GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Tomb Raider"

This game is also available on PC, GBC, Xbox 360 and PS3.

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Tomb Raider (PlayStation)
Submitted By: Tribute


Kills: 15 Items: 29, including a key, 2 ankhs, the Uzis, a scarab and a piece of the Scion Save Crystals: 7 (PlayStation only) Secrets: 1

(NOTE: The regular pick-ups here will include the MAGNUMS if you didn't get them earlier.)

Objectives: First get into the area near the sphinx. Then locate 2 ankhs to unlock the door at the base of the sphinx. Enter and find the way back to the top of the area to get a scarab. Use this to open the final gate of the level. Inside, confront Natla's goon Larson and get the third and final piece of the Scion.

Walkthrough: Go down the stairs. The doors close behind you. Pick up 2 sets of magnum clips at the base of the stairs. (NOTE: If you didn't find the MAGNUMS earlier, you'll get them here instead of one of these sets of clips.)

LONG STAIRCASE WITH MUTANTS: Notice the closed gates. You'll be returning later. Advance up the stairs and 2 Atlantean mutants will start down. Back flip shooting, and continue to side flip if necessary to avoid their attacks. When they explode, go to the room at the top of the stairs. Pick up more magnum clips in the dark on the right. Climb up the blocks and through theopening in the ceiling to emerge on the back of a sphinx.

HUGE CAVE WITH SPHINX: Cross over the left shoulder to the front and hop down to the ledge there (the sphinx's collarbone?). Another mutant will be running around on the sand below so don't go all the way down yet. (You'll be seeing more of these shortly. Some throw fireballs; others spit dangerous goop of unknown origin. You need to avoid both.) Use the ledge for cover and shoot the mutant until it explodes. If you're low on health, climb back up onto the sphinx's back and pick up the large medipak on the raised path at the rear. Then slide down the side of the sphinx to the ground. Otherwise, just jump down onto the
paw and from there to the ground. (You can get the medipak later.)

Between the sphinx's paws are some magnum clips and a closed door. In the southwest corner of the cave, opposite the sphinx's left paw, is a light-colored block just the right height for climbing. Get on top of it then take a standing jump to the angled block to the right. Take a running jump to grab the next block and pull up. Now climb up onto the next block, which is directly opposite the sphinx. Turn to face the cave wall, then turn a little to the left and take a standing jump to grab the next, slightly higher block. Pull up and then climb onto the
next higher block. Take the magnum clips off the block to the right.

[NOTE: Alternately, you can take a longer route here: From the flat block directly opposite the sphinx, jump to the flat ledge on the right (when facing the cave wall). Climb up onto the block ahead. Then grab the horizontal crevice in the cave wall, traverse to the left as far as possible and drop onto the ledge below. Climb up the blocks on the right to the ledge above and follow it back along the cave wall (above the horizontal crevice), jumping the gaps, until you come to the magnum

After picking up the magnum clips, make your way along the cave wall toward the gold switch: First, climb onto the angled block and then jump the gap to land on the next flat block. Do the same again and continue down and to the right. (Pick up a save crystal on the way.) Use the switch to open a door down below, turn and ready weapons. A winged mutant flies in from the far side of the sphinx. Try and kill it before it gets to Lara, or it may knock her off the ledge. If necessary, you can head for the corner to the right of the switch. There isn't much room to manoeuvre there, but it's more difficult for the mutant to push Lara. Also, be sure to begin with at least half health. If the mutant explodes close to Lara, she'll take some damage.

When the coast is clear, face the switch, then jump to the ledge beyond and to the left. Pick up the shotgun shells. Take a running jump to grab the next high, jutting ledge. After picking up more shells, take another running jump to the next ledge. You can see the gold door above and a bit to the left. You'll need to open it next. But first go after a secret.

SECRET ON INVISIBLE PLATFORM: The following sequence is shown in this series of screenshots. When standing on the jutting ledge after the one with the second box of shotgun shells, turn (north) to face the side of the sphinx. If you use the Look button and rotate Lara's vision, you can catch a glimpse of a dark object outlined against the lighter background of the sphinx's headdress. This is the SECRET #1, the UZIS, floating on an invisible platform.

To get there, set up a running jump as usual: Walk Lara to the edge of the jutting ledge and line her up facing the side of the sphinx squarely (i.e., facing due north). Hop back once, then press Forward and Jump to make Lara take a running jump. Press Action in the air to grab the edge of the invisible platform and pull up. Hold the walk button while on the invisible platform. This way you can maneuver Lara around without fear of her stepping off the edge accidentally. Pick up the guns. (At the same time you get some clips to go with them.)

After the secret chime sounds, 2 winged mutants fly in from the other side of the sphinx. If you use the Uzis, you should be able to kill both before they get close enough to push Lara off the platform. If you want to conserve ammo, you can quickly descend from the platform (next paragraph) and kill them with pistols or magnums from below.

To get down safely, turn around to face the rock wall (south) and take a running jump from the invisible platform to grab the left (lower) side of jutting yellow ledge (the same ledge you jumped from to get here). Again, use the walk button to help you maneuver around the ledge and set up the jump. If you miss grabbing the edge, Lara will land on the flat spot just below, taking a minor amount of damage. If you do grab the ledge, let go to drop down to that flat spot. Kill the winged mutants from here if you didn't do so before. Then drop/slide to the ground.

(NOTE: PlayStation users may want to try the Alternate Method for Getting Uzi Secret, at the end of this walkthrough. It's a bit more difficult, but there is a save crystal just before the jump to the invisible platform. It's your call.)

Go to the northwest corner of the cave (on the far side of the sphinx, to the left side when facing it). Here you'll find a SANDY AREA WITH SQUARE PILLARS of various heights. Climb onto the lowest one that you can. Take a running jump to the next low block near the cave wall. Pull up onto the ledge above. Stand so he tallest pillar is on Lara's left and take a running jump to the second tallest pillar, then another running jump to the tallest. Pull up onto the jutting ledge. Walk forward and turn left. (PlayStation users get a save crystal here.) dvance slowly as there is a metal jaw trap just around the corner. Time a jump through it, pick up the small medipak and follow the walkway around to the right toward the switch. Be careful to jump the gap in the path just before the switch.

Throw the switch to open the gold door you saw earlier. Another flying mutant approaches from the southwest. You can kill it from this ledge, but I found it easier to make a quick descent and shoot it from the ground. Take a standing jump down to the ledge with the large medipak. Turn around and safety drop from the side of the ledge nearest the sphinx. Drop and slide down the rocks to the ground, pressing and releasing Action as you go to help break Lara's fall.

SIDE AREA WITH STAIRS, POOL & BRIDGE (FIRST ANKH): Now go to the door at the left (north) side of the sphinx, when facing it. Pick up some magnum clips on the ground near the door and enter. Walk forward to a slope above a pool. Turn around and slide down backwards, grabbing the end of the slope. Traverse to the left and drop onto a ledge. Pick up the magnum clips and climb into the opening above on the left.

Climb the block steps. At the top, turn right (before a second set of smaller steps), climb down some more blocks and jump into a second pool. On the bottom you'll find a GOLD KEY. Climb back up the block steps, turn left and continue up to the ramp. (Save your game if you're playing on the PC or Macintosh.) This time slide facing forward and jump at the very last moment to grab the bridge ahead. If you fall into the water, reload your saved game or climb back up and try again.

Once on the bridge, use the GOLD KEY in the lock to open the door at the opposite end. A centaur mutant stands guard inside. If you take just a few steps toward the doorway, you should be able to target the centaur without prompting it to attack. (If you get too close it will begin to hurl fireballs.) Once you get a lock on it, step back toward the wall with the keyhole. Keep shooting as it runs past the door and it will eventually explode. When it does, go into the room and pick up a small medipak from the floor and the ANKH from the pedestal. (There's
also a save crystal here in the PSX game.)

To get back to the SPHINX CAVE, jump into the water, climb out on the anding, climb the block steps, turn right and go down more steps and into the other pool. Climb out of the water on the other side, go up he steps and turn left toward the exit. HUGE CAVE WITH SPHINX (AGAIN): Once outside, return to the southwest corner of the cave near the sphinx's left paw and climb onto the same light-colore block you did before. Jump and grab the next block to the right. Pull up, turn around and take a standing jump to grab the ledge ahead. Pull up. Now go forward along the sandy ledges, turn left and pick up the magnum clips.
(You're now below the first switch you pulled earlier.)

Angle Lara to the left and take a standing jump over the gap to continue. Keep going to the next gap and take another standing jump to the left. Continue toward the back wall of the cave (i.e., the east wall behind the sphinx). Jump the gap then climb up the low blocks on the right. From here you can see the open gold door above and to the left. Take a standing jump into the dark opening ahead. Enter the dark passageway, turn left and climb two low blocks. (You're now facing the side of the sphinx.) Take a diagonal standing jump to the right. Climb the rocks to the gold door. (PlayStation users will find another
save crystal here.)

ROOMS HIGH ON EAST SIDE OF CAVE (SECOND ANKH): Enter and go to the right. Find the movable block�the middle one, which is much brighter than the surrounding blocks�and push it through to the other side of the wall. Go around the wall, climb onto the block and from there to the ledge. There's another centaur in the room beyond. Take a few steps toward the door with weapons drawn, get a lock on it, then move back and toward the left edge and just keep shooting as it runs past the opening. As with the last centaur, if you don't get too close at first it won't throw fireballs, and you'll be able to kill it easily. When the mutant explodes, enter and pick up another small medipak and ANKH.

Climb down from the wall, exit through the gold door and slide down the ramp on the right. Another mutant lurks on the back of the sphinx. You can use the pointy block for cover if you like. (If you didn't pick up the large medipak on the path earlier, get it now.) Hop down onto the sphinx's back.

ON TOP OF THE SPHINX: Get up on the low angled block on the right and from there take a running jump to grab the ledge at the back of the sphinx's head. Pull up and climb to the top of the head. Place one of the ANKHs in the receptacle here. Go around to the other side of the head, hop down onto the ledge there and put the second ANKH in place. This opens the door between the sphinx's paws. (PSX players also find a save crystal on this ledge.)

(NOTE: If you haven't already gotten SECRET #1, the Uzis and some clips, you can do that now. See the note "Alternate Method for Getting Uzi Secret" at the end of this walkthrough.)

UNDERGROUND POOL BENEATH THE SPHINX: Climb down to the ground and head for the door between the sphinx's paws, which is now open. Enter and fall into a small underground lake. Here you'll find 2 submerged statues of what looks like the Egyptian god Anubis (jackal head, human body). Swim down between the two statues and pick up some Uzi clips on a ledge. Also get the box of shotgun shells on the lap of the statue on the left. Note the doors below each statue and the switch on the arm of the statue on the right. This is one of those switches that doesn't work
underwater. The lever you're looking for is down in the tunnel between the feet of the statue on the right, just to the right of the gold door. Pull it to partially drain the lake. In the process, Lara will be sucked through the door and whisked along to a room where you can surface.

Get out of the water. Climb up onto the lowest square pillar. Take a standing jump to grab the next pillar (to the left diagonally). Pull up. Take a running jump to grab the bottom of the stairs. Pull up, climb the stairs and follow the ledge to the end. You'll hear and see a winged mutant rise up in the area beyond the doorway. Don't slide down the slope yet. Instead, shoot the mutant from the safety of the doorway. After it explodes, slide down the slope.

You're now on a ledge above the two Anubises. (There's a save crystal here in the PlayStation game.) Go to the left of the ledge and drop down to the small, square ledge below. Turn around and take a running jump to grab the head of the statue on the right. Climb up to the top of the head and pick up a large medipak. [NOTE: In the PlayStation version this medipak can be difficult to spot. Look for it embedded in the surface of the statue's right (from its own point of view) ear. Using the Look button and swiveling Lara's view may help you spot it. To get it, stand on the flat area next to the ear and press Action.]

The quickest way to the bottom is to jump into the water; however, the programmers have made this a bit difficult. (It's impossible to jump onto the statue's nose but worth trying since the results�Lara springing back to the head�looks so goofy.) Instead, taking a running jump straight down the statue's nose. Lara will bang into an invisible wall then drop into the water between the statue's legs without taking any damage. Alternately, drop/climb down between the two statues and circle around to the lap of the statue on the right.

Climb up to the right statue's arm and use that switch now. This opens the door at the base of the left statue. Swim down and through it.

LONG, WINDING PASSAGEWAY TO TOP OF SPHINX: Surface and follow the long passageway all the way up to the top. On the way pick up 2 sets of magnum clips (and another save crystal in the PSX game). At the top is a SCARAB artifact. Remember you saw it behind the closed gate at the beginning of the level? In the stairway beyond the gate are 2 "regular" mutants and a centaur. Pick up the SCARAB and the gate opens. Back flip or reverse and run down the hallway to the bend. The mutants will approach first. Wait for them to come down the hallway, then back (or
side flip) down the ramp about a third of the way. They won't follow Lara beyond this point and you can kill them from here, though you may have to go up into the hallway a few times to draw them closer. When both are dead, advance toward the doorway to attract the centaur's attention. Get a lock on it then back down the hallway about halfway. Its fireballs won't reach this far, and you can shoot it as it runs past. Again, you may need to advance into the room a couple of times to draw the centaur down the stairs.

SCION ROOM: When all the mutants are dead, cross the room at the base of the stairs and use the scarab to open the other gate. Pick up the large medipak and magnum clips, then slide down the ramp. Climb through the window opening and prepare to take on Larson once again. (Remember him from the Lost Valley? Apparently Lara only stunned him.) He is lurking behind the pillars on the right but emerges spouting threats and lead as soon as you hit the ground. Keep moving and shooting, and try not to let him get behind Lara, and you'll be done quickly. Go to the top of the stairs and take the third PIECE OF THE SCION to end the level.

A movie follows: Lara emerges from the caves into bright sunshine. As her eyes adjust to the light, we see two figures approach�a cowboy and skate punk. Another, tall, bald and burly, grabs Lara from behind. They disarm Lara and hold her as Jacqueline Natla emerges from her white Caddy. Natla demands that Lara hand over the Scion. One of the thugs pulls the artifact from Lara's knapsack and gives it to his boss. Natla
admires her treasure for a moment then impatiently shouts, "Well, kill her!" Lara shoves the cowboy to one side and sprints toward the edge of the cliff. She does a swan dive into the water below. When she doesn't surface after a moment, Natla and her minions drive off.

Lara crawls out of the water, finds her motorcycle and takes off after the bad guys. She speeds along a twisting canyon road then out onto a spit above Natla's parked car and the yacht anchored nearby. In true action-hero style, she guns the bike, takes off into the air, and splashes down near the boat. As the baddies try to figure out what caused the big splash, Lara surfaces on the far side of the boat, climbs aboard and sneaks below deck. She collapses and some time later awakens to the sound of a motor. Natla and one of the men take a small boat to land. Lara emerges from her hiding place and dives into the sea to follow.

Alternate Method for Getting Uzi Secret: To reach the invisible platform with the Uzis from the top of the sphinx, climb to the top of the head and walk to the left side (when facing the same way as the sphinx). Take a look around. Lovely view, isn't it? Notice the blackish object floating in the air between the sphinx and the rock wall where you were climbing earlier? That's the Uzis floating on an invisible platform. To get them, position Lara at front left corner of the head (the sphinx's left) facing the invisible platform. Hop back and take a running jump to land there. Picking up the guns and clips triggers the
appearance of 2 winged mutants. There are tips for killing them and getting down from the ledge in the main walkthrough, above.
Submitted By: Tribute


Kills: 23 Items: 19, including 4 keys Save Crystals: 5
(PlayStation only) Secrets: 4

(Note that the regular pick-ups here will include the SHOTGUN if
you didn't get it earlier.)

First, a movie: Lara breaks into the Natla Technologies building
in the middle of the night. Rifling through a filing cabinet,
she locates a leather-bound book. In it, Lara reads of the tomb
of Tihocan, one of the three legendary rulers of the lost
continent Atlantis. According to the book, the tomb lies beneath
the ruins of a monastery that the writer�presumably a
monk�refers to as "St. Francis' Folly." The book also reveals
that with Tihocan lies his piece of the Scion, a powerful object
divided among the three rulers.

Next, Lara travels to St. Francis' Folly, apparently somewhere
in Mediterranean Europe. She scales a mountain to reach the
building. Outside she finds a campsite. Picking up an empty can,
she remarks, "Pierre, you litterbug."

Objectives: In the first part of the level, you need to open a
door to access the switch that opens the way into the second
area. In this part, you need to locate four switches to open
four doors. Behind each of these doors is a key. All four keys
are used to open the exit door.

Walkthrough: Upon entering the level, draw weapons, since 2
lions charge from ahead near the square blocks. I like the
shotgun here, but it takes several shots to bring down each
beast, so you do need to start firing as soon as Lara gets a
lock on the first lion. Or, you can jump up on either of the low
platforms flanking the entrance and take out the lions from
safety with your pistols.

Continue straight ahead and to the right. You'll see a movable
block in a groove with two omegas (the Greek letter, omega (W),
which looks like a horseshoe) on the floor. Slide (pull) the
block once onto the nearest omega. You'll see a camera's-eye
view of the door at the top of the balcony behind you. (You
still need to pull a switch to open that door, but it won't work
unless you've moved this block first.) Then push the block twice
onto the other omega. This opens the door at the top of the
landing ahead. Push the block once more to position it next to
the rectangular block on the left. (You'll be climbing up here

GORILLA ROOM: Go to the door you just opened�at the back of the
room on the low landing. Ready weapons and step just into the
doorway. Don't go all the way in yet. Stepping on the pressure
pad with the omega on it will close the door behind you. You'll
hear gorilla sounds from within. You can probably kill the 2
gorillas from the doorway if you wait for them to come down the
stairs. Now enter the room. If you hop over the pressure pad,
the door will remain open.

If you stepped on the pressure pad and the door closed, climb
the stairs to the platform on the right. Throw the switch to
open the door.

Pull the switch at the center of the lower level to open the
door above the far end of the big room beyond. This also causes
another gorilla to appear out of nowhere on the landing above
and to the left. Kill it as it comes down the stairs.

Now exit cautiously to the room with the blocks. Draw pistols
and prepare to fire on Pierre DuPont, who'll be lurking among
the blocks. It's important to use only pistols to save
ammunition and to avoid taking much damage, since Pierre can't
be killed at this time. You can use the door for cover, emerging
every so often to get his attention. If you run after him
shooting, you may lose a little more health, but he'll disappear
more quickly. He'll reappear from time to time and later, at the
end of Level 9 (Tomb of Tihocan), you'll finally be able to
finish him off.

When he's gone, go to the movable block and climb up on it.
(First make sure you've pushed it as far as it goes toward the
gorilla/switch room.) Take a standing jump to grab the stone
block next to it. (The controls for this jump can be a little
temperamental if you're not practiced. Be sure to walk Lara
right up to the edge then press Action + Jump + Forward in rapid
succession, holding Action so Lara keeps her grip on the block.)
Pull up.

Turn to the left, walk to the edge, hop back once and take a
running jump to grab the next pillar. Pull up. Walk to the far
left corner and line Lara up facing the ledge in front of the
doorway beyond. Hop back and take another running jump to the

SECRET ROOM: Inside are several angled blocks with an opening
above. You need to do a tricky jump combination to get up there.

Here's how: As you enter the room, there's an angled block that
meets the floor on the left. Stand Lara in the doorway facing
the angled block, with her left foot on the line of tiny
triangles that spans the doorway. Walk forward as far as
possible toward the angled block. Hop back then press and hold
Action. Press Jump + Forward, then release forward while holding
both Action and Jump. Lara will jump forward onto the angled
block, back flip off it onto the angled block behind her turn to
face down the slope and jump to grab the ledge above. Release
Jump and press Forward to pull up to the middle level.

Here you'll find 2 more angled blocks�a lower one on the left ,
a taller one on the right . Position Lara facing the middle of
the lower block with her back against the higher block. Hold
Action and press Jump + Forward. Release Forward while holding
Jump and Action, and Lara will jump forward onto the angled
block , back flip onto the higher block , then jump forward to
grab the ledge above . Pull up to the upper level.

This is SECRET #1, which includes a large medipak and shotgun
shells. Avoid the break-away tiles in the corner . To get down,
safety drop from the ledge where you climbed up .

Exit to the ledge and take a running jump back to the nearest
square pillar to the right. From there, turn to the right and
take a standing jump back to the next lower pillar. Turn to the
left and walk to the edge of this pillar. (The movable block
should be behind you now.) Take a standing jump to grab the
taller pillar beyond. Pull up and pick up the large medipak. Now
take a running jump to the brownish-gold ledge beyond.

From here you need to make your way over the ledges at the edge
of the room to the balcony with the door at the end, which you
opened earlier. Enter and continue to a long slide.

LONG SLIDE AND SECRET ROOM: There's a secret room opposite the
bottom of the slide, which is rather difficult to get to. There
are two ways of doing this. I haven't found one to be much
easier than the other. If you're playing on the PC or Macintosh,
save your game here. Then (1) Slide down the slope facing
forward. Just before reaching the end press Jump so Lara hops up
and lands on the shorter ramp below. Slide and, just before the
end, press Jump and Action, so Lara jumps off the short ramp and
grabs the doorsill of the room opposite. Pull up. Or, (2) slide
down the slope facing uphill. Hold Action so Lara grabs the end
of the slide. Release action to drop to the smaller slide below.
Slide to about the middle of the short slope. Then jump and Lara
will back flip off the ramp into the secret room behind her.

Pick up the small medipak and shotgun shells, SECRET #2. (NOTE:
If you don't already have the SHOTGUN, you'll find it here in
place of the shells.)

Go to the small alcove ahead and drop down into the room below.
DON'T USE THAT SWITCH YET. Instead go to the opening over the
water and, if possible, shoot the crocodile below. Jump in the
water, turn around and swim forward to a small opening in the
ceiling. Climb out and pick up some shotgun shells. This is
SECRET #3. (NOTE: If you don't already have the SHOTGUN, you'll
get it here instead of the shells.)

Return underwater to the room where the switch is. Use the
switch to drain the water and drop down. Kill the crocodile now
if you didn't do it earlier. It's faster on dry land but also
easier to target.

(NOTE: If you decide getting secret #2 isn't worth the
aggravation, slide down the ramps into the water then swim
forward to the small square opening. Get secret #3 and either
kill the croc through the small opening or swim on to the larger
room and use the switch there to drain the water. Then either
shoot the croc from the opening or drop down and then kill it.)

now-dry passageway and go up the stairs on the right. You'll
emerge at the top of a 6-story room with many ledges and
landings. (PlayStation users can save the game here with the
save crystal.)

This section of the level is all about finding four switches to
open four different doors�named after Thor, Atlas, Neptune and
Damocles. (If you're not familiar with the myths involved, you
might want to do a little research.) Behind each door is a trap
or hazard, along with one of the four keys needed to open the

In case you get disoriented or forget to throw a switch, you can
always climb up and down between the different levels. Here's
how the room is laid out: The switches are all on the central
structure, the doors around the perimeter. Sixth (top) level =
Neptune door. Fifth level = Thor switch. Fourth level = Damocles
switch and Atlas door. Third level = Thor door. Second level =
Neptune switch and Damocles door. First (bottom) level = Atlas
switch and exit.

Take a running jump to the structure at the center, where you'll
meet 3 bats. Kill them and cross to the other side. Drop down
and find and use the THOR SWITCH. Hop across the small square
opening and kill 2 more bats. Now hop back to the switch.

PRESSURE PAD & SECRET ROOM: On a ledge across the gap, is a gray
pressure pad. (It's on the right when you're facing the THOR
SWITCH.) This opens a secret door on the bottom level, which is
timed to close after a little while. (Before going for it, make
sure Lara is at full health and save your game if you can.)

Walk to the edge facing the pressure pad opposite. Hop back and
take a running jump to land on the right side of it. Turn to the
left, then take two hops back, holding Action to drop and hang
from the edge. Let go and fall to the ledge below. Hop back
once, then back flip down to the next lower level. Draw pistols
and kill the 2 bats that attack, while continuing to run (or
run/jump to cover more ground) straight ahead along the long
ledge. Keep running as you fall down to the next lower level and
run through the timed door. Inside is SECRET #4, a large medipak
and magnum clips.

(NOTE: You can skip killing the bats on the way down, but
they'll either follow Lara into the secret room or be waiting
when you come out. PSX users can pick up a save crystal on the
ground level; however, you may want to wait to use it until just
before you enter the DAMOCLES ROOM later.)

Exit the secret room and go around to the far side of the
central structure to find the ATLAS SWITCH. Pull it. Go up the
steps to the end. Jump straight up to grab the ledge above and
pull up. Walk to the end of this ledge. On the ledge across and
to the right you should see some magnum clips. Ready weapons,
jump across, kill the bat, then pick up the clips.

Turn around, jump back to the ledge on the right. From there
jump and grab the edge of central structure. Pull up, then go to
the left to find and pull the NEPTUNE SWITCH. (There's a save
crystal nearby.)

Take a standing jump from the central structure to the top of
the steps on the right of the DAMOCLES DOOR (which is still
closed). On the ledge above the door is a large medipak. Get
this now, since later on when you return, Pierre will probably
be lurking about. Then return to the top of the steps and turn
to face the central structure. Walk to the edge and take a
standing jump to grab the edge. Pull up.

Go to the far right side of the platform and take a running jump
across to the ledge. Roll, drawing weapons, and kill 2 bats.
Jump back to the central structure and go forward and to the
right. Take a standing jump from the edge to grab the ledge
opposite. Pull up, turn right and climb up on the next ledge.
Kill 2 more bats. Turn and jump back to the central structure.

Climb over a block to the other side where you'll find the
DAMOCLES SWITCH. Kill the bat that tries to mess with Lara's
hairdo, then pull the switch. Turn to the left. Across the gap
you'll see a small medipak on a ledge. Jump over to get it then
jump back to the switch. (There's also a save crystal on this
level in the PSX game.)

Climb back onto the block next to the DAMOCLES SWITCH. Jump up
to grab the edge of the opening in the central structure and
pull up to the next level (the fifth) near the THOR SWITCH,
which you should have used earlier. From here take a running
jump to the bottom of the L-shaped stairs below and to the left
of the door through which you entered this area. (It's the
brightly lit one high above.) Kill another bat when you land,
then go to the top of the stairs.

NEPTUNE ROOM: Across the way you'll see the NEPTUNE DOOR. Make
your way over to it and go inside. (Save your game if you can.)
Jump into the pool and swim downwards as the strong current
carries you that way. There's a gate ahead, but don't go there
yet. Instead, look for an opening on the left a little bit above
the bottom. In this alcove is a lever. Pull it to open the gate
and shut off the current. If you have plenty of air, turn around
and swim down and to the left. Grab the NEPTUNE KEY, turn around
and swim forward then up to the pool to surface. If you're low
on air after pulling the lever, turn around and swim down and to
the right, then up to the pool for air. Then dive down again,
swim forward to get the key, then return to the top.

Exit the Neptune room, jump back to the central structure and
drop down two levels. Now that you've started getting the keys,
your favorite sniper, Pierre, will start to shoot at Lara as she
makes her way from door to door. Try and stay under cover as
best you can, and if you do shoot back, remember to use just the
pistols, so as not to waste ammo. There are also 2 lions roaming
around down there with him, so avoid dropping down to the ground
until after you've killed them.

ATLAS ROOM: Approach the ATLAS DOOR with weapons drawn. Kill the
gorilla lurking inside. Step on the pressure pad to open the
gate then run through. Grab the small medipak in the pit to the
left. Climb out of the pit and WALK up the ramp. A boulder will
start to roll down toward you. Back flip into the hole where you
got the medipak and run forward to the front edge. The boulder
will roll past you into the pit. Climb out, go up the ramp, then
climb onto the ledge on the left. Pull up to the next ledge and
take the ATLAS KEY. Drop down and exit the room.

THOR ROOM: Take a running jump back to the central structure. Go
to the left and drop down to the level below. (Get the save
crystal in the PlayStation version.) Enter the THOR DOOR.
Proceed slowly down the steps until the disco ball on the
ceiling begins to shoot bolts of lightning. Note that the
lightning only strikes the darker squares on the floor. To get
through without taking any damage, walk to the right, staying
close to the back wall. Then turn left to face the rightmost
dark floor tile. Walk toward it then dive and roll (Walk + Jump
+ Forward) over the dark square and run into the next room.
(Thanks to Ivans Chou for this tip.)

Now comes phase two. Above is an enormous hammer. On the floor
is a pressure pad. Stand on the pad until you hear a crack, then
hop back. The hammer will crash to the ground, along with a
couple of large movable stone blocks. Go to the block near the
hammer and push it over to the ledge so you can climb up. Follow
the ledge to the next movable block. Pull it three times, then
get on top of it. From here, take a standing jump to grab the
tall pillar. Pull up and take the small medipak. Turn to the
left and take a running jump to grab the ledge beyond. Pull up,
enter the alcove and get the THOR KEY. Return to the ledge, jump
back to the pillar, and drop down to the lower ledge, then the
floor. Repeat the dive-and-roll move to pass the lightning trap,
and exit the room.

DAMOCLES ROOM: Go back across the walkway to the central
structure and drop down to the level below. Jump over to the
steps near the DAMOCLES DOOR and run inside quickly, so as not
to be an easy target for Monsieur DuPont.

The swords hanging from the ceiling of the Damocles room are not
a hazard, yet. Pass through the outer room into the chamber
beyond and take the DAMOCLES KEY. Climb onto the platform above
and get the shotgun shells and small medipak. Now drop down and
WALK very cautiously out through the sword room. To some extent,
you can use the shadows of the swords on the ground to tell
where they'll fall. However, because of the lighting, this isn't
exact. Take a step at a time, listening for the telltale
"swoosh" of the falling swords, and stay close to the walls and
pillars, and you'll make it through.

When you emerge, Pierre will be ready for some action. Shoot at
him with the pistols, staying under cover as best you can, until
he disappears. Then kill the 2 lions from above before dropping
down. Use your 4 KEYS in the locks on the wall and exit the

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