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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Pokemon SoulSilver Version"
(Nintendo DS)

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Pokemon SoulSilver Version (Nintendo DS)
Submitted By: Goldtooth5739
Where is Ho-oH?

You can get ho-oh in this game but you have to get to the Kanto region first. Once you get to Kanto its in one of the cities in the middle but to get to the cities in the midddle you have to get Snorlax to move away from Diglets cave. In order to get Snorlax to move you have to go in your Pokegear then go to your radio and move the dot until you find Pokeflute leave it on the Pokeflute then talk to Snolax and he should wake up and fight you then he will be gone. When you get to the middle cities talk to a old man outside and he will give you a rainbow feather. Take the feather to the bell tower clime all the way to the top and when your on top of the tower go up and talk to ho-oh and you will battle him. If you fail to capture him just save it before you fight him.

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