
While she's sleeping you'll meet Millenia and she'll join the party.

You'll be at a bed room at the inn. Leave the room and go back downstairs.
You'll find out that Roan has gone into the cave to go after his medal by
himself. Ryudo and Millenia will offer to take care of this.
Leave the inn.

You can reach the inn by using the compass. Press the triangle until it points
to the Cave Entrance. So easy.
| Durham Cave | IDXC008 |
| Ryudo 11 | Millenia 12 |
| Savespots: 2 |
| 1. After the stalgtite stairway near the entrance |
| 2. Just before the boss |
Before you start. Please take note that Millenia can get angry and even go
berserk in battle. Read the character section for detailed information about
= Go north and some stalgtites will come down forming a path
= Go down the stalgtile-stairs
= Use the savespot
= Go east
= You'll meet a Carro. Just ignore it.
= Go into the passage north-east
= Jump down at the end
= Push the big rock
= Go west throught he hole you created by pushing the rock
= Go west and use the lever
= Go north-east and cross the bridge
= Go to the room north
= Go east and push the rock off. It'll become a ramp
= Go down the ramp
= Go east and at the end south though the gate
It will close and lock you in. The only way out is by killing all
= Leave the room south-west
= Go west
= Use the lever
= Go back east and go through the gate north-east
= Go through the gate north
= Go west
= Go up the ramp
= Go south
= After the arch go west
= Cross the bridge
= Go south-west
= Go through the gate and you'll be locked in. Once again you got to fight
your way out. Kill everything in this room.
= Leave this room north
= Exit north => DURHAM CAVE 2

- = Follow the corridor until you find Roan in a messy situation.
Kill the monsters that threaten him.
(HINT! If you wanna try out "Fallen Wings". Now is you chance to do so)
After the battle Roan will join the party.
You'll also get the Mist Egg.
= Go east
= Go into the room and you'll be locked in. Once more you got to battle
yourself out.
= Leave the room north
= Go straight north
= Push the block onto the switch and step on the other switch
= Go through the gate straight east
= Go all the way west
= There's a small road leading through the water now. Take it.
= Keep goin west. At the end go north
= Jump off and kill the monsters down there.
= Use the lever
= Cross the bridge
= Ignore the rock, and save the game
= Go east then north

- Go north and kill the boss
| Boss 2 \
| Durham Minotaur |
| Targets: Durham Minotaur, Troglodyte (x2) |
| Difficulty: Medium |
| Ryudo 13 | Millenia 14 | Roan 12 |
| A good way to open this fight is by letting Millenia use "Fallen Wings" |
| since it hits all targets. Getting rid of the Troglodytes should then |
| be east. If Millenia gets cancelled because of sleep or confusion attacks |
| it's not hard to back it up. Only highly annoying. Now you did read sleep |
| and confusion well, but it only lasts for a short while and all damage |
| is easily healed as you get the time to get things done. Just stay alert |
| and be sure to heal in time. |
After this fight you'll get the first skill book. Read the skills section
for more information on those. Millenia will also reveal something about
herself. And you'll find Roan's medal.
Exit south => Durham Caves 2

- = Follow the corridor and save at the savespot
= Go a little west and push the rock (if you didn't already do that before)
= Go south over the rock you pushed
= Go straight south
= At the end go through the south gate (a little bit east)
= Leave this room west
= Keep goin west and go south at the end
= Exit south => DURHAM CAVE 1

- = Go south
= When you get inside a room go east
= When out of that room go north-east
= Cross the bridge
= Go through the arch north
= Go east down the ramp
= Go east and at the end south
= Leave this room south-west
= Go south
= Jump off to get at the savespot
= Save if you want
= Go up the stalgtite stairs and go south back to the village.

This mission is now completed. Millenia will leave the party and Elena
will come back. You'll be at the inn discussing things. After you're done
you can leave the city to move on to the next mission.
Leave the city on the south side.

| Baked Plains | IDXC009 |
| Ryudo 14 | Elena 12 | Roan 13 |
| Savespots: 2 |
| 1. Behind some rocks you can destory near the entrance |
| 2. At the start of area 3 just before the camp-site + Boss |
You can destroy the south rocks to reach the savespot. Use it if you need.
From there I'll start handling things.

- = Go straight north (watch out for steam coming out of the wall)
= At the end around the corner south
= First way east
= Keep going east
= At the end go north
= At the go east, exit east => Baked Plains 2

- = Go south and the end east
= Keep going straight east
= Exit east => Baked Plains 3

- There's a savespot. Use it.
From there go east. You'll make camp. Hear everybody out and break camp.
You'll meet a boss.
| Boss 3 \
| Beast Man |
| Targets: Beast Man |
| Difficulty: Overall Easy |
| Ryudo 15 | Elena 13 | Roan 14 |
| The beast man has pretty strong attacks, especially Beast Fang Cut is |
| dangerous. But the weak spot is that he only attacks Ryudo. The others |
| will only be attacked if Ryudo would pass out. So basically I had Elena |
| heal Ryudo, the others to attack. Just keep Ryudo at full HP (and cancel |
| the Beast Man as much as you can) and you'll be fine |
After this battle you'll learn that this beast man is Mareg and that he is
looking for Melfice. After that he'll leave.
= Go south-east
= First way south
= You'll see a path. Follow that path
= Exit south => Silesian Continent

You'll be at the world map. Go to Liligue city

| Liligue Town | IDXC00A |
| Ryudo 17 | Elena 16 | Roan 17 |
The city gates are currently closed. Go to the Inn and spend the night.
You'll find out that the only food they got is absolutely disguisting, and
then I'm being nice about it. Hear everybody out and break camp when you're

Now the city gates are open, so enter town. Soon you'll hear some strange
things about people being unable to eat, except for the disgusting arum
root. After that seek out Gadan's house. Horrible to find and you cannot
point the compass to it (why not, is anybody's guess). It's south-east of
the big tree. Hope that explanations does suffice.

After you talk with Gadan leave his house. A little discussion will take
place and the outcome is to seek information at the church.

The church is on a giant hill at the west of town.

Once in there, talk to the priest. He'll explain the situation in this town.
He'll invite you to come upstairs and to see something about this town. Go
upstairs and talk to the priest and he'll let you look out of the window.
You'll see that the city is build upon a ruin. This ruin is your next
target. Leave the church and head for the ruins. The entrance is next to
Gadan's house. On your way you'll meet Mareg who'll join the party.

| Liligue Cave | IDXC00B |
| Ryudo 17 | Elena 16 | Roan 17 | Mareg 19 |
| Savespots: 2 |
| 1. At the entrance |
| 2. Beside the Granaclifs in area 3 |
In serveral places here you can light torches to light your path. Do it if you
like. It's free. But it does not make much difrence.

- = Save your game at the savespot
= Go east
= At the T-Cross keep going east (north = 400 G)
= At the fork, take the way east
= Keep going east and around the corner north
= First way west
= First way north
= First way south (West = 1200 G, good cash)
= Exit west => LILIGUE CAVE 2

- Exit west => LILIGUE CAVE 1

- = Go west
= At the end south
= Keep going south
= Exit south => LILIGUE CAVE 2

- = Go north-east
= Follow the corridor
= At the end you'll see some kind of altar with a red, a blue and a green
orb. In the center is a peddestal. Read it.
= Stand on the switch and press X
= Go off the altar and go west
= First way north
= Go downstairs and activate the green orb
= Go upstairs and go north-west
= Leave this room at the way at the end there (it goes south-west)
= At the end you'll be back in the main corridor. Cross it over the
bridge formed over the crack and go into the south-west doorway.
= In the next room go south and go up the smapp steps
= Push the blocks in line with the others (read: To the west)
= Go up the big stairs (once there a trap door will open and a monster will
come out)
= Go south over the bridge of boxes and activate the red orb.
= Go back over the box-bridge and go downstairs
= Go south and take the way east at the end (the box you pushed will go
= Jump down into the crack
= Go up the ramp south-west to get out of the crack
= Take the passage way in face of the place from you you jumped into
the crack.
= In the south-east of the next room is the blue orb. Activate it
= Leave this room at the north side
= Back in the main corridor go east
= Once back at the altar, activate the yellow orb
= A large door will open. Exit through it => LILIGUE CAVE 3

- Follow the way, save your game and go through the exit near the

- Behold the seal of Lord Granas, as these large orbs are called.
According to legend parts of Valmar were sealed there after Granas
defeated Valmar. The something will happen that takes away Elena from
you, but Millenia will take her place. (Check out her equipment, particulary
things like mana eggs and skills before you go on).
When you are ready, go after the monster that just ran away go through the
hole in the wall it caused => LILIGUE CAVE, TEMPLE RUINS

- Go south-east
| Boss 4 \
| Valmar's Tongue |
| Targets: Valmar's Tongue, Head, Left Hand, Right Hand |
| Difficulty: Medium |
| Ryudo 19 | Millenia 19 | Roan 18 | Mareg 20 |
| The fact that this beast has 4 targets can cause some trouble, since it |
| makes him able to attack multiple times giving you little time to set up |
| defenses against it or to heal against it. You must keep that in mind |
| always. Still this battle is not really hard when you put your strongest |
| special moves on it until your out of SP, about 90% of its HP will be |
| gone. Getting rid of the last HP should not be that hard. |
| Just focus all attacks on the main body and don't even think about |
| attacking the other ones. |
| |
| Side note. Yes, in theory Millenia can get berserk, but since this is her |
| only battle in this section and this battle can be very very short, it's |
| very unlikely it will happen. |
After this fight you'll get the book of Wizards so you have more skills at
your disposal. Millenia will not get an extra special move, you can get it
now in the power-up menu. Alas, Millenia will leave the party and it'll be
awhile before she gets back, so it'll take awhile before you can check it

You'll be back in town. From here you can go to the skyway station
(use the compass to get there) and take on the skyway,
Make sure you are ready, since this is one of the spots that once you're
past it you can never go back.

Aboard the skyway you'll have a conversation that's like a campsite.
Hear out Elena and Ryudo and break camp.
After that something will happen and you'll end up in a forest on the other
side of the Granacliffs.

| Lumir Forest | IDXC00C |
| Ryudo 20 | Elena 19 | Roan 19 | Mareg 21 |
| Savespots: 1 |
| 1. Right west of the first tree you come past when you leave the |
| crash site at the beginning of this dungeon |
- = From the plate were Elena spoke with Millenia head south
= Around the corner west
= At the end south-west
= Go through snow and head south-east
= Follow the way east
= Exit south-east => LUMIR FOREST

- = Head south (snow will fall of the tree. West of it is a savespot)
= From the tree go south
= Keep going south when you can go no further go east
= Keep going east and enter the cave at the end => LUMIR FOREST, CAVERN 1

- = Go north
= At the !-spot press X to hack the roots away
= Keep going north
= At the end go west
= Around the corner south
= Hack the roots and go south
= when you reach the wall go west a little
= First way south
= Hack the roots and go south
= Exit south => LUMIR FOREST

- = Go south (snow will fall out of a tree)
= First way west
= First way north
= You'll see a big tree. Go to the north side of it and enter the
cavern at the north of it => LUMIR FOREST, CAVER 2

- The way closes behind you when you enter. You can open it by cutting
the right root-in-the-water, but you don't need to.
= Cut the root-in-the water to the south and the south passage opens
= Go into that passage
= At the end go east
= Cut the roots in your way and keep going east
= Keep going east and cut the other set of roots in your way
= Go east, around the corner north
= Around the corner west
= First way north (cut the roots in the way)
= At the end go east
= Follow the way and exit south at the end => LUMIR FOREST

- = Go south
= Third way east (screen will get foggy)
= Follow the way and exit east => THE GARDEN OF DREAMS

- You'll be in mysterious garden. You'll also meet a mysterious little girl
here. This girl will play a very important role in the next sections you're
coming through. After she disappears leave this garden. => LUMIR FOREST

- = Go south
= Follow the road
= Exit west at the south => East Silesia

| Mirumu Village - Part 1 | IDXC00D |
| Ryudo 21 | Elena 20 | Roan 20 | Mareg 22 |
I hope you like this place, because you'll be stuck here for a very long time.
Upon your arrival hear you hear of a strange kind of disease that plagues this
town. Well, you are just travellers but you see it coming. Doing something
about this "disease" is your next mission.

Leave the Chief's house and go to the inn.
Here you'll speak with Irina, the innkeeper. She'll tell you about what
happened to her son. She'll also reveal that the girl you spoke in that
mysterious garden is called Aira, so that is what I'll call her from now on.

After that leave the inn and go to Sandra's house located at the south of
the village. Once there you'll meet little Aira and her mother. She'll invite
you into her house. Go there. Once inside Sandra (Aira's mom) will explain a
few things. After the talk leave the house and go back to the village entrance.

There you'll meet High Priestess Selene. Man, that woman is absolutely insane,
I tell ya. She'll take control of the village and commands that nobody may
enter or exit the village. In orther words you cannot leave the village anymore
for the time being.

Move closer to Selene and she'll mention the presence of Elena (as a sister
of Granas). Then talk to her again, try to convince her you are in a hurry to
get to the Granas Cathedral. Too bad Selene will persist in her decision to
keep the city sealed and that you too are not allowed to leave. She'll go
away and two of her knights will block the exit of the village. Trust me
there's no way out. Go to the inn and spend the night.

At dinner hear everybody out until you can break off the dinner.
After the dinner we have some blah-blah between Ryudo and Elena.
After that a nightmare, and when you wake up open the window and you got to
deal with flying eyeballs. Go to the room where Irena and her son are sleeping
Leave the inn and you gotta follow the eyeballs. The compass points the
way to go (a location named "???").

When you get there Skye will appear and report his findings.

| Mysterious Fissure | IDXC00E |
| Ryudo 21 | Elena 20 | Roan 20 | Mareg 22 |
| Savespots: 1 |
| 1. After the snailhouse rock, close to the boss |
- = Go north-east
= When you come in some kind of hall go north
= At the end go east
= At the fork go north
= In the hall go north-west
= At the very end go east
= At the end you'll reach a snail-house shaped rock. Go over it.
= At the other side go south
= Save at the savespot
= From the savespot go east

- Go east to find a "Seal of Lord Granas" and a boss.
| Boss 5 \
| Eyeball Bat |
| Targets: Eyeball Bat (x4) |
| Difficulty: Medium |
| Ryudo 21 | Elena 20 | Roan 20 | Mareg 22 |
| The eyeballs have medium attacks. Their strongest move is Delta-Burst |
| which is a combo move. Once one of them is out they can no longer use |
| that move making this fight 80% easier. Still you shouldn't underestimate |
| them. They are pretty fast and agile. Casting Diggin' does pay off. |
| This battle shouldn't take long, though. |
After this fight you'll get the Book of Warriors. So more new skills at your
disposal. After this fight you'll end up back at the inn of the village.

| Mirumu Village - Part 2 | IDXC00F |
| Ryudo 21 | Elena 20 | Roan 21 | Mareg 22 |
Go to the town hall (you can point the compass to it by pressing triangle)
Once there you'll see the victims of the disease so far. You'll also meet
Selene and you'll report to her what you saw last night.
After Selene leaves, Mareg will suggest to seek out the fissure once again.

Go there and on your way you'll run into Aira. She'll lead you into the
shed of her house. Follow her.

Once in the shed talk to her, and she'll jump into a hole in the floor of
the shed. Follow her. Jump into the hole from the !-Spot.

You'll be at the "Seal of Granas" again, and there you'll meet Aira.
(I guess you already found out how the situation is, and what's the matter
with Aira). She'll teleport you into the Garden of Dreams. After some talk
Aira will run away and disappear.

Go back to Lumir Forest and back to Mirumu Village (don't worry, the
Cathedral Knights won't be in your way).

Once back in the village you'll see Sandra is in trouble. Go to her.
A lot of talk will take place. When Elena tries to protect Aira, Aira
will leave knocking out Elena in the process. You can already guess what
will happen. Yup, she'll transform into Millenia.

When all the talking is done, leave the village and go to the Garden of Dreams.
(You still know where it is, doncha?)
Once there, Millenia will open the path. You'll be warped to the "Seal of
Lord Granas" which will be the gateway to Aira's mind. Make sure you are
ready (the upcoming section has the hardest boss in the game), and I recommend
that you have the best of the best equipment before entering. Once you enter
you cannot get out until the mission has been completed.

| Aira's Space | IDXC00G |
| Ryudo 21 | Millenia 22 | Roan 21 | Mareg 22 |
| Savespots: 2 |
| 1. At the start |
| 2. Just before you meet the boss |
- = From the doorway south of the savespot head west
= At the end south
= At the end east
= At the end north
= At the end east
= Get on the bridge and cross it all the way east.
= After you get off the bridge keep going east
= At the end south
= At the end go west
= Ring the bell (a giant whale will appear and bring you to another section)
= Go straight west
= When the compass needle points straight north, go straight north
= Step in the giant orb => AIRA'S SPACE 2

- = Go south over the bridge
= Go straight south
= When you reach the south edge, follow it (south-west)
= When you reach examine the eyeball on it and it will disappear.
= Cross the bridge
= Go straight south
= At the end go west
= First way south
= At the end cross the eyeball bridge (remove the eyeball first)
= Go east
= Cross the bridge
= At the end go north
= At the end go east
= Go through the opening in the fence to the south
= Go through the other opening in the fence at the south-side of this
= Go east
= At the end get on the brance
= At the end go north
= Climb the ladder go north and go down at the other side
= Go north all the way
= When the way is blocked by a fence go east
= First way north
= Go through the hole in the fence west and you'll be locked in.
= Kill all monsters here and you'll be able to get out
= Go west
= Go west and a bridge leading into a giant eyeball appears
= Cross that bridge and enter the eyeball to reach the end of this
| Boss 6 \
| Valmar's Eye |
| Targets: Valmar's Eye, Eyeball Bat (X4), Left Tendril, Right Tendril |
| Difficulty: Hardest fight in the game. |
| Ryudo 23 | Millenia 23 | Roan 23 | Mareg 24 |
| 7 targets you can hit and which can hit you. That is something that can |
| really cause you trouble. Good thing is that as soon as the main body is |
| out of HP, all other targets will die as well, including the Eyeball Bats |
| I do advise though to get at least one Eyeball Bat first. That will |
| prevent you from getting struck by Delta Burst, which is the strongest |
| attack. If you wanna take down the other Eyeball bats is up to you. Now |
| you mustn't get frightened by the fact that the HP of Valmar is set as |
| ????. It just means that it has more than 9999 HP, which will be the case |
| to nearly all bosses from now on. I think it's about 11000 or so. |
| Another very annoying thing about this fight is that one of the Tendrils |
| goes crazy with sleep attacks. If you got things that ward off sleep then |
| I suggest you equip them. Poison wards are worth gold in this battle as |
| well. There's no real strategy that works for 100% here. The fastest |
| method is to kill one Eyeball Bat First and to focus all attacks on the |
| main body then. Don't think too soon that you are in full control. The |
| flow of this battle can change on the most unexpected moments. |
| A spell that can be used as an ass-saver is Alhealer, which is available |
| from the Holy Egg. If you have it, then leave the person with that spell |
| to only cast magic when you need to use that spell. |
After this fight you'll get the Gravity Egg. After that you'll be out of
this place again. Millenia will from now on be able to learn Spellbinding Eye.

You'll be back in Miriumu Village in the end. Go to the exit and you'll see
Selene leaving. After that you can leave this place and move on.

| St. Heim Mountains, Halfway Up | IDXC00H |
| Ryudo 24 | Elena 23 | Roan 24 | Mareg 25 |
| Savespots: 3 |
| 1. Entrance |
| 2. At the cavern. Can be reached after the first camp site. |
| 3. At the "Halfway Up". Can be reached after second camp site. |
- = Go south (save if you need)
= From the savespot go a little east and immediatly south and immediately
= Follow the path
= At the end exit south => St. HEIM MOUNTAINS, CAVERN

- = Go east
= Exit north-east at the end => St. HEIM MOUNTAINS, BASE

- = Go west
= Keep going west (under the water fall is a passage for treasure)
= At the end exit south => St. HEIM MOUNTAINS, CAVERN

- = Follow the road until Ryudo suggests to make camp.
= Hear everybody out and break camp as soon as you can.
= Save the game
= From the savespot, go a little east then south then west
= Follow the way and exit north-west => St. HEIM MOUNTAINS, BASE

- = Go east and follow the path
= You'll be at the top of the waterfall. Hop over it to the east
= Keep going east
= First exit south => St. HEIM MOUNTAINS, CAVERNS

- = Go South-west and follow the path
= At the end exit north-east => St. HEIM MOUNTAINS, HALFWAY UP

- = Go east and Ryudo will suggest to make a camp
= Hear everybody out and break camp as soon as you can.
= Save your game (the savespot is a little east)
= Go east
= Follow the path (south side way leads to a rock you can push to reveal
a weapon for Mareg)
= At the end exit west => St. HEIM MOUNTAINS, BASE

- = Go west

- = Go south
= First way north-east
= Exit north east => St. HEIM MOUNTAINS, HALFWAY UP.

- = Go east
= Follow the road (watch out for the blowers, they can blow you to the
road a level lower!!)
= At the end exit south => EAST SILESIA

Next stop, St. Heim Papal State.

| St. Heim Papal State | IDXC00I |
| Ryudo 25 | Elena 25 | Roan 25 | Mareg 26 |
First for all go to the inn and say you want to spend the night.
During your dinner, Elena will be asked to meet Pope Zera. This means Elena
will leave the party. (Temporarily).

You'll see a cutscene in which Elena is talking to the Pope.
After that Ryudo will be asked for a meeting with the Pope. (I love Ryudo's
reply to that request).

Go to the Cathedral which is located south of the city.
Once there go to the Lobby (big doors in front of you)

Speak to the priest in front of the doors. Ryudo may enter. Roan and Mareg
will have to wait outside. Roan will suggest to go with Mareg to the library
to find out some usefull information on Granas and Valmar. After they are
gone enter the audience chamber.

You'll come it at the middle of a service. After the service Ryudo gets to
speak to the pope. (If you thought Ryudo would mind his manners in front of
the pope, you're wrong). When the pope goes to his room, follow him.
Once there you'll find out what the pope wants of you. As was to be expected
he wants to hire you. Once the pope has given you the details of the job
you can leave (Elena will come after begging you to accept the job).

After that go back to the audience room. You'll find out that cardinal Oro
does not really trust your abilities. Oh, ignore that. Leave the audieence
room. Once in the corridor go to the left (from YOUR point of view) and
go upstairs. Up there is a savespot (like you need it). The door beside it
leads to the library. Go there to meet up with Roan and Mareg.

After that go to the room beside the library to have dinner. Speak to the
priest there and it will be served. Your dinner will be interupted by some
strange news. Well, you already know who they are talking about.

Leave the dining room and go downstairs. Then go up the stairs in the right
section of this room. Here you'll meet Millenia. Talk to her.

After that you'll be back in the dining room. Go to the audience chamber where
the pope is waiting for you. As Ryudo accepts the job, the pope will give you
the Book of Priests. After that you can leave the Cathedral and this entire
city. Time to get rockin'.

| St. Heim, Pilgrim Road | IDXC00J |
| Ryudo 25 | Elena 25 | Roan 25 | Mareg 26 |
| Savespots: 0 |
This is just a straight road. Follow it and exit at the other side.
If you want you can take on the sideways in order to fight or collect some

| Raul Hills | IDXC00K |
| Ryudo 26 | Elena 25 | Roan 26 | Mareg 27 |
| Savespots: 2 |
| 1. Close to the entrance |
| 2. Halfaway the road on area 2 |
There are two times you can get here. As a main quest mission and as a
sidequest. In this section I handle the main quest part. The sidequest version
of this place comes again later. I hope this clears up all confusion :)

- = Follow the path (and you'll come past a savespot)
= When you reach the broken bridge go east
= At the end follow the shores south
= When you reach a stone bridge cross it and you get into some kind of
ruin. It's actually a maze
= Go south-west
= Around the conrer south-east
= Second way north-east
= Go around the wall in front of you (north-west side)
= Cross the bridge north-east
= At the end south-east
= First way north-east
= Go around the wall in front of you (north-west side)
= Go north-east, first way south-east
= Around the conrer north-east
= Now you'll be out of the ruin. Follow the path.
= Exit north-east => RAUL HILLS 2

- = Follow the path
= At the fork, take the west road (you'll come past a savespot)
= From the savespot, cross the bridge
= Follow the path until it stops
= Go around the bush and another path begins. Follow it.
= At the fork go-south east
= At the end step on the boat, it'll bring you to another section
= From there, go east and exit east => EAST SILESIA

Next stop Cyrum Kingdom.

| Cyrum Kingdom | IDXC00L |
| Ryudo 29 | Elena 29 | Roan 29 | Mareg 29 |
Go to the inn and ask for a room. When you do something will disturb Roan
and he will temporarily leave the party. After you took a rest, Mareg will
temporarily leave the party as well.

Leave the inn. From there it can help to set the compass needed to
"INFORMANT'S TENT". Now search for this tent.
= From the inn go north, and cross two bridges
= At the end turn west and cross another bridge
= At the end you are at the backside of the tent. Go south
= First way west
= First way north
Okay, you've found your man (Hemble). Talk to him. He'll challenge you to a
game of armwrestling. Whatever you do, you will win anyway (thanks to Elena)
After your "victory", you'll automaticly leave the tent.

Elena will say she's tired. Ryudo will offer to buy her a drink. The drink
stand is south-east of the big fountain her. Go there and order a drink.
Go for the one the game names "[ ]" (whatever THAT may be). Now go back
to Elena and SURPRISE.

Well, you'll have to deal with Millenia for awhile. Take the path south of
the drink stand to the east. Here Millenia will be attracted to some dancers
while she's watching the show, Roan and Mareg will pop up and rejoin the
party. Roan will tell you there's trouble in the castle. There's a boat you
can take in.

Cross the bridge to the east (Roan will mention the boat when you do).
Go east and go north at the end to reach the boat. Enter the boat and you'll
get in the castle.

Once inside speak to the guard next to the trapdoor. He'll open the trapdoor
so you can get in.

| Cyrum Kingdom - Secret Passage | IDXC00M |
| Ryudo 29 | Millenia 29 | Roan 29 | Mareg 29 |
| Savespots: 1 (+1 in the subsection after this) |
| 1. South of the room where you meet Carro |
- = Go west
= In this room is a Carro. If you give it 6 Poff Nuts it'll sit on
Ryudo's shoulder and light the way (not that you need it).
= Go south
= Save your game
= Go east
= Push the crate and keep going east
= At the end go north
= Push the crate and keep going north
= Go east and push the crate to the south (you'll create a bridge that way)
= Go south
= At the end go down the ladder
= Go west
= Use the switch and a bridge will form.
= Cross the bridge
= Go west
= Use the switch and another bridge will form
= Cross that bridge
= Go west
= Climb the ladder
= Go north
= First way east
= Around the corner south
= Use the switch and a big door will open
= Go north, around the corner west
= Go south
= Go down the ladder
= Go east
= Cross the bridge to the south
= Go trough the door south
= At the end go east (if Carro is with you it will leave you here)
= At the end is a !-spot to the south. Activate it to open a secret passage

Well there is a savespot south-west here. Use it.

Go through the big doors and meet Menory.
After that go meet the king. Go to the lobby, from the lobby through the big
doors to the audience chamber, at the end is a doorway to the King's Office.

After your chat with the king, Roan will explain a few things about the
People of Darkness. After hat go back to the Gate. It has been opened now.

Go through it for the next mission.

| Underground Plant | IDXC00N |
| Ryudo 29 | Millenia 29 | Roan 29 | Mareg 30 |
| Savespots: 3 |
| 1. West of the entrance |
| 2. Halfway area 2 |
| 3. At the end, just before you meet the boss |
- = Go east
= At the end go south
= At the end go west
= At the end go north
= First way west
= At the end go north
= First way east, then north, then west
= At the end south
= At the end east
= Around the corner south (watch out for the blowers. They hurt you).
= First way east
= At the end north
= Go down the stairs
= Once down go west
= At the end south
= Use the switch
= Go north
= At the end east
= First way north
= Go up the stairs
= Go west
= Firsty way south
= At the end east
= At the end south
= A little east then down the stairs
= Go east
= At the end south
= Exit south => UNDERGROUND PLANT 2

- = Go south
= Step on the south tube and follow it all the way
= At the end east
= Step on the east tube and follow it all the way
= Go south and step on the other tube and follow it all the way
= Go south and step on the south tube and follow it all the way
(You may be able to see the savespot, but you cannot reach it from here)
= Go south and step on the other tube and follow it all the way
= Go north and step on the other tube and follow it all the way
= Go east and save your game
= Take the ramp down
= Take the east tube and follow it all the way
= Go east, then north
= Take the north tube and follow it all the way
= Use the switch
= Go west
= Get on the tube to the west and follow it all the way
= go west
= First way north
= Get on the tube and follow it all the way
= At the end go east
= Around the corner south
= Use the switch
= Get on the tube west and follow it all the way
= Get on the tube south and follow it all the way
= Go west
= Take the northern tube to the west and follow it all the way
= Go west
= First way south
= First way east
= Time for another tube
= Go south
= First way west
= Go down the ramp
= Go north and take the first tune to the west and follow it all the way
= Go east
= Take the elevator => UNDERGROUND PLANT 3

- = Stand south of the elevator
= Go south
= At the end east
= First way south and then east
= First way north
= Go west, then north
= At the end east
= At the end north
= At the end west
= At the end go south
= Save your game
= Take the door beside the savespot to the west

- Go north
| Boss 7 \
| Valmar's Claw |
| Targets: Valmar's Claw, Right Arm, Left Arm |
| Difficulty: Can be easy, can be hard. Pending on what it does. |
| Ryudo 31 | Millenia 31 | Roan 31 | Mareg 31 |
| The annoying part of this fight is that it can take forever. The |
| defensive capabilties of this one are superb, and it can heal itself big |
| way. Cut short when not playing this out, as you should this fight can |
| take forever. Now it's the LEFT ARM that has the healing ability so |
| getting rid of that one first can be a good idea. It gives less |
| possibilities to heal while the arm is still up, and once it's gone no |
| more healing. After that it's best to aim for the main body. Now this one |
| has very strong attacks. Casting Diggin' a few times can reduce the |
| damage. The worst thing that can happen is when a character gets struck |
| by "Avenging Claw". That move can deal very much damage. (approx 800+) |
| The point is too that Valmar's claw is a master in cancel attacks |
After this fight this mission is over, and you'll be back at the entrance of
this place. You'll get a new skill book (Book Of Gales), and you'll meet Tio
but she won't join the party yet.
Millenia will now be able to learn "Crudging Claw".

And that sums it up I suppose.

| Cyrum Castle - Meet an important guest | IDXC00O |
| Ryudo 32 | Millenia 32 | Roan 31 | Mareg 32 |
Make your way to the king's office.
Once there you'll hear some voices.
Go through the door to finally meet with Melfice.
| Boss 8 \
| Melfice (1) |
| Targets: Melfice, Sword, Regenerator |
| Difficulty: Not that hard |

| Ryudo 32 | Millenia 32 | Roan 31 | Mareg 32 |
| Whatever you do, Melfice can NOT be defeated. Not now. For now all you |
| can do is survive. So healing spells at the ready and cast Diggin' a few |
| times to reduce the damage he causes. It makes no sense to attack him in |
| any way, since all damage you do will be reduced to zero. Best is when |
| don't have to heal, to use defend in stead. After a few rounds Melfice |
| will use the Wailing Soul Slash on Ryudo. When that happens the battle |
| is over. If Millenia goes berserk in this battle. Bad luck since all she |
| can do is wasting SP and MP. All you can do is hoping that doesn't happen |
| |
| One last note. Always makes sure all party members have enough HP to |
| survive Demon Horde Slash. |
When this battle is over, Melfice will flee.
Roan will leave the party, as will Millenia (who'll be replaced by Elena
once again).

Now there's a subsection. In that leave the castle (Roan will appear to say
his goodbyes).

Once you're out of the castle you'll meet Tio and she'll join the party.
Now head for the Port (the compass will guide the way, if not set the needle
to "Port").

Once there you can find captain Bakala. Talk to him to depart to the next
section of the game.

NOTE! Once aboard the 50/50 you can never go back to the previous locations!

| The 50/50 | IDXC00P |
| Ryudo 33 | Elena 33 | Mareg 33 | Tio 33 |
This is only a small part.
Talk to Tio twice.

Now Elena will be seasick. You'll be with her in the bed room. Leave the
bedroom. Then go to the deck. Talk to Bakala to discuss Elena's situation.

Now Bakala will bring you to Ceceile Reef.

| Cecile Reef | IDXC00Q |
| Ryudo 33 | Elena 33 | Mareg 33 | Tio 33 |
| Savespots: 2 |
| 1. At the start of area 1 |
| 2. Just before the boss |
- Go north, then east and follow the path (you'll come past some pearl like

At the end you'll find a clear spot which will be a campsite.
Talk to Elena, then twice to Ryudo. Then break camp.

After camp head north-east and you'll meet Elena.
You'll have a chat with her.

The next morning there's trouble. You're surrounded by monsters (which you
gotta kill), and your way back is blocked. So you gotta find another way out.

NOW this mission truely begins.

= Fight the monsters
= Go east
= Follow the path
= Exit North => CECEILE REEF 1

- = Save the game
= Go north
= Follow the path
= The sideway leads to a weapon for Mareg south then east is the way
to go
= At the fork take the way down
= Go east
= At the end north
= At the end hop over to the north
= Follow the path form here
= At the end go west
= Hop over to the west
= Go south-west
= Follow the path
= At the end go west
= Exit west => CECEILE REEF 2

- = Follow the path
= At the fork go north
= Hop over to the west
= Hop over to the south-west
= Follow the path
= At the clearing go north-west
= At the end west
= Hop over west
= Go west, first way south
= At the end east
= Hop over to th east
= Go south
= On the rocks-in-the-water go south
= At the end east
= Around the corner south
= East
= Around the corner south
= At the end east
= Save your game
= Go east and follow the path
| Boss 9 \
| Crimson Tail (x2) |
| Targets: Crimson Tail (x2) |
| Difficulty: Very freaking easy |
| Ryudo 34 | Elena 34 | Mareg 34 | Tio 34 |
| This fight is rather easy. These beasts have a few nasty attacks, but are |
| rather annoying that truely difficult. Focus on killing one of them first |
| When one of them them is down, go for the other. |
After this battle you get the Soul Egg.
= Follow the way
= Exit east => CECEILE REEF, POINT

- = Go east
= Drop off east
= Go south-east until you meet Bakala again.

Now you'll have an automated part

| Garlan | IDXC00R |
| Ryudo 34 | Elena 34 | Mareg 34 | Tio 34 |
Well, after the townspeople "welcome" you, let's get to business.

When you go straight north from The 50/50, you'll get by some stairs.
Here you'll meet Gatta and the Village Chief. After a not so heartwarming
conversation. After that go to Ryudo's old house. The compass needle should
point it (if not press triangle until it does).

Once you get there you'll meet Gatta again. After that go back to the inn.
Once there ask for a room. Once you do you'll also meet up with the others.
You'll also get a "secret storyteller" who will tell Elena what happened to
Ryudo and Melfice. (I guess you already know who this "secret storyteller"
is). Listen well to this story, as it's very important. (It will even make
you undestand Ryudo's negative attitude).

After all that leave the village. The exit is at the north side and go to
Grail Mountain.

| Grail Mountain | IDXC00S |
| Ryudo 34 | Elena 34 | Mareg 34 | Tio 34 |
| Savespots: 3 |
| 1. At the entrance |
| 2. At the end of area 2 |
| 3. At the end of area 3, just before meeting Melfice |
Upon arrival you'll discuss a few things. Gatta will appear and say he found
a note from Melfice. After Gatta leaves the mission begins.

- = Go north
= Save your game
= Go east
= At the end south
= At the end go east
= After you passed over two rocks take the first way north
= Follow it until you get in a clearing, once there, go straight north
= Push the tombstone like thing to the north (there's a !-spot)
= Go over the rocks you revealed this way
= Go a little east then north=
= Around the corner west
= Keep going west
= At the end go south
= First way west
= When you reach the mountain a little south then the stairway west
= North
= At the end west
= First way north
= At the end go west and follow the green river
= At the end push the tombstone to the north
= Follow the green river back east and cross the broken bridge
= Go east, first way north
= At the end west
= First way north
= Exit north => GRAIL MOUNTAIN ROAD 2

- = Go west (around the crack)
= First way north
= Keep following the way north
= At the very end (at a money chest of 3000 G) go east
= First way north, and immediately west
= At the very end (at a crack) go south
= First way west
= At the end you a huge gorge and some thin things that act like bridges
Take the second one from the north
= Go south
= At the end the bridge-thingy to the east
= Then the bridge-thingy south-west. A piece will break, Go south-east
from there.
= Go south
= Take the bridge-thing to the west
= Go west
= At the end north
= At the end west
= First way north
= Save your game

- Go straight north and enter the shrine => GRAIN MOUNTAIN ROAD, SHRINE

- Go downstairs and once there, to through the hole in the wall.
What you find there is something that was to be expected.
A "seal of Granas". After that leave the shrine.

- Go south and you'll meet Melfice. You don't get to fight him now though.
After that go to the south-west and exit west => GRAIL MOUNTAIN ROAD 3

- = Go west
= First way south
= West
= Keep going west until you reach a savespot
= Go west, north and west
= Exit west => GRAIL Mtn., PLATEAU OF MEMORY

- Go west
| Boss 10 \
| Melfice (2) |
| Targets: Melfice, Sword, Regenerator |
| Difficulty: Can be very hard |
| Ryudo 36 | Elena 36 | Mareg 36 | Tio 36 |
| Melfice is pretty fast and damn strong. His Regenerator will even power |
| him up. This time you can and must kill him. It makes hardly sense to go |
| for his sword and regenerator. The chance you can cancel those is nill |
| and they go too much HP. Going straight for Melfice himself works best. |
| Casting Diggin' a few times can be handy, especially every time he casts |
| WOW! There are two moves you really must watch out for. The first one is |
| Wailing Soul Slash, which deals 1300+ damage to one person. The other is |
| Demon Horde Slash which hits the entire party heavily. |
After this fight you get a better sword for Ryudo and the Book of Swords.
From now on Ryudo will be able to use the Sky Dragon Slash move. Check out
the powerup menu.

A lot will happen after this fight. When you get control over the game again
you'll be back in Garlan.

After that I'm done here. Go back to Captain Bakala and when he asks if you
be ready say "I be".

The 50/50 will take you to Ghoss Forest West.

(I got to note. Once you boarded The 50/50. You can never return to this

| Ghoss Forest West | IDXC00T |
| Ryudo 36 | Elena 36 | Mareg 37 | Tio 36 |
| Savespots: 1 |
| At the start |
- = Go south and you'll get at a savespot. Save there.
= From the savespot take the south way (there'll be a short talk) and go
= A plant will charge to you and form a bridge. Cross it.
= Follow the path
= At the end there'll be another plant forming a bridge. Stay at distance
or you'll get hurt.
= Cross the bridge
= When you are at the flower which are throwing a ball over to each other
head north
= First way east (watch out for the steam the flowers breath. It will
hurt and poison you).
= Another plant will charge at you and form a bridge. Cross it.
(Keep your distance or you'll get hurt).
= Go east
= Get on the tree-log-path
= Follow the path
= Go south-west
= Take the other tree-log-path east
= At the T-cross go east
= When you're off the path go east (watch out for the steam flowers)
= Go east, exit east => GHOSS FOREST, WEST 2

- = Go east
= Get on the tree-log-path
= At the T-Cross north
= Stand close to the flower and it will open
= Get on the other tree-log-path
= The flower forms a bridge. Cross it.
= Go north.
= Keep going north
= Go to the flower and it will open
= From the flower go south and step on the tree-log-path
= Cross to the north over the flower bridge
= At the end go west
= Press X at the ! spot
= Go south
= At the end take on the tree-log-path south
= Go east
= Around the corner north
= Press X at the ! spot
= Go north
= Continue the way and you'll get the see what Melfice left behind here.
= After Mareg's talk on this head east
= Take on the tree-log-path at the end
= Go east
= Follow the path
= At the end exit east => GREAT CLEFT ISLAND OF ARACHNA

Go to Nanan Village.

| Nanan Village | IDXC00U |
| Ryudo 37 | Elena 37 | Mareg 37 | Tio 37 |
Visit the Elder. His house is at the north-east of the village. You can use
the compass needle to find it. The Elder is standing right in front of the

After the talk the Elder will come with an odd request. Enter the Hut of
Trials. There you'll fall down into something that's supposed to be a "Trial"
- = Go north
= Examine the plate and the big Carro will open a doorway
= Go east, exit west

- This is easy. Try to grab as many nuts as you can. If you can grab only
one it's enough, but you can try to go for more. (Not that it makes any
diffrence). (I got 20 when I wrote this FAQ).
When the time is up you'll be in the main hall again

- = Go north
= Take the Nut Of Light at the end (and be dropped in some stinking green
= Go north
= Step on the strange device at the end to be catapulted out.

You're back in the village go to the center of the village. Speak to the
Elder there. After some talks and some songs go north to the Nanan Spring.

Here will be some scenario. When it's over go to the water, walk over the
log Elena was on before and go back. The scenario will continue.

After this scenario, your business here is over. You can depart for you next
mission. Go to Ghoss Forest East

| Ghoss Forest | IDXC00V |
| Ryudo 37 | Elena 37 | Mareg 37 | Tio 37 |
| Savespots: 1 |
| 1. At the entrance |
- = From the savespot head east
= First way south
= At the end go west
= First way south (there's a turning flower here)
= First wat east
= At the end south
= At the end west
= First way south
= At the end east
= At the end go north
= Step on the tree root
= At the center take the root on the north-west
= From there first way east
= At the end north
= First way east
= Exit east => GHOSS FOREST, EAST 2

- = Strike one of the mushrooms and go east
= At the end go south
= First way east
= At the end south
= First way east
= Around the corner north
= Strike one of the mushrooms blocking your path out and follow the
= Keep going north
= At the end get west
= First way north
= Cross the clearing to the north
= Take the path north
= Keep going north
= At the end east
= Hack down one of the three mushrooms
= Go east
= At the end south-east
= At the end a little north, first way west
= Take the path south
= Hack away a mushroom and go south
= Cross the clearing to the south
= Take the south path
= Follow the path
= At the next clearing go north
= At the end go east
= At the end south
= Get on the tree-log-path
= Go east on it
= At the end exit east => GREAT CLEFT ISLAND OF ARACHNA

| The Great Rift | IDXC00W |
| Ryudo 38 | Elena 38 | Mareg 38 | Tio 38 |
| Savespots: 2 |
| 1. Sideway near the entrance |
| 2. Area 2, close to the whirlwind |
After a few steps you'll see a giant whirlwind. That is your destination.
South of the entrace is a savespot. Use if you need.

- = From the entrance head east
= At the end north-east
= Take the way down
= Take the ladder down
= Go south-east
= Follow the way
= Don't take the ladder down, keep following the way in stead
(Watch out for a trap. You could fall to a lower level)
= At the end take the ladder up.
= Follow the path
= Hop over and follow the path
= The cave leads to treasure. Hopping to the lower level is the way to go.
= Hop over to the other lower level
= And another hop over
= Go south-west
= Up up the ladder
= Push the rock
= Go down the ladder
= Take the way south-east and keep following it
= At the end around the corner
= At the end down the ladder
= Take the north-east way
= Go down the ladder
= Go south-west
= Push the rock
= Go back north-west
= Go up the ladder
= Go south-east
= Go into the cave beside the ladder
= Follow the road and take the ladder down
= Go north-east
= Take the first ladder up
= Push the rock
= Take the ladder down
= Go north-east
= Follow the path
= At the fork go south
= At the next fork, go straight on
= At the end around the corner north-east
= Exit east => THE GREAT RIFT 2

- = Go east
= At the end south
= Before the bushes west
= At the end south
= Go south-west
= Around the corner south-east
If you see the Granacliffs as you walk by, you're on the right way.
= Here's an opening between the rocks north. Go through that
= Go north
= At the end go east
= First way north, then a little west and north again
= First way east
= At the end north
= At the end west
= At the end north, then east
= Follow the path
= When you come at a clearing take the center path south.
(If you get on a brown path with pebbles you got the right one)
= First way south
= First way west for the savespot
= Save the game
= South are the Granacliffs, follow them east
= Exit east => GREAT RIFT 3

- = Go south
= At the end east (not counting that little dead end)
= First way south
= Keep going south and you'll reach the wirlwind.
= After the scenario part go east
= At the end north
= Follow the east wall
= Enter the Demon's Law => DEMON'S LAW.

| Demon's Law | IDXC00X |
| Ryudo 39 | Elena 39 | Mareg 39 | Tio 39 |
| Savespots: 1 |
| 1. Just after the first boss |
No normal enemies here. Only three bosses.

- = Go north-east
= First way north-west
= At the end north-east
= Go down the stairs at the end
= Go north-east
= Take the stairs down
= Go north-west and kill the boss.
| Boss 11 \
| Leck Guarder |
| Targets: Leck Guarder, Snow Leopard (x2) |
| Difficulty: Medium |
| Ryudo 39 | Elena 39 | Mareg 39 | Tio 39 |
| You need to kill all three targets, and with that in mind we know that we |
| can best kill the Snow Leopards first, since they got the least of HP. |
| The Leck Guarder is already hard enough. Especially since its Buster Horn |
| Horn can deal 1000+ damage and can block your moves. Most the Leopards do |
| casting power-down spells, but they can also cast Crackle, and even |
| though it does not do much damage, in combination with Buster Horn |
| everything is deadly. As long as you keep everybody's HP above 1000 then |
| you should be fine. |
= Go north-east
= Save the game and go north-east
= Examine the pole and a light will shine and the robot will move
(You'll get hurt if you touch it).
= Go north-east
= First door north-west
= Examine the pole
= Leave this room
= Go south-west to the center-room
= Leave it south-west
= First door north-west
= Examine the pole
= Leave this room
= Go north-east to the center room
= Leave it north-west
= Kill the next boss
| Boss 12 \
| Naga Queen |
| Targets: Naga Queen (x2) |
| Difficulty: Medium / Easy |
| Ryudo 39 | Elena 39 | Mareg 40 | Tio 39 |
| Focus your attacks first on one of them, then on the other. Their attacks |
| are not impressive, but they can slow you down and try to block your |
| moves. |
After this fight you'll get the star egg. Before continueing, I suggest
you go back to the savespot to recover and save and then to come back here.
There are no more savespots around and the next boss it tough.
= Go north east
= In the corridor, exit north-east => Demon's Law Control Room
(The sideways lead to treasures, but the lasers hurt you. Be sure to
recover at the savespot if you get hurt).

- Fight the boss.
| Boss 13 \
| Tio Clone |
| Targets: Tio Clone |
| Difficulty: Hard! Very Hard! |
| Ryudo 40 | Elena 39 | Mareg 40 | Tio 40 |
| That you cannot see the diffrence between the real Tio and this clone is |
| just a little detail. Tio Clone is extremely fast and will take her |
| deadly advantage of that. She has the spell "Gale" which is the same as |
| "Howl". That does not do much damage, neither does her Lotus Flower. But |
| because she's so damn fast she can cause a lot of trouble altogether |
| leaving you no chances to heal. She has the abilty too to silence the |
| entire party. And beware most of all for her "Tornado". |
| |
| There's not really a standard formula on how to do this. That really |
| depends what Tio Clone intends to do. You'll be casting a lot of healing |
| spells. Whenever you can use your strongest special moves. (Single target |
| of course). Normal attacks are dodged 90% of the time. Special moves |
| and spells are your best bet. I prefer special moves. Spells are way too |
| damanding on your MP (which you need bad for healing), and do too little |
| damage. |
After the fight, destroy the device Tio pointed.
Exit south-east => DEMON'S LAW

- = Keep going south-west until you're past the savespot (Save the game if you
= Take on the stairs either south-west or north-east
= Go south-east
= Go up the stairs
= Follow the path and take the first way south-east
= At the end south-west
= First way south-east
= Exit => THE GREAT RIFT 3

- Now you'll behold the Granasaber.
Go south, at the end west first way south, exit south => THE GREAT RIFT 4

- Move until you see the Granasaber. Something will happen and you'll be
teleported into the next mission. The Body of Valmar.
(In the process, Elena will turn into Millenia again).

| The Body Of Valmar | IDXC00Y |
| Ryudo 40 | Millenia 40 | Mareg 40 | Tio 40 |
| Savespots: 3 |
| 1. At the start |
| 2. At the start of VALMAR'S BODY, ARTERY PASSAGE |
| 3. At the end, just before you reach the boss. |
- = Go north and follow the path
= At the clearing is a savespot
= Take the exit next to it => VALMAR'S BODY, TENTACLE PASSAGE

- = Go east
= When you reach the big chest, take the path north
= Around the corner west
= Take either the first way or te second way north
= If you took the first way go west and the first way north
If you took the second, keep going north
= When you reach the strange pole examine it and the past east will become
= Go east
= At the end of the path, push the obstacle
= Go south
= Push the obstacle
= Go east
= Push the obstacle
= Go south
= First way east
= Around the corner south
= Drop off south
= Go south

- = Go south
= At the end south-east
= Next room south
= Next room south-west
= Use the switch and leave the next room north-west
= Next room go south-west
= Use the switch and go south
= Don't examine the switch and go south-west
= South
= South-east
= North-east
= South-east
= South
= South-west
= Don't use the switch and go south

- Activate the switch and the room turn around

- = Go north
= Save your game
= Go north-east
= North
= North-west
= South-west
= North-west
= North
= North-east
= Use the switch
= Go north
= Use the switch
= Go north-east
= South-east
= Don't use the switch and go north-east
= North
= North-west
= South-west
= North-west
= Use the switch
= Go north

- = Go north
= Follow the path
= At the T-Cross go East
= At the end of the red path, go to the other path north
= Follow the path
= At the end of that examine the pole
= Take the path west
= Push the obstacle
= Go South
= Push the obstacle
= Go west
= Go south
= Around the corner west
= Hop over to the west
= Go west and hop over to the west once again
= Follow the path
= At the fork go north
= Follow the path
= At the end drop off
= Go east
= Save your game
= Go north, follow the path
= At the end exit north => VALMAR'S BODY, CORE
| Boss 14 \
| Valmar's Body |
| Targets: Valmar's Body, Left Tentacle, Right Tentacle |
| Difficulty: Rather easy normally, but can get dangerous on rare moments |
| Ryudo 41 | Millenia 41 | Mareg 41 | Tio 41 |
| Tough this is one of the easiest bosses out there, it did manage kill me |
| once. Played this game serveral times again, after that happened, and |
| still no clue. I suppsed this one has its dangerous moments. Normally its |
| attacks are not impressive (and easily dodged too). And when using a lot |
| of attacks like Flying Tenseiken, Gruding Claws, Beast-King Smash and |
| Fast Dance-Whirl on the main target, it may not even come to an actual |
| attack (except for the tentacles, nah). |
After this battle, this mission is over. Millenia will turn back into Elena.
And you'll be able to board the Granasaber (which actually acts as an

| The Granasaber | IDXC00Z |
| Ryudo 42 | Elena 41 | Mareg 42 | Tio 41 |
This part is most of all automated. Just watch what happens.
In the end you'll end up in St. Heim Papal State

| St. Heim Papal State - Return with the Granasaber | IDXC010 |
| Ryudo 42 | Elena 41 | Mareg 42 | Tio 41 |
Go to the city, the compass pointed already points there.
You'll end up at the backside of the inn. Go to the frontside and head south
| Boss 15 \
| The Cathedral Knights |
| Targets: Granas Knight (x4) |
| Difficulty: HAH! Hardly worthy of my notice |
| Ryudo 42 | Elena 41 | Mareg 42 | Tio 41 |
| Just use your heaviest of moves (single target) on them and they die |
| easily. With a little luck even without being hurt. |
After this fight you may want to recover and save at the inn, since there's
one more boss battle coming up.

After that head for the Cathedral. Once there you'll get to fight the Heart
of Valmar.
| Boss 16 \
| Valmar's Heart |
| Targets: Valmar's Heart, Left Eye, Right Eye |
| Difficulty: A pathetic excuse for a boss |
| Ryudo 42 | Elena 41 | Mareg 42 | Tio 41 |
| Of all the bodyparts of Valmar, this one is the easiest of all. In fact |
| this is one of the biggest excuses for a boss in the history of RPG |
| games. With luck you can even survive without being hurt. Now that |
| seldom happens, but when you are lucky. The eyes do 90% of the time |
| nothing but powering up, or powering you down. So the rare moments that |
| you get attacks, you got all the time in the world do heal people up. |
| The attacks can be strong though, but FAR from impressive. In fact the |
| chance is big you don't got to heal at all. Just use your strongest |
| attacks, this battle is over before you know it. |
After this battle Elena will temporarily leave the party. (No, Millenia will
NOT take her place this time, I said LEAVE! Ok? It's only temporarily, so
don't worry).

Go to the audience chamber and at the altar you will find Oro. You're about
to hear his final words. During your chat he'll die. After that, go over the
altar, there you find a door. Go through it.

The circle here acts as an elevator. Stand in it and press X.

Here you'll meet Pope Zera. He will invite you into the forbidden room.
Enter it, and the Pope will tell you the truth about the Battle Of Good and
Evil. The truth and what will happen next are things you ain't gonna like.

Leave the forbidden room and the Cathedral.

Head back to the Granasaber (remember where it is, the Pastures behind the
inn). Once you reach it you'll automaticly fly to Valmar's Moon.

| Valmar's Moon | IDXC011 |
| Ryudo 42 | Mareg 42 | Tio 42 |
| Savespot: 3 |
| 1. At the entrance of area 1 |
| 2. At the exit of area 2 |
| 3. At the exit of area 3 |
- Go east, around the corner north, and at the end east
Follow the path and jump down in the hole at the end => VALMAR'S MOON 1

- = Save your game
= Go east
= First way south
= Hack the barrier
= Follow the path
= At the fork go north (east = treasure)
= At the end go east
= At the fork south-east
= First way east
= At the end south
= Around the corner west
= Hack the barrier
= Continue going west
= At the end south-west, then west
= Follow the corridor, at the end west
= Hack the barrier and go south
= At the fork south-east
= At the next fork east
= At the end of the path head east
= First way south
= At the end is some kind of device. Use it to create the first part of the
= Go back
= In the main corridor go east
= First way north
= At the end is another strange device. Use it to create the other
part of the bridge
= Go back
= At the end go south-east and cross the bridge
= At the end exit south => VALMAR'S MOON 2

- = Hack the strange thing and it'll open
= Go south
= At the fork south-east (ignore the barrier to the west. It leads to nothing
at all.
= First way south
= At the end take the south sideway
= At the fork go south
= Keep following the path
= At the end east
= Follow the road
= First sideway north
= Follow the path
= At the fork go south
= At the end of the path go east
= At the fork go south-east (barrier leads to nothing)
= At the barrier go north-east
= First sideway east
= Follow the path and you'll get at the spot where you can open the
= Do so
= Go back
= At the end of the path go south
= Go through the barrier you just opened
= Use the savespot
= Exit south => VALMAR'S MOON 3

- = Go west
= At the end south
= At the end go a little east
= Step on the switch
= Go south over the "bridge"
= At the end go east
= First way south
= First way east
= At the end south, then east
= At the end go under the bridge north-east
= Go east
= First way north
= At the end stand on the switch to create a bridge.
= Cross it
= Go north
= At the end (by the monsters on the pole) go west
= First way (after the money chest) south
= When you reach a big rock, stand on the switch north of it
= Go south
= At the end east
= Hop over
= First way west
= Stand on the switch near the end
= Go west and use the savespot (the last one in this place and there are
quite some boss battles here).
= Go south
= Jump into the hole => VALMAR'S WOMB
| Boss 17 \
| Egg Guardian |
| Targets: Egg Gardian, Bit (x4) |
| Difficulty: Not hard, but can be dangerous nonetheless |
| Ryudo 44 | Mareg 45 | Tio 44 |
| First of all, it makes no sense to attack the Bits. Mostly they only do |
| a suicidal attack (which can deal quite some damage), but the Egg |
| Guardian will only summon them anew. Just focus your attacks on the Egg |
| Guardian. Once that one is dead, the bits will die too. Using your |
| strongest special moves, does do something, does work, but keep in mind |
| that this is the first of a series of bosses. Not that they are hard but |
| still. Most attacks are pathetic, only the suicidal ones do really hurt. |
| Keep all characters above 1000 hitpoints and you'll survive those. |
After this fight Elena will rejoin the party, but she'll be at 0 HP, so cast
a Resurrect on her. You'll automaticly be warped to the next area

- Go east and follow the path
| Boss 18 \
| Valmar Fly |
| Targets: Valmar Fly x4 |
| Difficulty: Not hard, |
| Ryudo 44 | Elena 45 | Mareg 45 | Tio 45 |
| These flies are not are not impressive. But I still advice caution. They |
| are quick and that can be dangerous. I also advice not to use special |
| moves too much. Even better not at all. You'll meet more bad stuff here. |
Follow the path until you meet the next boss.
| Boss 19 \
| Valmar Young & Valmar Fly |
| Targets: Valmar Young, Valmar Fly |
| Difficulty: Not hard, |
| Ryudo 45 | Elena 45 | Mareg 45 | Tio 45 |
| Basically the same as before. Now Valmar Young as a few more dangerous |
| moves. I recommend to take down the flies first and to keep the young for |
| last. I personally saved up my SP for the last battle here. |
Once again, follow the path until you meet the last one.
| Boss 20 \
| Valmar Young |
| Targets: Valmar Young (x2) |
| Difficulty: Not hard, |
| Ryudo 45 | Elena 45 | Mareg 45 | Tio 45 |
| This is the final battle of this dungeon. Just use your strongest moves |
| (single target) here. Focus on one of them first, then go for the other. |
| Keep an eye on your HP, because they do have a few strong moves and |
| spells |
After this battle the mission is over. Mareg will leave the party, and
considering the nature of his leave, you can imagine that this is permanent.
Tio will from now on be able to learn "Whisper To Stars" (check out the
powerup menu if you wanna learn it).

You will crash in the neighbourhood of Cyrum Kingom.
Leave this spot and go to Cyrum Kingdom

| Cyrum Kingdom - Under Attack | IDXC012 |
| Ryudo 45 | Elena 45 | Tio 45 |
First of all you can recover at the inn, and I suggest you do so. Aside from
that the weapon shop has new weapons now, and this will be the last store of
the game, so make use of it.

After that make your way to Cyrum Castle. Once there you'll meet Roan again
and he's in trouble. Go to him and help him (Roan will with that re-join the
| Boss 21 \
| Valmar Young |
| Targets: Valmar Young (x2) |
| Difficulty: Not hard, |
| Ryudo 45 | Elena 45 | Roan 45 | Tio 45 |
| Same as before. Only Mareg has been replaced by Roan. That's all. |
After this battle you'll be at the castle. You'll be in a room with Elena.
When you get control over the game again, go to the King's office.

Make your way out of the castle

After that make your way out of the city. You will meet another Valmar Young
on your way out.
| Boss 22 \
| Valmar Young |
| Targets: Valmar Young (x2) |
| Difficulty: Not hard, |
| Ryudo 45 | Elena 45 | Roan 45 | Tio 45 |
| No comment. You know the way to do it now. |
Once you're out of the city you can go to Raul Hills as it's a sidequest now.
It's not something I'll go into much detail about, as it's more a place to
gather some extra items (of which some are very extremely helpful, others
just complete junk).

The way to go is to Cyrum Kingdom South.
From there follow the path to the Mausoleum.
Inside some scenario will take place. After that leave the Mausoleum and
go through the doors below to enter the "Birthplace of the Gods".

| The Birthplace of the Gods | IDXC013 |
| Ryudo 46 | Elena 46 | Roan 46 | Tio 46 |
| Savespots: 3 |
| 1. At the entrance |
| 2. Area 2, close to area 3 |
| 3. Area 3, close to the control room |
First of all, this is the longest dungeon of the game, so expect this to take
time. It's also the most complicated dungeon of the game, so you need to do
this just right.

A friend of mine told me that there is a secret floor here in which some
records about Granas and Valmar can be found. Those records are the only thing
that can be found there.
I never managed to get there, neither did my friend. Since there's nothing
else worth mentioning there, I'm not really motivated to go there, but if you
have way to get there, tell me, and I may put it in this FAQ.

- = From the savespot head west
= Take the doorway west
= First way north
= Around the corner west
= Go north
= At the end west
= Take the doorway west
= Around the corner north
= At the end around the corner east
= At the end south-east
= Cross the bridge east
= Go north-east
= First way east
= Around the corner north
= At the end west
= Around the corner north
= At the end east
= When there are big doors on the north go south
= Light the big blue orb (!-spot south of it)
+------ BONUS ------------------------------------------------------------+
| = Go east |
| = At the end go north |
| = Fire the the "gun" |
| = Pick up the Hero's Cuirass |
| = Go south |
| = At the end west until you are in the room with the blue orb again |
= From the orb head south
= You get back at the savespot. Go east from there
= Take the doorway east and go east
= Around the corner north
= At the end a little west
= Cross the bridge to the north
= Go east
= Around the corner north
= First way west
= First way north
= Around the corner east
= Around the corner north
= At the end west
= When you see the big doors to the north, go north
= Go through the doors => BIRTHPLACE OF THE GODS 2

- = Go south
= At the end go east
= At the around the corner south
= First way east
= At the end down the stairs north
= Use the savespot if you need
= Go downstairs => BIRTHPLACE OF THE GODS 3

- = Walk around the room and take the corridor south
= At the end east
= Around the corner south
= Around the corner west
= Enter the room and fight a boss.
| Boss 23 \
| Dual Fist |
| Targets: Dual First (x2) |
| Difficulty: Medium |
| Ryudo 47 | Elena 47 | Roan 47 | Tio 47 |
| Though these two big critters have strong attacks and can even put you |
| to sleep, they are not really hard. Just keep your HP up and focus your |
| attacks first on one of them, and when one is dead, then focus on the |
| other. |
= Go west
= When you get at the yellow orb, light it
+----- BONUS -------------------------------------------------------------+
| = Go east |
| = At the end push the block south-east |
| = Go north |
| = Fire the "gun" |
| = Go through the doorway east |
| = Follow the path |
| = Open the chest for very nice treasures |
| = Go back |
| = At the "gun" go south |
| = At the block go east |
| = keep going east and you'll get past the yellow orb |
= From the orb, go east
= At the end, around the corner north
= Around the corner west
= First way north
= Go around the room to exit => BIRTHPLACE OF THE GODS 2

- = Save if you want and leave this room south
= Take the doorway south
= Around the corner west
= Keep going west and fight another boss.
| Boss 24 \
| Guardian |
| Targets: Guardian (x2) |
| Difficulty: Medium |
| Ryudo 47 | Elena 47 | Roan 47 | Tio 47 |
| These two are not going to make your life difficult. But they got a few |
| nasty moves which can paralyse you. Once again, focus your attacks on one |
| first and when it's dead, focus your attacks on the other. |
= Go west
= Around the corner north
= Light the Red Orb
+-------- BONUS ----------------------------------------------------------+
| = Go west |
| = First way north |
| = At the end west |
| = Fire the "gun" |
| = Go west (though the doorway) |
| = Around the corner south |
| = Take the treasures |
| = Go back |
| = At the "gun" go east |
| = First way south |
| = At the end east |
= From the Orb go south
= Around the corner east
= At the end around the corner north
= Use the savespot if you want and go to BIRTHPLACE OF THE GODS 3

- = Go around the room and go into the corridor south
= At the end go east
= Around the corner south
= Around the conrer west
= Put out the yellow orb and go east
= At the end around the corner north
= Around the corner west
= First way north
= Go around the room to BIRTHPLACE OF THE GODS 2

- = Use the savespot if you need and go south
= First way west
= First way north
= Around the corner west
= Second way north
= Step into the elevator => BIRTHPLACE OF THE GODS 3

- = Go south
= At the end either east or west
= First way south
= If you went east first way west, if you went west first way east
= When the pointer of your compass (set on FORWARD) points straight south
go there.
= Go to the south door. The party will notice the coffins you came past.
= Go south, and use the savespot if you need

- Once you get inside Tio will receive a message from Elmo (an android who
is the caretaker of this facility). Go to the direction Tio points and
you'll meet her. Elmo can resolve some mysteries. How both Granas and
Valmar came to be, and about the Battle Of Good and Evil. You'll also
find out more about those "Seals of Granas".

After the whole chat, stand in the circle in the center of the room and
press X. From there Ryudo will be teleported into some kind of trial.

- The trial is really easy. Just follow the way and you'll come past some
flames. Each time you come past one you'll be asked a question. The answer
to all questions is the same (or almost). It's always the second option.
= "No, this I do not desire"
= "No, that's not it"
= "NO, that's not it"
When you reach the end this mission will end.

Now a lot will happen. Watch everything that happens. When you have control
over the game again, you'll be outside the Mausoleum. Here a teleporter that
teleports you into the final dungeon will be there. I gotta say once you
enter the final dungeon you can never get out and you'll have to go for the
finale. When you are ready step in the teleporter to warp to New Valmar.

(BTW, Ryudo will automaticly be equipped now with the Granasaber, the best
weapon for Ryudo in the game).

| New Valmar | IDXC014 |
| Ryudo 48 | Elena 48 | Roan 48 | Tio 48 |
| Savespots: 4 |
| 1. At the start |
| 2. Near the entrance of area 2 |
| 3. In Area 3, close to the end |
| 4. At the start of the "Room Of Chaos". (see next section). |
- = Go north
= At the end west
= Use the elevator to go down
= Go east
= At the end take the elevator up
= Go north
= Around the corner west
= Around the conrer north
= At the end north-east
= First way east
= Take the elevator down
= Go west
= You get in a clearing, leave it into the north-west corridor
= Follow the corridor
= Use the elevator at the end to go up
= Go east
= Follow the corridor
= When there are three green paths take the middle one
= Go into the corridor north
= Around the corner east and follow the corridor
= You'll get in a room with switches. You only can activate them when they
are open. Just wait for the right one to open up. Use the one at the
north-west (11 o' clock)
= Follow the path and meet a boss.
| Boss 25 \
| Valmar Magna 1 |
| Targets: Valmar Magna, Valmar Moth x2 |
| Difficulty: Medium |
| Ryudo 49 | Elena 49 | Roan 49 | Tio 49 |
| This fight is hardly any different from the ones against Valmar Young |
| Get rid of the Moths first (Moves like Flying Tenseiken and such deal so |
| much damage that a combo is enough to finish them off). After that focus |
| on the Valmar Magna. Use you strongest one target moves and this fight is |
| over before you know it. |
= Exit north => NEW VALMAR 2

- = Go north
= Go to the savespot (save if you need)
= From the take the north-east path
= At the end a little north then east
= You'll gat at another place of switches. Use the one at the
south-east (5 o' clock), and go into the corridor
= At the end of the path is some kind of nest. Go west there.
= Around the corner south (at the end one of the eggs will hatch and
give you a Valmar Moth)
= Go east (another egg will hatch)
= At the end north
= At the end east (another egg will hatch)
= At the end west
= Leave the nest west
= Follow the corridor
= At the end go north-east to the switch and activate it
= Go west, at the end north
= At the end use the switch (you can go back to save if you want)
= Exit north => NEW VALMAR 3

- = Go west
= Hack the obstacle and go west
= Hack another obstacle and go west
= Go around the room (and watch out for the whacker traps)
= Hack the obstacle and go east
= At the end go into the red tube north
= Follow the tube
= At the T-Cross north
= Keep going north
= At the end around the corner east
= Around the corner south
= At the end east
= Around the corner south
= ARound the corner east
= When you get in a room, go downstairs and enter the purple tube
= Around the corner south
= First way west
= Around the corner north
= At the end west
= Around the corner south
= Around the corner west then north
= Around the corner west
= In the room go up the stairs and go into the red tube
= At the end go north
= Around the corner east
= Go downstairs in the room and use the savespot
= Go into the purple tube
= Follow the tube and fight the boss at the end
| Boss 26 \
| Valmar Magna 2 |
| Targets: Valmar Magna x2 |
| Difficulty: Medium |
| Ryudo 50 | Elena 50 | Roan 50 | Tio 50 |
| This fight is hardly hard. Just focus on one then on the other. You know |
| how this works by now. |
I also suggest to check out your equipment, spells, moves and skills. The
next battle is gonna be pretty demanding on having everything set up right.
In fact, you're dead meat if you don't set it out right.
When you're all ready, come back to the place where you defeated the boss
and exit north => NEW VALMAR, CORE

- Go to the northside of the room. From there take the red path to the center.
Here you're gonna meet Valmar Core.
| Boss 27 \
| Valmar Core |
| Targets: Valmar Core, Left Head, Right Head, Middle Head |
| Difficulty: Very very hard |
| Ryudo 50 | Elena 50 | Roan 50 | Tio 50 |
| A boss of this difficulty should be the final one. (Alas it's not). |
| First of all, this boss has extremely much HP, so expect this battle to |
| take long. It does help to let Tio open this fight with Whisper To Stars. |
| But please note that when you do that it may get dispelled with "Vanish". |
| Mostly that will only be tried once. Next you should mind the Right Head. |
| It can cast heal all targets up, very greatly, so if you don't take care |
| of that this fight will last forever. I mostly try to destroy that one |
| first. For the rest, the attacks of Valmar Core are impressive. So you |
| will be needing your healing spells a lot. Having to heal with no chance |
| to fight is quite normal here. It's not wise to use your magic for |
| anything else but healing, since this is a long battle, with impressive |
| attacks this fight is gonna be VERY demanding on your MP. When the right |
| head is out, waste no more time and go straight for the Core itself. |
| I recommend your strongest one-target moves on the right head first and |
| then on the core. I always saved my Nut of Light for this fight. (You got |
| it during your trial in Mareg's village). Keep everybody at full HP as |
| much as possible, as the core has a few killer moves. Especially Day Of |
| Judgement can deal a lot (over the whole party if you are unlucky). |
| Boss 28 \
| Millenia |
| Targets: Millenia |
| Difficulty: Easy, but watch out |
| Ryudo 50 | Elena 50 | Roan 50 | Tio 50 |
| Overall this battle is easy, and mostly Millenia will only use Combo |
| attacks. However she can use the power of Valmar so occasionally some |
| moves like Fallen Wings and such can be used. From experience you should |
| know that these moves can be really dangerous. She doesn't use them often |
| so overal she's easy, but being careful is still recommende. |
After this fight the main part of the quest is over.
But the game creators saw fit in an extra subpart before it's really over.

For the final part you get a party of three.
Ryudo, Elena and Millenia.
And with that you go to the last part of the game.
The Room Of Chaos.

Step into the teleporter => NEW VALMAR, ROOM OF CHAOS

| New Valmar - The Room Of Chaos | IDXC015 |
| Ryudo 50 | Elena 50 | Millenia 50 |
| Savespots: 1 |
| 1. At the start |
Save your game first. Then you can go through the red teleporters to advance
to the next platform, and the blue ones to go back. At each platform you'll
one body part of Valmar. First the Tongue, then the Eye and then the Heart.
When you defeated all three body parts you can advance to the last platform
where you'll have to fight Zera himself. Between the boss fights you can go
back to the savespot in order to recover, and I advice you to do so.

One last note. Millenia will no longer be able to go berserk.
| Boss 29 \
| Valmar's Tongue |
| Targets: Valmar's Tongue, Head, Left Hand, Right Hand |
| Difficulty: Very Hard |
| Ryudo 50 | Elena 50 | Millenia 50 |
| What it can do is the same as when you fought it before. Only this |
| version is much stronger. Using your strongest one-target moves is the |
| quickest way to do this. Be prepared to be a lot of healing as Valmar's |
| Tongue is faster than you are and dealing 1000+ damage all the time. |
| Boss 30 \
| Valmar's Eye |
| Targets: Valmar's Eye, Eyeball Bat (X4), Left Tendril, Right Tendril |
| Difficulty: Very very hard |
| Ryudo 51 | Elena 51 | Millenia 51 |
| Still as hard as ever. Somehow I got the feeling it's a tiny bit easier, |
| but that could have been my imigination. Perhaps it's because I got all |
| characters equipped with a Revival Gem this time this it seems that way |
| Anyway, the first time I adviced to take out one Eye-Ball Bat first. This |
| time I'll recommend against it. The Eyeball bats got almost as much HP as |
| the Eye itself, so you can guess it does not make much sense this time. |
| For the rest this fight is exactly the same as before. Good luck! |
| Boss 31 \
| Valmar's Heart |
| Targets: Valmar's Heart, Left Eye, Right Eye |
| Difficulty: A pathetic excuse for a boss |
| Ryudo 51 | Elena 51 | Millenia 51 |
| Was the first version already a pathetic excuse for the boss, this one is |
| even more pathetic. The chance that you get out of this battle unharmed |
| is pretty big. One eye will mostly power the heart up the other will |
| power you down. That makes that most attacks come from the heart itself. |
| But the chance is great it'll never get a chance to attack. Be prepared |
| that IF you actually get attacked that it can be quite some damage. |
| But frankly, I wouldn't worry about that. |
As I said now you've done them all. I suggest to check out your equipment
for the last time, save the game and go at full force against Zera.
| Boss 32 \
| Zera Valmar |
| Targets: Zera Valmar |
| Difficulty: Pretty easy |
| Ryudo 52 | Elena 52 | Millenia 52 |
| I feel kinda disappointed. After Valmar Core, I expected something more |
| difficult as the final boss. Ryudo should just go crazy with Flying |
| Tenseiken. Elena should do the healing when needed, if not I suppose |
| you can let her use Impact Bomb. For Millenia I got something else in |
| mind which is very cheesy but works. Use Spellbinding Eye and Zera can |
| not do a thing for awhile. After that let Millenia do some combos until |
| Zera can move again. When he can use another Spellbinding Eye. After 2 or |
| 3 times he must have lost very much HP. Enough to use your strongest |
| moves to finish him off. |
After this battle the game is practically over. There's only an epilogue
between you and the total completion of the game.

| Epilogue | IDXC016 |
| Roan -- |
In the Epilogue Roan will travel the world to see what the world has become
after all that happened. You'll be in multiple parts of the world, but since
they are only small parts I'll handle it all in one section. In the epilogue
there are no more battles and the status menu is no longer available.

= Go east
= Pass the drink stand south to the east
= At the end north, and then east
= Cross the bridge
= Go south at the end
= Keep goin south until you meet Tio. There this part ends

= Go south
= Follow the metal road from the south of the house west
= Keep following it until you reach the church where you'll meet Millenia.
There that part ends

= Go to Sandra's house in the back of the village.
= After your chat there go to the tent at the start of this village.
There you'll meet Elena and with that this part and the entire game ends.


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