GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Diddy Kong Racing"
(Nintendo 64)

This game is also available on DS.

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Diddy Kong Racing (Nintendo 64)
Submitted By: codinghands
Hello and welcome to the Diddy Kong Racing Walkthrough!
by Paul Holmes

1) Dino Domain Race 1 - Ancient Lake This race is the first and
easiest race in the whole game, with the only challenge being
that you have avoid that damn dinosaur. Apart from tht, hit the
zippers and you'll be fine To beat T.T you must beat - 1:01:28,
but to get to him you must get under - 1:07:00 The KEY for
challenge is on the ramp on your right at the start of the course
There are 8 Silver Coins, positioned...In front of start line,
after first balloon group, after the previous one, also after
previous one, skip grass shortcut for this one, before dino, in
middle of the dino road and before the finish line in a group
bananas. The best character for this track is - Banjo - and the
best vehicle is - Car.

Race 2 - Fossil Canyon Just remember that there is a shortcut
over the lake if you use the boosters! To beat T.T, you must
- 1:30:18, but to get to him you must get under - 1:37:00 There
are 8 Silver Coins, positioned...Right in fromt of starting
inside the first curve, near 3rd booster, on shores of lake
(watch out!), on fourth booster arrow, outside the tunnel,
fork in road and take the left side or right side of the final
road. It's there.... The best character for this track is -
Conker - and the best vehicle is - Car.

Race 3 - Jungle Falls This race is once again very easy, with a
few more twists and curves than before, and 1 slightly more
difficult zipper (under the skull). Just don't fall off the
bridge! To beat T.T, you must beat - 1:02:50, but to get to him
you must get under - 1:08:00 There are 8 Silver Coins,
positioned...Directly in front of the starting line, inside the
1st curve, on bridge, on shore of river, on exit of river,
cave, in skull of skeleton and before finish line. The best
character for this track is - Timber - and the best vehicle is

Race 4 - Hot Top Volcano This race is the only
race in the whole of Dino Domain. Just watch out for the dino
the stalagmites coming out the roof. You'll be fine! To beat
you must beat - 1:30:71, but to get to him you must get under -
1:35:00 There are 8 Silver Coins, positioned...Behind pillar a
starting line, take left in first fork, and then another, then
right over the hill, over the rock bridge, at entrance of
at the second-last booster and the last booster. The best
character on this track is - Pipsy - and the best vehicle is -

Boss Race - Tricky The Triceratops Race 1 Beating Tricky can be
quite tricky, because the track spirals up a mountain. Use the
missiles to hit Tricky, although a homing one may be easier as
you go round a mountain. Be careful with speed ups, too. At the
almost-end of the course he will look back. Use this chance to
use a speed up to the finish line! When you finish, he will
you about the Silver Coin Challenge! Good Luck

Race 2 After completing each Dino Domain Silver Coin Challenge,
you are asked to go back to Tricky. This time, the same applys
from the last race, apart from the fact that huge trees fall
block your path. Try to get the maximum boost at the start line
(when the 'Get Ready' fades) so that you are ahead of the
trees! Best Racer - Diddy Reward for completing Tricky Race 2 -
1/4 of the Wizpig amulet, and the Trophy Race!!!Trophy Race
Complete the Trophy race by coming 1st as much as possible
through each Dino Domain course. 1st scores 9, 2nd 7, 3rd 5 and
so on. The character with the most points after each Dino
race wins the Gold Trophy. This will show on your Status screen
(bump into T.T to see it). If you win Silver or Bronze, well,
get nothing!

T.T Race - Fire Mountain Objective :- Hatch 3 eggs before your
opponent. Method:- Use the plane to dive into the lava pit and
collect and egg. Drop it in your nest with Z button. Steal your
opponents if you like, because they can steal yours. If the egg
under your picture at the top of your screen is flashing, it
could be stolen. When it stops flashing, it's safe. Reward :-
Piece of the T.T Amulet

2) Snowflake Mountain Race 1 - Everfrost Peak This race is a
flying one, and I don't particularly enjoy flying ones. Avoid
rockets and damn Christmas trees!! To beat T.T, you must beat -
1:48:00, but to get to him you must beat - 1:53:00 There are 8
Silver Coins, positioned...Directly in front of starting line,
the left of the firs zipper, small island with tree, same place
but behind, above rocky ridge, right after tunnel, above
rocky bridge, and below the same one! The best character for
track is - Bumper - and the best vehicle is - Plane

Race 2 - Walrus Cove This is an interesting course in that it
quite complicated. Watch out for the painfully slow icy water
the hidden zippers, and the loop-da-loop. To beat T.T, you must
beat - 2:06:28, but to get to him you must beat - 2:10:00 There
are 8 Silver coins, postioned...Before the loop-da-loop, at the
entrance to the 1st tunnel, after 2 zippers turn hard for this
one, at the 3rd cave exit, after a group of balloons, before
fork, on the far right, ditto and on the shortcut The best
character for this track is - Conker - and the best vehicle is

Race 3 - Snowball Valley The easiest snow course. The shortest
snow course, and loads of blue balloons! Ignore the huge arrow
after the start and turn left instead.... To beat T.T, you must
beat - 1:06:41, but to get to him you must beat - 1:13:00 The
for T.T's challenge is right at the start on the left in a tiny
cove! There are 8 Silver Coins, positioned...In front of
line, left at first fork, hard right after tunnel, bunch of
balloons after first zipper, behind starting line, go right at
first fork, in valley on right, in valley on left. The best
character for this track is - Diddy - and the best vehicle is -

Race 4 - Frosty Village This track can be easy if you link
yourself, the Blue balloons and the zippers together. Oh, and
the hovercraft you can find a shortcut in the form of a cave.
beat T.T, you must beat - 1:39:40, but to get to him you must
beat - 1:44:00 There are 8 Silver Coins, positioned...In front
starting line, go down hill to right instead of first zipper,
on the way back on the left side, near a house in the village,
the cave, on hill in forest after third zipper, on the straight
and right before finish line on shore on left. The best
for this track is - Banjo - and the best vehicle is - Car

Boss Race - Bluey The Walrus Race 1 This race is an all
hoverboat race, so a heavier racer is recommended. Bluey isn't
the most challenging of bosses, so I hope you don't have to
trouble. Use speed ups and missiles to bring him down!

Race 2 Now here's the hard part...Bluey's rematch, and now
is huge snowballs making there way across the valley, so avoid
all costs. This is basically the same strategy as last time.
Shoot with missiles, overtake, then blue balloon-it to the
line. Best Racer - Krunch Reward for completing Race 2 - 1/4 of
the Wizpig Amulet and Trophy Race!

T.T Race - Icicle Pyramid Objective:- To survive the longest on
bananas. Method:- Since 2 bananas are lost everytime you're
you could go quickly, so even hide from the others until it's
just you and 1 computer opponent. On the other hand, you could
for all-out war (I'd go for the second!) Reward:- Piece of T.T

3) Sherbet Island Race 1 - Whale Bay This race has horrible
corners, especially for a damned hoverboat! So be careful when
you do the Silver Coin Challenge, because it will not be easy!
beat T.T, you must beat - 1:13:11, but to get to him you must
beat - 1:19:00 There are 8 Silver Coins, positioned...In front
starting line, on first turn, right turn, 2nd zipper circle,
whale which can act as a ramp..., on a rock, in zipper circle
on the straight to the finish. The best character for this
is - Banjo - and the best vehicle is - Hoverboat.

Race 2 - Cresent Island This course is easy if you don't muck
Hit the zippers to keep your speed up, and you'll make it round
this tight course. To beat T.T, you must beat - 1:33:16, but to
get to him you must beat - 1:39:00 To get the KEY, go on the
ocean to the left at the start. Find the cove. It's in there.
Easy in a hoverboat. There are 8 Silver Coins,
left route at start, ditto, take right route at start, after
ends, head to right wall, right before ship (weird angle, use
skid), don't use tunnel into ship but keep going onto a ramp
through the hole, before last tunnel (another weird angle) and
the end in the sharp shortcut. The best character for this
is - Diddy - and the best vehicle is - Car.

Race 3 - Pirate Lagoon This course is really curvy, and there
a huge ramp at the end. Go off it. It's great fun. Also, watch
out for tightly held zipers, and even ones that appear out of
nowhere supposedly! To beat T.T, you must beat - 1:28:56 - and
get to him you must beat - 1:34:00 There are 8 Silver Coins,
positioned...Near first zipper circle, on first hill, on first
curve, after previous on right wall, after tunnel on left wall,
after balloons, skip ramp, under where you would fly off ramp
(finish line) The best character for this track is - Bumper -
the best vehicle is - Hoverboat.

Race 4 - Treasure Caves This is an EASY course as long as you
don't hit water or swamps. Planes are probably more fun, but
there aren't enough air zippers. To beat T.T, you must beat -
1:05:63, and to get him you must beat - 1:10:00 There are 8
Silver Coins, positioned...Right in front of you, near the
zipper, after the tunnel on right and inside cave x 4. The best
character for this track is - Bumper - and the best vehicle is

Boss Race - Bubbler the Octopus Race 1 The first Bubbler race
when he drops mines as he races round the course. Stay away far
enough so that you don't hit a mine, but close enough to keep
Hit him with missiles to keep him in range, but don't be
if you don't beat him first time!

Race 2 Now this is hard. Instead of dropping mines, now he
bubbles. Stay as far a head as possible, because hitting one
bubble means it's all over. Use the 10 Missile power-up to
rapidly hit him, or a few good homing missiles Reward for
completing Race 2 - 1/4 Wizpig Amulet and the Trophy Race

T.T's Race - Darkwater Beach Objective:- To be the last
standing Method:- Basically the same as the Icicle Pyramid,
except in hoverboats. See Icicle Pyramid Method Reward:- Piece
T.T Amulet

4) Dragon Forest Race 1 - Greenwood Village This race has a
short-cut if you go down the well, where you will come out
slightly further ahead. Remember though, accelerate on
To beat T.T, you must beat - 1:40:61, and to get to him you
beat - 1:46:00 There are 8 Silver Coins, positioned...First
zipper-extreme left, near well, in underground area, after hill
with Rainbow balloon, near end of tunnel, take normal fork,
odd fork and right after tunnel at odd angle. The best
for this track is - Pipsy - and the best vehicle is - Car.

Race 2 - Windmill Plains I hate this level - use blue balloons
that's all I'm saying! To beat T.T, you must beat - 2:13:13,
to get him you must beat - 2:22:00 There are 8 Silver Coins,
positioned...First windmill, second windmill, entrance to
underground passage, in tunnel-left wall, third windmill, after
previous go to waterfall on left, in canyon, before last
tunnel-go left and skip zipper. The best character for this
is - Tiptup - and the best vehicle is - Plane

Race 3 - Boulder Canyon This race caused no end of problems for
me, but now it's just so FUN!! Avoid the logs unless you want
propel your opponents ahead (which you don' you won't...)
To beat T.T, you must beat - 2:02:35, but to get him you must
beat - 2:11:00 To get the KEY, lift the bridge (use bell) then
Ultra Boost up. It's on a ledge.Very well hidden. There are 8
Silver Coins, positioned...Next to 1st blue balloon, behind
on a zipper, before green river, at fork of castle, same and
a tree. The best character for this track is - Banjo - and the
best vehicle is - Hoverboat

Race 4 - Haunted Woods This is short and easy, so if you have
problems with this course, then, well, you suck. No, really,
would really suck. But none of you do, do you??? Its just a
course. And if you're stuck, all i'll say is use the zippers.
dont be scared of ghosts! To beat T.T, you must beat - 1:09:51,
but to get to him you must beat - 1:22:00 There are 8 Silver
Coins, positioned...Right route, right route, left route, in
tunnel, right before woods, in forest-deep curve, same and on
bridge back. The best character for this track is - Timber -
the best vehicle is - Car

Boss Race - Smokey The Dragon Race 1 This race is best
by hitting him with homing missiles, while making an Ultra
Use Ultra Boost on straight. Oh, and he drops fireballs...

Race 2 Now here's a challenge. When he drops fireballs, they
much more powerful than the first race fireballs, so don't hit
one. Try to collect red and blue balloons from the deep corners
(because there isn't many!) Reward for completing Race 2 - 1/4
Wizpig Amulet

T.T's Race - Smokey Castle Objective :- To have 10 bananas in
your chest before anyone else Method:- You can only carry 2
bananas at a time, so be careful. Also, if you're shot, you
all bananas you're carrying! Just be fast!!! Reward:- 1/4 of
T.T Amulet

CONGRAULATIONS! You should now have the 4 pieces of the.....
WIZPIG AMULET!!!!! His head should open out in the central
so in you go!..........

Wizpig 1 - Now this is a challenge! With Wizpig, you'll need a
lighter character, such as Conker or Bumper. You'll also need
know the course well, and line yourself up before hitting a
zipper. Also, to use the 'boosted' zipper trick, you'll need to
let go of the acceleration even later for it to work! - All I
is good luck! Best character - Bumper or Conker

5) Future Fun Land There is a secret zone with another 4 levels
in it, but no key or bonus level. To access, get everything in
the game, then go to the signboard in the beach with all your
trophies. Honk, and it will have a cinematic clip showing the
lighthouse blasting off into space. There is the link between
and your new domain. (Note - you must defeat Wizpig 1 and do
other things before this will work!)

Race 1 - Stardust Alley This course needs you to avoid UFO',
lasers and electricity. Be fast to avoid the items, and don't
linger in the UFO area! Good Luck! The T.T Time to beat is -
2:06:16 The Silver Coins are positioned...In front of first
zipper circle, after second zipper circle, in first tunnel, on
the right of the first UFO, and the left, then skip shortcut to
huge electricity machine-it's in there!, in shortcut and in
cave. Best Character - Tiptup - Best Vehicle - Plane

Race 2 - Darkmoon Caverns Filled with twists and turns, it's
to navigate, but nice to go over loop da loops! Hit your
hard and clear thew way then boost using blue balloons and the
zippers! The T.T Time to beat is - 2:12:05 The Silver Coins are
positioned...First curve, first area of UFO's, 2nd tunnel, exit
of 2nd tunnel, in between 2 craters, 2nd area of UFO's, first
loop-da-loop and before 2nd loop-da-loop (weird angle). Best
Character - Diddy - Best Vehicle - Car

Race 3 - Spaceport Alpha With laser hallways with a dozen
and huge 90 degree turns, it will be extremely hard to
Just remember that zippers will boost you, but you must be able
to control the vehicle, so learn the course! The T.T Time to
is - 2:09:03 The Silver Coins are positioned...Sorta of front
starting line, don't turn second curve - go straight, twisty
tunnel, after twity tunnel, in Laser Hallway, blue tunnel after
Laser Hallway, exit blue tunnel, high in Laser Hallway. The
character is - Conker - and the best vehicle is - Plane

Race 4 - Star City Big Bridge...don't fall off or....back to
start of....Big Bridge.....don't fal.........................
make sure that the enemy doesn;t get the better of you in
precarious areas! The T.T Time beat is - 2:01:45 The Silver
are positioned...path next to cliff, same, exit of giant gold
ball tunnel, city-tight corner, ditto, ditto, ditto and
to last tunnel. The best character is - Diddy - and the best
vehicle is - Car

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! If you've got this far......
then WELL DONE ! But you must face Wizpig again... on his own
turf - the space world!!! Go to boss stage NOW Remember though
you need 47 balloons and the T.T Amulet before you can enter

WIZPIG 2 - Strikes Back!
Now it's home turf with asteroids, aliens and hellish lasers..
can you survive? Wizpig is in a rocket, you're in a plane......
so you will have to use the balloons as he has all the other
weapons on the course. Learn the course, know the course, and
it's zippers then win! Mess up - and it's all over - best thing
to do is get an Ultra Boost to pass him by. Easier said than

Defeating Wizpig 2 opens up Adventure 2, it's all the courses
mirrored, so they are all reveresed!!! And you must get Silver
balloons - but I'm not going in to that!

©Paul Holmes 2001/2002 ©Nintendo ©Rare Produced by Paul Holmes
Submitted By: Chaterbox
Character guide who to realy trust on the track.

1 - Diddy Kong:

Star of the game, Diddy Kong takes off time from exploring with
friends to help out his friends. Diddy is an all around good
with a medium in almost every category.

Acceleration - Medium
Handling - Medium
Top Speed - Medium

2 - Tiptup:

Tiptup, a turtle with a strange voice. Personally, I think Tiptup
is the
best character besides T.T.! Use him to try to earn him...

Acceleration - Great
Handling - Awesome
Top Speed - Average

3 - Pipsy:

Argh! This mouse is so disgustingly cute it makes me want to

Acceleration - Above Average
Handling - Great
Top Speed - Average

4 - Bumper:

Hey, look ugly Badger!

Acceleration - Average
Handling - Average
Top Speed - Great

5 - Conker:

Watch out, or the demonic squirrel will drag you into the pits of


Acceleration - Great
Handling - Ok
Top Speed - Ok

6 - Timber:

Timber is a kid Tiger, and he sounds like a freak, too!

Acceleration - Ok
Handling - Ok
Top Speed - Ok

7 - Banjo:

Before starring in his own game with his pal, Kazooie, he's
decided to
one up everyone else.

Acceleration - Slow
Handling - Average
Top Speed - Great

8 - Krunch:

Krunch is a fat Kremling, make no mistake about it.

Acceleration - Very slow
Handling - Very poor
Top Speed - Awesome


9 - Drumstick:

This guy's voice is hilarious...why? It just is...

Acceleration - Great
Handling - Great
Top Speed - Great

10 - T.T.:

This is the one who manages the tracks.

Acceleration - Awesome
Handling - Awesome
Top Speed - Awesome

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