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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Star Wars: Rogue Leader"

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Star Wars: Rogue Leader (Gamecube)
Submitted By: Unknown

X-Wing: The X-wing is a strong ship, and is highly manoeuvrable
ship. It will probably be the most popular ship in the game, so
it won't let you down. It's four laswer cannons and proton
torpedoes certainly help against those Tie fighters although, a
little tougher when up against ground targets.

Airspeeder: A low-altitude ship with weak shields, but is speedy
so is better at avoiding enemy fire. It is also equipped with the
infamous tow-cable, which is needed to take down the AT-AT

A-Wing: A compact and fast ship, the A-wing can outrun any other
ship in the game. It has rechargeable boosters and concussion
missles to vapourise your enemies. But, it has the same problem
as the Airspeeded, its shields are weak.

Y-wing: This a slow and sluggidh ship, but has strong ships, and
is also equipped with proton bombs, for taking out those ground
targets, and an ion cannon for disabling sensors and shield
generators. A ship for ground target missions, not for getting
into a dog fight.

B-wing: This weirdly shaped ship is not that manoeuvrable, but it
is a very speedy ship and is armed with twin ion cannons, proton
torpedoes and three Laser cannons. Not a bad ship.

There are also secret ships aswell that you can unlock throughout
the game.


The Tatooine training mission is basically there to teach you how
to play the game, but there some objectives to complete, and if
they are completed, you can unlock the Naboo Starfighter.

Beggar's Canyon Racing: The insignia for his is located above
Beggar's Canyon (who would have guessed). There are two routes.
The route on the left is route 1, and is probably the most
difficult of the two, with the right route being route 2. When
you take route 2, for an easy win in the time limit, take all
left turns. You need to win the race on both routes to complete
the objective.

Tosch Station Racing: Another race, this time against two
opponents. You need to follow the trail, touching each insignia,
all the way to tosch station. I found that the best way to win
was to follow the trail on the left so that your barely touching
them with the tip of your wing. Sounds difficult, but it really
isn't. You need to complete the race twice.

Womp Rat Valley: There are two possible methods here. The first
one, the one that I used, was as soon as you gain control of the
ship, brake hard, and take out as many rats with your lasers.
Then fly high, turn around, and do the same. The second is to
learn how to use the proton bombs, circle the pack, herding the
rats so to speak, and then take them out in one go with a proton
bomb. The second is the more difficult, but can be done. You need
to take out 60 womp rats or more to fully complete the

Discovery Items: There are 12 items located around the level
waiting to be found. Use the radar to find them as it points on
the right direction to find them.

Bonus items: Yep, there are bonus items to be found as well, and
in order to fully complete the training mission, they need to be
found. And to make it more difficult, they can only be found at
different times of the day. First of all, there are the Kraayt
bones, which can be found near a Bantha herd. There is a second
item as well, but it all depends on the time of day (sorry, but I
haven't found it yet, I just know about it).
Here are the others.
C-3PO: Morning 06:00 or Evening 18:00 - First discover Jabba's
Palace. Then blow it up. C-3PO will be left behind.
Crashed Escape Pod: Afternoon 14:00 - Located near Tosch
R2-D2: Night 23:00 - Located inside a Sandcrawler near Mos
Eisley. You need to use linked lasers to blow it up.

1 - Destroy all Deflection Towers
2 - Blast all TIE fighters
3 - Shoot Photon Torpedoes into exhaust port

1 - Nice and easy first objective. The deflection towers are the
big grey pillars, one of which starts right in front of you. Just
destroy all of them. Don't worry about all of the laser fire,
you'll hardly get hit.
2 - Once ypu have destoyed all of the towers, a group of TIE
fighters will appear. They are not that hard to take out. I found
that the easiest and quickest wat to get rid of them, is to set
your wingmen to attack them as soon as the cut-scene has ended.
Then just use the radar to find them in the dark background.
Having trouble finding them. The target computer will light them
up for you.
3 - The main thing to remember once in the trench is DON'T GO UP
TO HIGH, or you'll get shot down. If you want to go quick, speed
up, but be careful of those obstacles. taking out those guns will
help you if you going for medals. Hit the brakes when TIEs appear
behind you, and shoot the middle one, as it normally causes all
three to blow up in the good ole Star Wars fasion. Use the same
method against Darth Vader. When you see the Exhaust Port (the
Targeting computer can help here), fire a well aimed torpedo, and
boom goes the Death Star.
Tech Upgrade - Advanced Shields: Once Deflection towers are
destroyed and you start fighting the TIEs, the upgrade will
appear on the surface. From the cut scene, go slightly to the
left, and go down to grab it.

1 - Defend transports against any remaining Imperial forces
2 - The Frigate Redemption must survive.

1 - After a few seconds, you'll be attacked by TIE fighters.
Order your wingmen to attack them, and use your radar to locate
them. You may get lost sometimes, but I found that when this
occurred, I just looked for the frigates and transports, and once
I found them, I found the TIEs.
2 - The Redemption is that thin grey ship that is in the cut
scene. It will be under constant attack, so this is your
priority. If you use your Targeting computer, some TIEs will show
up yellow. I noticed that these are the most threatening, so take
these out first.
Tech Upgrade - Advanced Proton Torpedoes: As soon as you start,
go down, and just ahead of you, you'll see a large bit of debris
with a hollow centre that contains the upgrade.

1 - Defend Outpost Beta's Ion Cannon from the approaching
2 - Slow the Advancing Imperial Walkers
3 - Defend the fleeing Rebel Transports.

1 - You'll start in a canyon a little way from the battle site,
so full throttle. Once there, get your wingmen to attack the
AT-STs, and your ground troops to defend. First of all, destroy
the dropped crate at the far end, then turn and take out those
AT-STs. This way, you can avoid those annoying lasers.
2 - You only need to take out the front three walkers, so
concentrate on these. The Target computer will highlight the
right ones. This is the fun but tough bit with the tow cable. You
could try and be skillfull by going through the legs and
attaching the tow cable, but I found it easier to fly by their
side and do it. Be careful while circling, it can be tough.
3 - After the cut scene, fly through the canyon, and then swap
into your X-Wing. Order your wingmen to take out the TIEs, and
you should concentrate on those bombers.
Tech Upgrade - Advanced Lasers: When you see the cut scene of the
shield generator being destroyed, go back where it has been blown
up, and the upgrade will be waiting.

1 - Disable three Shield projectors
2 - Assist prisoners in escaping the Maw
3 - Help the train reach the platform
4 - Escort the Imperial loader to safety

1 - Here comes a real toughy. You start in an asteroid field. Use
your wingmen to attack the TIEs, while you follow the radar,
which points the way to the projectors. Use your ion cannon to
disable to projectors. Beware, you will probably come under

2 - Your first duty is to take out gun turrets. These are
annoying and will consantly barrage you with laser fire, so take
them out from a high altitude with your proton bombs. Use your
wingmen for the TIEs. Destroying the communication towers takes
three bombs each, so store up. You may want to take out the
turrets first as they can be annoying.
3 - You need to protect to train from surrounding laser fire. Be
careful of the train itself, and try to take out the gun turrets
as quick as possible.
4 - You will need your wingmen here, as your Y-wing isn't too
good in a dogfight.
Tech Upgrade - Advanced Cluster Missles: As you head towards the
communications towers, look right for a dome and a satellite on
your way from the weapons storage area. Bomb it for the

1 - Protect Blockade Runners and Frigate Redemption
2 - Destroy Imperial Shield Generators
3 - Blast Imperial command deck

1 - You will be asked to protect the frigate soon after the
mission begin. You really have two choices here, protect frigate
which means destroying all TIEs, or blow up destroyer before
frigate is destroyed. You should be able to accomplish the later.
To help your cause, take out the four guns on the destroyer
firing big blue lasers at the frigate.
2 - There are three shield generators to destroy, the two globes
on top, and the dome below. The Target computer will help to
identify them. Using the proton torpoes, destroy the generators.
It may help to die here as it will restock to torpedoes.
3 - Locate the command deck with your Target computer, it is the
small panel below and in between the two globes. Destroy it with
your lasers.
Tech upgrade - Advanced Proton Bombs: Fly straight towards the
destroyer. You should notice an Imperial shuttle on the other
side. Destroy it for the upgrade.

1 - Protect transport from TIEs
2 - Defend commandos as they recapture data
3 - Destroy all AT-ATs and AT-PTs
4 - Bomb a hole in Star Destoyer for commandos

1 - You must protect that transport. Keep near it, taking out any
TIE fighters or interceptors. Use your wingmen to help as well.
2 - Once the transport lands, it will be inder threat from
AT-ATs, so swap into the Airspeeder and make use of the tow
cables, which can prove tough while they are in the water. Once
these are gone, swap into the Y-wing and bomb those AT-PTs.
3 - You will need to make an entrance for the commandos. Use your
Targeting computer to locate the part to bomb. Fly over it, and
drops as many bombs as possible.
Tech upgrade - Advanced Homing proton computer: When you bomb the
destroyer with the Y-wing, you should notice an opening that is
big enough to fly through at the back of the destroyer (but still
very difficult). This is where you will find the upgrade.

1 - Disable the sensors and evade imperial detection in canyon
2 - Steal Imperial Shuttle
3 - Take shuttle to rendevous point.

1 - This is where things go nutty. If you play in the day, you
will start of in Y-wing and must destroy the sensors. Just fly
low and slow, and use the Ion cannon to disable the sensors. If
you play at night. you will be in the Airspeeder, and must evade
the sensors. This is tough as it dark and foggy. You need to fly
low, and keep your distance from those sensors.
2 - Once you come out of the cannon, it will time to go full
throttle, as tonnes of TIEs will be after you. Don't bother to
fight them, just evade their fire. It may make things easier if
you take out some of the turrets.
3 - Once you have the shuttle, fly straight up to a high altitude
to help to evade enemy fire. Follow that radar.
Tech Upgrade - There are two upgrades here. During daytime, fly
through hangar on right for advanced concussion missles. During
Night, fly through left hangar for Advanced Spread Proton

1 - Secure gas platforms
2 - Destroy city's power generators
3 - Defend gas platforms from TIE bombers

1 - The first thing you should do here is take out those balloon
ships. To blow them up, aim for the gas tanks that power the
flames. The best way to do this is to go underneath and fly up
towards them, shooting the gas tanks while doing so. Once you
have got rid of these, take out those annoying interceptors,
getting your wingmen to help. Avoid those clouds as they make it
hard to see. If you have trouble, use your targeting computer.
2 - You can find the power generators in the tranches that run
through the city. Destroy these, using your wingmen to take out
the TIEs. If you can't find the generators, use your targeting
computer while flying above the city, they'll come out yellow.
3 - The gas platforms are under attack again, so head for them
and take out those TIE bombers. Be quick because those bombs are
very effective against those tanks believe me.
Tech Upgrade - Advanced Homing Concussion Missles: Look ahead of
you as soon as you start the mission, and you should see an
imperial tanker beyond the clouds. Destroy this and the explosion
will take out near-by gas tanks. The upgrade is located on the

1 - Protect Medical Frigate
2 - Defend Rebel Fleet
3 - Take out both Star Destroyers

1 and 2 - Here we have another tough mission. How you do in this
mission depends on your skills in dogfights. The quickest way to
get those TIEs is to take them out in packs rather than single
ships. You will need to use some evading here as you will be
attacked several times. Always keep a close eye on the medical
frigate. I found a good method was to just circle it, taking out
those TIEs as you go, but there are loads of them, so keep those
lasers hot. Once you have taken care of the interceptors, bombers
will appear on the scene. Take these out quick otherwise they'll
make mincemeat out of your frigate. If you need help, they'll
appear yellow on your targeting computer.
3 - Here we go, the best and most difficult part of the mission.
Watch out for those guns as you approach. It best to come in high
to avoid those annoying little guns. You need to destroy these
big ships the same way as in the RAZOR RENDEVOUS mission. Use a
distance method against those globes, flying slowly from a
height. Do the same for the command decks as well.
Tech Upgrade - Advanced Homing Cluster Missles: When taking out
the Destroyers, blast the left one first. Carry on with the rest
of the mission until this destroyer has stopped falling, then fly
down to get the upgrade, located in its hangar.

1 - Protect the Millenium Falcon
2 - Reach Power Core Entry
3 - Destroy Power Core
4 - Escape Death Star

1 - Great, its time to protect again. You will need to close
those S-foils to keep up with the Falcon, but keep an eye out for
those TIEs. Once spotted, open those foils and take them out.
Then catch back up with the Falcon. You will need to be quick and
catch up otherwise the Falcon will be destoyed.
2 - Follow the Millenium Falcon through the pipes all the way to
the core, but be careful this is difficult (and fun). Just stay
behind the Falcon, taking out TIEs as they try passing you.
3 - Nice and easy. Use the targeting computer to located the
correct target and fire. No TIEs to worry about here.
4 - Here we go. Keep close to the Falcon with your S-foils
closed. It will be easier in the external view, but beware, this
isn't easy at all, and this will certainly test those piloting
skills (certainly tested mine).
Tech Upgrade - Advanced Targeting Computer: On your way to the
core, keep an eye on the lower right near the end of the tunnel.
The upgrade is located under some small pipes. Be careful here,
you could easily crash.

Wahey, you've done it. There are some secret mission, but I'll
let you find them by yourself. What I will say is that I opened
one through the training mission.
Submitted By: Bejam
Hello, I’m Mark Hamill, a.k.a Luke Skywalker. Seeing as I no longer have much of a Hollywood career nowadays apart from video
game voice-overs and the odd TV movie here and there, I have decided to guide you through my virtual adventures in Rogue
Leader on the Nintendo Gamecube. You step into my small shoes as Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight extraordinaire, daring X-Wing pilot, shaggy haired farmboy and all round nice guy, and it’s up to you to defeat the evil Empire in level upon level of classic Star Wars action.

Control Stick: Moves your craft up, down, left and right

A: Fires your primary weapon (lasers). Hold down for fully
automatic fire. Note that when you stop firing, the border
around your secondary weapon in the lower right corner will start
tracing around. Once it's fully lit, you can release a fully
linked blast. In some cases, tapping the A button will fire a
partially linked blast on craft with more than two lasers.

B: Activates/Fires your secondary weapon:
Proton Torpedoes/Concussion Missiles: Fires the missile.
Tow Cable: Will only work near an AT-AT. Fly around it to tie up
its legs.
Ion Cannon: Hold the B Button to charge the cannon. Note the
blue meter next to your secondary weapon in the lower right
Proton Bombs: Tap once to bring up the bombing cursor, and tap
again to fire. Bombs will eventually regenerate.
Cluster Missiles: A missile splits into six.

X: This button will switch camera views from chase view to
cockpit view and back again.

Y: Use this button to bring up the targeting computer (hold the
button down to keep the targeting computer on screen). Potential
targets are highlighted in red/purple, and essential targets are
highlighted in yellow. If your craft has bombs, using this when
the bombing cursor is up will give you a semi-top-down view.
You'll still be able to see ahead of you, but any bombable
targets below you will appear over that.

L: The L analogue button is used for deceleration. Push it down
gently to decelerate. Push it past the click for a heavy

R: The R analogue button is used for acceleration. Push it down
gently to accelerate. Push it past the click for a momentary
speed boost on some craft. With a B-Wing or X-Wing, this will
close the S-foils (wings to those of you who don’t speak Star
Wars). Open the wings again by tapping A or B, or clicking R or

L & R simultaneously: Allows you to turn more sharply.

Z: Hold this button to be able to roll your craft by pulling left
or right on the stick.

C Stick: Up or down will change the distance the camera follows
your craft. Left and right will rotate your view.

D-Pad: Use this for issuing commands to your wingmen. Use ‘Form’
to have them get on either side of you and fire when there are
enemies in front to give you a bit of extra power in your shots.
Use ‘Flee’ to get rid of them if they're "stealing" kills from
you (as wingmen kills don’t count in your final tally), and use
the different commands that come up for Left and Right to have
them attack certain enemies (Guns, TIEs, AT-STs etc).

Start: Pauses the game. From the Pause Menu you can abort the
mission, or adjust the Game and Sound Settings.

There are three types of bonus medals that you can acquire for
each mission of the game: BRONZE (3 Points), SILVER (6 Points)
and GOLD (10 Points) Bonus points can then be used to unlock
extra bonus missions. Getting each depends on a number of

TIME: This determines how long you spent playing the mission.
Time requirements get lower for each medal, so don't take too
long if you plan on getting the gold.

KILLS: Count of how many enemies/obstacles you destroyed. Number
of kill requirements increase with each medal. The more kills you
get, the better, but wingmen kills don’t count towards your final

ACCURACY: This determines how accurate your shots were.
Percentage requirements increase with each medal. If you shoot
and miss, your accuracy drops, so don't shoot until you have your
target in sight.

FRIENDLIES LOST: Amount of allies who've been killed during the
mission. This number decreases for each medal, so try and avoid
unnecessary casualties and protect your buddies.

LIVES LOST: This shows how many of your three lives you lost
during the mission. Try not to lose any!!

TARGETING COMPUTER EFFICIENCY: This percentage shows how much you
used your Targeting Computer throughout the mission. The more
you use it, the lower this percentage will be (since it helps you
locate enemies). If you want the gold, it'd be best to keep
minimal use of your Targeting Computer.

-Always try to protect your allies, as too many god guy deaths
could mean mission over.
-Accuracy rating can be greatly increased by hitting big targets
such as AT-ATs, Vaders TIE, Star Destroyer lasers and enemy
-Rapidly tap the ‘A’ button to greatly improve your accuracy and
rate of fire.
-Try to acquire the upgrades as soon as possible, as they’re an
X-Wing pilot’s best friend (except for a roguish smuggler and his
pet Wookiee).
-To turn faster, hold down ‘L’ & ‘R’ at the same time, this is
pretty handy if you have a squadron of nasty TIEs on your tail.
-The radar proves very useful, as it points to mission objective
locations and shows where the enemies are.
-Learn how the enemies behave and study their attack patterns.
-Have fun!!


- Win the Beggar's Canyon and Tosche Station races.
- Bullseye 20-60 Womp Rats in 30 seconds.
- Find all discovery items.

On top of a hill is a Rebel Alliance icon that will activate the
Tosche Station race against Biggs and Wedge. The first race is
considered as easy, after that, you can race again, only this
time it's a bit harder (just boost whenever possible and you'll
easily beat them). Just follow the Rebel icons to complete the
The second race can be activated via the symbol just above the
start of the canyon. This time, you will only be racing against
Biggs and you can choose from two tracks (left/right). You must
beat Biggs on both tracks as well as complete the easy and hard
Tosche Station races in order to complete this objective.

Near the Rebel icon that activates the Tosche Station race is
another Rebel icon lower to the ground. This symbol will activate
the Womp Rat Bullseye game in which you must shoot the specified
number of smelly Womp Rats in the field within thirty seconds. At
first, you only have to kill 20, but it then increases to 40 and
60 afterwards. All three must be accomplished in order to finish
off this second main objective.

The discovery items are strewn all about the area and can
sometimes be difficult to find. The discovery items include: 5
Bantha Herds, 2 Jawa Sandcrawlers, 1 Crashed TIE Fighter (located
in Mos Eisley), 3 Dewbacks, Dragon Bones (Bonus), C-3PO (Bonus),
R2-D2 (Bonus) and an Escape Pod (Bonus). For the normal items,
your radar will point them out. As for the C-3PO, you can get it
by destroying Jabba's Palace in the beginning of the level. The
Dragon Bones are found next to a Bantha Herd (in between a herd
and a scandcrawler). R2-D2 can be found by blowing up a
sandcrawler (use fully charged lasers) and the Escape Pod is near
Tosche Station (which you reach after the race with Biggs and


- Destroy all deflection towers.
- Destroy all TIE fighters.
- Shoot proton torpedoes into the exhaust port.

Mark Hamills top tips: There are turrets on the ground that you
can take out for more enemy kills.

The first mission of the game is a nice and easy introduction to
the action. Your first order is destroying the deflection towers
scattered about the Death Star surface. Immediately start firing
your lasers at the first until it's destroyed (it should take
about 7 or 8 hits) brake if necessary to avoid crashing into
them. Destroy each tower in the same manner and ignore the
smaller turrets around them. After each has been destroyed, your
first objective will be done. (If you can’t spot the towers, your
radar will point you in the right direction).

Now you must take out the incoming TIE Fighters; they're all
pretty weak and won't attack you much. If one dips down near the
surface and you're having trouble finding it, try using the
Targeting Computer to locate it (but don't use it too much if
you're going for a medal). Have your wingmen help take them

When all the TIEs have been eliminated, it’s time to enter the
Trench Run.
Remember to stay INSIDE the trench throughout the whole run, as
if you fly too high your rebel butt will be well and truly fried.
There will be many protruding barricades throughout the trench to
obstruct your path, so don't speed on through unless you're
familiar with it. Avoid the turrets (or destroy them for extra
kills) and once you get past the barricades, a batch of 3 TIE
Fighters will appear behind you. Brake to get them in front and
destroy each; another batch will follow, do the same. Shortly
after, Darth Vader will appear in his TIE Advanced (which is
invincible) -brake to avoid him and he'll make a second pass
along with some more TIEs.
The Millennium Falcon then swoops down to cover you and you'll be
clear to finish off the mission by firing torpedoes into the
exhaust port.
Continue flying until you see a wall in the distance (the end of
the trench). Down on the floor in front of this wall is the
exhaust port (it’s quite small, but it’s there)- use your
Targeting Computer to find it and get it in your sights then
fire. If you hit it, the mission successfully ends. If not,
you'll get an alternate loser's cut-scene.

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: The kill requirement for gold is
tough, but not impossible to achieve.
When you're destroying the deflection towers, make sure you take
it slow and destroy every single small gun turret you can find
while destroying the towers. You'll have to get lots of them if
you expect to come close to the kill count. The time you lose in
doing so can be made up later on in the trench so don't worry too
much about it. Take out every incoming TIE for the second part of
the mission and some turrets if you can. If you've gotten close
to the kill count by now, just boost through the entire trench,
ignoring the turrets to save time (just stop for the TIEs and
Vader near the end) and finish off the mission. This one isn't
easy and will likely take a long time to get right.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 6:05
Enemies: 91
Accuracy: 39%
Friendlies Lost: 0
Lives Lost: 0
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 100%

Tech Upgrade: ADVANCED SHIELDS: To find the advanced shield
upgrade, destroy the towers as normal, and when the cut-scene
takes over (leading into the TIE fighter section) go straight in
the direction it leaves you, and veer to the left a bit and
you'll find the upgrade lying on the planet's surface- dip down
to get it.


- Defend the transports against any remaining Imperial forces.
- The frigate Redemption must survive.

Mark Hamills top tips: Use Slave 1 for a gold medal. Cluster all
the enemies, and it’s easy.

The rebel transports are being attacked by TIEs, so have your
wingmen attack them and take some out when you see them.
Eliminate the first wave of TIE Fighters and more will come, but
for this batch (and for the remainder of the mission) you have
the option of swapping your X-Wing for an A-Wing (which is a lot
faster) by flying into the Alliance icon under the frigate.

Once the second batch has been taken care off, you'll enter the
nebula where you must fend off even more TIE fighters. Since the
inside of the nebula is very foggy, you will need to use your
Targeting Computer to locate and destroy the remaining TIEs (have
your wingmen help). The thick fog makes it tough to see, but
after they're all gone, the mission will be completed.

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: When the mission starts, have your
wingmen flee so that they don't take down any TIEs that you could
be using for kills, and don’t shoot unless you have your target
in your sights. Or, if you want an easier way to get the gold,
just use the Slave I and its Homing Cluster Missiles (if you got
the upgrade) to get rid of the TIEs.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 4:11
Enemies: 40
Accuracy: 19%
Friendlies Lost: 2
Lives Lost: 0
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 72%

Tech Upgrade: ADVANCED PROTON TORPEDOES: Right when you enter the
mission, dip down so you can see the large piece of debris in
front of you. It's hollowed out in the shape of a rectangle with
the upgrade in the centre, so go right through and pick up the
Advanced Proton Torpedoes upgrade then finish off the mission as
normal to keep it.


- Defend Outpost Beta's ion cannon from the approaching AT-STs.
- Slow the advancing Imperial walkers.
- Defend the fleeing rebel transports.

Mark Hamills top tips: Kill as many probe droids and AT-STs to up
your kill count.
In the last part, there are quite a few normal TIEs floating
around not posing a threat, so try to take them out as well for
extra kills.

For the start of this mission, fly straight toward the opening in
the mountain pass (where a group of probe droids are hanging
around, destroy them for extra kills if you wish). As you enter
the main area, you'll find a hoard of AT-ATs accompanied by 3-4
AT-STs each. Have your wingmen go after the enemies or the guns,
then focus on the group of 4 AT-STs straight ahead from the
mountain pass. Fire your lasers at their heads to destroy each,
then turn slightly left to find another group behind the ones you
just destroyed.
Once those are gone, turn back around and head toward the Ion
Cannon - there is a group of three AT-STs just to the left of the
Ion Cannon. Kill them all and that should finish your first

The giant AT-ATs are now approaching the power generator, so it's
time to focus your interest on them.
While there may be loads of AT-ATs in the level, you only need to
take down the three nearest the power generator. Since you can’t
destroy the AT-AT with laser blasts, the only alternative is to
rope them so they fall using the Snowspeeder's tow cable. Boost
up toward the three AT-ATs and brake as you approach one of their
legs. Press B to harpoon your cable into one of their legs (you
must be very close or the tow cable won't fire) and then fly
around their legs, wrapping them with the cable.
Try to fly as closely to their legs as possible while going
around to conserve time, but if you fly too close, you might
smash right into them, so be careful! Fly around the AT-AT a few
times (about 3 or 4) to trip it over. Repeat for the other two.

Having defeated the AT-Ats, you’ll be left in front of a mountain
passage again. Throughout this passage there are more groups of
probe droids that you can destroy for kills, the first is right
near the beginning, the second is just after the first turn
(behind a large mountain) and the last is right in front of the
open area ahead.
Take them out if you wish then move into the open area. Ahead is
a Rebel icon, which you can use to switch from the Speeder to an

Now you’re in the cockpit of a trusty old X-Wing. Fly into the
area with the transports and turn around to wait for incoming
enemy fighters. A wave of three TIEs will approach, followed by
about 6 Bombers. More fighters will come in, but it’s best to go
after the Bombers first as they can cause heavy damage to the
rebel transports. Once you pick off a few, 2 more Bombers come
in. Take down everything to finish off the mission.

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: At the beginning, take out the sets
of probe druids for extra kills, but don’t worry if you miss
some. Once in the open area, send your wingmen after guns and go
after all AT-STs by yourself. There is a box that deploys AT-STs
that will land near the back of the area, so destroy it before it
deploys its cargo.
If you're having trouble with shot accuracy, remember to hit the
AT-ATs with laser fire before roping and tripping them. This will
drastically increase your shot accuracy if you get enough shots
in on them.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 5:00
Enemies: 43
Accuracy: 53%
Friendlies Lost: 22
Lives Lost: 0
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 100%

Tech Upgrade: ADVANCED LASER TECH: After taking out all the
AT-STs and using the tow cable to take down the three AT-ATs, a
cut-scene will occur showing the generator being destroyed. At
this time, instead of following your radar, turn around and go
back to where the generator was; around this area the upgrade
will be laying on the ground in the rubble- pick it up and
continue the mission as normal.


- Disable 3 Shield Projectors before Imperial reinforcements
- Destroy all objectives marked by the prisoners.
- Escort the train to the platform.
- Escort the Imperial loader out.

Mark Hamills top tips: Bomb the AT-PTs on the surface to increase
the amount of kills you have.
Don’t worry too much about the TIEs in the asteroid field, they
shouldn’t hit you much.

You start off in a dense asteroid field (try not to get hit by
the meteors, if you think one will hit you, simply shoot it to
destroy it).
A big group of TIEs will approach, so try to take out as many as
you can before they get past you, because you're going to have a
difficult time trying to shake them once they target you from
Continue going straight until you reach a giant force field - you
must take out three of the shield projectors on this force field
using your Ion Cannon. Charge up your Ion Cannon by holding ‘B’
and when you approach one of the projectors, fire at it to
disable it (if you fire from a distance, it won't work, so make
sure you're close before firing). Repeat for two more to complete
this part of the mission.

When you enter the planetary section, switch to Proton Bombs (tab
B) then follow your radar into the area with the guard towers.
Destroy each one by dropping at least 3 bombs onto it - make sure
the tower is in your blue sight before dropping bombs, as
accuracy is the key to destroying the towers. Once all are gone
in this area, follow your radar into the next where you'll find
more towers - take them all out with bombs then it's off to the
communication relays (satellite dishes).

Once you get there, drop about 3 bombs onto each satellite dish
until they’ve all been destroyed then follow your radar over to
the hangar where there will be more guard towers. Destroy them
all with your bombs like you did before, and have your wingmen
take care of the TIEs while you do so.
Once the towers are gone, your final objective is to protect the
Imperial loader as it escapes with the prisoners - just pick off
the TIEs attacking the loader until it gets out safely and the
mission is over. (The Imperial Loader is really tough, and
probably won’t get destroyed.)

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: In the first part of the mission (in
the asteroid field) near the force field you will notice several
shuttles off to the right. Destroy each one when you get close
for extra kills. DO NOT shoot at asteroids, as they don't count
for kills. Once you reach the planet, spot out the set of AT-PTs
on the way to the first set of guard towers and drop 1 bomb to
destroy them. For the rest of the mission, bomb every set of
AT-PTs you find and finish the mission as you normally would. In
order to get the required number of kills, taking out those
AT-PTs is vital.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 9:19
Enemies: 63
Accuracy: 75%
Friendlies Lost: 2
Lives Lost: 1
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 75%

Tech Upgrade: ADVANCED CLUSTER MISSILES: Once you make it onto
the planet and after destroying the first two batches of guard
towers, you'll be on your way to the communications tower. On
your way there, you'll notice a dome structure next to a tower.
Bomb the dome structure to find the upgrade inside. Collect it
then finish off the mission to keep it.


- Protect the Blockade Runner
- Destroy the Imperial shield generators. (3)
- Destroy the Imperial command deck.

Mark Hamills top tips: Use homing torpedoes to get all the kills
you need for gold.
Use torpedoes on the generators to take them out quickly.

When you first start, some TIEs will begin attacking the frigate.
Have your wingmen go after the TIEs while you concentrate on the
Star Destroyer. In order to destroy it, you must first take down
its shields by blowing up the three shield generators. Two of
these generators can be found on the top of the Star Destroyer;
they are two white spherical orbs. The third generator is located
on the bottom (underside) of the Destroyer and takes more
firepower to destroy (it’s the dome like structure).

Firstly, take care of the two weaker generators on top. Try to
attack the Destroyer from the rear, as there are fewer turrets
near the back, meaning less shots being fired at you. Fire some
torpedoes and fire plenty of laser blasts at the generators and
they should crumble. Once one is destroyed, aim for the other.
Take it out the same way you did the first and you'll be
commanded to take out the one underneath. However, before you do
that, fly back over to the frigate and see how your wingmates are
doing with those TIEs. Help fend off the remaining TIEs that are
attacking the frigate to ensure that it isn't destroyed while
you're finishing off the Destroyer. Head back to the Star
Destroyer and fly toward the underside of it and destroy the dome
shaped generator. Fire torpedoes plus laser fire at it until it's
destroyed. Once it's gone, the shield is down, making the command
deck exposed to attack. Fly back up to the top part of the
Destroyer and look straight ahead at the front. In between the
two orbs you destroyed earlier and a bit lower is a small,
protruding rectangle (if you can’t see it, use your Targeting
Computer to help). Concentrate your fire on the deck, destroying
it and that will end the mission.

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: Boost toward the Star Destroyer and
have your wingmen take out TIEs, and ignore the rebel frigate.
When you get close enough to see the big guns that shoot blue
lasers above the cannons in the distance, carefully take out 3-4
of them, and then aim toward the first shield generator. Fire
your torpedoes and laser fire until both generators are
destroyed, then head toward the bottom of the Star Destroyer and
target 2-3 more turrets near the last generator. Follow that with
torpedoes + laser fire on the last generator to destroy it then
fly up to the top side of the Destroyer. Locate the command deck
and ram straight into it to destroy it, thus ending the
Note- when you ram into the command deck, it will not take a life
away, because this is the end of the level.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 1:19
Enemies: 10
Accuracy: 60%
Friendlies Lost: 0
Lives Lost: 1
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 85%

Tech Upgrade: ADVANCED PROTON BOMBS: When you first start the
mission there will be an Imperial Shuttle that will be flying to
the right of the Star Destroyer's bridge. Shoot it with lasers
until it's destroyed and it'll leave behind the Advanced Proton
Bombs upgrade. Pick it up then finish the mission to keep it.


- Protect the transport from the TIEs.
- Defend the commandos as they recapture the data.
- Destroy all AT-ATs.
- Destroy all AT-PTs.
- Bomb a hole in the Star Destroyer for the commandos.

Mark Hamills top tips: Use Slave 1 for gold, and just use cluster
bombs in the beginning.
Take out guns on the star destroyer to get extra enemy kills.

Stick close to the transport in the beginning and once the TIEs
approach, have your wingmen help attack. Pick off as many TIEs as
possible and keep them away from the transport. If it takes too
much damage, it'll be destroyed and you'll fail the mission.
Since the transport can't get too close to the crashed Star
Destroyer, it'll have to land on a nearby beach. Once it does so,
the first objective is done and an Alliance icon appears so you
can swap for a Speeder (which you must do for the next

Right after the transport lands, three AT-ATs will attack, so
you'll have to take them down before they do too much damage. As
you did in Hoth, approach one of the three AT-ATs and harpoon one
of its legs with your tow cable. Wrap it around the legs three
times to trip it and repeat for the other two. It’s best to take
out the ones closest to the beach first because the third AT-AT
is submerged in water, making it more difficult to trip it. While
attacking the other two, the third will have time to emerge some
more from the water, thus making him more vulnerable to attack.

After the AT-ATs are gone, the commandos will leave the transport
and head to the Star Destroyer on foot, and you must now protect
them. You will now have the ability to swap for a Y-Wing but
first get back into your X-Wing to take care of the incoming
AT-PTs. Have your wingmen help and don't let them get too close
to the commandos.

Once most of them have been destroyed and the commandos make it
to the Destroyer, they'll need a way to get it. Your job is to
blast a hole for them, so switch for a Y-Wing then fly over the
Destroyer. Make sure you tap the B button to switch to Proton
Bombs then use your Targeting Computer to find the yellow patch
on the ship front. Once you're right over it, drop about 5 bombs
to penetrate the hull, completing your final objective. You must
continue to protect the commandos from any remaining AT-PTs, and
then the mission will be complete.

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: Start the level with Slave I and
before any TIEs can come close to you, tell your comrades to flee
so you can get as many kills as possible. Kill the TIEs with the
homing or cluster missiles. You will probably have about 4 or 5
more clusters left after the majority of the TIEs are
Whenever TIEs come within range just launch a missile instead of
firing lasers. Move ahead of the transport ship and kill any TIEs
in the area. Then use your missiles to kill turrets and foot

The second the transport lands change craft and react as normal
killing the AT ATs. Change craft as soon as possible and use
bombs to kill any remaining foot soldiers and gun turrets. From
there follow the game as normal. When all AT-Pts are destroyed,
stick with the Y-wing and fight off any TIEs.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 9:55
Enemies: 100
Accuracy: 27%
Friendlies Lost: 2
Lives Lost: 0
Computer Efficiency: 85%

Tech Upgrade: HOMING PROTON TORPEDOES: After fending off TIEs
from the transport (when the AT-ATs appear) fly over to the
destroyed Star Destroyer and look around where the command deck
was - there is a small hole, so go through to find the upgrade
inside then carefully go through the other side. Finish up the
mission so you can keep the upgrade.


- Disable the Imperial sensors in the canyons.
- Steal an Imperial shuttle.
- Take shuttle to rendezvous point.

Mark Hamills top tips: Shoot the rows of TIEs that are parked at
the base to get more kills.
Stealing the TIE makes life a lot easier.
Go for gold during the day, as it is easier.

This mission, like the Tatooine Training level, uses the
GameCube's internal clock to judge what time of day you’re
playing the mission in. If you're playing during the day, you'll
get to use the Y-wing.
When you first start, you'll be going through the mountains and
there are several Imperial sensors along the way. Follow the
orange arrow on the radar through the canyon and make sure you
FLY LOW in order to avoid detection by the sensors. When you
approach a sensor, ready your Ion Cannon and blast it to disable
it. Repeat for all sensors throughout the mountain passage until
you reach the end.

In this open area, a few TIEs will begin attacking. Take out
grounded TIEs first before they have a chance to get into the air
then proceed into the next area with the tall tower while still
picking off TIEs. The sirens will go off, turrets will fire and
TIEs will chase. Fly over to the Alliance icon to steal the
shuttle. Now, you must avoid many TIEs and firing turrets in a
very slow shuttle. Try to dodge the TIEs by moving left/right
rapidly and dipping up and down. Fly over the mountains
(following your radar) to the rendezvous point where the mission
will end.

STEALING THE TIE FIGHTER: After disabling all the sensors, take
the right path once you pass the last sensor, but, instead of
heading towards the platforms, fly up and over the mountains to
your right. Use the mountains as cover from the platforms so any
Imperials don’t spot you. You'll eventually see a large canyon
that's mostly empty except for a comms tower. Disable it if you
wish. Parked next to the tower is a TIE Fighter. You need to hit
it with your Ion Cannon at least once, either while it's on the
ground, or a minute or so later once it's in flight. If you hit
it with the ion cannon, it'll eventually settle down nearby and
the Rebel icon will appear above it so you can switch to it.

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: Destroying grounded TIEs is the most
important task you need to complete in order to get the gold for
this mission. There are 2-3 platforms filled with grounded TIEs
in the first two areas of the academy. Drop bombs in the centre
of each side of the platform to take out the TIEs before they
have a chance to get in the air. In the main area (where the
shuttle and tower are) you'll find many rows of grounded TIEs on
each side of the tower. Fly by and bomb as many as you can before
getting the shuttle then complete the mission as normal.
You'll have to get through the canyon rather quickly and be
accurate in your shots if you want the gold.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 4:11
Enemies: 51
Accuracy: 49%
Friendlies Lost: 0
Lives Lost: 0
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 100%

Tech Upgrade: ADVANCED CONCUSSION MISSILES: As with the night
mission, this upgrade is located in the same area only in a
different spot. When you reach the Imperial base (where the tower
and shuttle are located, just past the first two sets of TIE
platforms) straight ahead will be where you steal the shuttle.
Fly to the right instead of going straight and you'll find a
hangar with the upgrade inside (so basically it's in the hangar
on the opposite side of the base from the hangar where the night
mission's upgrade is located). Steal the shuttle and finish off
the mission to keep it.


- Evade the Imperial sensors in the canyons.
- Steal an Imperial shuttle.
- Take shuttle to rendezvous point.

Mark Hamills top tips: Shoot the rows of TIEs that are parked at
the base to get more kills.
Stealing the TIE makes life a lot easier.
Go for gold during the day, as it is easier.

Playing at night, you will be using the Snowspeeder rather than
the Y-wing and since the Speeder has no Ion Cannons, you can't
disable the sensors but must avoid them instead. Remember to fly
as low to the ground as possible and make your way through the
mountain pass (it may take you a few tries, but you’ll get
through eventually).

Now in the next open area, you'll engage some TIEs - if you see
some that are not yet active just lying on the platform, shoot
them down before they have a chance to get into the air. Continue
following the orange icon on your radar and picking off TIEs
until you come to the area with the tall tower. Sirens will go
off, turrets will begin firing and TIEs will bombard you, so
quickly fly over to the Alliance icon to steal the shuttle.

This next part is tough, as you must take the shuttle to the
rendezvous point while avoiding turret fire as well as about 20
TIEs on your tail. The only real strategy is to dodge the TIEs by
moving left and right rapidly and dipping up and down. Once you
reach the rendezvous point, you'll escape with the shuttle and
the mission is completed.

STEALING THE TIE FIGHTER: The TIE fighter is in the same spot as
it is in the daytime mission, but the strategy to getting it is a
bit different. When you start the mission, avoid the sensors as
usual until you get to the last one at the fork. Instead of going
right, take the left path and follow it into an open area. A
cut-scene will activate, showing the TIE and a suggestion to
steal it.
When you regain control, look straight ahead. You will see a
black dot through the fog. The dot is actually the TIE pilot.
Kill him with a laser blast. When the pilot's gone, an Alliance
icon will appear above the TIE Fighter, enabling you to steal it.
With it, you must now fly over to the base to steal the shuttle
(don't worry about enemies attacking you, since you're in a TIE,
they'll ignore you unless you start firing).

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: You should really go for the gold on
this mission during the day because it's a lot harder during
night (since you can't disable the sensors and visibility is
Remember that if it’s night time in the real world and you want
to play the level in the daylight, you can change the time on
your Gamecube’s internal clock.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 4:11
Enemies: 51
Accuracy: 49%
Friendlies Lost: 0
Lives Lost: 0
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 100%

Tech Upgrade: SPREAD PROTON BOMBS: Proceed through the first part
of the mission as normal until you reach the big base (where the
tall tower and shuttle are). From where you enter, fly through
the hangar to the left of where you pick up the shuttle. This
gives you Spread Proton Bombs and you must steal the shuttle and
finish off the mission to keep it.


- Secure the gas platforms.
- Destroy the city's power generators.
- Defend the gas platforms from the TIE Bombers.

Mark Hamills top tips: You can destroy the balloons by shooting
the burners on the inside, near the top.
Destroy as many balloons in the city as you can.

Your first objective is protecting the platforms with the gas
canisters on them. If too many are destroyed, the mission is
Since the A-Wing has very weak shields, 2-3 TIEs can easily
destroy you. Start off by approaching the balloon platform with
the turrets on it. You can destroy the balloons easily by firing
at the barrel/canister inside the balloon that keeps it in the
Once the balloons are gone, go after the TIEs. After getting the
message to move on to the next platform, follow your radar
through a thick fog over to the next platform. There are a
couple more balloons here that you need to take down as well as a
greater number of TIEs. Repeat what you did at the previous
platform and move on to the next.

There are four balloons that need to be destroyed here as well as
a load of TIEs. Once everything's gone, you'll enter the city.
From here, you can continue with the A-Wing or swap for a Cloud
Car at the Alliance icon (the Cloud Car doesn't have a secondary
weapon, but it brakes better than the A-Wing). Your goal is to
seek out and destroy the three generators within the trenches of
the city.
Use your Targeting Computer to find them, and then dip down into
the trenches and fire away to destroy each. Once all three
generators are gone, you must fly to another gas platform and
fend off attacking TIE Bombers (have your wingmen help you out).
After successfully defending the gas platform and destroying the
remaining TIEs, the mission will end.

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: Using the X-Wing really helps for
getting gold on this one because the A-Wing's shields are just
too weak. At each platform, take out the enemy balloons by
shooting out the barrel/canister that fuels it. Doing so will
give you kills for each individual gun turret without having to
take them out individually. After each, go ahead and go after
TIEs, but focus mainly on the balloons because if you fire at the
TIEs and miss too much, your accuracy will be lower.
Once in Cloud City, there will be several more balloons. You're
going to have to take out as many as possible (try to get them
all) while destroying the generators as well. Remember, you
cannot lose any lives for getting gold on this mission, so if
your ship is getting weak, swap for a Cloud Car. At the end of
the mission, using Homing Torpedoes to get the Bombers.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 6:40
Enemies: 110
Accuracy: 65%
Friendlies Lost: 29
Lives Lost: 0
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 72%

Tech Upgrade: HOMING CONCUSSION MISSILES: When you first start
the mission, deal with the first platform as usual (take out
balloon followed by TIEs) then start toward the second platform.
You'll notice an Imperial ship fleeing the sight - destroy it and
some of the gas canisters on the nearby platform will explode.
Where they used to be lays the upgrade for the Homing Concussion
Missiles; pick it up and finish the mission as normal.


- Protect the Medical Frigate.
- Destroy all TIE Bombers.
- Protect the Fleet.
- Destroy both Star Destroyers.

Mark Hamills top tips: Try not to make many sharp 180 degree
turns, or you may get hit by other craft.
The bombers are all around the Redemption, so look for them there
and take them out before they do too much damage.

This level is an absolute gem, so I hope you enjoy it as much as
I did!
When you start, follow the rest of the rebel crafts until you're
instructed to turn around. You then discover it's a trap, and
you’re faced with the full might of the Empire. About 30 (or
more!!) TIEs will come your way and some will head straight for
the Medical Frigate. Follow your radar to the Medical Frigate and
fend off all fighters - have your wingmen help. After a few
rounds of fighters, some TIE Bombers will appear - wait a bit
after you get the message, then locate them with your Targeting
Computer (Bombers will be in yellow, normal fighters in

It's crucial that you take out every last bomber you find, or
they'll destroy the frigate and you’ll fail the mission.
After the bombers are gone, you'll need to take out TWO Star
Destroyers. You’ll know how to defeat the giant grey beasts from
the previous experience of the Razor Rendezvous level.
Destroy both to finish the level.

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: This mission can be quite tough due
to the sheer amount of ships flying around. One of the most
difficult aspects for gold is the 'friendlies lost' category. One
method is to tell your wingmen to flee so they don’t get

Try to protect all the rebel frigates if you can, as if some get
destroyed it will count against your ‘friendlies lost’ stat.

When the bombers come they become priority but still, don't
hesitate to kill another fighter if you get the chance, despite
of the frantic cries for help (the frigates are pretty strong and
can withstand quite a lot of punishment). Taking out as many
fighters along the way is essential because the kill count is
pretty tight.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 10:00
Enemies: 60
Accuracy: 31%
Friendlies Lost: 6
Lives Lost: 1
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 80%

Tech Upgrade: HOMING CLUSTER MISSILES: When you get to the part
where you must defeat the two Star Destroyers, go after the one
on the left first. Destroy it as normal (take out generators
followed by command deck) then when it starts to fall, go into
the hangar underneath the ship to get the upgrade, and then
finish the level to keep it.


- Protect the Millennium Falcon.
- Reach the power core entry.
- Destroy the power core.
- Escape the Death Star.

Mark Hamills top tips: Take out some gun turrets on the surface
to help your enemy kills and accuracy stats.
Stay right behind the Falcon at ALL times inside the tunnels, as
the TIEs are relentless in their pursuit.

For the first part of the final mission, you must follow close
behind the Millennium Falcon and ensure that it’s not destroyed.
Try to stay quite close to the Falcon, but don’t speed ahead of
it. If a TIE gets in front of you and starts attacking the
Falcon, make sure you destroy it before it has a chance to do any
real damage. This section is hard, as some times it seems the
Falcon is just too fragile, but you’ll do it eventually.
When you reach the end of the first area, both you and the Falcon
will enter the power core entry.

You must be very careful when going through this long, narrow
corridor so take it slow but make sure you keep up with the
Millennium Falcon. Again, if a TIE gets in front of you, destroy
it as soon as possible. Continue following the Falcon through
this narrow corridor until you finally reach a giant room. In the
centre is the core, which you must destroy.
To do so, fire everything you've got on the generator on the
north tower. Use your Targeting Computer to see it. Once it's
taken enough damage, the core will be destroyed but now you need
to escape.

Don't worry too much about being burnt; just take things slow and
careful but boost when there is a clear path, and try to slow
down for corners.
You’ll eventually make it out of the Death Star, watch the end
sequence and the credits.

Congratulations, you have completed Rouge Leader!

Mark Hamill’s tips for Gold: If you fly parallel and to the left
of the Falcon, there will be a straight row of gun turrets
leading all the way to the power core opening. Simply aim for the
base of the turret, shoot a couple of shots to destroy it, and
then aim for the next one. Use the radar to make sure the Falcon
doesn't get too far ahead or behind, and protect it from the
Try to take out a few more turrets around the sides of the
opening to the power core tunnel before the cut-scene of the
Falcon entering the tunnel starts.
By hitting the easy gun turrets, you should get some pretty good
shot accuracy stats.

In the tunnel, keep close with the Falcon, but allow enough
distance to easily target TIEs with one or two shots each. The
rest is piloting skill in not crashing into the beams and

Inside the core, line up the north tower, and when you're midway
there, fire a single proton torpedo at it. On the way back out,
go as fast as possible, passing the Falcon early and never
looking back. The only time you should slow down is on turns.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 5:05
Enemies: 41
Accuracy: 32%
Friendlies Lost: 0
Lives Lost: 1
Computer Efficiency: 95%

Tech Upgrade: TARGETING COMPUTER UPGRADE: Go through the mission
as normal. When you enter the ventilation system filled with
pipes, follow it all the way through, past the two curved parts
and just before you enter the open room with the Core, fly under
the lower pipes to the right. Underneath one of them will be the
Targeting Computer upgrade. Finish the mission as normal to keep
the upgrade.

These missions can be found on top of the regular missions at the
mission select screen. Highlight Death Star Attack or Battle Of
Hoth, press up to find Death Star Escape and The Asteroid Field.
Highlight Strike At The Core and press up to find Triumph of the
Empire. Once unlocked and completed with a medal, press right on
it find Revenge on Yavin. Press right again to find Endurance.
You will need to have acquired the requisite number of points to
unlock the bonus levels by getting medals.

Death Star Escape: 20 points
The Asteroid Field: 30 points
Triumph of the Empire: 30 points
Revenge on Yavin: 40 points
Endurance: 20 points.


- Destroy all TIE fighters.

Mark Hamills top tips: If you are going for gold, try to tap R
and L instead of holding them down to keep your accuracy up.
Try to memorize the patterns that the TIEs fly in at, so you have
a better chance of hitting them faster.

Your sole objective is to take out all attacking TIE fighters
using the Falcon's gun turret. The key to winning a good medal on
this one is to be very accurate. In the beginning, you can easily
take out a row of TIEs, but from then on they'll be moving in and
out of your sight. Do not fire blindly or unnecessarily into
space if you wish to achieve good shot accuracy, but instead
pinpoint each TIE and take it out. Once every TIE is gone the
mission is over.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 1:20
Enemies: 35
Accuracy: 16%
Friendlies Lost: 0
Lives Lost: 0
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 100%


- Escape the TIE Fighters.
- Secretly land on the Imperial Star Destroyer.

Mark Hamills top tips: The Falcon has a guided rear-mounted laser
that fires automatically. To take out the TIEs behind you easily,
turn your enemy camera on, and when it zooms out, fire until the
rear laser takes out the TIE behind you. Don’t worry if it takes
a while for it to get aimed, it is probably going after another
target, so it’s not a waste of shots.
At the end of the level, you will have to fly onto the back of an
Imperial Star Destroyer. Don’t bother trying to take out any of
the guns; you will already have enough kills for gold. Just speed
to the Rebel insignia on the back of the bridge of the ship, and
the mission will automatically end.

The Falcon's hyperdrive has been damaged and you must escape from
a load of TIEs in an asteroid field. Keep in mind that you can
shoot from the back of the Falcon as well as the front, so if a
TIE shows up behind you, pick it off by lining your ship up
straight with the radar and firing. Also make sure you avoid
being hit by the asteroids, because you're only permitted 1 lost
life for a gold medal.

After the short cut-scene with the giant space worm, continue to
fend off more TIEs while avoiding asteroids until you see the
Star Destroyer in the distance. Near the top is an Alliance icon,
which you must go through in order to land the Falcon on the
Destroyer. The mission will then be over.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 4:34
Enemies: 50
Accuracy: 10%
Friendlies Lost: 0
Lives Lost: 1
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 75%


- Destroy all rebels over the surface
- Destroy all rebels before they fire their proton torpedoes.

Darth Vaders top tips: Before you start this mission, get the
Homing Cluster Missiles upgrade. In the first part, just use your
clusters to take out all the fighters. After this, you should
have about half of your clusters left over. In the second part,
use your lasers at the ships in the trench, and when they are
wiped out, get out of the trench and dogfight with the ships out
here using your clusters.

The mission is to destroy the Rebel ships that are on the surface
of the Death Star. The best way is to use the advanced homing
cluster missiles on Darth's TIE fighter. Don't use the missiles
immediately on the groups of rebel ships because they can take a
lot of punishment. If you wait, then the other TIEs and lasers
will chip away at their shields enough so that you can take out a
group of 3 with on missile.

The second part of the mission is to destroy a total of 9 ships
that are going down the trench. Use about 2 sets of missiles on
the first wave in the trench (3 Y-Wings). Get out of the trench
and circle back and destroy 3 X-Wings. Get out the trench again
and destroy as many rebel ships as you can while you wait a
little bit for the second group of X-Wings. Destroy them and your
mission is done.

Gold Medal Stats:
Time: 4:00
Enemies: 32
Accuracy: 35%
Friendlies Lost: 3
Lives Lost: 0
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 100%


- Don't allow more than two transports to escape
- Destroy as many rebels as possible
- Destroy as many convoy craft as possible

Darth Vaders top tips: Use your lasers on the transports, as they
are big enough so that you shouldn’t miss. Use your clusters on
the fighters lurking around.

Your mission is to destroy the rebel transports and you can only
let 2 escape.
Best thing to do is to destroy the two that are on the ground
right as you start the mission (and keep your wingmen, you will
need the extra backup), go right and there should be another
small temple-like structure. Head towards that and destroy the
grounded rebel ships in the 3 clearings while you are on your
way. Destroy those 4 transports and destroy the other 3 that are
near another temple. using 1 cluster missile on each transport is

Once this is done, Vader will mention that the other transports
are in the main temple (the big one). Hover near the entrance and
avoid the X-Wings, Y-Wings, and Speeders that are aiming for you.
Once the doors open, head in and try to destroy the first
transport with your lasers and remaining missiles. Once inside,
just circle around and keep on blasting the transports until they
are destroyed.

Gold Medal stats:
Time: 4:19
Enemies: 36
Accuracy: 65%
Friendlies Lost: 15
Lives Lost: 0
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 100%


- Destroy as many TIEs as possible

Mark Hamills top tips: To take out all of the TIEs successfully
and fairly safely, go head on with the TIEs and take out as many
as you can, then loop around and repeat.
Watch out for the TIE fighter pilot who kamikazes into your ship
all the time.
This is a VERY long mission, so you’ll need plenty of food,
drink, some short breaks and some good luck!

The tough part of this mission is actually finishing it as it can
take a couple of hours or more!
Use the targeting computer as much as you like as you don’t get
penalized for using it, so just keep dodging and blasting!

There will be shuttle waves (every 9th), so you can take them out
easy just by tailing each one. After the 99th wave, you face
Darth in the Advanced TIE fighter. He’s quite an easy kill; just
follow him and shoot his back.
Once you've destroyed Darth Vader, the mission is complete.

Time: 400:00
Enemies: 1300
Accuracy: 8%
Waves: 99
Lives Lost: 12
Targeting Computer Efficiency: 0%


Ace Mode- Ace Mode will only be unlocked after you get gold
medals on all 10 missions + the 5 bonus missions and once
everything has been finished in the Tatooine training.
In Ace Mode, enemies are faster, better at flying, and more

Audio Commentary- win a total of ten medals of any type in the
main missions (or use the pass code).

Documentary- After completing the game for the first time
(finishing all 10 normal missions) this option will be unlocked
in the special features menu.

Credits- Not really a secret, but once you beat the game, you'll
have the option of viewing the credits again in the special
features menu.

Secret Ships:
TIE Fighter - To get the TIE fighter, you must steal one in the
Imperial Academy Heist mission both during day and night then
finish the mission afterwards.

Slave I - To unlock the Slave I, you must earn at least a silver
medal in the 10 normal missions as well as the first 2 bonus
missions (Death Star Escape and Asteroid Field) making a total of
12 silver medals total.

Falcon - The Millennium Falcon can be unlocked by getting a
bronze medal in each of the 10 normal missions.

Vader's TIE - To unlock Darth Vader's TIE Advanced ship, you must
earn gold medals on all 10 normal missions.

Naboo Starfighter - You must complete the Tatooine training
mission (finding all discovery items included) at all different
times of day: morning, noon, evening, night.

Imperial Shuttle: Win a gold medal in the Triumph of the Empire
and Revenge on Yavin.


?INSIDER - Unlocks the Documentary (assuming the game hasn't been

BLAHBLAH - Unlocks the Audio Commentary option in the special
features menu.

COMPOSER - Unlocks "Music Hall" option in special features

EXHIBIT! - Unlocks an art gallery in the special features menu.

LIONHEAD - Switches the game from colour to black and white.

THATSME! - Unlocks the credits (assuming you haven't completed
the game yet).

AYZB!RCL & WRKFORIT – gets all tech upgrades

!??QTTJ & CLASSIC – Level select (Note: This doesn’t unlock the
bonus missions.)

MVPQIU?A & OH!BUDDY – Millennium Falcon


CDYXF!?Q & ASEPONE! – Naboo Starfighter



AJHH!?JY & BUSTOUR – Imperial Shuttle

TVLYBBXL & NOWAR!!! – Unlocks Asteroid Field level

PYST?OOO & DUCKSHOT - Unlocks Death Star Escape level

AZTBOHII & OUTCAST! – Unlocks Triumph Of The Empire level

OGGRWPDG & EEKEEK! - Unlocks Revenge On Yavin level

?WCYBRTC & ??MBC??? – Unlocks Endurance level

*Note, with the passwords that require two different codes,
simply enter the first code, (R2 D2 will NOT beep for the first
password). Return to the password screen and enter the second

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