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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Broken Sword - The Sleeping Dragon"

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Broken Sword - The Sleeping Dragon (Xbox)
Submitted By: English_Bloke
Ah yes, here we go again.

It has been quite some time since we last had the chance to step in Mr George Stobbart’s shoes, hasn’t it? I had almost forgotten those beautiful words that echoed in my mind throughout the weeks of playing the first two games, “The door, was locked!”

Now, if you’re anything like me, (you wish), then you would have been excited at the very first mention of another Broken Sword game, and now it’s here, and now you’re stuck and need my wisdom, and now I’m babbling. So, I shall get on with things.



Up arrow key = Move up the screen
Down arrow key = Move down the screen
Left arrow key = Move left on the screen
Right arrow key = Move right on the screen

Left Shift = Run
Left Control = Crouch and Sneak

S = Use
D = Examine
A and W usually are for interacting with items in your inventory

Page Up and Page Down = Ways of cycling through on screen items you can interact with.

Space Bar = Inventory



Well, if you’re stuck here, then I think your computer has crashed. Press the “reset” button. Helping yet?

Ok, the opening cut-scenes give you very little, old sects and end of the world type of stuff. Just watch and enjoy.

This then switches over to our hero, George/aging David Beckham, being flown over some part of Africa by his boozy new pal, Harry, in something that vaguely resembles an airplane. The plane is fine in nice weather, see where it’s going? So, you plummet and the scene changes again…

To a French hacker, Vernon Blier, (don’t get too attached to him). He is watching the news, something to do with bad weather, eh?

A young woman, who identifies herself to be George’s old bit of skirt, Nicole Collard (Nico), knocks on his door, and Vernon somewhat nervously lets her in. He then goes on to tell “Nicole” that he has decoded a manuscript, which details the end of the world. Bye-bye Vernon, Sniff-sniff.

Right, we are nearly about to actually do something now, YAY!

Just enough time for a quick look at the crash site of the plane and for George to tell us he thinks he’s in danger and away we go…


Part One – The Congo (Cliffs - George)

Well, very few parts of the plane actually work, but at least the seatbelt did!

Ok, we need to get George out of his seat. Make sure you’re looking at the seatbelt using Page Up or Down and press S to undo your belt.

First things first, lets go and check on Harry. As soon as you walk close to the cockpit the plane should do a little dance for you making George realize if he were to walk through the archway the plane would go over the edge.

Walk towards the back of the plane and conduct a Broken Sword time-tested search. What’s that? You found a bottle of beer on the floor? Well, who knows when that could come in handy, so pick it up.

You should also have noticed a wooden crate attached to the left hand wall. Examine it and you will notice that it is attached by a buckle, press S to unbuckle the crate. Walk to the right hand side of the crate and you will see your interaction key map on screen will now have a little fist in it. Prepare to see this symbol a lot, and a lot of crates as you progress through the game. Hold down S and George will take hold of the crate, press the right directional arrow and watch, as with almighty strength George pulls the crate in that direction. Walk round to the far side of the crate so you can push it to the back of the plane, take hold and push.

That crate has provided hand ballast and you are now free to move around the inside of the plane as you wish.

Go to the cockpit. You should see Harry lying in his seat unconscious, and a fire extinguisher on the floor. You need to wake Harry, (he’s no sleeping beauty, is he?) Think back to the game intro, what was Harry rather fond of? Well, what is every Australian fond of? Ok, open your inventory and have a little look at your beer bottle. Hmm, it’s sealed. Well, Harry was drinking earlier, and what self-respecting bushman wouldn’t have some sort of tool for such a job? Search Harry and you will find a bottle opener. Open your inventory and use the bottle opener with the bottle, now use the bottle with Harry. Ok, he’s now looking a little livelier, great; now the only problem that faces you is the rather large plummet to certain death if you don’t get out of the plane pretty damn quick.

Ok, look at the windscreen. See the crack? You’re not strong enough to break through the window with your bare hands, so you need something a little more heavy-duty. Pick up the fire extinguisher and use it with the window. That took care of that.

Try to climb out of the window. Oh dear, that ballast isn’t quite heavy enough. If only you had something else heavy nearby. Hmm, how about a fat Australian? Talk to Harry and ask him to go and stand at the rear of the plane. Now you are free to climb out of the front of the plane.

Can’t go wrong, can it? Well usually, no, but you didn’t count on Harry having a brain the size of a digestive biscuit, did you?

Watch as the plane falls over the edge. Don’t worry, you must know George will be ok after all this is family fun here.

Sure enough the camera will pan out and show you that both George and Harry landed in relatively safe places.

This part is fairly linear, jump over the gap in front of you and pull yourself up to Harry. More chat ensues. Walk to your right and the ground will literally crumble beneath your feet. Jump from this platform to the next, if you wait around the platform you’re on will also crumble, but It doesn’t matter, just climb up. So, after another chat with Harry, you agree to meet up at the top of the cliff, now all you have to do is get there.

Walk to the right and you will come to what appears to be a dead end, it’s not. Walk close to the wall and it will give you the option of pressing yourself up against it. Shimmy around the small ledge and hop down to the platform on the other side, then down again. Don’t jump across the waterfall ledge, dead end.

Instead, drop down to the next level and then jump across the gap. Go near to the waterfall and grab hold of the ledge you see, you should now be hanging from the ledge. Move round until you are able to drop of the ledge. Walk to the next gap where again you will need to get up close and personal with the wall, hop off the ledge the other side. Jump across the next gap and then turn George so that he is facing towards the left of the screen, jump him up so he grabs hold of the ledge Tomb Raider style. Walk left and then do the same thing again but turning so George faces right instead. Climb up again, walk towards the back of the screen and climb up the step and then down the ledge. Hug the wall and to get around the gap, climb up and up again and you’re now outside Cholmondely’s workshop. Remember George telling Harry about why he was here?

You now have a cut-scene to watch.

Why do so many people seem to die just before George gets what he needs from them?


Part two – Paris (outside Vernon’s apartment – Nico)

She seems her usual chipper self, doesn’t she? Always moaning!

You hear gunshots from inside Vernon’s place.

Have a look around and take the pencil that is hanging on the notice board. Vernon’s door is, unsurprisingly, locked. So, head out the French windows instead. On the balcony you need to move the birdbath from the right to the left. Grab hold and pull it one space, hop on top of it and down the other side, grab hold again and push one space. Hop back on top of it and face the wall. You are now able to jump and grab hold of the guttering of the building enabling you to shimmy over to the next balcony.

Look through the dirty window and try to open them. Locked, damn.

Walk towards the railing of the balcony and climb over, (don’t do this at home kids), move over so you can now climb onto the last balcony. Look through the windows and you will see that you are outside Vernon’s bedroom. Try to open the windows and you will notice that they also are locked. However, Nico notices there is a small gap where she can see the lock, too small for her fingers though. Use your press card in your inventory with the gap, HA! Just like in the movies.

Take a look around Vernon’s room if you wish, there is nothing of use in it though. Nice poster ;)

Open the door from Vernon’s room into the main apartment.

Lovely, death just seems to follow our hero’s wherever they go, doesn’t it?

Walk towards the body picking up the shiny item on the floor in front of the dresser, (Shell casing). Search Vernon’s body and you will find a business card proving that he is indeed Vernon Blier. Take a look around this half of the apartment, go in the bathroom and look at his toilet if that kind of thing floats your boat, but there is nothing of interest in there.

Walk towards the kitchen through the archway and a small video will begin.

They always hide behind the fridge, don’t they?

You will need your wits about you for this bit. While watching the video have your finger on the action button because she will twice try to shoot you. When the controls flick up on the screen quickly hit the action button and watch as Nico first hits her with the frying pan and then with the fridge door.

Good on you old girl, didn’t know you had it in you.

The killer has now legged it, you will want to track her down no doubt to have a little “chat” later.

We could chase the killer, but all that running is bad for a girls hair, so lets just go back inside Vernon’s apartment and have a proper look around.

Upon inspection you will see that the answer phone is flashing, maybe he was a popular geek? Ah well, be nosey and listen to his messages. The first two don’t really matter, one from his old dear, and one from you. The third however is a little more interesting. A lass going by the name of Beatrice wishes Vernon good luck with his interview and arranges to meet him afterwards in a garden.

You are pretty much done with the phone now. You can call up your old pal Andre and listen to him babble on a little, and you can also phone your paper to gain a little more info on Vernon, do this if you wish.

Go back out of the apartment onto the balcony and climb down the ladders to the bottom. There a few bins here that you can search, but you wont find anything. There is a piece of newspaper on the floor, and all Broken Sword players will know just how useful items like this can prove to be, so pick it up.

If you look in front of you, you should see a graffiti covered wall, this wall is climbable. So guess what? You need to climb it. Climb over and you will find yourself in a small garden. Explore all you want, but all you need from here is the little black item on the floor, the wig. Upon closer inspection you will notice the wig is an exact copy of Nico’s own do, and inside the wig is a small deposit from the killer, a few strands of her hair. She’s a blonde, so it is true what they say, blondes really do turn to crime and kill more nerds then brunettes.

Climb back over the wall.

Explore the streets a little, if you go right at the end of the alley you will come across a traffic warden outside some big gates. Speak to her. She isn’t too helpful and seems to look down on you a little, so she needs to be softened up a little. Show her the casing from the bullet and watch as she becomes as talkative as a drunken teenager, and she’s to become a little more helpful too, saying more then just, “you’re my best friend you are”. She tells you about the type of bullet, listen if you wish. Having got her out of her “shell”, like a bullet shell, HA! I should write this down…oh, wait…anyway, she becomes more helpful, so ask her about the blonde woman, Vernon, the wig and anything else you fancy. Listen to what she tells you and then leave, making your way to the gardens.

Explore your surroundings. There is a young woman sitting in the park, this is Beatrice, Vernon’s bit of skirt. Go over and ever so gently tell her that her man is dead, she then legs it. Leave the gardens and back down the street until you pass the alley to Vernon’s, turn left into a new street, there should be an old lady sweeping. Talk to her, listen to all her dancing stuff and then ask her about the blonde woman. She will say that she saw a sports car with a blonde woman getting in and driving off, she didn’t know what type of car it was.

Leave the old woman to it and go up the alley onto the main road again, find the kid walking around with the skateboard. Talk to him, laugh off his come-ons and ask him about the car. A Jag E-type you say? And who says crime doesn’t pay? Leave him to his, “looking cool”, and head back to the now friendly traffic warden, (aren’t they all?)

Ask the traffic warden about the car. She will tell you not only the reg of the car, but also that she saw something on the back seat, a mask. The police will now arrive, (took their time). They question you in Vernon’s apartment and then you get the chance to ask some questions yourself. You get arrested.

So, now Nico is locked up and you’re in the middle of nowhere without a plane. It’s going well so far.


More later.
Submitted By: Cycloon
NOTE: When I say ‘talk’, I mean exhaustively ask every possible thing of a character.


OK, start in the Congo

In trouble you are. Unlock your seatbelt and then pick up the beer bottle. Go to the crate, and pull it out, then towards the back of the plane, away from the cockpit. Now go into see Harry, search him and use the bottle opener on the beer, then the beer on Harry. He’ll wake up – now chuck the fire extinguisher through the window. Then, try to get through, and tell Harry to go to the back. He’ll sit on the crate – and then you exit.

Of course, the plane has to fall. But the ledges are easy. Jump over and go to Harry, then speak to him. Now go right and drop down onto the ledge – and then quickly off the crumbling one. Jump to the right and sidle around the wall. Drop down to the waterfall. Now, drop down twice and jump over it. Now climb up and up and to the left, to see Susarro and henchman finish ol ‘Chol-Mond-Ley’. Yanks.

Paris – BTW, go there, absolutely wonderful place.

Nico, ever fine French journalist extrordinaire, is outside fat greasy mans flat. Pick up the pencil off the noticeboard, and then go out the windows. Use the plinth (move it) to get along to the piping – use this to get to the next ledge. Climb over the railing and use the press card on the next door.

Open the bedroom door to the main room to find dead Vernon. Search him for his card, then go through the arch…and get jumped by Ms. Murderer. Watch you action buttons – be ready to hit ‘use’ at any moment. You will have to dodge her twice (frying pan and fridge door). She will scarper. Get the bank statement from the bin, and then move the rug – to find a safe. Listen to the answer phone as well – 3rd message gets the lovely music going (can go to the park and talk to girlfriend – she cries and runs off). Exit the flat so you get to the fire escape, and climb down. Pick up the newspaper, and then climb over the low wall by the bins. Grab and examine the wig. Now go back onto the main street, towards the closed café. Look for a woman sweeping – ask her about blondie. Talk to the skateboarder about the E-Type jag, then the traffic warden about the shell casing you should’ve found in the flat and the car. The police will arrive…


Run into find Cholmondely dying – he’ll mumble and die. As usual – get his card. Grab all the stuff off the table (magnifying glass, postcard), and then use the crate on the pressure switch. Nice humour about it too. Click the right hand switch on the machine to activate it, and grab the essential metal pole. Use this in the small switch just past the pressure door, and you can then use the crate to get into the high opening in the machine room. Retrieve the metal pole, climb up, and use it to get the nest. Sidle around to the outside, and then use the nest and magnifying glass in the statue to scare off the goons. Then RUN to the back of the jeep and jump in.


Brruunno?! Oh Brruunno!

Go to the pub and chat to Eamon O’Mara to discover his poetic side. Now go back up the road and across it to a shop – ‘The Cosmic Faerie’. Look at the postcards and the book on the counter – talk to Tristan (behind the counter) about the book and coins and the hilarious noises upstairs. Talk to Tristram about Eamon and he should give you a copy of his book (if not, go to Madam Zazie’s, down the road on the same side and chat to her) and then back to Eamon. Speak to the pacing angry man, Colonel Butley to get info. Show the book to Eamon, watch him get angry, and follow. Now, while they argue, run upstairs and chat to flirtatious (understatement) Melissa.

Ask everything you can, and then go back down. Blackmail Tristram for info and some pants (ancient Anglo-Yank misunderstanding!) and then go to Zazie’s – use the metal rod on the book to extract coins. Cross her palm with silver, first with the postcard, then the pants. Then she’ll have a cut-scene, and pass out. Once outside, you’ll see a fire. Run to the door to the left of the pub and enlist Eamons’ help. Run in, see the monk, and then push the two blocks about so you can move the top block of the double block so it touches the barn wall. Re-arrange them again to climb up and rescue Bruno. Talk to him in the middle of the road about everything and anything..


Talk on the phone to Candice, then go to Vernon’s apartment again. Climb up the fire escape, examine the door, then push the newspaper under the door, and use the pencil to jab the key out – collect it and enter. Grab a tissue from the box, then go to find Beatrice in the bedroom. Talk and give her the tissue. She’ll half-reveal the safe code – enter it and collect the drawing and the DVD. Then go back outside – another action scene takes place – a car will rush up – keep your finger over ‘action!’

Go back to Nico’s apartment, watch the DVD on her TV on the table. Watch, and phone up Andre Lobineau. Speak and he’ll come over. Speak again, call the paper about the theatre, and then decide to go – phone rings, quit job, leave. Easy.


Go right, then left and examine the car. Now jump up onto the scaffold on the building across from the theatre. Climb up to the very top (go back along the wall parallel to the Jag, and climb up each end of the levels) and untie the top of the sign. Now climb back down, but go to the bottom of the sign (easy route to find) and unclip. Run over and get onto the roof, then go down the large ladder into the white doors.

Inside, go down the steps and through the doorway on the top left. Run down the stairs into the lobby – Nico will hear people, and hide. Badly. Ah well.

Now with George. Bruno refuses to budge, which is excusable really. Run north up the road and enter the first arch. Run over to the crate, and drag it in the small space between the bin and the wall, on the right hand side. Climb on and slam the bin lid shut, then enter the window.

Run to the other side of the room, and enter a larger room. Go north and enter the top left door. Now go over to the crate in the far corner of the room, and pull it over to the others. Now you need to move the crate on top of another one to reach a light switch…which reveals a trapdoor. Hooray!

Climb down and run along, then climb up and watch the show…until George figures out it’s Nico. Wait for Susarro and Petra to leave, then run right and enter the right hand stage opening. Climb up the ladder – pull the wire on the right and climb across the scaffold. Go left and double back to find some sandbags. Let them go, one after the other, to get Flap. Climb down and rescue Nico. Friends? Pah, they’re the Ross & Rachel of the game world!

Now together again at last. Drop off the stage, run up the left slope and go to the lobby – pickup the cup Nico squashed to reveal her presence. No go to the left hand door of the stage and run down the stairs. Explore and find a dressing room, with a vital safe and some make up wax. Combine the cup and wax, run back up to the stage and melt the wax. Now go back down, and go past the dressing room to find another area. A man will yelp and fire bullets at a door – ignore. Instead, go past his door and go left. Use the melted wax on the central pole, and get Nico to help you pull it. The safe will fall, so nab its’ extremely valuable contents. Now run down the main corridor and turn right to see a lift door and a mangle corpse. Use the security card to use the lift, and run down the tunnel at the bottom. Now run into the middle of the structure and take the Omega stone. Then watch and enjoy…

For a second. Susarro and Petra are coming! Quickly scamper down to where Nico is hanging off the ledge, and sidle along. Once you reach the end, climb up and peg it back to the lift. Use it, then use the bottle opener (?!!!!!!) to jam the lift door. Now, run out of the theatre in the same way you came in. Get mugged. Idiot. Cut-scene, and then onwards… Nico’s apartment. Hubba-hubba. Except Andre and Bruno are there. Anyway, natter all the topics away and listen..and go to the Congo again! YAY!


Walk up to the doors and use Nico pull the doors. Use the metal pole at the same time and bingo! Run through the machine room and use the Omega stone on the ancient doorway…

Now, step on yellow stone to trigger spikes, and watch cut-scene. Go left and use the ledge to cross over all the dangerous bit, and drop down the other end. Use the metal rod in the cogs to allow Nico to cross, then grab the stuff off the body in the middle of the room – do this by moving the block so you jam the spikes in one place, then, move the second so you can finally reach the dead man.

Now, enter the tiled room. Ask Nico to step on the platform you ask her to.. so start off on Fish. Then Scorpion – follow the path that lights up. And then… Fish, bird, scorpion. Then snake, but follow the path that goes back towards Nico (well, nearest to anyway), and then bird, fish, scorpion and snake again. Climb up and leave Nico behind..

Climb all the way to the bottom, and run through into another block puzzle room. Basically, you need to move the lowest block all the way around the lowest path until it is just below/right of the highest. Now use this first block as a bridge – for the second block. This means you can now pull across the third block and use it to balance the bridge – you’ll need to use the middle (second) block to get it across another gap or two though. The higher block just needs to weight the bridge down, and you can cross.

Now, look at this! Run over to the control panel at the bottom and rotate twice. Then press the panel to move the bottom right machine. Now rotate right again, and press the panel so the piece joins to the top-right. Now move the top left piece in, rotate left once, and then panel it again. Now move the final piece and move it again to all 4 are joined. Then, a beam of light shows up, and run to the arch. Spot the lightening symbol, and continue.

Look at the crystals, and then go to the first one. Rotate it right and then the second crystal twice to the left. Then the third crystal right one, the fourth and fifth left once, and push the machinery left. Find Nico, and she follows you again.

Now, rotate the third crystal so that the beam goes to the sixth crystal. Turn the sixth left twice, the seventh right once. Run through the arch to the machinery, and press the panel at the front of it – reverse the flow. Now run back into the crystal room and press the panel near Nico – lights! Press the other panel, talk to Nico and then press the two at the same time. Run through the new door.

Drop down right, jump over the gap and follow the path. Climb up and through the door and use the metal plate on the panel. Use the scarf on it to stop it falling out. Nico will hold it in place. Run through the door to find a similar power site to the one in Paris, under the theatre. Grab the alpha stone from the energy beam.

Run back out and go to Nico – drop down the step and move forwards a bit to see Petra again. Earthquake kicks in (oh so luckily!) and run left fast! Run left and jump over the gap quickly, and then climb up and exit to get back to Paris..


Speak to everybody about new events! Oooo!


Run right and enter the stage room. Run down the slope to the stage and go left and down the steps there. Run north and go into the dressing room where the safe was before. Climb down the hole and exit the room.

Run north and open the door where the man used to be hiding and shooting. Run thourhg and Flap will grab Nico – another action bit, watch for the key press, and Flap and a vase will make sweet contact. Walk through the door and look at the security report to find the location of Susarro’s castle. Prague. Sweet!

Susarro's Castle

Press the button to meet the guard, who rebukes you. Get Nico to distract the guard, and hide behind the left wall, and then get in while Nico distracts him. Creep onto the path when he faces Nico. Climb up the left wall and get to the grassy area. Run left and watch the guard and his dog. When the walk near the arch at the top right, creep out fast and climb the steps to the top left and find the moving spotlight. Run south after entering the area and follow the wall. Search the bins for a half finished burger and some foil. Run right and see some windows. When the spotlight moves south, run right through the arch to arrive at a small area with some crates.

Push the top left one and the single one on the left to again move the top of a pair of crates, so you can climb up into the gap. Drop onto the walkway and run south. Climb up to the top and run along the thin edge of the building. Climb over the two walls and continue on round to see a guard down to the left. Climb down from the wall and run south through the arch to arrive in another small grassy area with a tree. Go through another arch on the right to see another guard. When he walks right and pauses, creep across to the next arch and find another load of crates.

Pull the nearest crate down once, climb over it and pull the next crate east once. Climb over that one and push the third crate north, and the fourth crate west once. Climb up ont the fourth and jump up to hang on the wall, and climb up. Drop down and give the half finished food to the dog so it stops growling. Creep around the container and move to the top left corner of the area and creep close to the wall and pass through the arch. Now go east to find Nico. Continue going along and see the jeep – look in the front for a remote control – go back and open the gate for Nico. Go east from your hiding place and press the red button. Use Nico to press it down and then enter the door and grab the coal and car jack handle.

Run back out the gate and run along to the jeep – use the jack handle under the back of the jeep, and release the handbrake. Push it and climb up onto it and use the drainpipe to get up – but George will not.

As Nico, grab the drainpipe bracket and climb down by the left gap and land on the front of the jeep. Run towards the black car and climb on the front of it and use the drainpipe bracket to get into the window. Run through the room and into the entrance hall.

Run north and climb up the steps to the second floor. Run north again and go through the first door on the right, where Nico will creak a floorboard. The guards will appear, but Nico (this time, successfully, hides. Oddly, the board does not creak again, so run back and all along until you reach Petra’s room. Search to get the hairdryer and go behind the purple screen to get another wig from the case. Examine the case for a hidden compartment. Use the pencil on the button and get the grindstone. Exit the room and go out and to the first right hand door. Go down the steps and run left at the bottom – run through into the kitchen. Give the comical genius of a chef the grindstone, and grab the industrial bleach. Go back up to Petra’s room, and enter the bathroom, then dye and then wear the wig. Leave and be apprehended – as a Petra look-a-like.

Back as George, run south. Move the crate to climb up the higher bit above, and run up the steps to find an unopenable door. Climb over to the right and run along the ledge and push the gargoyle off the ledge. Continue running along the ledge until it narrows. Sidle along when it does, then get onto a much wider ledge. Run around and drop onto a roof. Jump and grab the beam, climb right and drop to the floor below.

Use the window to enter a store room. Climb the stairs to find MORE CRATES! ARGG! Move them about to climb over them and exit the room. Run north and follow the path around to see a tree at the bottom of some steps. Run straight forwards to the alley and look at the drain pipe. Get the tin cup from it and then go through the window to the store room again. Use the oil lamp and then store some oil in the cup. Turn the lamp off and go back to the tree. Run to the top right and find an old gate. Try to open it – oil it after you can’t and then climb in.

As Nico in disguise, open the front door. Run down the steps to an area with a guard at the top. Run north and around the small building, then talk to the guard next to the arch for a card. Run back to the left of the building, and up the steps to return to the castle.

Run right and open the door – give the card to the woman, and get a validated card back. Exit and run right to the other side of the castle to find a card-reader door. Use the card, climb down and follow the tunnel..oo shadow! Ready fire extinguisher!

As George, move the washing machine onto the trolley and use it to break open the locked door. Run south, around the corner and then take the second right exit, and get smacked in by Nico. Typical.

Run south once you are together and go to the security door. Open the inventory and use Nico to unlock it. Run over to the other side of the room and get the guards uniform – George will dress up. Open the door and run north and then west. Go up the tunnel to meet a guard, who Nico scares off. Run down the steps and around the corner in the tunnel, and continue on south and run through the gate. More…crates…why?!!!!

Basically, move the crates so you can see through the grille. You’ve had enough practice already! Call Bruno and he’ll explain. Then Susarro, Flap and real Petra enter – then, use the last silver coin on the grille, and get Nico to go through. Run north and open the door to find Bruno – notice the map on the wall, that matches Vernon’s drawing. Look at the desk and press the secret button (alternate view) and exit the castle to see Bruno being bundled off!


Chat, Montfaucon comes out. Woo.


Run south and climb up the platform on the new house, and climb up the ladder to the second floor – woman will tell him to climb back down. Run left at the bottom and insult the woman by asking her about her loo three times. She runs off to clean it, and then climb back up fast. Climb down from the end of the platform and get the rope. Jump back up to the second floor again and climb down. Run south and turn off the compressor by the truck. Grab the sewer key from the bag.

Combine the rope and key and use it on the sewer cover with the truck. Look at Alphonse, then talk to Flobbage about himself and Alphonse. Exit, and talk to Alphonse. George will yell and the truck will go, pulling up the cover. Enter.

Run across the bridge and follow the left path and use the stone cylinder on the skull, and a secret door opens. Run through it and go down the stairs. Go right and go to the next junction, past the pool of blood. Follow the bloody footsteps up the hall and through the right door to find a few dead Templar. Search them for a key. Exit and run north to see a guard in the kitchen. Go back down the hall and go back to the dead Templar room. Use the microwave and run out and into the left hand door. The guard goes to the ringing bell of the microwave, so run up then hall to the kitchen. Use the key and follow the blood trail again.

Go to the wine rack where the trail ends, and pull the left green, the left red, the right red and the white and finally the blue bottle to open another secret door to see the mugging Templar who got you earlier. He’ll ask you to protect the key. He dies too.

Go up the steps and through the door into the changing room. Open the right hand door and wait for the nearest guard to start going down stairs, then creep up to the podium. And read the Bible. Yay. When he goes back down again, walk out and run behind the stage screen. Run right finally and open the door when he goes again.

Look at the statue in the middle and select the plaque on it. Open the door – cross back over to the Bible. Read it and find Chapter One, Verse three I.e, = 1:03. Go back to the statues and use the clock to enter 1:03. Middle statue moves. Meet the Preceptor of the Temple – get knighted too! Leave or Nico’s apartment.


Once again, chat about anything and everything to locate Armillary in Egypt.


Nico makes a run for it – alerts the guards and their dogs, and they start patrolling. Run left to get a bird’s-eye view of the area and the guards. Run behind the crumbling wall, then wait for the guard/dog to go to the red tent. Peg it over to the left side of the wall that curves to the right. Meet up with Nico and walk over to the exposed ruins. Look at the left hand stone and use the car jack handle on the stone to open a doorway. Watch a little scene, then enter the Armillary to see Anubis..

Run north to the other side of the first room and use the Alpha/Omega/Psi on the door to open it and pass the first test set by Anubis. Easy. Run through the circular doorway to arrive in a chamber with a river in it. Anubis explains it’s a puzzle. 3 objects to cross, 7 crossings. Sound familiar?

Walk right and use the panel. Select the killer and move the killer to the other side. Select the panel to move Horus return to the correct side of the river. Select the brother and cross the river. Cross thekiller, then the brother again, then the killer, then the witness, then the killer again, and cross yourself across the river to complete the second test. Run through the door to see another cut-scene. Keep pressing the action key to land on Flap. Press it again to kick the gun off Susarro, and then the whole caboodle kicks in – Petra and the Grand Master appear! Run north, up the steps and run to the right to find a bomb. Keep pressing action to jump away, and drop down the new crack. Move the block east once, then south and climb on it. Climb left and left again. Find another block, with which you need to stops at the right hand side of the crack. Now go back to the lower crate and move this one so it moves north once, west twice and north five times. Go back up and move the top block west twice, then north five times. Climb up. Nico espies the lines converging – now use the panel and see some truly heart-rending sarcrifice! Meh. ;)

Now for Glastonbury..


In a new plane, Harry flies you to Glastonbury. Talk to Butley in the pub etc, then run north to the top of the road, enter the open gate and to the final (thank you!) but hardest (AAAAAHH!) crate puzzle in the game.

Push the single crate on the left north once and east twice. Move the right hand crate near the small wall east once. Move the crate on the right hand side of the bench south twice and once east. Move the crate at the bottom of the bench east and north once. Pull the crate on top of the bench east once, then move the crate to the right south once and west once. Now get the crate on top of the bench south twice and west once. Move the crate at the top of the small wall west once. And breathe..

Now, move the crate at the bottom of the bench west twice and south once. Move the top of the double crate west once so it’s on the right hand side of the small wall. Move the left single crate north once and west twice. Then, move the right single crate north once and west twice, the same maneuver. Now, move the single crate at the right side of the double stacked crate north once, west twice and south twice so that it moves to the left hand side of the triple crates. TRIPLE?! ARG!

Move the top right lone crate west, north once and then west twice and south once so it is to the left of the double crate. Push the top double crate west once and then south once so it is on the left of the triple crates. Climb on top of the small wall, and move the top triple crate west once and then climb on top of it, through the gap and down the other side. YAY!

Meet the Grand Master, who sportingly transforms into a dragon. George falls into King Arthur’s tomb. Wahey! Try to remove the sword, use the Key of Solomon on the plinth, then grab the sword. Exit, and dodge by going right and stand behind the wall.

Now run left, and back to the right – when the dragon goes blue, run left and forwards to avoid the flame, then use the action button to kill zee eviiil dragon! Zut alors! Nico doesn’t say… anyway, you finished a great, if tricky, game! Congratulations!

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