GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Alone in the Dark 3"
(PC Games)

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Alone in the Dark 3 (PC Games)
Submitted By: SR Dude
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W A L K - T H R U
1. Enter Slaughter Gulch (a big mistake :)
2.[opt] Take *Gas Can* on right end of porch of the saloon
3. Enter the saloon
4. Get *Key* from center table
5. Get *Maraca* from stage
6. Get *Oil Can* in corner of saloon
7.[opt] Use *Gas Can* on projector
8. Get *Box of Matches* in small room by the bar
9. Walk behind bar and let the gun man shoot at you (he
can't hurt you)
10. Search cabinet behind bar
11. -Get *Wood Alcohol*
12. -Get *Bottle*
13. -Get *Flask*
14.[opt] Throw *Bottle*
15.[opt] -Get *Token*
16.[opt] Use *Token* on left side of piano
17.[opt] -Get *Oil Lamp*
18. Push left horn behind bar
19. Stay there and wait for gunman to shoot all his
bullets &
then fight him off (w/ or w/o your gun)
20. -Get *Ace of Diamonds*
21. -Get *Gold Bullet*
22. Fall down trap door
23. -Get *Oil Lamp* (if you didn't use the token on the
24. Light your *Oil Lamp* (via using oil,matches,lamp)
25. Get *Cane* off wall
26.[opt] Read poster
27. 'Open/Search' left keg door
28. Use the *maraca* to avoid the snake(s)
29. Climb up ladder and enter the jail cell
30. Kill off the gun slinger
31. Get *Stone*
32. Use *Cane* by the cell door
33. -Get *Cell Key*
34. Kill off the gun slinger again...
35. Throw *Stone*
36. -Get *Amulet*
37.[opt] 'Put' *Wood Alcohol* in front of drunkard
38.[opt] -Get *Flask*
39. 'Open/Search' Desk
40. -Get *Sheriff's Badge*
41. -Get *Bullets for a Winchester*
42. Use *Key* on gun cabinet
43. Search & -Get *Winchester*
44.[opt] Read posters
45.[opt] Open wood stove in other room & kill off really big
46. Push big cabinet in front of double doors
47.[opt] Open cabinet
48.[opt] -Get *Shotgun*
49. Climb rope ladder
50. Get *Whip*
51. Run under pulsing red light (when not on :)
52. Get *Voodoo Hangman's Rope*
53. Get *Cast Iron Plate*
54. Get *Cartridge Belt*
55.[opt] Use *Cast Iron Plate*
56.[opt] Use *Whip* on gun man to -Get *Bag Full of Gold
57. Use (load) *Gold Bullet* into Winchester
58. Use *Winchester* to shoot bad guy
59. -Get *Sack Full of Scorpions*
60. Shoot steel door with a gun of your choice
61. When inside, Use *Oil Lamp*
62. Use *Voodoo Hangman's Rope* when you can't breathe
63. Use *Sack Full of Scorpions* on trap door
64. Push lever
65. 'Open/Search' behind trap door
66. -Get *A Stick of Dynamite*
67. -Get *A Piece of Dried Meat*
68. Go back around corner & kill off the two gunmen
69. Enter small room & Get *Gatling Gun*
70. Get *Flask*
71. Get *Short Fuse* behind barrel
72. Use *Short Fuse*
73. Dodge bullets from the gunman who closes the door
74. Re-open door
75. Use *Stick of Dynamite* on crack in wall behind
76. Use *Box of Matches* where you placed the dynamite
77. Leave room & wait for wall to explode
78. Go back, walk thru blast hole, & stand on arrow stone
79. Go thru the door and down passage way & around
80. Kill another gunman
81. Use *Sheriff's Badge* on machine
82. Use the *Whip* near the machine to activate it (you
will lose whip)
83. Go thru the newly opened door
84. Pick up *Flask*
85. Pick up *Bullets for Winchester* on end of plank
86. With a good running distance, run across plank to jump
to other building
87. Use *Matches* on all the lamps (only one of them is
necessary :)
88.[opt] Read Map on wall
89. Get *Sheet from Newspaper*
90. Use *Dried Meat* on clock
91. Get *Token*
92. Get *Night Valet* in corner
93. Get *Flask* by picture
94. Walk thru picture
95. 'Open/Search' on bed post
96. Get *Arrow*
97. Use *Arrow* on Cupid
98. 'Open/Search' dresser
99. -Get *30/30 Bullet*
100. -Get *Bulb*
101. -Get *Pearl*
102. Push mirror
103. -Get *Key*
104. Walk back thru picture & into hall
105.[opt] Get *Costume Jewelry Ring*
106. Use *Key* on door & enter room
107.[opt] Use *Diamond Ring*
108.[opt] Use *Diamond* on dragon figurine
109.[opt] -Get *Bullets for Winchester*
110. Get *Flask*
111. Get *Instruction Sheet*
112. Get *Diary*
113. Walk in front of door w/ gunman behind it on balcony
114. Put down *Night Valet* (watch gunman walk to his death
115. 'Push' door shutter down
116. Walk into room & search table
117. -Get *Key*
118. Get *Shutter Release*
119. Get *Instruction Sheet*
120. Get *Flash*
121.[opt] Look at pictures on wall behind sink
122. Go back to the hallway
123. Use *Bulb*
124. Use *Shutter Release* to ready flash
125. Use *Key* on remaining door
126. Go to the right to the film canister on floor
127. Use *Flash* while avoiding Two-headed creature (this
will kill it)
128. Use *Token* on piano
129. Shoot dart board target on cabinet
130. Search in cabinet
131. -Get *Flask*
132. -Get *War Stick*
133. Prepare *Oil Lamp* (via oil,matches)
134. Drop down hole
135. Use *Lit Oil Lamp*
136. Run out of cave to avoid flying bats
137. Jump across pillars till you meet the Indian
138. Use *War Stick* on Indian (he will move then)
139. Get *Box of Cartridges*
140. Get *Small Key*
141. Continue to jump across pillars...
142. When at a dead-end, Use *Indian Amulet* (this will get
you across)
143. Fight guy with throwing stars
144. -Get *Flask*
145. Kill gunman
146. -Get *Top Hat*
147. -Get *Key*
148. Use *Key* on left double-doors
149. Search book shelves
150. -Get *White Book*
151. -Get *Watch Maker's Manual*
152. -Get *Locked Book*
153.[opt] Use *Small Key* (to unlock *Locked Book*)
154.[opt] Read *Book on Navajo Traditions*
155. Search bust on the end wall
156. -Get *Pocket Watch*
157. Search table & -Get *Printing Plate*
158.[opt] Light candle on table
159.[opt] Read *White Book* standing near candle
160.[opt] Use *Printing Plate* in mirror by table
161. Leave Room
162. Use *Pocket Watch* on other set of double-doors
163. Walk to guy & -Get *Story Board*
164. Use *Top Hat* on Abe Lincoln's Statue
165. -Get two *Boxes of Cartridges*
166. Kill strange green guy
167. Stand in front of stain-glass window & shoot it w/
168. Climb up steps
169. Use *War Stick* on platform in middle of graveyard
170. Use *Ace of Spades* on O.E.J.'s grave
171. -Get *Message*
172. Search table & -Get *Oil Can*
173. Get *Roll of Film* off of floor
174. Search hutch & -Get *Bag of Pemmican*
175. Use *Oil Can* on fireplace & enter dance hall
176. Search fat man & -Get *Hammer*
177. Search lady & -Get *Box of Cartridges*
178. Walk to stage (avoid shots from violin player)
179. Search record player
180. -Get *Guitar String*
181. -Get *Musical Score*
182. -Get *Key to a Safe*
183. Kill guy with flowers & gun
184. Leave dance hall & go into kitchen
185. Walk behind hutch and go to hallway
186. Use *30/30 Bullet* on door lock
187. Use *Hammer* on door (to blast bullet)
188. Search model of train station
189. -Get *Blasting Cap*
190. -Get *Map*
191. -Get *Light Bulb*
192. Use *Guitar String* on mounting table
193. Use *Light Bulb*
194. Use *Musical Score*
195. Get the 3 digit combination (from *Musical Score*)
196. Use *Roll of Film* near mounting table on the
197. In other room, search table
198. -Get *Astronomy Book*
199. Search picture
200. 'Open/Search' until code-entry device matches the 3
201. Enter bank room
202. Use *Pearl* on vault
203. Use *Key to a Safe* on vault
204. Kill bank teller zombie & -Get back *Indian Amulet*
205. In vault, Get *Box of Cartridges*
206. Get *Hill Century's Money*
207. Open window (have fun :)
208. Get *McCarthy's Message* from McCarthy
209. Search saddle & -Get *Flask*
210. Search rail cart
210. -Get *Detonator Box* & -Get *Box of Cartridges*
211. Enter station
212. 'Push' "Station" sign (to choke guy on rafters)
213. Get *Key*
214. Search pile of rails & -Get *Eye-Bolt*
215. Use *Eye-Bolt* on bell 3 times (to open door)
216. Run outside
217. Quickly Use *Blasting Cap* near fence
218. Use *Detonator Box* on opposite side near the rocks
219. At the water tower, lay down *Hill Century's Money* &
220. -Die-
221. Run out of cemetery & into saloon
222. Run up broken staircase & jump across hole in floor
223. Run out window & jump out onto the statue where hole
in wall is
224. -Get *Golden Eagle*
225. Run between buildings to McCarthy's workshop
226. Go to tar barrel & dip paw in it
227. Go inside building next door & dip paw in "Cask of
Silver Salts"
228. Kill werewolf outside
229. Run into cemetery & kill the other werewolf
230. Run back into tunnel where you turned into a panther
231. Place *Golden Eagle* in fire
232. -Come back to life-
233. Get *Soap* behind tombstone
234. Get *Colt Gun*
235. Go back to water tower
236. Drop your *Colt Gun*
237. Walk up to your double & touch him (to become one)
238. Get *Colt Gun* back
239. Walk up ladder
240. Fall off plank
241. Use *Soap* on dirty guy
242. -Get *Metallic Brush*
243. Get *Flask*
244. Use *Metallic Brush* on peg
245. Fall down trap door
246. Get *Engineer's Notebook*
247. Get *Dead Leaf*
248. Use *Dead Leaf* on Indian bust
249.[opt] Read map on wall
250. Go up steps & kill off both bad guys (don't use your
251. Search wall-hole & -Get *Flask*
252 Search other wall-hole & -Get *Pick-axe*
253. Go into other room & Get *Sheets of Paper*
254. Walk across chasm (be brave and save alot :)
255. Kill off Pick-axe man with *Colt Gun*
256. Walk into next room & Kill off axe man w/ *Pick-axe*
257. Get *Candlestick* from pillar
258. Get *Water Pitcher*
259. Get *Jed Stone's Scratch book*
260. Get *Scorched Book* by lit candle
261. Get *Needle*
262. Use *Water Pitcher* on rifleman in hall
263. Enter elevator
264. Get *China Piggy Bank*
265. Throw *China Piggy Bank*
266. -Get *Microscope Glass Plate*
267. 'Push' lever
268. Use *Glass Plate* on microscope
269. 'Push' colored stones in order of micro-samples (from
*Glass Plate*)
270. Enter next room & Search table
271. -Get *Vial of Poison*
272. Go around corner
273. Use *Vial of Poison* on *Needle*
274. Use *Vial of Poison* on distilled water
275. Enter jail cell when you become small
276. Use *Poisoned Needle* on old guy
277. -Get *Piece of Straw*
278. -Get *Key to the Goal*
279. Get *Bottle of Ammonia*
280. Use *Key to the Goal* on cell door
281. Use *Vial of Poison* on distilled water again
282. Walk behind table leg and into small hole in wall
283. Use straw & Run across chasm (pole-vaulting effect)
284. Get *Vial with a Potion*
285. Enter next room & quickly Use *Vial with a Potion* on
"lava flow"
286. Get *Bucket of Glue* (don't get caught in spider web)
287. Step on spider
288. Use *Bucket of Glue*
289. Climb up light shaft
290. Quickly, Get *Hammer's Head*
291. Walk near hole & Throw *Hammer's Head* down hole
292. Get *Lead Ingot*
293. Push anvil out of way
294. -Get *Flask*
295. -Get *Winchester*
296.[opt] 'Push' anvil into hole (I did it for fun :)
297. Enter next room & kill Mr. Cobra
298. -Get *Cobra's Wig*
299. -Get *Silver Dollar*
300. Get *Flask*
301. Use *Silver Dollar* on poster
302. Walk into other room
303. Use *Box of Matches* on crucible
304. Use *Lead Ingot* on crucible
305. Get *Scorched paper*
306. Get *Evil Wand with a Mineral Tip*
307. Get *Aztec Legend Parchment*
308. Get *Ammunition*
309. Enter tunnel & kill off big guy
310. -Get *Knife*
311. Throw *Bottle of Ammonia* against door you came in (to
wake up
312. Use *Cobra's Wig* on hook above door & Open it
313. Run into the other room with the eagle statue in it
314. Quickly, Use the *Evil Wand with a Mineral* on the
eagle statue
315. Get *Flask*
316. Run into other room
317. Get *Rubber Glove*
318. Use *Rubber Glove*
319. Use *Knife* on electrical wires
320. Use water faucet
321. Run back into the other room
322. Get *Sack of Coal*
323. Get on train
324. Use *Sack of Coal*
325. Use *Box of Matches*
326. 'Push' lever
327. -Watch the neat ending-
Submitted By: SR Dude
Hints to complete the game.
Fighting can be made easy by always closing on the target and
punching them as often as possible. Most of the time, the
opponent will keep shooting towards but behind your character.
Most of the opponents with Thompson guns have poor aim and often
fire at some spot on the wall instead of at your character.

Stay close to the walls (especially in the Garden).

Always pick up all objects found on your opponents.

Some weapons seem weak in attacking power but can be very useful
when speed is important (e.g., the revolver and the punch).

Do not use flasks unless your character's health is below 40
points. Your character has a maximum health of 50 points in the
earlier portion of the game, and flasks always restore a minimum
of 10 health points.

Wait until the Thompson is out, or very close to being out of
ammunition before reloading. Ammunition clips for the Thompson
always reload the weapon to 30 rounds, regardless of the
previous amount in the gun.

Carnby: The Garden

Punch out the stunned guard and take the Thompson, the clip and
the flask.

Run down the right side of the walkway towards the house. By
moving quickly rather than shooting, two more guards can be
avoided. Push the large statue of the anchor and enter the

There is someone just behind the first path to the left of the
entry path. Kill him and take the photo. Examine the photo.

Continue down the entry path, turn right and kill another man.
Take the clip and the flask. Go to where that man appeared from.
Take the rope. Note the large diamond card on the ground.

Return to the entry path, and walk to the crossroads. Follow the
path towards the top of the screen. Go to the end of the path
and take the clip that is hidden there.

Return to the crossroads and follow the path towards the bottom
of the screen. Kill the man that will appear. Take and read the
book. Continue along the path until the hook is found. Take the
hook. Step on the large diamond card.

Carnby: Under The Garden

Go straight forward and punch the green zombie.

Walk towards the ladder. Take the flask. Ignore the ladder and
go to the other part of the underground area.

Take the torn notebook. Push the chest to raise the altar. Take
the metallic jack of diamonds. A ghost will appear behind your
character. It can be killed with the Thompson. Take the pirate's

If there are men waiting at the entrance (location with four
cards on the ground), it would be a good idea to use the
metallic jack of diamonds on the altar and escape by that route.
If not do not use the jack and climb out by the hole your
character entered the underground area.

Carnby: The Garden Again

Either escape route will lead to a three-way intersection. Enter
the L-shaped path. A demonic face will appear in the bushes.
Continue walking to the left. Shoot the fat man carrying a
shotgun and walk to where he appeared from. Not turning will
lead back to the crossroads.

Cut the moving branches with the saber. To minimize damage,
attack by pressing Action + Up, and press Down immediately after
a successful hit. Save the game. The little brown spot behind
the trees to the right is Shorty Leg, and he is tough to kill.
Run to the end of the path and use the left side of the statue
as cover. Use the revolver and the Thompson to kill him. Do not
worry about using all the ammunition.

Take the flask and the newspaper page. Use the hook to attach it
to the rope. Use the hook and rope to make the statue's arm
move. Enter the base of One Eyed Jack's statue.

Carnby: Under The Statue

Your character will fall a long way and lose all his weapons
before landing on a platform. Tap Walk briefly to move in small,
precise steps. Take the nickel, crank, and paper bag from the

Walk towards the door. Take the notebook and the pipe cleaner
from Striker's corpse. Use the torn notebook to create a
detective's notebook. Read the notebook. To get the key to open
the locked door, use the newspaper under the door, then the pipe
cleaner. Use the key to unlock the door and enter.

Carnby: Basement

A man will be sitting next to a barrel at the far end of the
room. There are two ways to get rid of him.

Get behind the barrel, just beside the lever. Use the paper bag
to fill it with air. Use the paper bag again to pop it, and wait
until the man rises to his feet. Push the lever and quickly move
to the left.
Fight the man and try to force him off the cliff.
Take the riot gun, the manuscript, and the flask. Read the
manuscript. Go to the right of the grandfather clock and use the
crank to open the secret passage.

Enter the secret passage and take the book. Read the book.
Follow the passage and take the riot gun cartridges. Enter the

Carnby: Basement Hallway

To kill Music Man, tear his pact. Take the hook. Sounds from the
shooting gallery will be heard. Enter the door.

Carnby: Laundry Room

Take the battledore and go to the next door. Do not go upstairs.

Carnby: Shooting Gallery

To kill the two men, stay in the doorway and shoot the first man
using one shot (the riot gun cartridges must be saved for the
next section). Walk backwards and wait for the other man to
appear. Kill him with the battledore. Re-enter the shooting
gallery. The two men were shooting at some rotating cards. Try
to align four diamonds to open the door by shooting the rotating

Carnby: Secret Distillery

When the door opens, a man will appear. Kill him and enter the
cellar. Get the flask. Take the whiskey bottle, but do not drink
it. Use the nickel in the slot machine to get two tokens. Take
the book from the back of the room and read it.

Return to the shooting gallery. There are two options here.

Give the man the whiskey bottle and take his bag without a
fight. He may appear in the guard room later, where he must be
Kill the man with the battledore, frying pan, or by punching
Open the bag and put on the Santa Claus costume.

Return to the laundry room, and walk upstairs.

Carnby: Ground Floor Hallway

To get kill the little cook walking down the hall, and to safely
move past the statue, wait until he walks in front of the statue
and start running to trigger the trident. Duck in the kitchen to
avoid being hit. Go to the right side of the statute and take
the crown.

Carnby: Kitchen

Enter the kitchen and take the frying pan and the eggs. Listen
to T-Bone's clue. Use the frying pan to fight with T-Bone; it
will block incoming darts. Eat the eggs to restore health

Take the wine from the stove and the poison from the ground next
to the dumbwaiter. Use the poison on the wine.

Carnby: Guard Room

Return to the door in front of the statue, in the ground floor
hallway. Drop the poisoned wine in front of the door to
eliminate the guards.

Go through the guard room door use both tokens in the barrel
organ, which faces the statue. The golden token will make a
doubloon appear on the floor. Take the doubloon. The wooden
token will open the door to the dormitory. Go to that door.

Carnby: Dormitory

Enter the dormitory and take the bulletproof vest, clip, and
Thompson. Do not use the bulletproof vest yet. Do not reload the
Thompson; it will jam in a later section.

Carnby: Second Floor Hallway

Go upstairs and leave the other two doors closed.

Kill Black Hat, the laughing pirate. Use the Thompson until it
jams. Then, close on him and punch, close again, punch, and
repeat. He usually will miss with his gun.

Open the door and enter the hallway. Open the door in the middle
of the hall.

Carnby: Pool Room

The man in this room will throw a derringer. Take it quickly and
use it to kill the man. Take the sword stick. Take the piece of
parchment and the book from the bookshelf. Read the book.

Carnby: Second Floor Bedroom

Return to the hallway and open the nearest door (the other door
at the end of the hall is the bathroom, and does not contain
anything of interest).

Two ghost arms are protecting the other half of the scroll. The
scroll is not required, but is needed to solve the next puzzle
without further assistance. Use the sword stick to kill the
arms. Stay beside the window, hack, get back, hack again and

The answer to the riddle on the parchment is to use the crown on
the white bust.

Walk to the door to the right of the bust and enter the sorcery
chamber. The door in the chamber leads to another bathroom, and
does not need to be explored. Take the amulet. Your character
will levitate and be teleported.

Carnby: Loft Teleport Room

Take the flask and the note. Read the note. Open the door and go
immediately to the left.

Carnby: Attic Hallway

Take the Thompson and the clip. Use the bulletproof vest. Wait
here and get ready to shoot the two men that will appear. Take
the grenade and the flask. There is a key on the ground, that
may be difficult to see. Take it. Enter the adjacent open room.

Carnby: Attic Junk Room

Use the doubloon on the jack-in-the-box. Take the pompon. Return
to the attic hallway and go to the closed door.

Carnby: Attic Bedroom

Open the door and enter the room. The only way to get rid of the
puppet is to throw the pompon through the archway into the next
room. The puppet will go after the pompon and be killed by
snakes. Enter the next room. Use the grenade next to the
chimney. Save the game. Go down the chimney.

Carnby: Ground Floor Dining Room

The grenade killed two men, but there is still one man
remaining. The best way to kill him, is to run to the kitchen.
Shoot him as he enters the doorway. Take the red pool ball from
the Christmas tree and return upstairs to the pool room.

Carnby: Pool Room

Use the ball on the Chinese billiards table (large box with
holes) to reveal a secret door. Use the key on the door and

Carnby: One Eyed Jack's Secret Room

One Eyed Jack will tell the tale of the Flying Dutchman. When he
leaves, use the hook to open the gate.

At this point your character will always be captured by
Elisabeth Jarret. The quickest way to continue is to go
downstairs and walk towards the kitchen.

Grace: Outside The House

Your character is now Grace Saunders. She will be in front of
the house, in the entry way. Move to the rear of the car. Kick
the trunk by pressing Action + Down. A man will come out of the
house and start the car. Climb in the trunk of the car when it
opens. Take the billiard ball.

Walk, do not run, up to the hook next to the men practicing in
the gazebo. Take the hook. Walk back to the car.

Walk to the left of the screen and find the golf hole. Use the
billiard ball and place it in the hole. A statue will rise out
of the ground next to a tree trunk.

Go to the statue. Use the hook on the statue. A pirate will
appear out of the tree trunk and capture your character.

Grace: Galleon Brig

Elisabeth Jarret will tell her story. After she leaves, press
Action + Up to slide the board on the wall. Enter the next room.

Grace: Galleon Guard Room

Approach the parrot. Take the seeds, the sandwich and the pepper
pot. Give the seeds to the parrot to receive a clue. Eat the
sandwich to restore health. A map of the ship may be viewed on
the wall.

Grace: Galleon Second Level Corridor

Leave the room through the open doorway, and immediately go to
the left. Hide in the small niche until the pirate stops
walking. Run to the ladder at the end of the hall (ignoring the
ladder in the middle of the hall), before the pirate catches
your character. Climb up the ladder to reach the first level

Immediately climb the ladder in this area to reach the ship's

Grace: Galleon Deck

Find a safe way to the open hatch across the deck without the
pirates noticing. This is a very difficult section. The best way
to get there is to walk behind the sitting pirate. Then, walk to
the rail of the ship. From there, walk to the right until your
character is across from the hatch. Walk towards the barrel that
is next to the hatch. There is a tinderbox on the deck between
the barrel and the pirates. Move carefully to the tinderbox and
take it. It is important not to move too close to the pirates.
If your character steps past the location of the tinderbox, she
will be captured. Tap Walk momentarily to walk in precise steps.
Climb down the hatch next to the barrel.

Grace: One Eyed Jack's Cabin

Take the small cannon from the chest, the vase from the shelf,
and the captain's staff that is next to the bed. From anywhere
in the room, put down the cannon. Use the pepper pot and move
next to the cannon. Throw the vase and use the tinderbox. Wait
until the pirate stops laughing, and move next to the cannon.
Take the bell and leave the room.

Grace: Galleon Galley

Go through the door across the hallway. Take the chicken's foot.
Take the key from the floor. Get near the blue dumbwaiter door,
ring the bell, and enter the dumbwaiter.

Grace: Kitchen

Use the key, and move next to the cupboard. Take the molasses
and the ice box. When leaving the kitchen, a pirate's shout will
be heard. Return to the kitchen and use the ice box in the
doorway that leads to the statue.

Go upstairs and use the molasses at the top of the stairs. Go to
the pool room. Take the token from the pool table. Enter One
Eyed Jack's secret room. Use the captain's staff on the desk in
the corner of the room. Take the key and the book. Read the
book. Go to the second floor bedroom.

Grace: Second Floor Bedroom

The door to the sorcery chamber will be open. Enter the chamber
and use the captain's staff on the mark on the floor. Return to
the kitchen.

Grace: Kitchen

A man will be in the kitchen. There are two ways to eliminate

Go back out the doorway into the hall. The man will slip on the
ice. Re-enter the kitchen.
Go back out the doorway and enter the double doors into the
guard room. Put the teddy bear under the foldaway bed. Move in
between the barrel organ and the wall. Use the token on the
barrel organ. The bed will fall on the man when he looks at the
teddy bear.
Go to the dumbwaiter. Ring the bell. Your character will be
captured again.

Carnby: Galleon Brig

Hold Right to get the key. Use the key to free your character.
Punch out the pirate. Take the sword, use it, and follow Grace
outside. Grace will walk away. Open the door and enter the next
room. Kill the pirate and take the Thompson and the flask. Go
into the hallway. Kill the pirate and take the pistol and the
fuse. Go through the door that is next to your character.

Carnby: Galleon Foundry

Kill the two pirates. Get the poker from the fireplace, the
pliers from the table, and the key from the corner of the room.
Leave the room.

Carnby: Galleon Liquor Storage

Enter the door next to the niche where Grace hid. Kill the
Shorty Leg and take his items (ammunition, chain mail, flask,
and pistol). Push the barrel to the left and take the chain mail
and bottle. Throw the bottle. Read the page. Use the chain mail.
Save the other chain mail for the final battle with One Eyed
Jack. Leave the room.

Carnby: Galleon Hold

Enter the door at the end of the hallway. Attack Black Hat with
the sword. Take the ammunition and the flask. Leave the room and
go to the opposite end of the hallway to the locked door. Use
the key to get inside.

Carnby: Galleon Gunpowder Room

Do not fire the gun in this room. Use the sword to kill De Witt,
the swordmaster. Take the book and read it. Take the gunpowder
barrel. Leave the room and climb the ladder in the hall to reach
the next deck above.

Carnby: Galleon Cannon Room

Open as many doors as possible. There are only two rooms your
character can enter. Find the room with a cannon, being careful
not to stay too long in the sleeping rooms. Kill the pirate
sleeping next to the cannon. Take the ammunition. Use the pliers
to free the cannon. Push the cannon (the correct position is
hard to find).

Go to the sleeping room and drop the barrel anywhere inside.

Return to the cannon room and use the fuse on the cannon. Use
the poker on the fuse.

Enter what is left of the sleeping room. Take the flask and the
bag of gold pieces.

Carnby: Galleon Galley

Use the gold pieces near the locked doors and kill the two short
cooks. Enter the galley and take the flask from the shelf. Open
the door and kill T-Bone. Take the metallic jack of diamonds

card and use it on the last locked door in the hallway.

Enter the door and fall under Elisabeth Jarret's spell again.

Grace: The Captain's Room

Use the staff of Loas and move next to the statue. Enter the
room and use the chicken's foot to kill Elisabeth Jarret.

Carnby: The Captain's Room

Run from the ghost. Climb the ladder at the end of the hallway
to get on the top deck.

Carnby: Galleon Deck

Kill Music Man first. Take his hook. Then, ignoring Mister Eye
(the harpoon-throwing pirate), kill the other pirate on the

Carnby: Galleon Lookout Post

Mister Eye will climb the mast. Use the hook and climb up the
mast. Kill Mister Eye. Use the hook on the rope.

Carnby: Galleon Foreyard

Kill Bubble-blade. Use the sword and thrust forward until he is
trapped at the end of the pole. Jump down to the deck and take
Nichol's sword. Use the chain mail. Use all remaining flasks.

Carnby: Galleon Final Combat

Use the pliers to free Grace. Quickly kill One-Eye Jack using
Nichol's sword before the cannons fire. Watch for him to fake
his death during combat.

The ending animation will begin...You've won!

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