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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Star Wars: Rogue Leader"

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Star Wars: Rogue Leader (Gamecube)
Submitted By: Cycloon
This is a begginners guide to the rather good Rogue Leader:

Training Level: Tatooine:

To get the Naboo Starfighter, you need to find various items
around this desert expanse, at different times of day.

Beggars Canyon Racing - Need to complete twice, once on easy,
once on hard - Go left at the first fork for track one, or go
right for track two.

Toschi Station Racing - Simply follow the signs to win - On easy
this is very simple. However, on hard you need to fly in as tight
a turn as possible - just clip the signs with your right wing.

Discovery items - Most of these, once found will, point on the
radar to another item. Simply find Jabbas Palace, and then go on
following the radar.

Secret Items - You need to get these to ge the Naboo

*Morning/Evening - 6.00am/pm - Discover jabbas palace, then
destroy it. C-3PO should be there, fly low to pick him up.

*Afternoon - 14.00 - Find the escape pod near Tosch station - Use
the rqace to get to it, and then search nearby.

*Night - 11.00 - Find the sandcrawler near Mos Eisley (where the
crashed TIE is) and blow it up. Pick up squeaky little droid

Womp Rats: First go get the proton bombs. Simply fly low over the
valley to activate the test. Try to get 60 in one go - Either
shoot 'em all, or herd them close together and use the proton

NOTE - To actualy get the Tech Upgrades, you need to complete the
level as well as pick them up.

Level 1 -Attack On The Deathstar:

*As soon as the cut scene finishes, shoot up the larger
deflection towers that stand out above the Death Stars surface -
Use your radar for this if you need to.

* When all are destroyed destroy the waves of TIEs that
appear-Order your wingmen onto them as well.

*Once all TIE's are out, you need to go down th trench. Speed up
if you want the medals, but if you don't take it nice and slow.
Do not go out of the top of the trench, as you will be destroyed.
Simply fly down, and when the TIEs appear, throttle back to push
them in front of you, and blast away. When Darth Vader arrives,
do the same. Han Solo will save the day, leaving you to fire your
missils. Using the targeting computewr makes this bit easier, but
if you want Gold, you can't, so you'll need to aim just below the
end wall - The target is actualy on the floor, nor the end

TECH UPGRADE - Advanced Shileds - Increases shield power. Blue
circle means ful lshields

* After all towers are blown up, and the cut-scene for the TIEs
ends, swoop down low to the left, look for it near a gun tower -
It can be tricky to find.


Level 2: Ison Fog Corridor Ambush

*As soon as the level starts, order your wingmen on the TIEs.
Simply fly around, using your radar and estroy the TIEs - They
will be attacking the transports at the head of the convoy.

* After the first wave is destroyed, a second will ppaer, and if
you are in an X-Wing, you will be able to change craft - Fly
undewr the Medical frigates middle section to find the blue
marker. Then take out the remaining TIEs in the A-Wing.

* Once you enter the fog, TIE interceptors will appear, who are a
lot more tricky. Use your targeting computer to take them out.
Try to get them in one passs for each 'three TIE' flight. Be
careful using the computer however. Don't use it to much, and it
shows up enemys THROUGH solid objects, so you cold find yourself
crashing into the transports if you are not careful. Simply
destroy all the TIEs to win.

TECH UPGRADE - Advance Proton Torpedoes - Proton Torpedoes are

* As soon as you start, fly down to spot a larger piece of
debris, under the convoy. Fly through it to pick up the


Level 3 - Battle Of Hoth

* Speed up the starting canyon, blasting the little probe droids
if yuo want. As sson as you see the battleground, order your
wingmen on the AT-STs (the smaller walkers) and the ground troops
to defend their position.
Fly up and down near the ion cannon and destroy all the walkers
(and storm troopers if you want)Near the back of the level a
shuttle lands some more imperial troops - If you are quick
enough, you can shoot it down. Be carful with the AT-STs - Try to
attack from the back with your lasers, not the front, as they are
quite powerful.

* After the excellent cut scene, speed up the left hand side of
the battle ground to where the three front AT-ATs are pounding
your troops. Order you wingmen on to the AT-STS again, and then
fly close the the AT-ATs legs, and fire your tow cable. Fly
around three times to trip it up. You need to take down all three
of these front walkers. Once you have the shileds are

*Fly up the canyon again, and change into an X-Wing near the
transports. Turn left, and look up - TIEs and bombers are
arriving. Go for the bombers, while your wingmen go for the
fighters - Get rid of them as quickly as possible.

TECH UPGRADE - Advanced Lasers - More powerful main lasers

* After the AT-ATS destroy the sheileds, fly back to where they
were, and the upgrade should be there.


Level 4 - Prisons of the Maw.

* This level is split into two sections. The first is the
trickiest. AS you start, go staright ahead. Soon your wignman
will talk, and then your radar will point the way forwards. Order
your wingmen onto the TIEs, and speed up towards the tankers that
should appear soon. Fly past (you can destroy them for medal
help) and soon you will see the shields - Hold B to charge your
ion cannon and fire it at the silver spokes at the edges of the
shile. You need to take out 3 to get through. Be careful not to
hit the shield or go to close the the heavy gun drones on the
other side.

* After the cut-scene, fly low, and activate your bomb reticle.
Order your wingmen on the guns, and fly using your radat. Take
out any walkers you see with a bomb, but save them for the guns.

* The next three sections are all about taking out ground
targets. Try to use one bomb per turret, and try to take out as
many in one pass as possible. The prisoners train is critical,
and be carfeul when bombing - They will tell you where to ge
oeachg time.

* At the third scetion, you need to plant several bombs on each
of the communications towers. Guns are not essentuial, but it
would be easier if you took them out. TIEs appear here, and you
need to be extra careful. If you are low on bombs, dogfightt the
TIES and then use the bombs that should have recharged by then.

* As soon as the towers are out, you will get another order, and
a new target. Speed over to the next objective, and take out the
towers as quickly as possible. Order your mates onto the TIEs and
take out all ground targets along the track that you can. Once
the shuttle appears, you'll need to destroy any gun that firs at

TECH UPGRADE - Advance Cluster Missiles - Superb missile

After you get ordered to destroy the comm towers, fly to the
right, and you will see two buildings - a dish and a domed
structure- destroy the dome with bombs and pick the upgrade up.


Level 5 - Razor Rendezvous

* This level is tough, but luckily, you get the letah B-Wing.
Simply flt otwars the Star Destroyer, ordering your wingmen on
the TIEs. Destroy the two spheres on the back section, and then
dive underneath to tak out the dome on the bottom - It will be
yellow on the computer.

* If you want to take the level slower, destroy the TIEs
attacking the frigate. However, I found it easier to take out the
Star Destroyer very quickly, to prevent the frigate from being

* Once all three shiled generators are out (the spheres and the
dome on the bottom) fly towards the bridge section at the back.
You should see a little panel that is the command deck. Fire
anything you've got at it. Torpedoes ae most effective.

TECH UPGARDE - Advance Proton Bombs - Bombs are made more

* As soon as you start, fly under the Star Destroyer at top
speed. You should see an Imperial shuttle. Destroy it and pick up
the upgrade. You do need to be quick for this.


Level 6 - Vengence On Kothlis

* Order your wingmen on the fighters, and simply take out all the
fighters that try to attack the transport. The less damage it
takes here, the easiewr the later section is.

* When it get sclose the the crashed Destroyer, try to tak out
some of the alrger silver-bolt firing guns with you proton
torpedoes - However, this is not seenital, and is jus t a way of
using your missiles for some good use.

* When the AT-ATs appear, change into a speeder behind the
transport. Order your mates on to the next flight of tuies, and
proceed to attack the At-Ats, just like on Hoth. The last one,
closes to the the crash site is quite tricky - You need to get
the right height very quickly - Be careful.

* When they are down, fly to the back again and change in the NEW
icon to a Y-Wing. Now take out all the troops attacking the
commando squad near the SD. Then order your commandoes to defend
and your wingmen on to the AT-PTs that appear out of the water.
Using the bombs with the computer brings up a map which is very
useful for knowing wehn to drop the bombs, of you are not going
for a medal. If you are going for a gold, try to use this as
little as possible.

* After a bit, you will need to take out the 'weak points' on the
SD. Either use the computer to find it, or let me tell you - It
is the great big slightly slanted section at the front. Pound it
with your bombs until it blows open.

* Now simply destroy any more walkers, or take out any guns left
on th SD to incrase your kill totals.

TECH UPGRADE - Advanced Homing Proton Computer - Gives you homing

* After you blow a hole in the SD, fly to the back, where the
bridge is and find a hole - Fly through and pick it up (this is
quite tight so be careful)


Level 7 - Imperial Academy Heist

* This level changes depending on your time of day. In the day
you will fly a Y-Wing. Use your Ion-cannon to stop the sensors up
the canyon. At night, using the speeder, you need to fly low,
under the fog, and stay as far away as possible from the sensors.

* At night, if you fly up a different canyon at the end of the
sensors, you will need to stay low, but you can change in to a
TIE fighter, making it easier to get to the academy and the

* Once in the academy, you will need to take out any enemies you
can - Try to attack before the can take off, and even take down
the AT-Ats at night (if you want!) - Follow you radar to find the
main area with the shuttle.

* Destroy all the towers you can, especuialy the ones around the
shuttle. Change craft, and then speed away to the rendezvous
point. You can shoot at enemie, but do not actively engage them
or else you will be killed instsantly. Jiggle about a lot to stop
gunfire form hitting you. Follow the radar, and oc ein the
canyon, out of the ground fog, follow the corners as tightly as
possible. Once at the rendezbous the mission will end.

TECH UPGRADES - Advanced Concussion Missiles - More powerul
missiles (A-Wing missiles)

* DAY - During the final area with the shuttle, there are four
hangers leading up to the central tower. Fly through the right
one to get the upgrade.

* NIGHT - Advanced Spread Proton Bombs - Very powerful cluster

* In the same are, but in the left hangar at night.


Level 8 - Raid On Bespin

* First of all, order your wingmen on the TIEs, and go for the
gas tanks on the gun balloons. You need to approach form below to
destroy the tanks artound the middile section. All you need to do
is fly along this whole section taking out all the balloons and
Interceptors, while proetecting the Tibana platforms.

* Once this is done, you will get to go to Cloud City. You have
to destroy three power generators. Use your targeting computer to
spot them -They are yellow, and fly down the teneches to destroy
them. TIP-Find a change ship icon on a small platform to the
right of where you enter the cuty, and change to a Bespin Cloud
car - Much easier to handle.

* Once all the generators are gone, change ship if you did
before,and then fly towards the outer platforms (use your radar)
Take out all the TIEs there to win the mission.

TECH UPGRADE - Advanced Homing Concussion Missiles - Homing
missiles again!

* As soon as you start, speed through the clids the where a
tanker is leaving. Destroy it, and the ensuing explosion should
knock out enough gas to reveal the upgrade.


Level 9 - Battle Of Endor.

* You've seen this before - Its lurvly! As you start, turn shapr
left, and fly backtowadsyou fleer. Order your wingmen on to the
TIEs and battle them yourself. They will attack Redemption, the
Meidcal frigate, so ptrol the area, attacking any of the TIEs in
the frantic dogfighting.

* After a while, TIE Bombers will appear - Thees are deadly, and
you'll need to take them out quickly to save the frigate.

* After this, two destroyers will appear after the cut-scene. Fly
towards them and do the ame to them as you did on Razor
rendezvous - Its tough, and you have to be very quick!
Concentrate everything on the SDs, use your wingmen to attack the

* Stay alive long enough after to win the level - Attack any

TECH UPGRADE - Advanced homing cluster missiles- The best weapon
in the game! Swarms of TIEs will fall to you if you get these!

* As soon as the SDs appear, attack the left one. As it falls
away, attack the right one. Once the left one has finishe
dfalling, fly underneath to its hangar to ge the upgrade. Finish
the level.


Level 10 - Strike At The Core - The last 'story level'

* This first secrtion is very tough. Juggle around loads to avoid
the laser fire. You need to spped up to keep behind the falcon,
close enough to attack the TIEs, but do not overshoot!

* As soon as you get inside, blast away at the TIEs in front, and
then blast any TIEs that over take. Continue down the tunnel - Be
very careful - if you die, you have to do all the tunnel again.
If a TIE does get away, try to catch up, or waith until you get
to th core area, where you can destroy it with ease.

* Once you get to the core area, 'destroy the sheild regualtor on
the noth tower' - Blast away with everything you've got. Now

* On the way back, speed up on the straight sections, but slow
down on the curved areas. Do not overshoot the falcon. Be careful
again - If you die you have to start the section again!

* Once on the final entry are, speed away!

Congratulations - You've done it - Now for the medals and ships
and extra levels!

TECH UPGRADE - Advanced Targeting Computer - Very good upgrade of
your computer - allows you to order your wingmen on to specific
targets and does not have to be held down!

* Towards the end of the tunnel, just before the core, fly low
under some grey pipes on the right to collect.


Thanks for reading

Star Wars Rogue Leader Guide - Copyright - SR member 'Cyclone'


Submitted By: Lipe
Star Wars: Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron 2 is a great game and this
walkthrough should tell you exactly what to do to get a gold
medal on each level.Have fun playing this great game and I hope
this walkthrough helps you.This is my first faq and I picked this
game because it truly is one of the best games on gamecube.

You do need to be familiar with the controls for this walkthrough
to help you.But the controls are very simple so there should be
no problem :).

Mission Walkthroughs and Gold Medals

Guide to Walkthroughs:

Overview: The basic gist of the mission, and some thoughts about
it. Available Starting Craft: The craft you can pick in the hangar to fly initially. Note that in several missions that you can change craft.

Enemies: These are targets that shoot back. Note that sometimes
you may be required to take out something that doesn't shoot back. Those things aren't included under Enemies.

Survival Walkthrough: How to go about completing the mission.
These generally assume you don't have a lot of the tech upgrades.

Gold Medal Strategies: Basically, this is my way to get the Gold
Medal, but I'm sure there are others, and if you can find a better one, go right ahead and let me know and I'll consider it.


A. Training Mission - Tatooine Training


This training mission is quite open-ended. You can fly around on
the surface of Tatooine and practice your skills and the manuevers in the game. There are several "objects" to be found in the area, and a few mini-missions. A cute thing about this mission is that the scenery changes depending on the time of day on your GameCube's internal clock.


Available Starting Craft:

T-16 Skyhopper






There are no REAL kind of objectives here. You'll note there are

fifteen spinning Rebel insignias.

Twelve of these are training to introduce you to controls. You'll
learn Acceleration, Deceleration, Hard Braking, Speed Boost, Proton Bombs, Ion Cannon, Roll, Targeting Computer, Camera Switch,
C-Stick, D-Pad, and Linked Lasers.

The other three are mini-missions. There's one down in a large
pit area with a bunch of womprats. Hit the insignia and you'll have thirty seconds to "bulls-eye" as many as you can. The number you should be shooting for is 60. If you mess up, you'll probably want to wait a while until they fully regenerate before trying again. There's an easier way to get sixty, or heck, even a hundred. Womprats instinctively run from your ship, so if you circle the group, they'll all group themselves in a small cluster. This makes it a lot easier to take a lot out.

The second mini-mission is on a small plateau near two other
Skyhoppers. This is a simple racing mission against Biggs and Wedge. It's REAL easy. Simply follow the insignias and keep hitting the boost whenever your boost meter fills up (lower right corner of the screen). Once you hit Tosche Station, you're done. You'll need to run it twice to get full credit. The second time, Biggs and Wedge will be a little harder to beat.

The third mini-mission is above Beggar's Canyon. You'll race
against Biggs. There are two paths to take. To beat Path 1 (Biggs' path), just follow him throughout the whole area, and boost past him once you

reach the end. To beat Path 2, just go right at the beginning,
then follow the path as best as you can. Simple.

Now, there is one more thing to do, and that's finding "objects". The good news is that your radar points you to every last one of the

required objects. You have to find five herds of banthas, three

dewbacks, two Sandcrawlers, Jabba's Palace, and a crashed TIE
Fighter in Mos Eisley. Once you've found everything, your radar will point towards Jabba's Palace, so you know you're done if you found it already.

There are also two "bonus items" to find. The one you always
have to find is the bones of a Krayt Dragon, which is near one of the herds of banthas, and the other changes depending on the time of day. During dusk or dawn, the item is C-3PO, and he's in Jabba's Palace, which you can destroy. During normal daytime, it's the Escape Pod, and it's near Tosche Station. During darkness, the item is R2-D2, found in one of the Sandcrawlers (which you'll have to destroy with linked blasts).

So, that's all there is to it. You'll quit after 20 mintues,
after you crash your last ship into the ground, or after you choose to end the training. So, if you find all you need to find, just quit and you'll get credit for it.

You will get credit for completing training if you find all
items, regular and bonus, successfully complete the 12 lessons, win both

Tosche Station races, both Beggar's Canyon races, and peg 60
womprats in thirty seconds.

So, basically, find all items and turn all red insignias green.


B. Mission 1 - Death Star Attack


Princess Leia has returned to the Alliance, with the valuable
technical readouts of the Death Star, but the freighter she was
rescued on carried a homing signal, allowing the Death Star to track them to the Rebel base on Yavin 4. General Dodonna has devised an incredibly farfetched plan, yet one that's just crazy enough to work. A group of thirty starfighters is to be sent past the outer defensive shield and assault the station, whereby they will manuever down the equatorial trench and fire proton torpedoes at a vulnerable exhaust port. Only a direct hit will set off a chain reaction that will destroy the station.

The first mission isn't too hard at all. Nobody really shoots at
you for the most part, so think of this as easing into the world of Rogue Leader.


Available Starting Craft:


Y-Wing (after Prisons of Maw) (will have Torpdoes instead of



Death Star (Laser Turrets)
TIE Fighter
TIE Advanced


Survival Walkthrough:

Your group of X-Wings and Y-Wings descends upon the surface of
the Death Star. You won't have long before it orbits Yavin and can fire at the Rebel Base. Each part of the mission is timed, but you have plenty of it. You know you'll need to boogie when you hear Red Leader tell you you're running out of time.

The first part of the mission has you, Biggs, and Wedge taking
out several Deflection Towers on the surface. You don't need to deal with the guns, just the towers. They take a lot of hits, so just brake and keep pounding them. Of course, you're never told WHY you have to take out the Deflection Towers. Maybe there are guys up there telling the guns where to shoot. They certainly need all the help they can get.

Once they're all taken out, you'll switch to another part of the
Death Star's surface to take down about thirty or so TIEs. For the most part, they won't actively attack, so just use the radar, line up your shots, and take them out. Obviously, they just woke up and haven't had their morning cup of caf. TIEs can be kind of tough to spot against the Death Star's gray background, so it may help to bring up your Targeting Computer every once in a while. Once they're all gone, you'll head into the world-famous equatorial trench.

BONUS ALERT: Before you finish off all the TIEs, there's a bonus
to be found in this area. The only problem is it's REALLY tough to find, because the item is a whitish cone, and the entire Death Star is gray. Okay. Know how the terrain markers on the Death Star are different shades when you look at them on the map? The spot you're looking for consists of two squares of solid dark grey surrounded by complete

black, and it has one red dot on it. This spot is approximately
15-20 degrees to the left of your starting point. Once you reach the patch, fly low near the gun turret there and you'll eventually spot the cone. That's about as descriptive as I can be on it. Good luck. Pick it up, and you'll have Advanced Shields.

It's trench run time, baby... ^_^

In the trench, you'll have to adjust your height so as not to
slam into the crossbars that pop up. There are several turrets dotting the

trench, which you can take out if you wish. At some point, Wedge
will be hit and will duck out, and Biggs will be shot down (just like the movie! GET IT?). After that, pay attention for R2-D2 making noises, because that signals some TIEs coming up behind you. Brake hard so that they overtake you and shoot them down. Soon, you'll hear Vader speak. You know, the classic "The Force is strong with this one" line. He'll make two passes at you (in the middle of this, Obi-Wan Kenobi will tell you to "use the Force", no, there are no buttons on the controller to use the Force). You can't shoot him down, so just brake so he flies by
you. For the third run, he'll come behind you with wingmen. Gun
the throttle, and Han Solo, who you originally presumed to be on the other side of the galaxy, will swoop in with his trademark "Yahoo!" and take out the TIEs and send Vader spinning.

Once you're all clear, keep going and you'll eventually see gray
at the end of the trench. Once you get close, shoot a proton torpedo in the general direction of the exhaust port (on the floor) and watch the fireworks. (If you keep missing, use your Targeting Computer to spot the exhaust port)


Gold Medal Strategies:

Time: 6:05
Enemies: 91
Accuracy: 39%
Friendlies Lost: 0
Lives Lost: 0
Computer Efficiency: 100%

Naturally, take the X-Wing. You'll want Advanced Lasers and
Shields, and Homing Proton Torps couldn't hurt.

Okay, folks. This is, on paper, the hardest Gold Medal in the
game. The key to getting the Gold in this medal is four major things.

One (Time): Don't go too far out of your way to get extra
targets. You must also be a master TIE killer. Whenever you get a break from the guns in the trench, close your S-foils to gain a second or two.

Two (Kills): In the first two areas, if there's a turret between
you and your essential targets, use a quad burst on it. This is
especially true in the first area, since you're low to the surface. In the trench, this has less weight, since, of course, they're all in your way...

Three (Accuracy): Again, you must be a master TIE killer. Line
up behind groups and take out all other craft before you take out
the one in the lead. Once you take out the one in the lead, the
formation breaks up and they're harder to find again. Use single quad bursts on Laser Turrets if at all possible.

Four (Lives Lost): Don't die in the trench. It's very easy to go
so fast that you hit a crossbar. Slow down if you have to.

Okay, in the first section, immediately open fire on the first
tower. Once it's blown, fly to the left to the rest of the towers. It may not matter, but I like to move in a counter-clockwise direction around the towers. Take the nearest one, then the one to the right of it,etc. Stay low to the surface. If at all possible, try to line yourself up so that a Laser Turret is between you and a tower so that you can
hit it while hitting the tower. Take out as many towers as you can in about a 45 degree arc in front of you. That is to say, if there's a gun in your sights somewhere near the tower, blow it. If you pass a gun and don't destroy it, forget it. So, make the rounds blowing towers.

You'll need between 15-20 Laser Turrets here.

Next come the TIEs. Immediately tell your wingmen to flee so
they don't take your kills. Head towards the first visible group of TIEs and take them out as described in that Accuracy thing above. If the next TIE group is far away, dip down and take out a nearby gun or two on the surface. I suggest about 5-10 guns in this area. Finish all the TIEs and take out some more guns as the voice goes on to get ready for your attack run.

In the trench, I suggest taking out about two thirds of the guns,
which is about 20-25. Close your S-foils for the first few seconds of the run, and close them again as the crossbars start becoming few and far between. Once the TIEs come up behind your back, slam on the brakes and let them past. Shoot them down each time to get some easy kills.

After they're all gone, close the S-foils until Darth Vader
speaks. Open them and shoot turrets, and shoot him when he passes. You can't down him, but hitting him will boost your Accuracy. When he passes the second time, let him pass, but ignore him and just close the S-foils. Keep them closed until the very end. If you have the speed correct, the music for the last part (brass orchestra hits) will be your cue to fire the Proton Torpedo of Destiny.

Good luck.


C. Mission 2 - Ison Corridor Ambush


A convoy of transports and the Frigate Redemption are headed
towards the new Rebel base on Hoth. It's your mission to protect these convoy craft until they leave the Ison Corridor.

This mission is simple by nature. The only trouble you can
really have is tracking TIEs. A good knowledge of the radar will get Gold Medals here. If you have any serious trouble, just use the Targeting Computer.


Available Starting Craft:


A-Wing after this mission
Y-Wing after Prisons of Maw
B-Wing after Razor Rendezvous



TIE Fighter
TIE Interceptor


Survival Walkthrough:

BONUS ALERT! Already? Yep. Just below the Frigate is a clump
of debris. If you look closely, you can see a square hole in the
debris. Fly inside and you'll find the bonus item for Advanced Proton Torpedoes.

Okay, you'll very shortly get the call of multiple TIEs inbound.

Several Fighters will come in from each of the compass points.
Shoot down all eighteen, using your wingmen if you wish. The idea is to protect all the Transports so they don't all get shot down. You can still finish the mission even if all but one Transport are destroyed, so remember that.

Once the first wave of Fighters are gone, another wave will show
up, and you'll be prompted to switch to an A-Wing. Fly beneath the Frigate to do so (near the blue spinning Rebel insignia). Once you switch, head out to the large mass of TIE Fighters incoming. There are fourteen this time around.

Once they're all taken out, your convoy will enter the gas clouds
of the nebula. Now, you'll be assaulted by 12 TIE Interceptors. Use your targeting computer to see the enemies as they approach through the foggy clouds. Once all are gone, you'll escape from the nebula with what's left of your convoy.

Now, I'd like to break character for a second and say that there
is no way that this convoy could be travelling from Yavin to Hoth. Point one is that the Rebels evacuated Yavin really quickly, and didn'thave a lot of time at Hoth before they evacuated that place. Point two is that Hoth takes place three years after Yavin. So, what convoy keeps going
for three years? That's what I thought... ^_^


Gold Medal Strategy:

Time: 4:11
Enemies: 40
Accuracy: 19%
Friendlies Lost: 2
Lives Lost: 0
Computer Efficiency: 72%

Accuracy is your #1 demon here. It seems really low, until you
actually try it, and end up with 6%, 8%, etc. Of course, the golden rule here is don't shoot at ALL unless you're POSITIVE you're going to hit


Take the A-Wing right from the get-go for this mission. It's
near- insane speed will easily allow you to catch the tricky TIEs. Seeker Missiles, while a help, aren't necessary. Another good ship for this is the speedy N-1.

First off, tell your wingmen to Flee immediately, as you don't
get credit for their kills, and 40 enemies is almost all of the TIEs. Head left off into the red blip distance to engage the three-flight,and the four-flight behind it. Head back to the Transports and engage the remaining TIEs.

Once the second wave arrives, boost off to the big mass of
enemies in the distance. The four-flight on the left is closest, so attack it first, then the other groups up here. Finish off the remaining TIEs as quickly as possible.

In the final area, with the squints, don't be afraid to use your

Targeting Computer for a second or two to find enemies, because
you don't need 100% Efficiency. Smoke the squints as quickly (and accurately) as possible to finish up.

Two last things: Don't die at all, and don't worry too much about

Transports getting nailed, since you can lose two friendlies and
still get the Gold.

Of course, if you want an easy way, just unlock the Slave I and
get Homing Cluster Missiles. Aim those clusters at any enemies to
finish the mission in short order. Just be sure not to get yourself killed in the rather vulnerable craft.

Here's an alternate strategy from IXOnIOmenXI:

Now that the cheat’s out everyone should have this... Start off
with the Naboo Starfighter. Why? Because it has great dual lasers the speed of an A-Wing and the shields are a bit higher than the A-Wing. Also it would be nice to have homing missiles and advanced shields. Now, just tell your men to flee and go for the TIEs coming to the left of you, put on your homing missiles and let one go to the left or right wingman and shoot the other two. Now, head for the quad group in back of it. Try to destroy these before they get in front of you after that tight turn and boost to the transports. If you timed it right you might have the TIEs lined up which helps the time problem here. On
this first wave of TIEs, use your radar wisely since the last one
of this wave or of any wave is hard to find (at least for me) so
take them out quickly, and of course, accurately. Now, on to the
second wave. Go for the large group out to the left again. Take out the first group you see and then take out the others, most likely you’re not gonna take out a bunch so just pass them up and tight turn and they should be lined up. Go for the larger groups and use your homing missiles when you accidentally take out the leader of the group

because those loners are sometimes hard to find. Just try to
stay accurate and do it quickly (the dual lasers should help a bit). Now, for the final wave (I'm not sure if this helps or not but I think your wingmen come back after words just make em flee just in case). Immediately boost up to the closest group of TIEs (you can use your targeting computer for a while just to find the TIEs) turn on your homing crosshairs (even if you don't have any left) to make it a bit easier to see the ties. Now just take out all the TIEs swiftly,

accurately and quickly. I have to note that you shouldn't be a
sitting duck sense the Naboo Starfighter’s shields aren't perfect. With only a couple of tries you should get this down easy!


D. Mission 3 - Battle of Hoth


The Rebel's base on Hoth has been discovered by a wayward Probe
Droid. The evacuation has begun, but the Imperial Fleet has arrived to stop it. Fortunately, the fleet jumped out of hyperspace rather close, so enough warning was provided for the shield to be raised. The Empire is now attempting a surface attack, and a contingent of Snowspeeders is being sent out to hold them off.

This mission requires you to learn how to tie up AT-ATs pretty
fast. You'll have plenty of other opportunities for shooting down
ground craft as well.


Available Starting Craft:




Probe Droid
Imperial Landing Craft
TIE Fighter
TIE Bomber


Survival Walkthrough:

You'll start by heading through a thin mountiain pass, and you'll

encounter some Probe Droids along the way. Blast them if you
wish, and you'll enter the main battle area outside Outpost Beta.

Your first task is to take care of the ten threatening AT-STs in
the area. There are actually a total of seventeen, but you only need to take down those that are heading directly for the ion cannon at Outpost Beta. They'll show up yellow on your targeting computer.

Tell your wingmen to form up or go after the AT-STs, and the
ground troops to defend. Slow down as you draw level with the AT-STs and pound them with lasers. They take quite a few hits, so don't let up. Once you take out all the essential AT-STs, you'll be told to take down the AT-ATs. After a few seconds, you'll see a famous cutscene,where Luke gets shot down and Wedge ties up an AT-AT to show you how it's done. You'll control Wedge from here on out. Wasn't that cute how they switched to Wedge? ^_^

Now, you have to take down three specific AT-ATs to move the
mission ahead. The rest you can ignore. The three you're after are the ones farthest ahead on the battlefield, near the Shield Generator (again, they'll be yellow on the targeting computer). Fly to the right or to the left of the legs of one, slow down, and fire your Tow Cable (press B), as you pass the walker, as the cable fires behind you. Fly slowly around the walker's legs, not straying too far from the AT-AT, but not getting so close that you'll ram the legs, and you'll drop him after three passes.

Once you take down all three walkers in the area, there will be a

cutscene where the General Veers' AT-AT lays the smack down on
your Shield Generator. Time to leave.

BONUS ALERT: Once you regain control, fly on back to where the
Generator used to be and you'll find the coveted Advanced Lasers.

Sweet stuff.

Head down the thin mountain pass you'll be placed in. You'll
pass a few groups of Probe Droids (shoot at your leisure) and you'll enter the transport area. Drop down and grab your X-Wing (at the blue Rebel insignia).

Change craft quick, because you'll have to deal with the arrival
of six TIE Fighters and eight TIE Bombers from high atmosphere on your left. Your priority is the Bombers, as they can hurt the Transports. Shoot down all the Bombers and you'll complete the evacuation. Luke will head off to Dagobah to pursue his Jedi heritage, and Wedge will move on to bigger and better things with Rogue Squadron.


Gold Medal Strategies:

Time: 5:00
Enemies: 43
Accuracy: 53%
Friendlies Lost: 22
Lives Lost: 0
Computer Efficiency: 100%

Props go to whoever found out that troopers do NOT count as
viable targets. However, Probe Droids DO count, so keep that in mind.

As you travel along the path, take out as many of the Probe
Droids as you can without slowing down too much. These Probe Droids will pound your guys in this area if you don't take out enough, and that, of

course, isn't good for your Friendlies count.

As you enter the main area, start smashing AT-STs (either tell
your wingmen to flee or to go after the guns). Hit the brakes and
take out two or three of the nearest group of four, then head to the back of the battlefield (near the incoming Landing Craft). Take one or two of the back three, then hit the Landing Craft and the box underneath it. Take out the remaining AT-STs in those two groups, and hit as many as you can in the last group of three. If you miss one, try to take out some of the others (you'll eventually need to take out all of them for target number).

Once all the AT-STs are gone (before or after the switch to
Wedge), head towards the three AT-ATs. Here's the big kick. Start pounding the nearest AT-AT in the head. This will drive up your Accuracy to be high enough. Wrap up the three AT-ATs. Once that's all done, you'll enter the passage back to the transports. Take out as many Probe Droids en route as you can (there are three groups, including meeting up again with the first group).

Once you enter the Transport area, switch ships, then head
towards the red dots on the radar, and climb in altitude so that you can intercept some of the TIEs. You'll have to at least take out some of the TIE Fighters as well as Bombers. Concerning the Bombers, use Homing

Torpedoes (if you don't use them on Fighters). Make sure you
line up your shots as they're making their bombing runs, as opposed to turning, so you're sure to hit them.

Oh, and make sure not to use your Targeting Computer.


E. Mission 4 - Prisons of the Maw


An Imperial prison facility is rumored to be in the black hole
cluster near Kessel known as the Maw. You are to search this area for the prison and do what you can to rescue the prisoners.

This is probably the first mission with a measure of difficulty.
You'll be under attack from many avenues. First from Fighters and space

emplacements, then guard towers and Interceptors


Available Starting Craft:




TIE Fighter
TIE Interceptor
Imperial Shuttle
Space Mine
Space Weapon Emplacement
Prison Guard Tower


Survival Walkthrough:

You'll enter the asteroid field, and it'll be a little TOO quiet.

Proceed ahead, plug some asteroids for fun if you want.
Eventually, you'll get a call about some strange activity. Head out the direction your map is pointing. You'll eventually see several small Imperial Freighters, which are being escorted by a few Imperial Shuttles. You don't need to take them out, but you can if you wish. Watch your back as a patrol of TIEs will be inbound shortly. You don't have to take out these TIEs, either, but they will dog you. Head past the Freighter convoy and further on.

Soon, you'll see two large blue hexagons. This is the shield for
the Imperial prison here. As you get closer to the shield, you'll
notice some Space Weapon Emplacements, which you can also ignore, and proceed on to the shield. You need to disable three Generators of this shield using your Ion Cannons. There are ten Generators, and you can find them at the corners of the hexagons. Use your Targeting Computer if you don't understand what I'm talking about. Stay away from the edge of the shield, as a field of Space Mines are arrayed around the shield. Disable one generator and part of the shield will go down. To disable
two others, they need to still have shields flowing out of them.
Once three are fizzling and crackling, you'll head to the prison

Once you reach the compound, you'll be told by the "leader" of
the prison revolt, Karie Neth, about how she broke out recently and how you'll need to help her free the rest of the prisoners. Follow the radar and you'll be led to the compound. Bomb the seven Guard Towers in the area using your Proton Bombs (they're the things that shoot at you) to free the prisoners.

Next, the prisoners need to get some weapons. Follow the radar
(bombing AT-PTs all the way) and get to the armory. Bomb all six Guard Towers in this spot. Once that's done, you'll be told to head to the comms station, so the prison can't call for help from the Imps.

BONUS ALERT: On your way to the comms towers, you'll see off to
your right a cluster of two structures: a dish, and a dome. Bomb the dome, and you'll find a bonus inside. These are Advanced Cluster Missiles.

Once you reach the Comms Station, you can ignore the seven Guard
Towers and just bomb the seven dishes in the area. I've found that to deal the maximum amount of damage, you'll want to hit the comms dishes near the base, around the red support girders. It will take a lot of bombs, probably more than a normal load. If you run out, just break off and wait for your bombing bay to fill back up.

Once the comms station is destroyed (and the prison loses their

favorite radio station: KIMP), your prisoner buds will run their
little train to the hangar to pick up transport. Fly over there as fast as your sluggish little Y-Wing will carry you, and bomb all six Guard Towers near the hangar. Once they're all scrap, a Landing Craft

carrying the prisoners will take off. Fortunately for you, this
Landing Craft is quite invincible. You can shoot down any TIE
Interceptors chasing the craft, but it's not necessary. Soon, the Landing Craft will make it off the planet, and you'll be done this long mission. Phew...


Gold Medal Strategies:

Time: 9:19
Enemies: 63
Accuracy: 75%
Friendlies Lost: 2
Lives Lost: 1
Computer Efficiency: 75%

I'd like to thank snooozer for being a big help here.

Advanced Bombs are essential, and Spread are helpful.

For the first part, just rush through. Take out a Freighter if
it makes you feel better, but it's not necessary. You really won't be short on targets at all. Disable three shield projectors quickly to enter the prison.

Once inside, don't be afraid to use those bombs. If you come
across a trio of AT-PTs, bomb the center of the group to take them all. Bomb all the guns quickly (some skill with the bombs is essential). Head to all the targets and take out all the Prison Guard Towers (one bomb each). Don't fly off too much, or the prisoners will get hit and

you'll lose friendlies. Once you reach the Comms Towers, unload
all your Bombs on the towers and crash your ship, using your one life

allowed. Take out the rest of the towers, and don't worry too
much about saving the bombs.

Once you finish, instead of flying straight for the hangar,
follow the track as it winds its way through the hills. You'll eventually come across a section with a bunch of Towers and AT-PTs. Concentrate on the walkers more, since three targets are better than one. Once you reach the hangar, take out all the Towers. Once that's done, head back for the previous area to clean it up. Don't worry, the Landing Craft can take anything the Interceptors can dish out.

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