GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Walkthroughs For
(PlayStation 3)

This game is also available on Xbox 360.

Retro Game Walkthroughs for AMY (PlayStation 3)
Submitted By: TezChi
By VectorCell
Walkthrough by TezChi

Welcome to this walkthrough for VectorCell and Lexis Numerique's game AMY, for PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. This walkthrough is designed to help you through this often challenging survival horror game, though is by no means comprehensive in terms of secrets and hidden extras. Note that this walkthrough is written for the PS3 version of the game, although can be used for the XBOX 360 as there are no discernible differences between them.


AMY can be a difficult game, so below are a number of basic tips to bear in mind before starting the game:

- You must complete an entire chapter in order to save the game. The mid level checkpoints do not save your progress when you quit the game.

- Whenever possible, hold Amy's hand by holding R1 on the controller. This will heavily reduce your 'infection' level and reduce the difficulty in many areas of the game.

- Note that your weapon and healing items will be lost in the event of death and a checkpoint restart.

- Weapons are degradable. Always replace your current weapon when a new one is found in the environment.

- Amy's heartbeat can be felt in the controllers' vibration function. When you can feel it, there is danger close at hand.


To begin, select one of the three difficulties; Easy, Normal or Hard. Note that the difficulty setting is mostly in relation to combat gameplay, and has no effect on the puzzles or other essential elements of the game. However, if this is your first playthrough of the game, I would recommend starting with Easy to help you get to grips with the gameplay.

Sit back and watch the opening cutscene


After the cutscene, press select and familiarize yourself with the game's controls and general concepts. When finished, walk forward and pick up Amy's cuddly toy from the table in front of you. After this, turn around and exit the compartment, turning right into the train corridor. The rooms to your right contain no items, though can be explored should you desire. Follow the corridor until you reach the body of the dead train conductor. Pick up the length of wood from in front of him, then walk into the bathroom to your left. In here, pick up the healing antidote from beneath the mirror, then head back out into the corridor. Retrace your steps until you can exit the train on the left hand side. Press X when prompted to climb down.

You will now be confronted with your first battle. Run towards the zombie and press Square on the controller to attack. After this, walk forward towards the blue crate which is blocking the way. Press and hold X to pull the crate out of the way, then walk around the gap that it has created. Keep following the path, going past a control room on your right. You can try the door if you wish, though it will be locked at this point. Follow the path around to the right, towards the blue vending machine. Press R3 as indicated on the screen to enter crouch mode, sneaking past the zombie on the right. If you stay crouching, the zombie will not detect you, though it can also be attacked and defeated should you so desire. Keep heading left, and walk up the train platform, ignoring the electric gate to the left. When you reach the end of the platform, a cutscene will be triggered automatically.

After the cutscene, retrace your steps down the train platform, and head back towards the control room. Be prepared for two zombies to attack, which you will need to kill as they approach you and Marcello. After this, go to the door of the control room, and Marcello will give you a DNA cracker. Try again to open the door, and a checkpoint will be triggered (indicated at the top of the screen). You will now notice a selection of 4 red dots on a map in the bottom right of the screen. These represent the locations of nearby DNA samples. The correct one is aboard the train you began in, so head back towards it and climb inside. Head through the train to where the dead train conductor was, and you will notice he is no longer there! There is however a pile of blood, where you are prompted to press X to scan the DNA. After this, prepare yourself for another battle as you head back to the trains' exit. I would recommend holding down L2 whilst walking through the train corridor, that way you are ready to swing at the zombie when he appears from around the corner. Do not forget to press circle to dodge his attacks. When he is down, exit the train and head back to the control room door.

It will now open with the DNA cracker, allowing you to go inside. There is nothing to pick up inside the room, so stand in front of the main console and press X to hack the system. This triggers a puzzle where you must match symbols using trial and error. There are 5 symbols, and each must be placed in the correct order to successfully hack the system. However, not every symbol is used in the combination, and choosing the wrong one will result in a red X shown beneath it. Likewise, if the symbol is correct yet placed incorrectly, a yellow line will be shown instead. The goal is to mix up the correct symbols until all are showing green ticks beneath them. Do not worry if you get it wrong, as you can try the puzzle over again until it is correct.

Once you have solved it, go out of the control room and head back around to the right where you first met up with Marcello. A zombie will now be waiting on the platform, so take him down before walking to the electrified gate on the left. Open the gate and walk through, then head right towards another blue, movable crate. Hold X to pull it out of the way, then walk through in the ladies toilets behind it. This will trigger a cutscene where you meet up with Amy. After this, explore the bathroom where a new weapon (another plank of wood) can be found on the floor near to the sink. When you have it, hold onto Amy's hand and exit the bathroom to meet back up with Marcello. Now walk to the other end of the corridor, signposted in blue to 'main street'.

At this point you need to send Amy through the small vent on the wall in front of you. To do this, stand in front of the vent whilst holding Amy's hand, and press X to send her through. Now walk around the right side of the room, and you can see through the glass window where Amy is inside. Press triangle as indicated by the 'Amy' icon in the room, after which she will press a button on the wall. This will open the door to the room, so go inside and watch the short cutscene. After this, call Amy back towards you and hold onto her hand if you desire. Go through the other door in the room, and begin to walk along the corridor. At the end of the corridor, see a red console against the wall. While holding Amy's hand, stand in front of this and press X to have Amy hack into the system. When she has done it, the door next to you will open up, allowing you walk through. A checkpoint will now be reached.

Follow the corridor to the end, where Marcello will wait in front of a blocked-off segment. Turn right and see that the corridor is on fire from below. You need to shimmy across this section, and cannot take Amy with you for the moment. Stand facing the wall to the left, and you will be prompted to press X to enter the side step. Exit on the other side, and take down the zombie which is waiting for you. Now turn left in the corridor, then turn right when you reach it's end to see Amy on the other side of the gate. Press X on the wall switch to open the gate, and hold onto Amy's hand. There is a healing antedote in front of you now, next to the blocked off ticket barrier. Pick this up, then walk back along the corridor.

When you reach the end, you will see that there is another vent for you send Amy through into the office. Do this, then walk around to the glass window and once again press triangle to have her press the button. When she has done this, go back to the vent and press X again to have Amy crawl back out. Go now through the opened gate to the left, triggering a cutscene with zombies in prison cells. Ignore them for now and walk through the passage, and at the end press X on the wall switch to open the gate.

Marcello will now scream 'run for it', and the zombies will be released from the cells. Hold Amy's and begin to run through the room, tapping square to sprint. On Easy difficulty you can attack the zombies if you want, but otherwise run and follow Marcello through the room and into the corridor at the back. Run through the corridor and press X when shown to close the gate and stop the zombies from chasing (not required if you took them down). After this follow the corridor, and at the end see doors on both your left and right. Use the door to the right, which Marcello will open with his 'magic key'.

In the room, you will see an elevator. Walk onto this with Amy, then press R1+circle to make her wait on it's platform. Now climb the ladder opposite the elevator, and press the button on the wall to send the lift upwards. When Amy gets to the top of the elevator, press triangle to have her press the button on the nearby wall. When she has done this, press triangle again to have her get back onto the elevator, and press the button to send her back down. Climb back down the ladder and call Amy towards you, then together walk through the newly opened door.

Marcello will begin to talk about soldiers in the area, and then trigger a short cutscene. After this, hide under the table by standing in front of it and pressing X, then press X again to both crawl underneath it. Sit back and watch the end cutscene.


When you gain control, walk straight forward towards the dead body in front of you. Pick up the key card from in front of him, and ignore the pool of blood which appears from under the door! Turn around, and open the double doors to the right. You will now be in a room with red pools full of 'infection', so the idea is not to touch them. Therefore, crouch down and move slowly around them, turning right at the top of the room. Pick up the healing antidote from the bin, and then stand back up to walk down the corridor. When you reach the end of the corridor, turn right. You can pick up the newspaper on the floor if you wish. Make your way around the corridor, and you can press X to look at Amy's lamp on the floor. Next, check the locker and press square to get Amy out. A cutscene will now be shown.

After this, hold Amy's hand and begin to retrace your steps. You will see a huge enemy burst through the door, which is your cue to run back through the corridor in the direction that you came from (towards the blue vending machine). After a while, turn left and hide in the locker against the left wall. Wait in here until the enemy passes by. As it does, you will see an orange exclamation mark in the top of the screen. A few seconds after the monster has walked past you, exit the locker with Amy. You will see the enemy to your left, so walk slowly back to the right. Pick up the healing antidote from the floor, and make your way back to where you found Amy in the other locker.

When you get near, you will see a hotspot near the gate opposite the locker. Press this to open the gate, and walk through. Turn immediately left, and enter the dark corridor. Pick up the healing antidote near the bin, and go through the door at the end. Press left on the D-pad to turn on Amy's lamp, and make your way around the room. At the very back of the room, pick up the plank of wood, then exit the room once again. After opening the door, turn left and then right, taking you back into the infected room.

Crouch down whilst holding Amy's hand, and once more make your way through the room, avoiding the red pools. After you come out into the corridor, walk for a few seconds and then see a cutscene. When you have seen this, press X to have Amy draw the glyph. After she has drawn it, hold her hand and turn left at the end of the corridor. You will see a cracked sheet of glass, and a zombie behind it eating somebody. Stand in front of this glass and hold R2 on the controller. This will open the power wheel, where you can select the silence power. Fire it towards the cracked glass, and see a semi-circle of blue light where everything inside is silent. Now you can hit the glass with the wooden plank.

Walk through, ignoring the zombie, and send Amy through the vent in front of you. Walk back around into the infected room, where you can see Amy through the glass window. Press triangle to have her pick up the key card. After this, walk back into the room with the zombie, and press X on the vent to have Amy crawl back out. Exit the room, and use the door directly opposite you. You will now see a cutscene.

After the scene, hold Amy's hand and crouch behind the wooden crate. Time your movement so that the zombie cannot see you (as his back is turned from you), and cross the gap to the opposite crate. You can pick up another newspaper here. Now, to deal with the zombie, If you desire, you can hide Amy in the locker behind you, then run and attack the zombie to kill him. Otherwise, you must slowly crouch and follow behind the zombie so he cannot see you. Either way, go through the door at the back of the room. In here, hold Amy's hand in front of the red console, and have her hack into the system. This will result in a checkpoint.

When the door has opened, walk through and you will see a short cutscene echoing Marcello's earlier statement about a phone. Now crouch down and hold hands with Amy, and slowly move beneath the glass window. Bear in mind that if the soldier inside goes near to the door, it will open automatically and you may be seen. Make sure the soldier is away from the door, then crouch past and around the corridor. Keep crouching and reach a phone box on the left wall. Press X to make this ring, then move immediately round to the left and hide in the locker with Amy. Wait inside for the soldier to pass you by. An other exclamation mark will appear on screen, but this time we are waiting for it to disappear before exiting the locker.

When you leave the locker, head back around into the control room where the soldier previously was. Check the box near to the door to trigger another DNA puzzle. If you try to open the door itself, Lana will read a note mentioning a coffee shop. This is where we will head to next. Exit the room, and walk back the way you came. You will reach a corner with a glyph on the wall. Have Amy draw the glyph, then hold her hand and crouch at the corner, moving the camera to see around it. Wait until the soldier appears in the corridor. He will stand still for a number of seconds, then turn around and patrol the passage behind him. When he turns, keep holding hands and enter the corridor, walking straight forward towards the red mines. (do not follow the soldier).

When you reach the mines, fire a silence power into them, then crouch down and move slowly through them. The trick here is to flick the analogue stick slightly forward, making it so that you do not take full steps, but simply 'skim' across the surface. When you come out at the other side, feel free to stand back up. The door to the left contains a plank of wood if you wish to swap weapons, but otherwise go through the door in front of you.

Have Amy hack the system like before, then go through the door when it opens up. Walk forward towards the large fire, and you will find another cracked pane of glass. Fire a silence power into it, and smash the glass like you did before. Now make your way into the room, and be aware of the zombie to your left. It is beneficial to kill this zombie, so try to sneak up behind it quietly, which will then make it easier to take down. After this, make your way around the room, and come to another red mine on the floor. As before, crouch down whilst holding hands with Amy, and slowly move through the red circles. (You do not need to use the silence power, if you move slowly and quietly enough). When you clear it, keep walking around the circular area that is on fire. You will soon come to another two mines. Have Amy wait here, then walk up the platform to the right, where you can press X right next to the flames to scan the DNA on the body. When this is done, head back around to where you came, crossing the mine one more time and through the door you entered from. Have Amy hack the system once again, and you will be greeted with a much awaited checkpoint.

Enter the door and cross the mines as you did before. When you clear them, it will look as if a zombie is running towards you from the corridor. Do not worry about it, as you will soon see the soldier kill it, then run away through the corridor. After this, walk with Amy into the left corridor, signposted 'to server room' (where the soldier was originally patrolling). Walk around to the left and you will find a vent against the wall to send Amy through. Do this, then turn around and retrace your steps, entering the door in front of you near the corner of the corridor. In here, pick up the healing antidote on the right, then climb the ladder at the back of the room.

Go through the door at the top, then walk along the platform to the door in front of you. Amy is in here. Press triangle to put her on the elevator, then press X on the switch near to the door to have her travel up to meet you. Stand with Amy or hold her hand to heal yourself without using an antidote. After this, stand on the elevator and press triangle to have Amy send you to the lower floor. Once down, walk forward and press X to climb onto the wooden boxes, where you can pick up the key card and the healing antidote. When you have them, go back onto the elevator and travel upwards, then swap over and send Amy back down again (this allows you to remain healed, and save the antidotes for when you need them). Exit the room and retrace your steps back into the room with ladder. Go down, and back out into the corridor, where you can meet up with Amy by pressing X by the vent.

Hold her hand, and walk back through the corridor in the direction that you came from. Turn left at the end, then go through the door to the right, which will take you into the room where you hid in the locker. Make you around the corridors, heading back towards the control room. When you get there, see that the soldier is standing close by, so be careful and slow when you enter the control room. Use the DNA on the door in here and walk through into the large surveillance room.

To the left, press X near the green key card, and Lana will read a note aloud. Then press X again to pick up the key card. After this, push the cage near the elevator to move it out of the way. This will reveal a vent against the wall, so send Amy through as you did before. When you have done this, send yourself up on the elevator, and go through the door at the top. Walk forward and you will need to shimmy across the broken platform. Stand facing the wall and press X to side-step across it. After this, go through to the right.

You are now back in the room with the ladder. Go down, and back out into the corridor from before. This time, go all the way up and past the vent, turning right as you reach the top. This next part can be tricky, as there is a zombie to your left and the dark corridor is full of infection pools. Whenever you feel the need, do not hesitate to use an antidote! Crouch down and move slowly through the corridor, eventually reaching a set of double doors to the right. If the zombie notices you are there, try your best to fight it off. Go through the double doors.

You are now in the room behind the ladder room. Press X on the machine against the right-hand wall. This will enter a hacking puzzle. It is the same method as in chapter 1, although this time failure is not an option (if you fail, an alarm will be raised and the guard will come to find you). When this is done, sit back and relax, as the chapter is finished.


After the cutscenes, exit the elevator and walk out with Amy. Turn left and go around the boxes to find a glyph on the wall. Have Amy draw the glyph, it is a new power which can destroy wooden planks and push enemies out of the way. Go back around the boxes, and turn left, making your way into the train station. Keep moving along, until on the left you find a wooden box that you can climb up. Hold Amy's hand and press X to have Lana lift Amy onto the box. Do this, and make your way up the boxes and finally onto the roof itself. You will now see an elevator and a switch on the wall. Ignore this for the time being, and instead use the new Shockwave power to destroy the wooden planks covering the stairs. After this, climb down the stairs.

Go to the ladder that you can see on the left, and have Amy wait at the bottom. Climb the ladder, and you can now see that you can side-step across the top of the departures board. Do this, and when you reach the other side, climb down the ladder. Walk back along, with the departures board to your right, and press X to climb down when prompted. Go to the blue box on the right, and pull it out of the way. Walk around it, and pick up the healing antidote from behind. Go down the ramp and meet back up with Amy (you might need to call her over to you). Now walk back up the ramp with Amy. Directly in front of you is a healing antidote near a set of chairs. Pick this up, then make your way to the red mines that you can see on the floor. Pick up the antidote from near to one of the mines, then use the same method as in chapter 2, and slowly begin to clear the mines. When you have got to the other side, go down the ramp and pick up the antidote from near to the door. Now turn left, keeping hold of Amy's hand, and reach another set of mines.

Make your way across the mines, and then go straight ahead towards the elevator that you can see in the distance. Lift Amy up onto the stone platform, and pick up the plank of wood from on top of it. Now turn around and climb back down, going back the way you came. The idea now is to make your way back to the first elevator that we encountered. So, crouch once more across the mines and retrace your steps to where you moved the box. Then climb up the set of stairs, and press the button on the wall to bring the elevator down. Wait for it to descend, then walk onto it with Amy and make her wait. Press the button again to send Amy up to the platform above. Now, look up with the right analogue stick, and see that you can press triangle to have Amy press a button above. This will bring down the other elevator at the far side of the room. (Note: The reason we did not do this in the first place was in order to collect the weapon and healing items without running the risk of infection).

After having Amy press the button, make your way back across the station to the elevator that Amy has just lowered. When you get there, you might have begun to show signs of infection, so do not be afraid to use a healing antidote if needed. When standing on the elevator, look back towards where Amy is standing, and press triangle to have her press the button again, sending the elevator up. At the top, walk out onto the platform and pick up the green key card, as well as the two healing antidotes. After this, get back onto the elevator and have Amy send it back down.

As you start to make your way back towards Amy, zombies will now be inhabiting the station. This can be tricky, but done correctly it is not too difficult. The trick is that Amy can use her Shockwave indefinitely whilst standing on the glyph, so feel free to use it as much as you desire. Begin to move Lana back towards Amy, and fight any zombies who come too close for comfort. At the same time, keep use Amy's Shockwave to hit the zombies and knock them backwards. You can also kill the zombies with this, though it takes a lot of direct hits, so focus more on getting Lana safely to Amy. (Don't forget that you can aim the Shockwave with the left analogue stick).

When you finally make it back to Amy, press triangle to make her stand on the elevator, then press the button to bring her back down. Bear in mind though that if you did not kill all of the zombies, they may climb the stairs and come up behind you, so be prepared to fight them. When Amy reaches the bottom of the elevator, hold hands with her to heal yourself, then begin to retrace your steps once more to the elevator at the other side of the room. When there, walk forward past the elevator, and down the corridor signposted 'to subway'. Go through the green double doors in front of you. A checkpoint will now be reached (phew).

Make your way along the corridor, and go through the door at the end. You are now in a room with two elevators. First however, you may want to explore the room where a healing antidote and replacement weapon are waiting in the top left corner. After this, stand on the leftmost elevator, and press triangle on the opposite button to have Amy send you upwards (note: the buttons in this room are inverted, and operate the elevator opposite to them). When you get to the top, go along the platform and climb down the ladder. At the bottom, push the box out of the way, and meet back up with Amy in the main room. Press the elevator button again, bringing the lift back down to the floor. Now, make Amy wait on the same elevator, and press the button yourself to send her upwards. Turn around, and this time climb up on the ladder to meet up with her above. You can now lead Amy around the corner where a Shockwave glyph is on the wall. Have Amy draw the glyph. After she has done this, put her back on the elevator, climb down the ladder, and press the button to bring her back down.

You are now ready to deal with the other elevator. Bring it down, and walk with Amy onto it, making her wait. Then go back to the button (next to the opposite elevator), and send Amy up on her own. You now need to look upwards to the platform, and look out for a triangle prompt where you can send Amy along the walkway. When you do this, wait for Amy to run along the platform and come to a stop. Then hold R2 on the controller, and fire a Shockwave into the wooden planks in front of you. Note that there are two sets of wooden planks here, so you need to use two Shockwave attacks to clear a way.

When you have done this, use triangle to put Amy back on the elevator, and send her down once more to meet up with you. You are now going to go up yourself, so repeat the procedure but this time have Amy press the button to send you upwards. When you get to the top, walk around the platform and through the door that you opened up with Amy. You now need to side-step across the broken platform. After you have done that, climb down the ladder at the end of the walkway. At the bottom, walk through the hole in wall, and to the left you will see a button to open the gate. Press this, and walk back through into the elevator room. Meet back with Amy and hold her hand. Walk now through the gate that you just opened, and you will arrive in a large room full of boxes.

Before starting the puzzle, it may be wise to refill your Shockwave. There is a glyph near to the hole in the wall that you walked through after climbing the ladder. After having Amy draw it, use the Shockwave to destroy the planks that you can see near the top right wall. Behind it, you will see a switch that can be pressed. This will result in a small cutscene showing a platform moving overhead. Walk now into the main room, and walk around towards the large stacked boxes against the wall. (ignore the ladder in the room for now). At the back of the boxes is an area where you can climb upwards. Like before, hold Amy's hand and lift her up, repeating the process until you reach the walkway at the top. Once at the top, you will notice a button against the wall, so go ahead and press it. This will send another platform across the room behind you. OK. After this, have Amy wait beside the button, and climb back down the boxes by yourself.

Find now the ladder in the room, and climb upwards to the walkway above. Wooden planks will block your way at the top, so hold R2 and use Shockwave with Amy to destroy them. You can now climb through and up onto a wooden box, and finally forward onto the platform. When on it, turn left so that you are facing Amy, and you will see below you a selection of cables that the other platform moves upon. Go ahead and press triangle to make Amy press the button, and as the platform comes parallel with yours, walk forward onto it. Ride along, and at the end walk onto the walkway. From here, go left and move the two metal boxes out of the way. This will allow you to meet back up with Amy.

Hold her hand, and follow the walkway the way you came, this time going down the stairs. As before, use Shockwave to destroy the wooden planks at the bottom, and go through the double doors. This will trigger another checkpoint!

Work your way around the corridor, and eventually reach another set of stairs. Go down these, and you will notice a soldier is patrolling the area. As soon as you see this, crouch down whilst holding Amy's hand, and hide behind the first set of wooden boxes. Observe the soldiers' movements, and when his back is turned to you, begin to walk up the left of the platform (near to the train). You need to enter the train on the furthest door on the left. It does not matter if the soldier spots you, so long as both Lana and Amy get aboard the train. Therefore, should you feel lucky, you can try to run along the platform and enter the train before the soldier shoots. When you finally make it inside the train, a cutscene will start and the chapter will end.


When the chapter begins, you are aboard a train. Hold Amy's hand, and walk with her to the bottom of the train in front of you. Press the button against the wall, which will open the sliding doors. Walk to the third door on the right, and exit the train. You will notice in front of you an electrified pool which you obviously cannot pass, so instead turn left, and press X against the large map on the wall to the right. This will trigger Lana ringing Ellen and talking about their location. Walk to the end of the corridor, and take the left path. When you get to the end, Lana will once again call Ellen and note that their exit is blocked off by rubble. So, turn back around and retrace your steps, this time going straight ahead to another electrified chasm in front of you. Make Amy wait here, and then begin to side-step across the area. When you reach the other side, you will see Amy run away towards the train.

This next part can be tricky, because you are alone and may need to watch out for infection. Go up the stairs in front of you, then walk forward and down the stairs at the other side. Follow the path, and reach the mine which you can cross in the usual fashion. You will see mentioned on the screen that should you be contaminated enough, zombies will think that you are one of them. So, wait at the corner until you begin to show signs of infection (look out for veins appearing on Lana's forehead). After this, if you move slowly forward towards the zombie, it will not attack you. Walk forward and into the tent, where you can pick up two infection antidotes. Come out the other side, and begin to walk up the train platform. By now, you may be showing heavy infection, so either use a healing antidote or hold X at the gas mask to your right (on the dead soldier). When healed, walk to the electrified pool and pick up the plank of wood. Now turn around, and go left into the small corridor, where you can pick up the green key card. After you have it, press the button on the wall to open the gate.

Go back through the gate, and turn right to go back up the stairs. This time, turn right at the top and walk into the hallway. On the left is door which leads to a bathroom, where you can find another healing antidote to the right. Exit the bathroom through the hole in the wall and continue to follow the corridor. If a zombie attacks at this point, it might be worthwhile taking it down as it may make matters easier later. If infection becomes a problem, try to use the assorted gas masks rather than antidotes if required. Either way, follow the corridor around to the right, and enter a control room. Pick up the healing antidote from the cupboard near the door, then open the door and walk through.

In the new corridor, notice the room on your left full of red infection spots, but do not walk into it yet! Instead, walk around to the right and through the door. A zombie will now attack, so use the wood and take him down. If need be use an antidote here, and also pick up the replacement wood from the floor near the zombie. When you have it, follow the corridor to the left and walk towards a large TV screen against the wall, which talks about a hospital recruiting new staff. When in front of it, turn right and pick up the antidote from in front of the map. Now turn around take the corridor forward (the left path from in front of the TV). Go around to the left, and use the gas mask if needed to heal yourself. Pick up the healing antidote from near the dead soldier, then smash the nearby window using the plank of wood. Walk through the room and smash the window at the other side. When you do this, two zombies will attack, so be prepared to take them down. When they are dead, walk back into the room and pick up the replacement plank of wood. Now, exit the room once again and turn left onto the train platform.

If any other zombies attack at this point, try your best to attack and kill them. You now notice a train on the platform. Walk onto the train at the far right side, and press the button against the wall. (If you press the button and nothing happens, try the button on the opposite side of the train). When the doors open, you will finally reach a checkpoint and meet back up with Amy.

Hold Amy's hand and heal yourself. After this exit the train to the left, and walk out back onto the platform. Walk down the corridor in front of you. Pay special attention to the red plumes coming from the walls, which contain high infection and can kill you if not careful. Also, should a zombie attack make sure to kill it. Hold Amy's hand, and slowly make your way to the stairs and upwards. At the top, turn left and you will find yourself back at the TV screen from before. Go left, or down the corridor in front of the TV screen. You now need to find your way back to the bathroom from before. Follow the corridor around and turn left, then right into the bathroom door. If you get lost, simply continue walking around the corridor, as it will eventually take you in a loop.

In the bathroom, locate the cubicles on the right and you find a glyph against one of the doors. Have Amy draw the glyph. When she has drawn it, exit the bathroom through the hole in the wall on the right. Once more walk around the corridor, then use the other hole in the wall on the right, which will take you back into the control room. Go through the door as you did before, and once more see the room on the left with the red pools of heavy infection. Stand in front of this, and when you see a prompt to press triangle, do so and send Amy inside. After this, walk straight around to the left where there is a crevice on fire. Side-step along the wall, and turn left into the corridor at the end. Go through the door, and see in front of you a grey brick wall. When you see this, press and hold R2 which will bring up Amy's viewpoint. Fire a Shockwave into the brick wall, which will destroy it. Now walk through the wall with Lana, and call Amy towards you. Hold her hand and heal yourself, then walk towards the door in front of you. This will trigger another checkpoint.

Pick up the crowbar from the floor, and then attempt to open the door. Lana will mention that it is locked. Turn to the wall on your right hand side, and send Amy through the vent on the floor. After this, be prepared for battle! Multiple zombies will begin to approach from each direction, and you must defend yourself by using the crowbar. It should not be too difficult to take them down, but make sure to watch behind you as they will be coming from all directions. Keep killing the waves of zombies until eventually Amy opens the door. When this happens, run immediately through the door, ignoring any remaining zombies. Meet back up with Amy, take a deep breath as the chapter is finished.


This chapter is without doubt the most difficult in the game, so make sure to give yourself time for multiple botched attempts. When you begin, notice that you still have the crowbar in the inventory. Walk forward and push the metal box out of the way. Then walk around it, and take down the solitary zombie. (Note: on Easy mode you will retain the crowbar after killing the zombie, but on other difficulties it will break). When he is dead, hold Amy's hand and crouch below the blue and yellow metal sheeting. You will notice a patrolling zombie as well as a stationary one. Have Amy wait behind the metal sheet. Now, if you are playing on Easy you can sneak behind the patrolling zombie and kill him with the crowbar, but otherwise you must avoid him at all costs.

The trick here is to infect yourself so that the zombies yet again think you are one of them. To begin, leave Amy behind the metal and find to your left a vent with red mist (near a selection of metal pipes). Stand on the vent until you are infected, then walk past the two zombies, finding a car and metal box at the back of the section. Push the metal box out of the way, and then turn left to push the car. After this, walk back around the stationary zombie and to around to the left to the front of the car. Push the car again, this time pushing it backwards into the gap. OK. When this is done, it is likely that you will be heavily infected. If so, return to Amy (being careful of the zombies), and heal yourself. You have a choice to either fully heal, then visit the vent and infect again, or simply to heal yourself enough to remain infected to the zombies. Either way, make sure that you are once more infected before once more walking amongst the two zombies.

This time, find a metal box next to the stationary zombie, and push it so that it moves in front of him. Return to Amy, and fully heal. This next part could easily end in failure, so make absolutely sure before moving. The idea is to move with Amy around the blue and yellow metal, whilst remaining unseen by the zombies. Crouch around, and past the metal box you previously pushed. Once again have Amy wait, hiding her behind the metal sheeting (to the left of the metal box).

Yet again infect yourself, either by using the vent from before or simply waiting until you are ready. When infected, walk alone through the gap you made when you pushed the car earlier on. Zombies will be patrolling the area, but you should be OK if you are enough infected. Walk around to the right and behind the car, then make your way to the 'Power Brand' shop. On the wall there is a telephone, so press it avert the zombies' attention. Immediately turn around and make your way back to Amy. It is very likely that you will be on your last legs, but if you walk straight to her you should remain alive. Make sure now to fully heal.

When healed, hold Amy's and begin to crouch to the area you have just returned from. Be very careful of the patrolling zombie, and time your movement so that his back is turned from you. Crouch around the car and into the area with the phone. Do not hang around in this part as the zombies will quickly sense your presence. Instead, go back to the right and this time around the front of the car, and you will see a glyph on the wall. Have Amy draw the glyph, and pat yourself on the back as you reach the checkpoint. The rest of the level is far easier!

Immediately after drawing the glyph, hold Amy's hand and walk straight forward towards the petrol station. When you get near it you will notice glass on the floor, so launch a Silence attack into the glass before crouching over it. At the other side, you will notice a zombie patrolling the petrol station. As he begins to move with his back towards you, follow his path very slowly until you reach another metal sheeting at the back. Go behind this and have Amy wait. On your own, walk out to the left and towards the liqueur store, where you will find another vent with infection. Get yourself infected, then walk to the car and press X against it to launch the alarm. When you hear it, walk back into the petrol station and meet back up with Amy. Heal yourself and hold her hand, then carefully time your movements with the zombies and crouch the behind the metal sheets on the left. Do the same here and make your way to behind the large wagon which is parked on the road. Once behind it, have Amy wait near to the steps which lead into the cabin.

Crouch to the bonnet of the wagon, and wait until you are infected enough to walk amongst the zombies on your right. The best indicator for this is to look at Lana's forehead as infection begins. When you can prominent veins, as well as hearing distant voices, you should be OK to stand back up and walk towards the two zombies.

Go past them, and note on your left another blue and yellow sheeting which will be needed in a minute. For now, walk to the car at the top of the road (not the one near to where the zombies are standing). Push X to set off the alarm, then go left and back down the pavement, and hide behind the metal sheeting. As soon as you get there, call Amy over to you and hold her hand when she arrives to heal. After this, have her wait behind the sheeting and exit to the right. Crouch now behind the nearest car, and wait once more until infection builds up. When you feel you are infected enough, push X to set off the alarm.

As soon as you hear the car alarm, stand up and begin to walk towards the car at the top of the road. When you are near, call Amy towards you. This can be slightly trial-and-error, and if your unlucky it is possible for the zombies to spot Amy as she runs to you. Hold Amy's hand when she meets with you, and crouch down again as you make your way around to the left at the top of the road.

Hide behind the metal sheeting, and wait until the zombie turns his back to you before moving up the next set of sheeting. Continue to do this until you can walk around into an alleyway to the right. Open the door against the wall ,and go inside. Go straight forward and then around to the right, where you will find a glyph on the wall. Have Amy draw this. After she has it, turn around and retrace your steps, and go back into the alleyway. Do not walk into the path of the zombie, but instead hold R2 as soon as you see him. Fire Shockwave into the zombie, which will knock him into the electric puddle and kill him. After you have done this, hold Amy’s hand and go to where the zombie previously was. Avoid the electrified puddle, and walk up the pathway where you can find an orange key card and a plank of wood. Pick them both up, then turn around and go back through the door in the alleyway.

Once inside, turn immediately right and go through the door at the end of the corridor. You will come out into another corridor. Open the door that you come to on your left. Note that inside is a locker to hide in, but do not climb inside just yet. Instead, see that the corridor is blocked to the right with wooden planks. Hold R2 and fire a Shockwave into the wood. After doing this, you will notice a guard angrily approaching. Holding Amy's hand, turn immediately into the room of the left and hide in the locker. You now have permission to breath, as another checkpoint is finally reached.

This next part can be hit and miss. You will see the guard walk past the locker, and the exclamation mark will appear overhead as it did on previous occasions. Wait until this disappears and exit the locker with Amy. If you are unlucky, the guard will be in the corridor and will open fire. If this happens, quickly fire a Shockwave at him, which should stun him. After this, go through to the area which was previously blocked, and you will an elevator and a ladder.

Make Amy wait on the elevator, then climb down the ladder and push the button to your right. This will bring Amy down. Call her towards you and hold her hand, then walk down the hallway in front of you. Go around to the right, and then finally open the door on the left. Go down the dark stairs, and if required switch on Amy's lamp. At the bottom of the stairs, go through the door.

You will now be in a large sewer area. Go around to the right, and pick up the crowbar on the floor. Now go over the bridge, and then to the left. After this you will reach a dead end, so go through the tunnel to the right. You will arrive in an even bigger room. Walk around this room and you will notice a few tunnels and passages. One of these can be opened by a switch on the wall, then other has a gap to send Amy through. Locate this, and send Amy through in the usual fashion. After this, turn around use the other door, pressing X on the wall switch to open it. Now go around to the right, and you will notice a darkly lit corridor with a triangle prompt showing up inside. Hit triangle to get Amy to press the button, which will result in the gate opening. Walk forward through the gate and heal with Amy if needed.

Go around to the left, and you will notice a door with a DNA cracker. Press X on the DNA cracker to trigger another DNA puzzle. Hold Amy's hand and exit the room, being prepared now for a battle. Go back around to the right, where you first came into the room. Zombies will start to attack, so do not hesitate to take your crowbar to them. Go straight along the corridor to the right, and press X to open the gate. More zombies will likely attack, so make sure to be on your guard. You will soon find a bridge to your right. Cross this, and turn right to find a dead body. Scan the body and get the correct DNA sequence.

When you have it, hold Amy's hand and retrace your steps back to the DNA cracker on the locked door. When there, press X to open the door, and walk into the new corridor. After a while, a cutscene will trigger, and the chapter will be complete.


Chapter 6 is comprised entirely of the final boss. When you gain control, hold Amy's hand and begin to run into the large hospital complex. You only have a certain time before the boss will show up and begin to chase you.

There are two ways of defeating him. The first, most suited to players on easy difficulty, is to wait until the boss approaches you and simply begin to attack with the crowbar. Victory can be achieved by dodging his attacks and landing three consecutive hits (of which only two will hit), then dodging again. If you keep Amy close to you, she should help to heal any small wounds you take. Note that defeating the boss in this manner will take a lot of hits with the crowbar, but is theoretically (if done correctly) easier than the following method.

For harder difficulties or players looking for an alternative, you can beat the boss by using electrocution. When the chapter begins, run immediately with Amy to the left, and you will see a control room. Keep going around to the right, moving as fast as you can, and go through the right door. Send Amy into the vent directly in front of you. When she is through, turn back around, and run all the way back to the left, around the control room, and down the hallway. Now go through a door to your left which will take you into a computer room. Press X in here to pick up the defibrillator. After this, go to the right and pick up the healing antidote. Now, retrace your steps back through the door, to the right, along the corridor, and through into an incubator room on the left. There are three healing antidotes in here. Pick them all up, then leave the room. (The boss has most likely appeared by now).

After you leave the incubator room, go to the left then immediately right, and run through the door. You are now in a room with a puddle of water. Press X to put the defibrillator down on the water, and wait for the boss to approach. When the boss comes near, he will get electrocuted and be temporarily shocked. You can now hit him with the crowbar, before running quickly out of the room through the door to the left. You now need to back to the control room. When there, see Amy inside and press triangle to have her hit the button. When she has pressed it, retrace your steps through the door on the left, and get yourself back to the room with the water. Press X again on the defibrillator and wait for the boss to get another electric shock. When he does, hit him with the crowbar. This procedure (go to Amy, press the switch, then run back) can be repeated as many times as needed to successfully kill the final boss.

When the boss eventually defeated, the ending cutscenes will play automatically.

Congratulations, you have now completed Amy!

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