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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010"
(PlayStation 3)

This game is also available on Xbox 360, PS2 and PSP.

Retro Game Walkthroughs for WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 (PlayStation 3)
Submitted By: HighflyerVII
WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2010 Road to Wrestlemania Walkthrough Part 1 of 3

Hello, and welcome to this walkthrough for WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2010. The following walkthrough is to deal with the Road to Wrestlemania game mode, in which you select one of the available superstars to play through the weeks heading up to Wrestlemania XXV. I will be attempting to show the different pathways that are available for each superstar, what differences your decisions make, make you aware of what match-ups to expect, and what you want to be doing if you want to unlock everything the game has to offer. This is Part 1 of 3, and will be walking through the Road to Wrestlemania for Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton.

1. Shawn Michaels [SWN]
2. Randy Orton [ORT]

To make your way through the guide, you can find tags at the beginning of each week and event. For example, to get to the third week of Shawn Michaels’ Road to Wrestlemania, the tag is [SWN-WK3] and for No Way Out it would be [SWN-NWO]

1. Shawn Michaels [SWN]

Shawn Michaels, the Heart Break Kid. Multiple time world champion, and the first Grand Slam Champion of the WWE

Week 1 [SWN-WK1]

So the Road to Wrestlemania begins! And it’s not a particularly easy start to the road for HBK. He gets the ride rolling with a singles match with Kane. Simple stuff, really. Get the win via. pinfall or submission.
Shawn Michaels vs. Kane

Week 2 [SWN-WK2]

CM Punk sends you a message on your phone telling you to watch his match tonight, you might learn something. The thing learned is that JBL wins, and then assaults CM Punk with a chair. HBK comes down to the rescue, eventually, press X to start a brawl. The fight will end after about a minute due to the end of the “broadcast”, and on to Week 3!

Week 3 [SWN-WK3]

JBL leaves a message on your phone informing you it was stupid to interfere in his attack on CM Punk, and that he’s going to end your championship hopes tonight. In the match, Randy Orton is on commentary, and some way into it, he’ll give JBL a steel chair to use on Michaels, and will attack Michaels himself, given the opportunity, which makes winning this match a bit of a pain, but it ends up being not too difficult

JBL vs. Shawn Michaels
(Interference from Randy Orton for JBL)

Week 4 [SWN-WK4]

Another fairly straight forward match coming up, tagging with CM Punk to fight JBL and Randy Orton. There’s an unlockable on offer for anyone who can hit Sweet Chin Music on both JBL and Randy Orton during the fight, an alternate attire for Shawn Michaels!

Shawn Michaels & CM Punk vs. JBL & Randy Orton
Optional Goal: Hit Sweet Chin Music on both JBL and Randy Orton

Royal Rumble [SWN-RR]

JBL leaves yet another voicemail message informing you that he thinks he should be competing tonight, not you. Hmm, sounds suspicious. Needless to say, he interrupts fairly early on in the match and hits you over the head with a cowbell. Shawn Michaels wins by DQ, and Randy Orton is still the World Heavyweight Champion, the Road to Wrestlemania continues. After the match, JBL punishes the knee of Shawn Michaels, looks like we might be out of action for a while.

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton (World Heavyweight Championship)

Week 5 [SWN-WK5]

Big rant by JBL about how he will make HBK quit, followed by a nice montage involving videos of the earlier Smackdown titles, which was fairly cool, in my opinion. No appearance from you tonight, however, so on to Week 6.

Week 6 [SWN-WK6]

Shawn now wants to prove he still has the fight in him. Another optional goal here for yet another unlock. After Chris Jericho has ran through the times he has demolished HBK, you decide that he should taste his own blood. Finishing the match with Jericho wearing the crimson mask will earn you Chris Jericho’s alternate attire.

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels
Optional Goal: Make Jericho bleed.

Week 7 [SWN-WK7]

RAW this week kicks off with JBL’s continuance of the HBK retirement tour with The Brian Kendrick, except this time, you’re going to interrupt. When you run in, you get a choice between JBL and Kendrick, this is who you are going to knock unconscious with Sweet Chin Music, the person who you don’t pick will be your opponent for the Back Stage Brawl immediately afterwards. The person who you choose to knock out will eventually get back up, you pretty much need to Sweet Chin Music both JBL and Kendrick to “win” the Back Stage Brawl

Shawn Michaels vs. JBL & The Brian Kendrick

Week 8 [SWN-WK8]

RAW this weeks allows you to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship. As Shane McMahon will say on the phone, the match has become a ‘no disqualification’ match. Shawn will suggest to you to attempt to finish the match within 4 minutes. Of course, about 2 minutes in, JBL will interfere, just to irritate you on the way to hitting that optional goal, but he rarely breaks up pins, so it’s very doable. By doing this, you unlock JBL’s business suit as an alternate attire.

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton [World Heavyweight Championship]
Optional Goal: Win in less than 4 minutes.

No Way Out [SWN-NWO]

Of course, No Way Out rolls along with you as the new World Heavyweight Champion. No rest for the best, as you’re now pitted against JBL in a Steel Cage match. Shawn Michaels wants to steal the show by jumping from the top of the 15 foot high steel cage onto JBL, so that’s something you gotta do! Not too difficult, but make sure you connect or you’ll be forced to replay the match.

JBL vs. Shawn Michaels [World Heavyweight Championship]
Mandatory Goal: Jump from the cage onto JBL

Week 9 [SWN-WK9]

JBL is out, rambling on about luck and what-not. He issues a bounty on Shawn’s head. $250,000…quite a decent amount of money. And when they smell that money, money (yeah, yeah), you know who’s coming. Cryme Tyme attack you backstage. Win in the normal way, knock them both out with Sweet Chin Music.

Shawn Michaels vs. JTG & Shad (Cryme Tyme)

Week 10 [SWN-WK10]

Shawn Michaels starts tonight in the ring. Obviously as it goes on, more bounty hunters appear, this time, it’s Legacy. Backstage Brawl rules apply. As the first person is elimated, CM Punk comes out to “help”. After that, Mike Knox and Mark Henry appear.. After the fight, JBL attacks CM Punk and challenges Shawn Michaels to a retirement match at Wrestlemania. You get a choice of either saying yes, or saying no. Let’s explore both avenues, shall we.

Shawn Michaels (with CM Punk) vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. (Legacy), Mike Knox and Mark Henry

Week 11 [SWN-WK11]

Saying yes:
Tonight, you get revenge against Legacy for attacking you last week. Fairly simple affair, tag team match, no surprises. Do three double team moves during the match to unlock HBK’s DX attire.

Shawn Michaels & CM Punk vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase Jr.
Optional Goal: Perform three double team moves

Saying no:
Tonight, you have a tag team match against JBL and Randy Orton. JBL phones, hardly able to talk due to Sweet Chin Music he received last week. Shawn Michaels isn’t in good shape, although he wants to hide it. Randy Orton and JBL attack you after the match, as per usual, with more damage being done to your leg. The optional goal for this match is for CM Punk to compete for the majority of the match, and for him to pick up the win, this will unlock HBK’s DX attire.

Randy Orton & JBL vs. Shawn Michaels & CM Punk
Optional Goal: Have CM Punk as the legal man for the majority of the match, and have him pick up the win.

Week 12 [SWN-WK12]

Saying yes:
JBL leaves a message on your phone trying to rile you up, as if that’s going to work. Either way, generic insults etc.. Tonight, you defend the championship against Randy Orton…with JBL, who joins on commentary. I wonder if he’ll interfere… Of course he does, but only to break up the first pinfall, after that, he gets ejected from ringside, allowing for you pick off Randy Orton, and defend.

Randy Orton w/JBL vs. Shawn Michaels [World Heavyweight Championship]

Saying no:
HBK comes to the ring with crutches, suggesting he should retire. He says that JBL will have to beat a person of Shawn’s choosing to fight him at Wrestlemania. Triple H and Chris Jericho have left voicemails for you, one for either side. You get to choose between John Cena, Triple H and CM Punk as an opponent for JBL. You get to play this match as the person you chose. During the match, Chris Jericho will interfere and hit you with his finisher, and JBL will knock out the referee whilst Jericho knocks you out, JBL will win.

JBL vs. John Cena/Triple H/CM Punk

Wrestlemania XXV [SWN-WRM]

Saying yes:
So, it all boils down to this. JBL vs. Shawn Michaels, the loser retires. Punk phones you to tell you he’ll be looking for trouble backstage, for which Shawn thanks him. The match is an I Quit match, so you need to hold the microphone and “pin” your opponent to make them quit. Of course, this is the WWE, so CM Punk comes out and turns on Shawn, but let’s face it, there’s been harder handicap matches on the Road to Wrestlemania. CM Punk’s AI seems a bit stupid, so not much problems caused by him. Make JBL quit, and that’s the end of this Road to Wrestlemania! For completing this Road, you unlock the Interview Room for Backstage Brawl.

Shawn Michaels vs. JBL [World Heavyweight Championship]

Saying no:
So, it all boils down to this. JBL vs. Shawn Michaels, the loser retires. Shawn gives a speech about how his career boils down to this. The match is an I Quit match, so you need to hold the microphone and “pin” your opponent to make them quit. Chris Jericho comes out to help JBL finish off Michaels, but wait…wait…HERE COMES TRIPLE H (or whoever you chose for the match against JBL last week), and the odds are evened. Make JBL quit, and that’s the end of this Road to Wrestlemania! For completing this Road, you unlock the Interview Room for Backstage Brawl.

2. Randy Orton [ORT]

Week 1 [ORT-WK1]

So here starts Randy Orton’s Road to Wrestlemania, and what a start it is! The first match in which you take control is a World Heavyweight Championship match against the Phenom, the Undertaker! Straightforward, defeat the Deadman by pinfall or submission to become World Heavyweight Champion and end this week

Randy Orton vs. The Undertaker [World Heavyweight Championship]

Week 2 [ORT-WK2]

Cody Rhodes leaves you a rather unnecessary pep-talk on your phone before your 6-man tag team match tonight. Again, straightforward, just win to progress. After the match, the team of Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes will celebrate in the ring with their championships, looking fairly smug.

Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes vs. The Undertaker, John Cena & Batista

Week 3 [ORT-WK3]

It is announced that Randy Orton will face The Undertaker in Hell in a Cell at the Royal Rumble, but you’ve got tonight to worry about. Rhodes and DiBiase want to help you tonight if you help them. So you’ve got a choice, help or not. Let’s explore the differences:

If yes:
You will appear at ringside for the match between Cody Rhodes and The Undertaker, shortly into the match. To help Rhodes, just get a weapon from under the ring, he will pick up the win after hitting ‘Taker with the chair. Post-match, Undertaker will rise up and attack Rhodes, but Orton will interrupt and KO Taker.

Now onto your match for the night, you have a singles match with Batista. Mid-way through the match, Rhodes will distract the referee whilst DiBiase attacks Batista with the steel chair, making him powerless to resist the pinfall.

Randy Orton vs. Batista

If no:

No helping in the Rhodes match, so straight on to your match with Batista. When you get close to winning the match, the Undertaker will interrupt the match, and you will be told to escape the ring, and up the ramp. Reversing 3 of Batista’s attacks in this match will unlock Red & Green (the guys who demonstrate in create-a-moveset) for normal play.

Randy Orton vs. Batista
Optional goal: Reverse 3 of Batista’s attacks

Week 4 [ORT-WK4]

Tonight you’ve got the unenviable task of facing Undertaker’s brother Kane. He leaves a message telling you that he is a good brother and will be getting you back for Undertaker. Obviously, you have no desire of staying in the ring with the Big Red Machine for any length of time. I personally recommend winning by countout, defeating Kane properly in 3 minutes is quite difficult.

Kane vs. Randy Orton
Mandatory Goal: Win in under 3 minutes.

Royal Rumble [ORT-RR]

Frictions appear in the team of DiBiase and Rhodes as they lose the tag titles to Cena and Batista. Rhodes is quick to point the blame at DiBiase, but wishes you luck in your match tonight against The Undertaker. Another mandatory goal for this match, however much more fun. To continue this Road to Wrestlemania, you must defeat the Undertaker, however you must also throw him off of the top of it during the match, too. After a fall like that, predictably, Undertaker requires the EMTs afterwards.

Randy Orton vs. The Undertaker [World Heavyweight Championship]
Mandatory Goal: Throw Undertaker from the top of the cell

Week 5 [ORT-WK5]

Ted DiBiase gives his half of the ramblings about being Rhodes’ fault they lost the titles. Bob Orton also leaves a message to say that he’s proud of you for taking out the Undertaker. Thanks, dad! Randy stands in the ring, ranting about the legends that he has destroyed in his career, and how this has lead to him “being” the legend. After the rambling, you have a match with Rey Mysterio, nothing too difficult.

Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio

After the match, Matt Hardy will cash in Money In The Bank. So two matches in a row it is, again, not too difficult

Randy Orton vs. Matt Hardy (World Heavyweight Championship)

Week 6 [ORT-WK6]

Randy breaks up Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes fighting yet again over their loss of the tag titles. So, they decide to have a match, with Orton as special guest referee. Very laid back stuff here, pretty much a week off with a very long interactive cutscene. Or, you can beat them up if you want. And to be honest, you want to, they turn on you pretty quickly, so it ends up being more like a 2-on-1 backstage brawl. After a little bit of time, the cutscene will take over, and Legacy will double-team you.

Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. (Special Guest Referee – Randy Orton)

Week 7 [ORT-WK7]

Cutscene triggers to show Bob Orton consoling Randy Orton for not being able to compete. Bob takes Legacy’s side, defending them. This irritated Randy and he RKO’s him onto the car. And onto next week

Week 8 [ORT-WK8]

Dusty Rhodes confronts Randy Orton at the beginning of the week. You’ll then have a choice, “Talking” or “Walk Away”. Either way, you’ll end up in a Backstage Brawl with Dusty Rhodes, your choice just determines who fights first. Simple stuff as always, KO Dusty to continue

Randy Orton vs. Dusty Rhodes

No Way Out [ORT-NWO]

Dusty leaves you a voicemail message telling you Cody’s going to win, and he’s going to be at ringside… One of those things is true, at least. Orton says he should RKO Dusty if he turns up at ringside, so you know what to do…RKOing Dusty Rhodes will cause Cody Rhodes to get fired up to having his finisher. It will also unlock you

Cody Rhodes w/ Dusty Rhodes vs. Randy Orton (World Heavyweight Championship)
Optional Goal: RKO Dusty Rhodes

Week 9 [ORT-WK9]

Ted DiBiase Snr. Interrupts Orton’s rambling about how great he is. After a large donation to WWE, an inter-brand match is made between you and Festus (biscuits and gravy!), so here we go. Knowing that he is pretty much invincible to strike attacks, the optional goal is to not use a single strike attack during the match. Doing this will unlock Cowboy Bob Orton for use in other game modes. During the match, Ted DiBiase Jr. will steal the title belt, and Cody Rhodes will attack you with a chair when you chase after him.

Festus vs. Randy Orton
Optional Goal: Do not use strikes in the match.

Week 10 [ORT-WK10]

Time to get your title back, but first, you want an insurance policy. You get the choice between taking Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase or American Dream Dusty Rhodes to the ring to confront Rhodes and DiBiase. Interactive cutscene to “execute” your insurance policy. Now to grab your title. After grabbing it you will escape, and onto next week

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. & Cody Rhodes

Week 11 [ORT-WK11]

Not good. Undertaker is back and he wants revenge. Make sure he doesn’t get it by winning your singles match with him this week. This of course won’t happen, as Rhodes and DiBiase comein and cause a disqualification. After the match, Undertaker will take our DiBiase and Rhodes, followed by Orton taking out Undertaker, sending a message to DiBiase and Rhodes.

Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

Week 12 [ORT-WK12]

This week, it’s time for revenge as Randy Orton teams up with Undertaker to take on the people who ruined your match last week. Orton obviously doesn’t want to get hurt, and the optional goal for this match is to ensure Orton spends less than 2 minutes of the match as the legal man. By doing this, you will unlock

Randy Orton & Undertaker vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. & Cody Rhodes
Optional Goal: Have Orton as the legal man for less than 2 minutes.

Wrestlemania [ORT-WRM]

So it’s come to this, Orton, Rhodes, DiBiase, all facing off for the World Heavyweight Championship. It’s also been made a lumberjack match, with Ted DiBiase Sr., Dusty Rhodes and Undertaker being assigned as lumberjacks, and as such, they’re after you, not them. “Simply” win the match to finish this story mode… or not, whomever you defeat, their father will come to congratulate you, one semi-interactive cutscene later and it’s you vs. the daddy. Defeat the dad to unlock them for normal play (this is required to be done twice for both unlocks, winning over both opponents). And then that’s it, Road to Wrestlemania complete.

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. vs. Cody Rhodes [Lumberjacks: Ted DiBiase Sr, Dusty Rhodes, Undertaker]

Randy Orton vs. Dusty Rhodes OR Ted DiBiase Sr.

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