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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Return To Castle Wolfenstein"
(PC Games)

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Return To Castle Wolfenstein (PC Games)
Submitted By: spoonbeast

This hints and tips guide will give you details as to how use weapons effectively in single player. Whilst also knowing how to combat the enemies and bosses in the single player game.



A sharp knife. You’ll always have it at the start of the game. The knife can do silent takedowns on soldiers if you creep up close to them and stab them in the back. Not so effective to use once they know where you as they’ll fill you with holes before you get a chance to stab them. Don’t resort to this weapon unless you’re messing around or you’re doing a stealth take down.

[Luger pistol]

A German pistol. Uses the same ammo from the MP40 and silenced stern. Recoil is high so firing it will be slow and inaccurate over medium ranges. A silencer can be found for this weapon. But you better off using the silenced stern rather then the pistol as the stern has a larger clip and shoots more bullets with less recoil. Whilst holding a pistol you can use your free hand to pick up chairs. Hardly useful, but it can be used to attract someone’s attention. The only enemies who use this weapon are sergeants and technical personnel (scientists, mechanics, pilots etc) None of these people pose much of a threat at medium range. So this allows you an opportunity to take out enemies who have the better equipment. But they can be extremely annoying if they are hitting you as they somehow shoot much faster when they use it and they can take quite a bit of health away. Advice here is to never resort to this weapon. By using it you’ll deplete ammo away from better, stronger guns like the MP40 and Silenced stern ammo reserves as well.


This is the allied pistol in the game. It’s relatively similar to the Luger when it comes to fighting. The most dominant feature of this gun compared to the Luger is the ability to have dual weapon support. Although this means twice the power, there are much better guns out there to use. So generally you should ignore this one. No enemy uses this gun either.


The MP40 is a German sub machine gun. Most frequently used rifle by ordinary German soldiers in the game. A reliable weapon especially against weaker enemies, with good short to medium range accuracy. A 32-bullet clip ensures that this weapon won’t give up on you in a gunfight. Out of all the sub machine gun you’ll use, this one has the most recoil, so use bursting shots and using it around corners as to maximise effectiveness of this gun. When the enemy use it, it tends to be mostly fairly accurate but occasionally there is inaccuracy. Reliable as it is, you might want to switch the mp40 for the silenced stern once you find one.

[Silenced stern]

Its the MP40 but silenced. It sorts out the MP40’s relatively high recoil problem but adds an all new problem of over heating. It can maintain high accuracy much longer but the longer you hold it down the more likely its going to overheat delaying your shooting and leaving you vulnerable to attack. Best to still keep using burst shots as to control the heat problem. As it is silenced, this weapon is the perfect stealth weapon as you can fire lots of shots without causing much of a racket. As an added bonus, this gun is the best against the undead as well. As it concentrates all the bullets and the damage it does to a zombie is pretty good. Therefore, Once you find this weapon, always make it your primary weapon for all situations, switching weapons only for certain hot situations (i.e. bosses and super soldiers etc).
The only people you’ll find using this weapon are the Elite guard. These women can use this weapon incredibly effectively and given the slightest of chances, they’ll kill you right there on the spot. Your best chance is to fight fire with fire and taking them out in ambush situations like around corners or behind doors.


They come in 2 kinds: “potato masher” (the German grenade that composes of a stick and an explosive attached to the end) and the mills one (the pineapple shaped one). They more or less act in the same way to each other, Both have 5 second fuses and do the same job. Its best used against zombies, Super soldiers and as indirect attacks as they bounce off walls. Some enemies like the soldiers are slightly sharp on their senses and will run away when they see one. This is where delaying the throwing of the weapon helps as this allows less room for enemies to react once it comes down. No enemy carry grenades and you can only pick up the German variety and the allied variety is limited to what you’re given at the start of each mission. The grenades have its uses, but you might need to practice with it as to perfect this weapon properly against the enemy. Best used against slow enemies.


Effectively, a grenade in which you set the time you want it to blow. Hold down the fire button to increase the timer. Once you’ve activated it, you only drop it. This is again great against slow, relentless enemies who attempt to chase you. Don’t try this weapon against human enemies. They’re not stupid enough to fall for the trap. No enemy uses this and pick ups is rare for this weapon. Overall you need to be really good at timing to actually use this. Works well against Zombies and super soldiers. It can be a hassle so it’s just best you ignore it.

[Thompson machine gun]

An All-American sub machine gun. Damage is pretty good with this weapon, much higher then the mp40 but the recoil is one of the highest out of the sub machine guns. No enemy uses this weapon. Since ammo is highly limited and top ups are very rare, it should be used against bosses or in desperate situations against lopers and prototype super soldiers.

[Mauser rifle]

A German used rifle. This rifle can come in 2 models with or without a scope. Till you’ve got the model with the scope don’t bother using it. As an assault weapon this isn’t good. High recoil, long reloading times and small clip hinders this gun for that purpose, but as a sniper weapon this is very good. So only resort to this weapon for sniping possibilities. Ammunition is relatively plentiful and can kill people in mere seconds. But it can cause one hell of a racket, occasionally luring more forces then you can handle at times. But provided that you’ve got range advantage, that shouldn’t pose much of a problem. In the hands of an enemy it’s very deadly and they can make very accurate damaging shots every time. Your best chance is to either snipe him out before he does or you close the gap between him and shoot him with a much faster gun when he is reloading.

[Paratrooper rifle]

Think of this weapon as an assault rifle with a scope on it. Although zoom isn’t as far as the Mauser or Snooper sniper rifle, it’s still useful. Its perfect for those medium ranges that seem too far to reach with a normal rifle and too close for any sniper rifle. The gun can do immense damage on enemies and comes second with the least recoil out of all the Assault rifles. Its highly useful against flame zombies and at the bare minimum against lopers, super soldiers (both types) and bosses. You’ll probably find that its a little expensive to be used against ordinary enemies as the only way you’ll find top ups with this gun is to take it from a black guard soldier or the occasional locker. The black guards can make short work of you with the gun, Best advice would be to use the same gun against them but from around corners and using the scope when ever possible to maximise accuracy. Once he is stunned, don’t stop firing at him till he dies.

[Snooper rifle]

This is the allies newly invented sniper rifle. It has some important advantages over the Mauser rifle. Firstly longer range, second, its silenced so its the perfect weapon for stealth and three, it has a sort of night vision/heat seeking vision when you do your sniping, great for out doors in fogs and darkness. No enemy uses this and there are no pick ups for this weapon. You’ll have to choose your moments very carefully when using this weapon, as ammo is rare. Try and use the scope as your binoculars as makes seeing in the dark a lot more clearly.


A one use disposable rocket launcher. You’ll only carry a couple at any one time. Simply point at someone or something and shoot. Making sure that you don’t use it in close quarter (as always the rule of thumb when using a rocket based weapon in any fps). Since this weapon is limited, its best used against bosses, hardy enemies like prototype super soldiers. You don’t carry enough of the rockets to warrant the use anywhere else unless there is plenty of top ups. The only people using this weapon are ordinary soldiers and super soldiers (Both prototype and full models). The normal soldiers won’t cause much of a problem provided you fought them on open ground where it permits plenty of dodging and not around blind corners you’re fine. But against the super soldiers, it’s a different matter. They are highly dangerous as their high resilience means that they’ll just walk up to you and shoot one at you. They pack quite a few of these rockets so you should resort to hit and run tactics as to reduce their effectiveness of their Panzerfaust shot.


This weapon is somewhat of a disappointment. Range is poor and damage is relatively poor. Ammo is relatively plentiful for this weapon in the later stages of the game. But even then it’s not useful. When the enemy use it, even the slightest lick of flame will cause you to be set on fire (resulting in a gradual period of receiving damage), when you use it, it simply damages them and only catches them on fire when they die which is frankly taking the mick. The only people who have a flame-thrower are the heavy weapon soldiers and the flame zombies. In short, ignore weapon, no situation in the game warrants the use of this weapon. Unless it’s for fun.

[Venom gun]

The weapon is a machine gun and fires out hundreds of bullets in mere seconds. The weapon needs warming up before using so there will be a delayed start firing time. To get around this however, you could always warm it up before hand by pressing fire to get the gun spinning and as it slows down you just tap it again to maintain the spin. Only do you wish to fire do you hold down the fire button. Use this weapon when bullets over accuracy are concerned, as the gun’s accuracy isn’t very good. Its recommend that you use this weapon against bosses, super soldiers and lopers. Enemies who use these weapons are heavy weapon soldiers, super soldiers. The ordinary soldier isn’t particularly accurate and should give you a chance to kill him before he even gets to fire. But when it comes to the super soldiers they’re dangerous caution advised.

[Tesla gun]

A gun that shoots electricity at your enemies. Its not at all useful, damage isn’t exactly poor but nor is it good and even trying to shock a soldier to death takes too much time. The gun can push enemies back if they’re getting too close for comfort. The only people who use it are the Full versions of the super soldiers and when they use it, it hurts. Best tip is to leave this weapon as a last resort and stay well away from the super soldier when fighting them.

[Fixed gun turret.]

A machine gun fixed on a tripod. These guns can be frequently found around sandbags or in strategic areas and when you find them usually there is a good reason (i.e. lots of people coming to get you). Sometimes enemies will be using it, although not particularly well. When you use it, your view will change and you’ll see the top of the gun. Notice that there are multiple cross hairs on the gun. Try and experiment with the cross hairs as they can really help your aiming when using it. Since ammo is infinite for this weapon, just squeeze the trigger till everyone dies. Only draw back is that you are very vulnerable to people creeping up on you. Although it’s rare that happens.


These can be classified into several classes: Human, Undead and x creature.

HUMANS- Self-explanatory as to what they are. Found on every single level.


The most frequent enemy in the whole game. These are the basic soldiers of the German army and they weld numerous arrays of weapons. Ranging from their standard arm the MP40 to the Panzerfaust. These enemies are usually easy pickings and provided you don’t get too close such as point blank range and you don’t get caught in the open, you should be fine. Always go for head shots if possible but usually a hail of bullet fire to the chest will bring them down relatively quickly. Heavy weapon soldiers like those welding flamethrowers or venom machine guns, are harder to beat as they have better weaponry and require more bullets then normal soldiers to kill. The venom armed soldiers should be dealt around corners whilst flamethrower welding ones should be fought from a distance or should be killed as quickly as possible. Their flamethrowers can catch you when you hide around corners.

[Nazi officer]

Although they pack only Lugers, they can still be a pain. For starters, they are probably the best at using the Lugers, so they can be irritating. Second, they are usually accompanied by a small amount of soldiers that are usually at his disposable. But assuming you’ve taken care of his forces and using proper cover, they are simple to kill. Just use the same tactics of hiding around corners and using cover to kill them.

[Elite guards]

These women are no push over. They are fast, agile and incredibly accurate with their stern guns. Your only hope is to fight them in ambush positions and one at a time if possible. Thankfully, they can’t take too many poundings so headshots or a couple shots to the torso is more than enough to kill them.

[Black guard]

These soldiers can be extremely dangerous thanks to their paratrooper rifles. They can use them quite effectively and they can come in massive packs and in later missions, they tend to be the basic force that greets you. You’ll need cunning and fast reflexes to beat these people on foot, as they are sharp and accurate with their guns. The best strategy is to try and use long range shooting to fight them or hiding around corners and when they least expect it, you pound them. Sometimes they come down in parachutes and this can be a good thing. As during their decent, they are defenceless, making them easy pickings for your guns. Make sure you can take out as many of them as you can before they land as to ease the pressure of their attacks.

[Technical staff]

These comprise of scientists, engineers and workers. To be honest they’re not a threat. These people are untrained in combat and they only weld Lugers, hardly dangerous weapons and they can’t use them properly either. Occasionally you’ll see them in packs, but they’re relatively easy to beat. Just keep shooting them in the head. The only time that you’ll find them dangerous is when you fight the super soldier boss and deathshead scientists that spew out from above can give you serious beatings, But provided you took proper cover they wouldn’t cause too much of a problem.

UNDEAD- Reanimated corpses of the dead. They attack everyone including German soldiers. Found on the last level and in the catacombs.


These walking corpses attack you in 2 ways. First they launching homing soul absorbing skulls and the second method is that they’ll head butt you when you get close. Their speed makes them incredibly easy to beat. As even the first sniff of trouble, you can run back to more defence positions and take them out one by one. The soul absorbing souls take time to set up and attack you, so as soon as you seen him trying to use it, run around a corner and hide. That way, you can mess up his spell casting and rendering it useless. Make sure you concentrate all your shots to the head as to bring him down quickly (The silenced stern makes good use here). Once he’s down, Give him a couple more bullets or kick him to the head. As he’ll get up again over a brief amount of time and you’ll have to waste more bullets to kill him. Zombies only become dangerous when the room is small and there is no where to hide and there’s a couple of them coming at you at a time. Only hope then is to kill them as fast as you can.

[Zombie knight]

These are old armoured warriors reanimated from the dead. They carry a sharp weapon (mostly sword or axe) and a shield. The shield can deflect bullets, and in most cases back into your face. The best strategy is to get close enough as to think he can neglect using his shield and make a swipe at you. As you lure them out, move back whilst firing at it. Never get cornered or they’ll hack you to pieces, so keep moving. In groups they’ll attempt to ambush you. If you’re being brave, whilst they’ve got their shields out, you can run up to them and kick them as their shields provide no protection from that attack. What’s more, you can stun it occasionally at the same time and he’ll expose himself to bullets. You could try shooting at parts of them that are exposed, but it tends to be risky and any parts that tend to be exposed are small. But their feet make a good target to try shooting at. Once he falls to the ground they are dead unlike the normal zombies.

[Fire zombie]

Unlike the classic zombies, they don’t use the conventional methods like spells and head butting. Instead, they have been embalmed in what seems like an internal fire which allows them to shoot flames from their mouths as if like a flamethrower and they can prove quite hazardous. Your best chance is to stay well away and try to shoot it in the head. Remember that you’ll have to destroy it once it falls to the ground or they’ll get up again.

X CREATURE- Man made monsters. Found frequently in factories of deathshead and near the ned of the game.


The Loper is one hell of a dangerous creature. It kills anything, friend or foe that it sees. It attacks by using its electric node either jumping towards you whilst at the same time shocking you or getting close to fry you. Both attacks cause immense damage. The monster has incredible agility and can jump up high areas just to catch you or run incredibly quickly towards you. Be very careful as to how you tackle these creatures, their electricity can attack 360 degrees and that means standing above the Loper won’t keep you safe. Your best bet is to attempt to fight it from a long range (which incidentally they can cover very quickly) and get the venom gun and keep pounding it till he dies. Try and use railings and corners of corridors as an obstacle to delay it. If you see more then one, try and fight them one at a time. Don’t use Panzerfausts on them as their speed could mean that they could get too close for you to use the rocket without damaging yourself.

[Prototype super soldier]

The smaller cousins of the full version of the Super soldier. Although they are weaker and take much less damage, they are still a considerable threat, as they still take quite a few beatings to die. They carry heavy weaponry such as the Panzerfaust and the venom machine gun as standard, so they are just as every bit as dangerous as the full versions. The only advantage you have against them is that they’re slow. So it’s best that you attempt to fight it from a long range using all your heavy weaponry to kill him. Remember to use hit and run tactics as to prevent swift retaliation or fight in odd angles that allow you to shoot at him but doesn’t allow him to shoot back. Never fight this enemy up close, as they’ll throw rockets that will take considerable damage.

[Super soldier]

These are the hardest enemies in the game. Thankfully, there are only 3 of them in the whole game. They are very heavily armoured requiring a lot of heavy weaponry to kill the enemy. They weld Electric guns, which can be far reaching and are relentless at using. Occasionally they do use venom machine guns or the odd rocket. Which makes them even more dangerous. Your only hope really is be very well stocked up and fight them from a long distance and using cover when possible. You could try fighting them in the open as it allows plenty of dodging against their rockets and the venom machine gun, but when they use their venom guns you’re in trouble. Like their weaker prototypes, hit and run tactics work well as they are slow at moving. But the tactic is less effective thanks to their Tesla guns.


There are 3 bosses in the whole game.

[Boss 1: The monster in the church]

There isn’t really a name for this creature that kills Helga and greets you on the final part of the second mission. Neverless it doesn’t make him less of a boss. Stock up and head to the courtyard and eventually you’ll see the giant lumbering monster smash through the gates. The monster has 2 attacks, slash and the super version of the zombie’s skull orbs. Its relatively easy to beat as you just fight it as you would for a zombie. Keep hiding behind pillars and keep your distance and never get cornered. Just note that it is imperative that you avoid the spell he keeps launching as it not only damages you, but it also blinds you. This not only creates plenty of damage it also leaves you open for further attacks, which you don’t need. Zombies will attempt to aid the monster and attack you. If you’ve got time, try and nail the odd zombie or 2. But provided you hide behind pillars properly they shouldn’t be a problem. The zombies will constantly regenerate till the boss dies so you shouldn’t concentrate on them too often. I recommend that you start off using the Thompson gun first, as this weapon is good against bosses. Once you’ve finished with that gun, move on to the MP40 or silenced stern. By the time the Thompson gun is drained of all its ammo, it should be on the verge of death. Just keep pounding it till it explodes.

[Boss 2: The super soldier]

The first time you see this boss is when you final catch up with deathshead who’ll give you this enemy as a boss. From the off try and lure him away from the stairs. You might take damage doing this but thankfully, there are 2 sets of flak jackets and armour around with plenty of health as well (Pick up the armour and the health when ever you need it). As you pick up the equipment head to the small room underneath deathshead’s commentary box. First try and lure the enemy towards the fuel tanks and try to catch it in the explosion with a Panzerfaust. Next, use all your Panzerfausts on the super soldier using hit and run tactics each time. Once that’s all used up. Attempt to lure it around corners and catch the boss with the venom gun. If he goes round the corner, dash out side the room and wait for him to try and follow you. Keep using the venom gun till that’s drained or the boss dies. In the event that the super soldier survives, you should attempt to use the Thompson gun and mp40 to finish him off. You know he’ll be on the verge of death once he loses virtually all of his armour. Watch out for the odd scientist that runs out onto the upper gantry, as they can be quite annoying. Just use a stern rifle to kill them.

[Boss 3: Heinrich]

The final boss, and probably somewhat of a disappointment. The only real threat is the zombie women who casts those annoying blinding soul drains and should be a top priority that you kill her first. Once she dies, you can virtually ignore the zombie knights as they don’t pose a threat and they resurrect each time anyway. Provided that you kept moving they shouldn’t be a problem. Heinrich himself is no threat both provided that you run around the edge of the arena and keep your distance away from him. The only problem that you’ll find is the rocks that drop on your head as he smashes the floor. If you get sucked in when he does that, quickly move out of the centre stone area as quickly as possible as to minimise his attacks. Just keep pounding Heinrich with everything you’ve got, using Panzerfausts, venom machine guns first and resorting to other equipment later. After a lot of shooting heinrich will die and you would have completed the game.

I hope this single player guide for weapons, enemies and boss guide has helped you.

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