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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Batman: Arkham Asylum"
(Xbox 360)

This game is also available on PS3 and PC.

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Batman: Arkham Asylum (Xbox 360)
Submitted By: Cool Boy
Here is my walkthrough of Batman Arkham Asylum. It is a great game.

Intensive Treatment
Keep the normal path. Onto the lift. Escort Joker until you make it to the next checkpoint.

Holding Cells
Two sets of enemies so try and get a 5 combo achievement here. Use the strike button. To get a trophy, turn around and face the ramp that you came down from. Look left, see a vent. Go to it and you should see the 'open'. Get trophy. Up the other ramp in the room, turn left into the room. Aim your Baterang at those Joker Teeth. Go down hallway.

Processing Corridor
Down the hall until you hit a fork. More enemies. Go right. Go to the door.

Patient Pacification Centre
Sprint straight, up the stairs. Go to where the guards are standing and just wait. Enter detective mode, look up. Coloured gargoyles here. Leave Detective Mode, wait, and look up again. Grapple now. Keep grappling until you are at the last one. You'll be facing the balcony the two guards were standing on. Glide Kick then ground takedown.
Go to northwest corner of the room. Another vent with trophy. Go to other vent on the right. Jump down, and sprint north to the next check point.

Head over to where the lone guard is standing, and look up. Grapple the hole. Go through vent. You are in a room of gas. Jump over large gap. Grapple above you. Rescue guard by pressing action. Glide to platform below. Rescue the henchman. Use baterang and lock on the box above the unconscious guard. Throw the Baterang at the box to get rid of the gas.
There are two more Joker Teeth in the southern portion of the room Go through door.

Transfer Loop
Go right and kill both henchmen. Follow arrows on ground. Go down the hallway. A big slimy enemy will appear. Go up to it and attack. When it lowers it head, use the dodge maneuver. Keep attacking. Go to other side, talk to guard. Go out form the door you came from, turn left and go to the red corridor.

Riddler Challenge
"A top hat and tails is the only dress code for this party in the north." Turn right, look for 'emergency shutdown' office. Crouch, turn right and scan the poster.

Go through red corridor, go into detective mode. Sneak up on guards.
Look for long corridor towards left, there are teeth. Go through door. Turn left; go into Detective Mode and into the evidence scanner. Look to the right, on the ground. It's a little circular object. Hold the Run Button and wait for a gold circle to form on the screen for the process to complete. Go in Detective mode, and follow the prompts. Turn, face the door. Turn right, in front of next door. Head on through the door and you should see the next one to the left. Go down the hallway. Head on through the door when you see it to the next checkpoint.

Secure Transit
Continue north. Go back into Detective Mode, go to where guard is sitting. Go to alcohol, look up, grapple target. Look right and grapple. Go straight and jump to the ledge. Shimmy right, climb it. Follow vent, open small door and look up and grapple. Look above when on the platform, there is the next ledge. Sprint straight, climb left platform. Grapple next platform. Turn left, sprint and crouch under big platform. Continue forwards, climb platform, go to the wall and climb. Shimmy left. Climb metal and turn left. Go towards fan, turn left and look up to grapple. Crouch and crawl. Go into detective mode, go towards stone. Scan it. Turn right, go through opening, look right and grapple. Fight five guards. Go right, vent.

Cell Block Transfer
Detective mode, look right. Look up and grapple gargoyle. Grapple more gargoyles. Drop slowly, crouch towards guards and execute Silent Takedown. Take them all out. Look for stairs, open vent.

Intensive Treatment Lobby
Kill guard silently. Grapple up form structure. Grapple gargoyle, glide kick henchmen. Kill second guard. Keep grappling from each statue; wait for guards to split up. Wait until one is on his own, and glide kick then ground takedown. Keep doing this. Go to platform, go to body.

Riddler Challenge
"Don't cut yourself on this sharp portrait."

Walk to edge of platform. Scan portrait of old man. Talk to guard, follow path down stairs.

Riddler Challenge
"A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible."

There's an office. Look for ? on window. Look out window. Just below that circular vent should be another circle. Position the camera so that small circle forms a question mark with the hook on the window to solve this one.

Utility Corridor
Turn to the right, down stairs.

Riddler Challenge
"You don't know Jack about Gotham. Tune in to find out."
Walk to wheelchair.. Go to the Women's side. Bench on the right. Crouch, go into Detective Mode. Go to first person mode. Use detective mode on radio.

Go to door next to fire extinguisher. Go through vent. Go northwest until rocks and grapple up. Go straight.

Arkham Island
Glide down. Go north, open door. Go outside. Go down the stairs, go right, go to door to courtyard.

Go behind ambulance. Go right, look up and grapple. Do a silent take down, go through doors.

Go straight, kill the guys with pipes. Go to batmobile and press action to get explosive gel. Go to detective mode, look in front of car and scan. Follow tobacco samples, and look on the wall to the right of the door. Use explosive gel on it. Go down hallway, turn left, and go through door. Detective mode, follow tobacco and go down hill. Go through door, follow samples. Go straight; follow tobacco, when you get to stars grapple up. Keep going and you should see people below stairs. Go to door on left.

Leave outside. Look at the top of the medical building and grapple. Climb ledge and go straight and climb again. Go to detective mode, use gel on the weakness. Blow it up, go down, go through door on the right.

Medical Facility
Go straight, climb fence. Jump next fence, drop down, go to vent on right. Go through it to next one, and go right to drop to ground. Go through the room and crawl. Stay on platform.

Go to ground, go to detective mode and watch the guard. Use gel on wall to kill him. Take cover from pillar and run out. Go to cubicle on the right, look for an office and get Interview Tape. Talk to the people, turn around and go ahead. Jump over ledge, go towards middle of room. Go to floor below, go right to next checkpoint.

Upper Corridor
Up stairs, left, down hallway. Turn right; go down to get to Surgery room. Talk the man sitting down, kill enemies, go outside and go up stairs. Go down hall, go detective mode and kill guards. Open door, kill guards.

Patient Observation
Look up, grapple vent, and look for small vent door. Now you are in a room of gas. Move right, go into detective mode, throw baterang at the panel next to the fan. Jump to the platform, go straight and keep climbing platforms. When reached the final, turn around and hit the second panel. Aim for the henchmen's line. Jump down, go into office and look for the door. Go down hallway.

Upper Corridor
Sprint down and turn right. Go down stairs to the left, go down hallways.

X-Ray Room
Detective Mode, go to the wall and put gel there. Go right when you pass the hallway and you should see another wall which can be gel. Plant gel and detonate both. Go back to the upper corridor, go down the hallway.

As soon as you come in, go into Detective Mode and walk to the detonable wall ahead. Plant some Explosive Gel here. Circle to the left now, still in detective mode. Turn right when you pass the initial hallway and you blow up more walls and go back to the corridor.

Go into detective mode and watch for the guards to separate. Glide Kick the ones of there own. When everyone is dead, go the elevator.

Secure Access
Turn left; go into detective mode and use gel on the wall. Explode and go through, go down the hall. Look right and go through a vent. Go to the body, go down the hall. Go through door and go through Morgue.

Walk to the centre of the room, open body bags. Go towards the door, it will start to rain. Scarecrow will come. Run up stars, wait for his eyesight to pass and run to the next walkway. Crouch behind the small wall, jump the hap and climb ledge. Climb the next one, shimmy and climb up. Cover behind wall. Take cover, detonate wall to your right scarecrow will check. When it looks to your left, run and jump the hap. Run through obstacles, reach the stairs and run to the light. Follow arrows on ground; go to detective mode and arrack guards. Follow arrows up stairs, turn right.

Experimental Chamber
Go straight into the next room. Look at the table on your left and get the map. Go to window, then turn right and go through vent. Head to floor below. Another vent, go through. Go into Detective Mode, crouch to guard and take him down. Kill other guard as well. Kill the other guard to your right, and wait for the final guard to walk to your level and kill. Look for stairs, reach Security Gate and grapple up. You are standing above Harley, stand on the glass and takedown.

Use dodges to avoid his attacks. When he tries to tackle, throw the Baterang and after dodge. If Bane puts his hands to his eyes, attack. Do this to attack tentacles. Repeat. Kill the people that come.

Arkham Island
Keep to the left toward Arkham North. Go through the doors, go up the hill. Left, through the door. Go towards East, kill three henchmen. Go to East door. Turn right, go towards fence. Go to cave opening, grapple up and scan the chronicle. Turn right, go to opening, grapple up and go to door. Go left and go down corridor. Go right and blow the wall. Climb ledge and go outside.

Go straight into cave. You come to a waterfall, go through tunnel and toy will reach a checkpoint. Go to computer. You get a Batclaw. Go down the stairs, turn right and destroy crates with the claw. Go through tunnel and to the door. Fire the claw at the vent above, climb and go.

Old Sewer
Kill the guy on the left and then turn left and go up stairs. Go to Detective Mode and look right, toy will see guys to kill. Keep going th same direction, turn right. Turn around, go to hallway and at the end go though another door.

Main Sewer Junction
Go towards the middle, turn right and climb up the platform. Go to the next platform, and you will reach a pillar. GO up the pillar, jump left and go to the next platform and run up another pillar. At the top, jump right and follow the path.

Surface Access
Open the door; get the Interview Tape to your left. Turn right, go up the stairs and blow up the wall with gel. Jump the gap and go through door.

Arkham North
6 guards here so sneak up to the snipers on the towers. The towers have stairs. Drop and kill the four guards. Go to the big door called Arkham East, go through and kill all the enemies that come. The continue.

Arkham East
Lots of snipers, so always crouch. Sneak kill all the snipers. Go to the cementer and kill the two men on the big house. Use the bat claw to go to a vent above, pull the door and go through.

Arkham Mansion
Three men are below. Glide Kick the gunman. Ground takedown him. Grapple up and go to vent door. Bat claw it, and follow the vents.

Main Hall
Detective Mode. Go down and kill everyone. Go south to South Wing.

South Corridor
Detective Mode. Go towards the guards. Crouch, take cover at wall and kill the gunman with Baterang. Then kill them all, and go through the door.

People with knives here. Kill everyone, start with knifemen. Go to the opening in the north, go down stairs. The hostages are blocked. Go up the stairs, grapple up two floors. Look for a vent and crawl through it. You should be with a big chandelier. Baterang it, jump down and use the run button on hostages. Grapple up, go to south corridor. Go to main hall by following corridor. Go right, go down stairs, go left and go through door. West Wing corridor is the place you are now in. Use the Batclaw on the guy and use ground take down. Talk to guards and go through door.

Arkham Records Room
Grapple up, glide kick the people. Use the baterang to knock down men. Then glide kick. Knock everyone down and glide kick them to finish them off. Go to hostages and talk. Go up the stairs to the right, turn right again and go up the stairs in the boiler room. Go up stairs, go through vent. Jump down. Leave cell and grapple up. You will be in Dr. Young's office, look down and glide kick the guard. Kill everyone. Go up the stairs, look for vent, batclaw it and grapple. Go through vent.

Tracking Fingerprints
Detective Mode, look at safe. Analyze and now you must follow prints. Leave through vents, wait in the room. Beat up guards that come and get interview tape and go through next door at West Wing corridor. Sprint down the stairs. Open Reception. Turn right, go down stairs and follow prints, should go left. South Corridor. Go down the hallway, go through door to Library. Drop down, look left and go to the prints and press run.

Go to Warden's office north east portion of mansion. Go up stairs, go to South Corridor. Keep going forward. Once you arrive at the door through, turn right and up the stairs.

Avoid his gaze. Look for shadows. Go straight, take cover and shoot the crate. Do the same, and you will son be to a platform. Climb up. GO straight ahead. Kill the skeletons, go to the next platform, cover at brick wall and wait for Scarecrow to look somewhere else. Jump and shimmy right. Climb next ledge and jump across, cover and wait. Climb next two platforms and cover against wall. Jump and climb ledge to shimmy. Shimmy right, jump on platform to the right. Go ahead and kill skeletons. Go straight, watch out for tiny gaps, climb and grapple up and jump over to ledge to shimmy. Stand and get pendulum down. Climb next platform, run down and climb next platform. Climb up and go to light.

Rescue continued
Go to centre of room, aim at the line and choose with a Baterang. Climb, go down to safety. Go through new door in the East Wing Corridor. Go into the hallway. You'll see a powerful new enemy with batons, get the Batorang and drag him to you and kill.

Riddler's Challenge
"A game of Cat and mouse can be painful."

Go across the hallway and environment analysis.

Go through door across the room, go into Detective Mode. Wait for men to come into the room and crouch towards. Cover, Baterang the guys. Jump over the guy with electrical baton and attack him. Kill everyone, go to desk and you get a map. Detective Mode, look at red carpet. Scna the scepter, and follow the trail out to East Corridor. Go to Main Gall, there are armed enemies, use the gargoyle for cover. Kill them, open door to the left. Follow DNA.

Path To Penitentiary
DNA leads you past the fountain to the tunnel. Grapple up, do deep in to the tunnel. Detective Mode, you'll see six enemies. Make sure you are ready for a glide kick. Use Baterang and glide kick at the same time. Kill them; go to Arkham Est. Follow samples. Go to Medical Facility. Detective Mode, look at the snipers. Crouch, grapple up. Go down, follow samples. They lead to stairs, follow samples and kill the people. Go to door on left.

Go to table and get tape. Detective Mode, henchmen ahead. Crouch, silent takedown him. Kill other two, follow samples to left, turn left again, up the small hill. Follow the hallway.

Riddler's Challenge
"How do you reflect on your successes and failures, Batman?"

Go to the opening ahead, into the washroom. Down the stairs, environment analysis on the reflection.

Go up the stairs, follow samples into the door. Go down the hallway, go into the prison area. Stick left, should go to an opening. Detective mode, explode the wall. Turn around, up stairs, through the door.
Now time to follow the samples to the right, and circle to the door behind Ivy's cell.

Riddler's Challenge
"A case of mistaken identity?"

Circle right, environment analysis on the guy with glass.

Go up the stairs on the left, go in Detective Mode. Down the stairs, follow samples up the stairs, you get a new gadget. Go outside to use your new gadget on a door. The gadget lets you open doors with panels.
Go down the stairs, towards the door and go through. Go to the next door, back to Main Cell. Kill the guy who jumps out of nowhere. Down the stairs, straight ahead.

Sprint right, run along the wall. Grapple and kill the guys. Few more people will come. Kill everyone, Harley Quinn will run away. Sprint towards tunnel and turn left. Detective Mode, jam panel. Counter attack the person who runs to you and turn left.

Riddler's Challenge
"This room is the end of days for even the most celebrated killer."

Once you've got the above Riddler Trophy, look for a cell in this
room filled with a bunch of calendar pages. Do a scan here to solve
this riddle.

Look for stairs. You are in a guard room go ahead and go through door ahead. Detective Mode, jam panel to the left. Left wall, turn left, jamming the wires. Launch Baterang and sprint straight to the door. Jam the panel to the right. Leave the room.

Go through the door, down the stairs. Go back to the main cell block and go across to the other side. Go to the opened door and up the stairs.

Riddler's Challenge
"What has four walls, two sides, and one ex-DA?"

After going up the stairs you must turn right and look for a Vote Dent poster. Environment analysis it.

Go to the security gate door, and Bat claw and grapple up there. A person will fall through. Get the tape, and go straight ahead, another person or inmate is there. When you reach the stairs, go down them and go through the door.

Extreme Incarnation
Three waves of enemies here. Use the Bat claw with electric baton people and kill them with a takedown. Harley charges the floor with electricity, and the henchmen move to different platforms. Very easy to complete, kill them all.

Riddler's Challenge
"All alone in your cell? Why don't you break the ice with the most dangerous prisoners?"

You should see a frozen structure, go parallel with the '4' and scan.

Go north towards the building and go into the building which Harley stood on. Look left for a desk, and you will find a map. Very useful. Leave using the door, go to the electric floors, and go up the stairs and turn left. Go to the control set frequency. Go down the stairs, through the new passage. Go right, down small stars. Keep going down to the hallway to next door.

Turn right, go down the hallway, kill the person who runs towards you and turn right and follow the path.

Arkham Island
Kill the man, turn left and go. Two more men to kill so go through the door. Turn left; go through the small door, and you will be ambushed. Go straight ahead, towards Arkham East door. Go to the staircase, more men to kill.

Botanical Garden
Go into Detective Mode, tracks will lead you towards the left. Take cover at the corner; throw Baterang at the two thugs. In the next room, go close to the fountain and you will see gargoyles. Use the Baterang and glide kick combination to kill them all. When everyone is dead, go up the stairs to the right. Go through small door and once in the next room, get the tape and go to the next hallway. Lots of enemies here so use the Baterang and use the claw on the ones with batons. Go to the control and jam it. Leave through the door you came in, follow orange lines and you'll see a ladder. Open the door, and run towards the rubble. Go to the bent of the left, and follow to the end of the vent.

When on the ground, turn right and blow up a wall. Go through door, and go straight ahead to drop into water. Go right and up the stairs. Keep going up and go straight ahead to jump the hap to door. Keep going right, climb the platform. Use grapple hook on last ledge. Kill two men here.

Detective Mode, follow print and go through the door, into the Aviary. Stick left, crawl ahead and open the vent. Grapple through the ledges until you are crawling through a vent. Get your claw and aim it, it will sense something, jump and glide towards it. Look t the top right, grapple. Shimmy left, in the shrubs. Wait for the men to turn and the n climb up and walk and take him down. Go to the ladder and climb, kill the operator. Kill the last two and take them down. Go to the shrubs, drop down and walk towards the light. Detective Mode, follow prints to the wall, action button and tune it three times. Open the door.

Use the Baterang to shoot the Titans. Wait for it to bend, use the attack button and climb onto his back. Steer the Titan towards another one. Kill all of them, quite easy.

You will get a new weapon after the scene, a line launcher. Shoot it at the door to move across. Leave the room, turn right, drop a few platforms and open the door. Go up the stairs, into the ravine and use the gadget to ho across. Follow the hallway and go inside. Go to the men and kill them. Look right, climb through the little vent. Drop platforms to a door in the next room. Drop again to the water and go to the northeast of the screen.

Line Launcher across, kill guards and go into Detective Mode. Go through the door; kill the lone henchmen using the grapple technique. Go to ground floor and ho to the Glasshouse Entrance. Run ahead to the garden, drop to the hole and follow the path. Grapple up, drop down below and turn right to go out. Go left, climb the steps and grapple to the vent.

Arkham Mansion
Line Launcher across the room, and then grapple up to a vent. Drop down when you are able to and look right and drop down again. Go ahead until you come across a plant, look left and Line Launch across again. Run ahead to the end, drop down towards Aaron. Grapple up and run ahead, line launch to the catwalk and run down and grapple up. Grapple up again, and once out of the vent line Launch to get across the room. Go out the door back to Arkham Easy. Grapple up and go out.

Path To Intensive Treatment
Go down the stairs; go past the fountain towards Arkham North. Kill the firemen and go to Arkham north. Detective Mode, you will see a sniper to the left. Turn right, go up the tower, climb up and line launch to the sniper. Kill him. Go through door.

Intensive Treatment
Vent door to the right, go through. Look for a path to the left. Get out of the vent, turn right and grapple and head through another vent. Go right and sprint, drop down and go to vent on the left. Kick the door; wait for the men to turn his back and crouch and takedown silently. There is another guy on the left, kill him and drop down to the lower level by jumping the railing. Detective Mode, stay away form bodies. Sneak up on enemies to Silent Takedown, and try to stay in detective mode. Go through the door below the vent.

Go down the hallway, the game will apparently glitch, just the game. Go down the path retry. Go up the ramp, jump the gap, and turn right towards the broken door. Aim with line launcher, jump across the gap on the right. Crouch behind the machine, Scare will pass, go straight ahead. Kill the skeletons. Go down the path, climb up, take cover at the wall and wait for Scarecrow to pass. Go ahead, cover at the machine/ Go ahead again and jump the gap. Checkpoint. Crouch and use all for cover.

Jump the next gap; continue until you reach the platform. Use it for cover, run along it. Next brick wall for cover, climb next platform and jump onto the crate. Scarecrow will look left; you grapple right and go towards the light. Not over yet.

First, skeletons will come. The titans will come; use the Baterang to blind it. Lastly, skeletons and titans come. Try and kill all skeletons, and kill the Titan using the Baterang. Quite simple. Go ahead through the door.

Secure Transit
Go ahead to elevator.

Riddler's Challenge
"Dr. Jonathan Crane plans on elevating fear to new depths."

Climb into the vent on the wall, go right and scan green map.

Get out the vent. Detective Mode, orange wire to the right. Three men here. Grapple up, and go up the stairs. Kill guy with gun by sneaking up. Get the tape on the table. Go to the panel, jam it, elevator will open. Drop down, kill the men. Go through door on the left. Pick tape on the left, follow hallway to the right, open door to the Lair.

Turn right, go to the catwalk. Line Launch to the opposite side, and when the path ends, Line Launch to the circular opening. Run down the tunnel. Use the HUD, it tells you where spores are. Go down the platform, climb the frame, go ahead, turn right, climb over another hate, turn right and a croc will come and attack. Use the Baterang, and then go straight down and the croc will appear again. Baterang the bulb, collect spore. Collect all the spores, which is very easy, and make sure you use the line launcher for big gaps.

When everything has been collected, run and follow distance marker. Run fast, turn left and go into detective mode. Blow it up.

To The Batcave
Look right with the Line Launcher, latch northeast. Go through door, go left to the hallway. Detective Mode, kill all the guys and go down the stairs. Line Launch to reach trophy, Line Launch back and look on the wall for a vent. Drop down, go ahead into the cave. Go to the computer, and you get an Ultra Bat claw. Go to the platform. Detective mode and look for a wall, new bat claw to pull it.

Joker's Fortress
Jump across, grapple/ Go ahead, you are now outside. Glide towards the island, line launch to the island beside you. Look for grapple, get on the platform, and look up for another target. Look up for the final grapple target. Outside, use the line launcher, go across the island. Glide down the bridge, look right for a vent. You are in a sewer, go up the stairs and take a left and go down the hallway. Go to the hallway on the left.

You are in the sewer. Go ahead, and then turn right and climb up. Jump across the catwalks, jump to the platform to the ramp. When you are at the top, line launch to the middle of the room. Sprint right and climb up.

Go across the platform, line launch again to the corner in the left. Climb more platforms, go to Detective Mode. There's a wall, use the new Bat claw to destroy. Use the claw on the men. Grapple up, more men to kill.

Go to the hallway; pick up tape on the right. Go through door, two men here. Kill them, go right in the opening. Go down the hallway, into control room. Takedown everyone silently. Go up the stairs and go the panel and jam. Leave the room and go to the next opening.

Kill everyone in this room. Jam two panels. Go outside, wait for Titan to come. Kill the men, try and use the Baterang on the Titan. Leave through opening, grapple up. Gel the platform, then claw it. Go to the hardens, go to the room where ivy was.

Poison Ivy
Use the quick Baterang to hurt her. Use dodge to dodge her, and she will launch bubbles when she gets big. When her white health runs out, and then run out the grey and then gel her to explode her and kill.

Time For Redemption
Go to the Penitentiary, leave through Arkham Easy, and go to the south part of the map. Kill the guards, and kill the people in the room. The Joker will talk, and go through the glass and turn right and go through the door.

The Joker
Kill the Titans, counter attack the men. Very easy. Now time for the final battle. Run away form the Joker, and when he calls for his minions kill all of them. You can attack Joker when the helicopter comes. Wait for the helicopter, and he will turn his back, use the claw to pin him down. Beat him up. Run around some more, he will go onto the platform and kill all the guards. The Joker will lose his attention, and use the claw and beat him up. Keep doing this until you kill him.

Congratulations, you have completed Batman: Arkham Asylum.

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