What Is It
Braindead 13 is an FMV based game on the iPhone which is based on an old PC and 3DO game. The game involves making decisions at key stages on each level (up,down,left,right and action)
There are many ways through the game and you can visit every room or just try to find the quickest way to the final room, the Brain Chamber. To get to the chamber you first need to defeat the 4 bosses.
I’ve played through the game enough to try and work out the quickest route (though there may be another way to get there as fast) so here it is:
The Hallway
Starting in the hallway you need to go
The Conservatory
Avoid the puppet/Marionette with left, right, action and up
Go left to the Sports Hallway
Sports Hallway
Left and left again to get to the hall with the skull
Skull Hall
This is where you’ll find the 4 bosses.
Red Witch
Up then
right, action, right, right, right, down, right, up, action, up, right, right, action to the Hallway
At the Hallway press right right to go to Vivi
Vivi’s place
Vivi asks you if you want a shave, manicure or facial.
Up to start then:
Action, left (shave)
action, right, right, right(manicure)
up, left,up, right, left, up, left, right(facial)
Then action, action, left to get to the Cave
At the cave go up then right
Blue Witch
The Blue Witch is the mirror opposite of the Red Witch.
Up then
left, action, left, left, left, down, left, up, action, up, left,
left, action to get to the Sports Hallway
At the Hallway press right for the Conservatory
At the Conservatory go right, then left to the next Hallway
At the Hallway go right for the bedroom
Ghosts attack you, dodge them and attack with pillow:
down, action, action, action, right to the library
Avoid the book throwing librarian
down, up, right to the hallway
At the Hallway go up to the garden
The most annoying part of the game as the maze all starts to look the same.
Right to the Crossroad
Then right, up, left, left, left, left, down, down, right, up and uo to a bigger Statue
Big Statue
left, left, left, left, action, right, action, down, action, action, right, right,right, left, right, action, action, action, right, action, action to get to the Hallway with a statue
Hallway with Statue
Left for the Library with the Bookworm
Library with Bookworm
down, left, action, action, up, up to Knife Bedroom
Knife Bedroom
down, left, up to hallway
Hallway with ad
Left to Conservatory
left, right, action, up, left to Hallway
Up to Moose head
Moose Head
Right then
action, up, right, right, left, right, up, action, right, down, up,
up,down, down, left, right, up, left, right, up, left, right, right to Sports Hallway
Sports Hallway
Left then up to Fritz
Boss Battle: Fritz
Action, left, action, action, action, left, action, right, left, right, left, action, right, action, left, action, right, action, left, right, left, right, action
Brain Chamber
Final showdown with Dr Neurosis.
Left, right, right, down, left, right, down, action, right, up,
down, action, down, action, action, action, up
Then you get the ending animation. Well done, you’re finished!