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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Army Men: Lock 'n Load"

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Army Men: Lock 'n Load (PlayStation)
Submitted By: Unknown

OK, here we go. The start of a long-ish guide.

************************* Operation 1. Lions den.

Mission - 1 *************************

Ah easy! Go forward and dive behind either of the barrels/concrete slabs and let your men do the easy work. You can help if you wish, by just shooting at the tan guys, but try not to get hit. After their down, you're men will wait back and let you go first (how nice!) Pick up the goodies, although you don't really need them. Next advance round the buildings following the road and if you see some cover go for it and most probably, the tan will come out of their hiding places. Do exactly as before and afterwards collect some items and move out. Keep repeating this process untill you get to a few concrete slabs with a tank behind it. Run towards it and you'll get in it. First of all, take out the tan tank which is in the far left corner from where you start. 2 blasts of the cannon and he's out. Now all you need to worry about is... not alot really. press triangle to select the machine gun to take out the 2 "snipers" on the roof of the building and then shoot/run over the tan soldiers hiding behind the park benches. Tada! Done.

************************* Operation1. Lions Den

Mission - 2 *************************

Can be a bit difficult if you're not fast enough. Really all you have to do is run along the roofs killing the 2-4 tan soldiers. Then you have to pick up their grenades + mortars to take out the tan tanks/soldiers down below on the streets. Make sure you're quick, although the convoy does have 1 tank, it's not really effective. the trickiest part I find is getting up some stairs about halfway through - it's a nightmare! When you've killed everything, there's a screen saying 'Good job soldier' with a green tank blowing up a tan tank.

************************* Operation1. Lions Den

Mission - 3 *************************

A hard way to do this is to keep all your men intact - not necessary though. In fact it's best that they do get killed, then that way you can take your time and they won't get in the way of vital cover places. Firstly stand clear of the door, you might be able to see some dynamite on the floor. Also, once the dynamite goes off, tan troops will start firing through the door way, obviously get out of the way of their fire. When you can get a couple of shots in on the tan man directly infront of you. Now take out the other 1 or 2 men in this room. As you go through the level You will notice that sometimes you can see the tan soldiers, and they can't see you. Take advantage of this and kill the one which is just round the corner. Then run to boxes, and take out the grenadier, before the grenadier takes you out. Next is one of those parts where you can shoot the tan soldiers, without them having a shot at you. So do it. Now, you have to go to the left hand corner and wait for the firing to stop. Then roll to the left and kill the soldier on the left. Roll back for cover and wait until the firing stops again. Roll out and kill the other one. Before heading on, turn around and dive behind the sandbag wall. There's a guy there, kneel, and kill him, he won't shoot at you if you're careful. Head back and go to the end, Look for cover as this bit is the hardest (having said that, it's not rock solid). Kill the guys here , and don't take risks, It's very probable that you'll die. When everyone's gone go right into the next room and you'll have finished the first operation

************************* Operation2. Knightfall

Mission - 1 *************************

A fun-ish one. One thing that you have to remember is to keep going forwards at all time, there's no time to backtrack and kill someone no matter how bad they annoy you. The first bits are pretty simple, collect the crates of bazookas and health, I find the bazookas aren't really effective, because if you aim them too low, you blow yourself up, so try to stick with the rifle and keep firing all the way throughout. If you see a soldier, you don't have to kill it, Just keep taking the road and if they get in the way, It's their own fault isn't it? After a while, things get a little hard. Some boulders fall onto the road. Avoid them by keeping left, left, then right for the rest. After a left turn, more boulders come down so go left, then weave to the right to avoid them Then a helicopter shoots you as you go over the little bridge. More soldiers attack, then a chance to kill the helicopter. Try not to get too close to it, otherwise you'll crash into it as it blows up. Again don't use bazookas. On the home straight now, keep to the left of the road, and you'll see a small gap, drive past it and there'll be a small movie of a man being shot, which is very...err...exciting(!)

************************* Operation2. Knightfall

Mission - 2 *************************

NOOOOOOO. I hate this one, It's soooooo BORING. You have to creep around the caves and hide in the shadows, like on the first bit it's on the other side of cave. It's the bit which is really black. To get to it, first run to the side, and then turn left and run 'along' the cave wall into it. Crouch right in the back and press R1 to watch the guard go past. With your trusty bayonet ready, wait till he's gone past and poke him with the bayonet. It looks like he's still, alive, but he won't say anything. And basically you've got to do that. up untill the cave splits in 2. This is really hard, but fun. Cover is essential here and you have to take attempt to shoot soldiers by testing every pixel near it. Keep hiding still in the caves bit, and you'll notice there are 2 guys, that you can't kill. When these are just left, during a break in the fire, run over to them and hide behind the grey thinest bit of the grey wall. Quickly kill these 2 soldiers before more come. Manoeuvre yourself to a position so they can't get you. Then roll out shoot some and roll back on again. When half the population of a continent have been killed off. look to the left and see some barrels with a flammable sign on it. Hehehehehe! From the left hand side, and reasonably far away, shoot them, and that thing on wheels will become jet propelled and smash into the things. When it's clear, leggit into the place where it came from, as the whole place starts to explode. Run down the passge way to complete the mission.

************************* Operation2. Knightfall

Mission - 3 *************************

There's nothing better than a scottish castle, in the countrside. Only if those pesky little tan soldiers weren't there, It would be the perfect place for a picnic. Alas thats not the case and the level is swarming with them. So get to it. Go round the corner, there's a couple here, use conveniently placed logs and stones for some good cover. Try and learn when the tan are coming, what the usual place looks like, and you'll storm through this part of the level without a problem. When you've crossed the last bridge, you'll see the castle. Go around to the right, and slowly through the arch. Dive for cover to the front-left hand side of the bale of hay. Kill to 2 tan soldiers, one right next to you, the other, behind the wooden wall-thingy. Now go forward and turn left you'll see the garden, You can also see 1 tan man just begging to be shot at. Kill him and enter the garden immidately crouching for cover, When there's a chance, shoot the rifleman and go out of the garden. Head right, towards where you came in. You'll see some, stuff on the ground. Pick it up and turn around. Head forward, and you'll see an open door to the left touch it and you'll be shot through it. This bit is easy as well. Kill the guards in these 2 rooms, and turn left. It's a big church type room, and the tan are shooting in it. Have they no soul? Punish them for their crimes. and go to the right hand side of the room, go up the stairs to the blackboard. Then 3 clues will be read out. You don't have to remember them, so don't worry.

************************* Operation3. Scorpion

Mission - 1 *************************

This mission is really boring, first of all, you've got to quickly kill the tan soldiers on the land. When you've killed the last one, a little dialogue will come up. Grab the bazooka behind the wall, and aim for the gap between the truck and the assault raft. It should blow up disconnect itself from the truck and slide down the slope. Run towards it. Now you're in the boat, follow the river along, back the way you came. There are 3 main enemies you have to look out for. The first are steam boats. They're probably the worst. Next are the towers made pathetically out of wood. Finally ofcourse there are tan soldiers. Try and kill as many as possible but don't deviate from your path too much. If you see a health crate, don't go for it because there are mines everywhere and you have to blow them up which is very difficult. After a while you come to a big monument in the middle of the river, speed past this, and the end is just ahead.

************************* Operation3. Scorpion

Mission - 2 *************************

Yippee! another tank level. Not many tactics for this level, except go slowly and take your time, 2 shots of the cannon, kills tanks, if you see some clouds of dust in the background, there's probably a tank there, at the end try not to get run over by your own tank by running forward straight away, and finally... try to find the secret-super-hidden-amazing bowling alley. IT DOES EXIST!!!!!!!

************************* Operation3. Scorpion

Mission - 3 *************************

The temple, thankfully nothing as taxing as indiana jones, but this level requires brains. First of all CRAWL under the snakes, you soon find out why. Next go through the slidy door and kill the 2 tan guards. Next you may want a piece of paper, 'The writing on the walls' refers to the temple wall where you killed the guards, copy the symbols down and then follow them. If you can't be bothered, like me just do this facing the first column: Forward (to the first column),right,forward,left,left,forward,forward,right,forward. That's the combination on my game anyway. Go through the door and kill the guys. Next is another good bit. On the floor are 4 different symbols repeated 4 times in a random way. If you step on the bug one, the lion with the bug symbol above it, lights up. You need to get across with none of the lights on. I think if you go forward, left, forward, right, foward, left, forward, right, forward it should work. Advance and kill the guys here, and don't forget to pick up the medi kit on the left if you need it. Go forward down the passageway and enter a warzone. There are atleast 6 guys here, 1 on the middle, 3 on the left, and 2 on the right. Kill them all and go up the stairs to another blackboard.

************************* Operation4. Pegasus

Mission - 1 *************************

I think this is the best mission AND the best operation. You're in a plane and you need to shoot down the tan fighters. Again no real tatic here, except that you need to keep an eye on the radar for incoming fighters. And don't forget, you can go underneath the plane as well. When you parachute out (You really didn't think that was it did you?) Head left towards the bottom of the slope. When aligned, charge up it and stop when you reach the automatic rifle. If you can shoot some guards, but if not, either do a kamikaze, or be sensible and use the right pillar as cover. Slowly go forward and try to shoot the guys at the top of the ramp. Then move forward a bit and finish them off. Collect the goodies and go to the blackboard. Then find a sand coloured slope and go down it. Quickly shoot the guards and then move over towards the assault raft. Mission complete.

************************* Operation4. Pegasus

Mission - 2 *************************

This mission is really fun. First of all though there are a few tricky parts which you need to get past, like the 2 men at the top of the ramp ahead. Hide behind the tree and shoot them when they've stopped firing. When they're dead, pick up the grenades and the med kit if needed. Now advance up the slope and dive behind the box thing. Throw a grenade at the 2 men standing in front of the tree. When they're dead go over there and collect the grenades. Now you might be able to shoot some tan soldiers, one in the distance by the gate, and one on the left by the big wall. When you've done all you can, run and dive forward behind the sandbag wall and shoot the men. Now you need to get to the communications tower and pick up the dynamite. Place it by the tower and leggit. Before going to the vehicle, try and kill the 3 tan soldiers down below. the one on the right, shoot him. THe one in the distance should also be shot, however the one down below is most easily killed with a grenade. When the tower, and the 3 men have gone, walk towards the bay and get in the truck (presumably through the roof). THIS is the best bit! Drive along the path to the left and turn right through the gates. Drive through the base killing as many people as you can - if they're in the way that is. Near the end you might see a tan truck. Head towards it and behind it if you like. It's a shortcut, but it only skips out the last 2 guys. Drive through the gates to finish.

************************* Operation4. Pegasus

Mission - 3 *************************

What ever you do, don't fire the rifle on this mission. Use the bayonet throughout the first bit. Notice in front of you a tin of tan paint which has burst. Roll in it, and a dialogue box should come up. Now you're a tan. Pick up the dynamite on the left, under the shelter and go around the gate, REMEMBER not to get too close to the tan guards, as they'll spot you being a green. So stick tight to the edge. Now, go forward, and around the back of the grey building. WALK forward, and you'll see a guard with his back turned to you. Poke him with the bayonet, to give him a quick death. The automatic rifle he drops is merely to tempt you, take it by all means, but you won't be using it. Continue round the corner and dive behind the box. Press R1 and watch the guard carefully as he does he walks off, giving you room to run forward, turn left a bit (still sticking to the edge) and keep to the left hand wall of the tall building. When you're halfway along the wall, swaps side, onto the dome, grey one. See a bazooka man to the left, and stab him. Then keep to the wall on the right and into a big area. Dive behind the crates. Again Press R1 to take a look at the guard. He'll walk to the right giving you room to run beyond him and around to the left. Duck behind the crates and wait for the guard to show. When he does he'll wait a bit and then go backwards on his set route. It's when he is walking towards the rocket that you'll need to act. Bayonet him quickly. Now repeat the process for the next 2 guards which are further up the road. When they're all dead, head back for the first rocket. Run into it and turn around, select the dynamite, and place it down. You will notice a 30 second timer is activated. Run forward, out of this side part, and into the next rocket-place-thingy. Place a dynamite here, turn around and go to the next one. When they're all set you should have about 7-10 seconds left. Use this, and go right to the end where you can see some motorbike. run into the barrier and keep going. Make sure you are heading in the direction of the bike. BOOOM! Now that they've gone off. That's mission complete? Course it ain't. Keep holding up and run into the motorbike, you'll now be on it. Turn right out of the park and chase after the convoy. Blow up all the trucks, and the missile one to finally complete this operation.

************************* Operation5. Poseidon

Mission - 1 *************************

"The final battle comes down to who controls the seas" Whatever, You've got the easiest mission for this operation. I can't really remeber this one so bare with me. Go forward and try and get a few shots in at the tan soldier who comes leggin out. If not take cover behind the barrels and shoot him that way. BE CAREFUL these tan men have SOME intelligence, They do 'dummy' a few times before shooting. When he/their down look around for some goodies. Next turn left and do roughly the same thing. Now walk slowly down the next passage and you should see a bazooka thing. Run/dive for it and take cover behind the barrels. Take out the 3 men here, being careful not to shoot with something infront of you, blowing yourself up. This bit can be hard, you're nearly there but about 7 or 8 men block the way. I can't remember exactly what happens here, so you'll have to try you're best (hey, I have told you everything else up to here). When you can, head for the sub. Now you take control of the 50 cal on the top. As the sub moves, take out the tan men along the quay side. When the sub exits, the mission is won.

************************* Operation5. Poseidon

Mission - 2 *************************

Agggghhhh! NOOOOOOO! EEEEEEEE! Sorry, I really hate this one. Rock solid hard. I've only done it once. No walkthrough available here except some tips. The first thing is now your enemies. There are tan subs here, mines, and little buildings, which shoot torpedoes at you. Keep out of the way of all of them. When they shoot, they anticipate you position, so if you here a fire, and it's coming from the side, stop and reverse a bit, and then carry on. Secondly, You need to move quickly, as the cowardly sub doesn't half move. Keep it within the map and you'll be OK. Finally, KEEP TRYING!!! It's really hard this one, so just find a route which dodges the most enemies.

************************* Operation5. Poseidon

Mission - 3 *************************

"We've done it" says the dialogue "Not yet mate." says me. This level is a real pain because it's so long. I'll do it in phases. PHASE 1::: Use the 50 cal on the boat to take out the men on bank, There's about 2 first on the left, and then a steamboat. Another couple of men, then another steamboat, Then loads of men. Once past the lighthouse, you're safe. PHASE 2::: Now on foot, you can take out the first man) hopefully you can see him. Then the rest is up to you. Remember how the designers made the game, in stages, when one set of men dies, move to their position to trigger another attack off and so on. Get to the assault raft at the end to complet this phase. PHASE 3::: In a another boat now, hope you've still got your sea legs. Turn left and go upstream. Slow down after a while when you can see a junction. There's a boat here. You can shoot it without it seeing you. Keep to the same river (the right hand one) and follow the river. Sorry again, I forgotten the next bit, apart from, the end of this phase is a small dock made out of grey bricks. There are more than one dock though. PHASE 4::: Oh so close! This phase, you need to kill the men again. Take you're time though, there's a lot to lose now. Straight forward combat, until you get to the bridge. The bit after the bridge is the hard part. You need to kill the men here and then blow up the 'blue or red pipes'. Sounds easy. Except there's no pause in the firing. It's non stop from but they change over "whos firing" every so often with a fairly small overlap. Start by killing anyone you choose. Then whittle them down one by one, Till they're all dead. Then you use the bazookas on the 2 or 3 pipes (I can't remember again) to complete the Mission, Operation and the GAME!!!


Any problems, ASK ME! On [email protected] Please subject as 'Army men Lock n load' otherwise I'll get rid of it as junk mail.
Submitted By: Unknown

OK, here we go. The start of a long-ish guide.
Operation 1. Lions den.

Mission - 1

Ah easy! Go forward and dive behind either of the barrels/concrete slabs and let your men do the easy work. You can help if you wish, by just shooting at the tan guys, but try not to get hit. After their down, you're men will wait back and let you go first (how nice!) Pick up the goodies, although you don't really need them.
Next advance round the buildings following the road and if you see some cover go for it and most probably, the tan will come out of their hiding places. Do exactly as before and afterwards collect some items and move out.
Keep repeating this process untill you get to a few concrete slabs with a tank behind it. Run towards it and you'll get in it.
First of all, take out the tan tank which is in the far left corner from where you start. 2 blasts of the cannon and he's out.
Now all you need to worry about is... not alot really. press triangle to select the machine gun to take out the 2 "snipers" on the roof of the building and then shoot/run over the tan soldiers hiding behind the park benches. Tada! Done.

Operation1. Lions Den

Mission - 2

Can be a bit difficult if you're not fast enough. Really all you have to do is run along the roofs killing the 2-4 tan soldiers. Then you have to pick up their grenades + mortars to take out the tan tanks/soldiers down below on the streets. Make sure you're quick, although the convoy does have 1 tank, it's not really effective. the trickiest part I find is getting up some stairs about halfway through - it's a nightmare! When you've killed everything, there's a screen saying 'Good job soldier' with a green tank blowing up a tan tank.

Operation1. Lions Den

Mission - 3

A hard way to do this is to keep all your men intact - not necessary though. In fact it's best that they do get killed, then that way you can take your time and they won't get in the way of vital cover places.
Firstly stand clear of the door, you might be able to see some dynamite on the floor. Also, once the dynamite goes off, tan troops will start firing through the door way, obviously get out of the way of their fire. When you can get a couple of shots in on the tan man directly infront of you. Now take out the other 1 or 2 men in this room.
As you go through the level You will notice that sometimes you can see the tan soldiers, and they can't see you. Take advantage of this and kill the one which is just round the corner. Then run to boxes, and take out the grenadier, before the grenadier takes you out.
Next is one of those parts where you can shoot the tan soldiers, without them having a shot at you. So do it. Now, you have to go to the left hand corner and wait for the firing to stop. Then roll to the left and kill the soldier on the left. Roll back for cover and wait until the firing stops again. Roll out and kill the other one.
Before heading on, turn around and dive behind the sandbag wall. There's a guy there, kneel, and kill him, he won't shoot at you if you're careful.
Head back and go to the end, Look for cover as this bit is the hardest (having said that, it's not rock solid). Kill the guys here , and don't take risks, It's very probable that you'll die. When everyone's gone go right into the next room and you'll have finished the first operation

Operation2. Knightfall

Mission - 1

A fun-ish one. One thing that you have to remember is to keep going forwards at all time, there's no time to backtrack and kill someone no matter how bad they annoy you.
The first bits are pretty simple, collect the crates of bazookas and health, I find the bazookas aren't really effective, because if you aim them too low, you blow yourself up, so try to stick with the rifle and keep firing all the way throughout. If you see a soldier, you don't have to kill it, Just keep taking the road and if they get in the way, It's their own fault isn't it?
After a while, things get a little hard. Some boulders fall onto the road. Avoid them by keeping left, left, then right for the rest. After a left turn, more boulders come down so go left, then weave to the right to avoid them Then a helicopter shoots you as you go over the little bridge. More soldiers attack, then a chance to kill the helicopter.
Try not to get too close to it, otherwise you'll crash into it as it blows up. Again don't use bazookas.
On the home straight now, keep to the left of the road, and you'll see a small gap, drive past it and there'll be a small movie of a man being shot, which is very...err...exciting(!)

Operation2. Knightfall

Mission - 2

NOOOOOOO. I hate this one, It's soooooo BORING. You have to creep around the caves and hide in the shadows, like on the first bit it's on the other side of cave. It's the bit which is really black. To get to it, first run to the side, and then turn left and run 'along' the cave wall into it. Crouch right in the back and press R1 to watch the guard go past. With your trusty bayonet ready, wait till he's gone past and poke him with the bayonet. It looks like he's still, alive, but he won't say anything.
And basically you've got to do that. up untill the cave splits in 2. This is really hard, but fun. Cover is essential here and you have to take attempt to shoot soldiers by testing every pixel near it. Keep hiding still in the caves bit, and you'll notice there are 2 guys, that you can't kill. When these are just left, during a break in the fire, run over to them and hide behind the grey thinest bit of the grey wall. Quickly kill these 2 soldiers before more come. Manoeuvre yourself to a position so they can't get you. Then roll out shoot some and roll back on again.
When half the population of a continent have been killed off. look to the left and see some barrels with a flammable sign on it. Hehehehehe! From the left hand side, and reasonably far away, shoot them, and that thing on wheels will become jet propelled and smash into the things. When it's clear, leggit into the place where it came from, as the whole place starts to explode. Run down the passge way to complete the mission.

Operation2. Knightfall

Mission - 3

There's nothing better than a scottish castle, in the countrside. Only if those pesky little tan soldiers weren't there, It would be the perfect place for a picnic.
Alas thats not the case and the level is swarming with them. So get to it.
Go round the corner, there's a couple here, use conveniently placed logs and stones for some good cover. Try and learn when the tan are coming, what the usual place looks like, and you'll storm through this part of the level without a problem.
When you've crossed the last bridge, you'll see the castle. Go around to the right, and slowly through the arch. Dive for cover to the front-left hand side of the bale of hay. Kill to 2 tan soldiers, one right next to you, the other, behind the wooden wall-thingy.
Now go forward and turn left you'll see the garden, You can also see 1 tan man just begging to be shot at. Kill him and enter the garden immidately crouching for cover, When there's a chance, shoot the rifleman and go out of the garden. Head right, towards where you came in. You'll see some, stuff on the ground. Pick it up and turn around.
Head forward, and you'll see an open door to the left touch it and you'll be shot through it.
This bit is easy as well. Kill the guards in these 2 rooms, and turn left. It's a big church type room, and the tan are shooting in it. Have they no soul? Punish them for their crimes. and go to the right hand side of the room, go up the stairs to the blackboard. Then 3 clues will be read out. You don't have to remember them, so don't worry.

Operation3. Scorpion

Mission - 1

This mission is really boring, first of all, you've got to quickly kill the tan soldiers on the land. When you've killed the last one, a little dialogue will come up. Grab the bazooka behind the wall, and aim for the gap between the truck and the assault raft. It should blow up disconnect itself from the truck and slide down the slope. Run towards it.
Now you're in the boat, follow the river along, back the way you came. There are 3 main enemies you have to look out for. The first are steam boats. They're probably the worst. Next are the towers made pathetically out of wood. Finally ofcourse there are tan soldiers. Try and kill as many as possible but don't deviate from your path too much. If you see a health crate, don't go for it because there are mines everywhere and you have to blow them up which is very difficult.
After a while you come to a big monument in the middle of the river, speed past this, and the end is just ahead.

Operation3. Scorpion

Mission - 2

Yippee! another tank level. Not many tactics for this level, except go slowly and take your time, 2 shots of the cannon, kills tanks, if you see some clouds of dust in the background, there's probably a tank there, at the end try not to get run over by your own tank by running forward straight away, and finally... try to find the secret-super-hidden-amazing bowling alley. IT DOES EXIST!!!!!!! If you don't know where it is, it should be on

Operation3. Scorpion

Mission - 3

The temple, thankfully nothing as taxing as indiana jones, but this level requires brains. First of all CRAWL under the snakes, you soon find out why. Next go through the slidy door and kill the 2 tan guards.
Next you may want a piece of paper, 'The writing on the walls' refers to the temple wall where you killed the guards, copy the symbols down and then follow them. If you can't be bothered, like me just do this facing the first column:
Forward (to the first column),right,forward,left,left,forward,forward,right,forward. That's the combination on my game anyway.
Go through the door and kill the guys. Next is another good bit. On the floor are 4 different symbols repeated 4 times in a random way. If you step on the bug one, the lion with the bug symbol above it, lights up. You need to get across with none of the lights on. I think if you go forward, left, forward, right, foward, left, forward, right, forward it should work.
Advance and kill the guys here, and don't forget to pick up the medi kit on the left if you need it. Go forward down the passageway and enter a warzone.
There are atleast 6 guys here, 1 on the middle, 3 on the left, and 2 on the right. Kill them all and go up the stairs to another blackboard.

Operation4. Pegasus

Mission - 1

I think this is the best mission AND the best operation. You're in a plane and you need to shoot down the tan fighters. Again no real tatic here, except that you need to keep an eye on the radar for incoming fighters. And don't forget, you can go underneath the plane as well.
When you parachute out (You really didn't think that was it did you?) Head left towards the bottom of the slope. When aligned, charge up it and stop when you reach the automatic rifle. If you can shoot some guards, but if not, either do a kamikaze, or be sensible and use the right pillar as cover.
Slowly go forward and try to shoot the guys at the top of the ramp. Then move forward a bit and finish them off. Collect the goodies and go to the blackboard. Then find a sand coloured slope and go down it. Quickly shoot the guards and then move over towards the assault raft. Mission complete.

Operation4. Pegasus

Mission - 2

This mission is really fun. First of all though there are a few tricky parts which you need to get past, like the 2 men at the top of the ramp ahead. Hide behind the tree and shoot them when they've stopped firing. When they're dead, pick up the grenades and the med kit if needed.
Now advance up the slope and dive behind the box thing. Throw a grenade at the 2 men standing in front of the tree. When they're dead go over there and collect the grenades. Now you might be able to shoot some tan soldiers, one in the distance by the gate, and one on the left by the big wall.
When you've done all you can, run and dive forward behind the sandbag wall and shoot the men.
Now you need to get to the communications tower and pick up the dynamite. Place it by the tower and leggit. Before going to the vehicle, try and kill the 3 tan soldiers down below. the one on the right, shoot him. THe one in the distance should also be shot, however the one down below is most easily killed with a grenade.
When the tower, and the 3 men have gone, walk towards the bay and get in the truck (presumably through the roof).
THIS is the best bit! Drive along the path to the left and turn right through the gates. Drive through the base killing as many people as you can - if they're in the way that is. Near the end you might see a tan truck. Head towards it and behind it if you like. It's a shortcut, but it only skips out the last 2 guys. Drive through the gates to finish.

Operation4. Pegasus

Mission - 3

What ever you do, don't fire the rifle on this mission. Use the bayonet throughout the first bit.
Notice in front of you a tin of tan paint which has burst. Roll in it, and a dialogue box should come up. Now you're a tan. Pick up the dynamite on the left, under the shelter and go around the gate, REMEMBER not to get too close to the tan guards, as they'll spot you being a green. So stick tight to the edge.
Now, go forward, and around the back of the grey building. WALK forward, and you'll see a guard with his back turned to you. Poke him with the bayonet, to give him a quick death. The automatic rifle he drops is merely to tempt you, take it by all means, but you won't be using it.
Continue round the corner and dive behind the box. Press R1 and watch the guard carefully as he does he walks off, giving you room to run forward, turn left a bit (still sticking to the edge) and keep to the left hand wall of the tall building. When you're halfway along the wall, swaps side, onto the dome, grey one. See a bazooka man to the left, and stab him. Then keep to the wall on the right and into a big area. Dive behind the crates.
Again Press R1 to take a look at the guard. He'll walk to the right giving you room to run beyond him and around to the left. Duck behind the crates and wait for the guard to show. When he does he'll wait a bit and then go backwards on his set route. It's when he is walking towards the rocket that you'll need to act. Bayonet him quickly.
Now repeat the process for the next 2 guards which are further up the road.
When they're all dead, head back for the first rocket. Run into it and turn around, select the dynamite, and place it down. You will notice a 30 second timer is activated. Run forward, out of this side part, and into the next rocket-place-thingy. Place a dynamite here, turn around and go to the next one. When they're all set you should have about 7-10 seconds left. Use this, and go right to the end where you can see some motorbike. run into the barrier and keep going. Make sure you are heading in the direction of the bike.
BOOOM! Now that they've gone off. That's mission complete? Course it ain't. Keep holding up and run into the motorbike, you'll now be on it. Turn right out of the park and chase after the convoy. Blow up all the trucks, and the missile one to finally complete this operation.

Operation5. Poseidon

Mission - 1

"The final battle comes down to who controls the seas" Whatever, You've got the easiest mission for this operation. I can't really remeber this one so bare with me.
Go forward and try and get a few shots in at the tan soldier who comes leggin out. If not take cover behind the barrels and shoot him that way. BE CAREFUL these tan men have SOME intelligence, They do 'dummy' a few times before shooting. When he/their down look around for some goodies.
Next turn left and do roughly the same thing.
Now walk slowly down the next passage and you should see a bazooka thing. Run/dive for it and take cover behind the barrels. Take out the 3 men here, being careful not to shoot with something infront of you, blowing yourself up.
This bit can be hard, you're nearly there but about 7 or 8 men block the way. I can't remember exactly what happens here, so you'll have to try you're best (hey, I have told you everything else up to here). When you can, head for the sub.
Now you take control of the 50 cal on the top. As the sub moves, take out the tan men along the quay side. When the sub exits, the mission is won.

Operation5. Poseidon

Mission - 2

Agggghhhh! NOOOOOOO! EEEEEEEE! Sorry, I really hate this one. Rock solid hard. I've only done it once. No walkthrough available here except some tips.
The first thing is now your enemies. There are tan subs here, mines, and little buildings, which shoot torpedoes at you. Keep out of the way of all of them. When they shoot, they anticipate you position, so if you here a fire, and it's coming from the side, stop and reverse a bit, and then carry on.
Secondly, You need to move quickly, as the cowardly sub doesn't half move. Keep it within the map and you'll be OK.
Finally, KEEP TRYING!!! It's really hard this one, so just find a route which dodges the most enemies.

Operation5. Poseidon

Mission - 3

"We've done it" says the dialogue "Not yet mate." says me. This level is a real pain because it's so long. I'll do it in phases.
PHASE 1::: Use the 50 cal on the boat to take out the men on bank, There's about 2 first on the left, and then a steamboat. Another couple of men, then another steamboat, Then loads of men. Once past the lighthouse, you're safe.
PHASE 2::: Now on foot, you can take out the first man) hopefully you can see him. Then the rest is up to you. Remember how the designers made the game, in stages, when one set of men dies, move to their position to trigger another attack off and so on. Get to the assault raft at the end to complet this phase.
PHASE 3::: In a another boat now, hope you've still got your sea legs. Turn left and go upstream. Slow down after a while when you can see a junction. There's a boat here. You can shoot it without it seeing you. Keep to the same river (the right hand one) and follow the river. Sorry again, I forgotten the next bit, apart from, the end of this phase is a small dock made out of grey bricks. There are more than one dock though.
PHASE 4::: Oh so close! This phase, you need to kill the men again. Take you're time though, there's a lot to lose now. Straight forward combat, until you get to the bridge.
The bit after the bridge is the hard part. You need to kill the men here and then blow up the 'blue or red pipes'. Sounds easy. Except there's no pause in the firing. It's non stop from but they change over "whos firing" every so often with a fairly small overlap. Start by killing anyone you choose. Then whittle them down one by one, Till they're all dead. Then you use the bazookas on the 2 or 3 pipes (I can't remember again) to complete the Mission, Operation and the GAME!!!


Any problems, ASK ME! On [email protected] Please subject as 'Army men Lock n load' otherwise I'll get rid of it as junk mail.

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