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Retro Game Walkthroughs For

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Retro Game Walkthroughs for Ikaruga (Gamecube)
Submitted By: Rickoss

Ikaruga is probably the toughest game you'll come across these days, and there's no doubt you'll bump into to trouble one place or another. This walkthrough gives Beginners an easier option to success, while for gun-totting Pro's, the fastest possible techniques will be covered in order to obtain more precious points, and hopefully no lives will be lost on either account.


As soon as you hear the boss sirens, make sure you've changed to white polarity, rush to either the very left or right of the screen and begin to fire. When the boss appears, your bullets will hit a small gun turret, which can cause quite an annoyance if it's not destroyed. Once you've destroyed the first, go to the opposite side and spray the other with bullets until he's gone. Now you can begin to fire at the boss' sword. Not before long he'll begin his second phase and change polarity, you do the same and convert your ship to black. Begin by going to the very left and firing at the first gun turret. If you don't manage to blow it up before the boss moves in front of it, let out an Energy Release to destroy it. If you miss the chance, rush over to the other side and start hitting the other turret. The turrets fire shouldn't be a problem because they're not dispatched with rapid fire. Keep going back and forth, depending on where the boss is, and once they're both gone, go for the bosses shield, using Energy Releases every time your gauge is quarter of the way full until he finally resorts to yet another attack sequence. Start by going to either side of the screen and firing at the gun turrets, using the opposite polarity weapon. The boss will start to throw bombs, which explode into little bullets, so in order to dodge these keep changing to upcoming bombs polarity, keeping steady fire at the turret. Once you've got rid of the first one, go to the opposite side and repeat the process. If the boss starts to fire white homing shots, make sure your polarity is white while shooting the turret and let out an Energy Release once he's finished firing them all. If you didn't damage him enough, he'll restart the attack, so simply use the same technique to finally take him down.
Make sure you have your polarity changed to black from the off and stay at the bottom of the screen. When the battle starts, begin blasting at the bosses weapon, which should be hailing you with bullets. To avoid these simply weave in and out of them, because you're at the bottom of the screen the bullets won't be as close together. Don't worry about the gun turrets, you will have beaten the bosses first attack before they even begin to fire. When he changes polarity, don't change yours. Start off by firing black bullets at him and move to the top of the screen, blocking his fire and making a large opening beneath you. Quickly rush down, change polarity and let out an Energy Release, whilst firing at the same time, then quickly change back. That should beat him and he'll begin his next attack. Begin firing straight away and stay at the bottom of the screen. Whenever the boss releases white bombs quickly change polarity as it passes, then return to black. You'll only occasionally have to move up and down in order to dodge the turret fire. The boss will soon start to fire homing white missiles, change your polarity to white and try your best to collect all of them, when they're all gone, quickly change back to black polarity and let out an Energy Release, which should finish him off for good.


Begin this battle by simply ceasing fire and trying to collect as many bullets as possible, changing polarity at the right time in order to slowly fill your Energy Release gauge. When the boss' 'arms' drop to both sides of the screen, quickly change to white polarity and go to the left. Try to swallow as much fire as possible and keep changing between black and white polarity as he fires from either side (white fires from the left and black from the right). When he's finished this attack fire one of his eyes with the corresponding colour, rush just up to the side of the weak point and use an Energy Release, which should be full. Again, try to collect the bosses fire as his arms are raised, filling up your Energy Release gauge and firing it at either eye whenever you have the chance. Next, two different arms will drop down and bare lethal spikes. Try to stay in the middle of the screen as the spikes begin to spray bullets. Keep changing polarity to avoid losing any lives and swallow up as much fire as you can. After about 4 shots, both sets of spikes will charge up, in order to dodge this, go very close to either the right or left set of spikes and change to the same polarity as the closest spikes. After the same colour shots go past you, quickly change to the opposite colour to avoid the other shots. After this try to use as many Energy Releases as possible to destroy both weak points underneath the eye covers. If you don't destroy them in time, the boss will fly away and you will have completed Level 2.
To start with, shoot either the bosses right or left eye with the same polarity to make the protective covers drop, as soon as they do, rush above the cover, change polarity and begin blasting at the weak spot. If you're about to get hit by one of the turret shots, momentarily change polarity, but keep blasting. If the cover is almost touching your ship, retreat back to the bottom of the screen and blast it with the same colour polarity. At this point two huge bars should drop into the screen, once again begin blasting the weak point once the covers are down, only be very conscious of his other attacks. If he fires from the left, change your polarity to white, and if he fires from the right change to black. Keep changing back to the opposite polarity of the weak point while the boss isn't spraying bullets. If the cover gets too close, retreat and fire a few bullets at it again, trying to avoid both turret bullets and the boss' rapid fire attack. Once your energy gauge is full, start firing at an eye and when you get the chance to fire an opposite colour, use your Energy Release, which should cause one of the covers to drop to it's doom. The next attack is a lot more tricky, two more bars will be lowered boasting spikes. This highly reduces your space, so it's a lot tougher than before. Fire the same colour shots at the remaining eye cover to lower it and begin to attack it with the opposite polarity. Shots will be released from the left (firing white bullets) and the right (firing black bullets). Keep changing your polarity to order to dodge this fire and keep spewing bullets at the remaining eye, using Energy Releases whenever you can. After about five shots from the boss, both sets of spikes will fire opposite polarity bullets, you only need to worry about the fire you're closest to as the far spike shots won't reach you as you're trying to destroy one of the eyes. If you still haven't defeated him after that attack, let rip with one final Energy Release, which should end him for good.


This boss has one main attack that carries on throughout the whole battle; there are different polarity turrets lining the whole of the boss, which makes it very tricky. Start off by going to the left of the boss so your bullets just go through the opening in the wooden beam that constantly moves. Hold fire and as the turrets pass by, change polarity to match theirs. While their shots aren't in straight lines because the turrets are moving, if you time your polarity changing right, you should have no problems. Once your energy gauge is full, let out an Energy Release and do so whenever you can. If you use a full power release, you normally take out a couple of turrets at a time. After a few rotations the boss will begin to change direction. At this point head for the nearest gap in a wooden beam and hide in it. Four very powerful lasers will begin to rotate with the boss. Just keep firing and hide in the gap until you get to a section where there are no active turrets, at this point come out of the gap and recharge your energy gauge with one of the huge lasers, but make sure you change your polarity so they match. Once you're charged let out an Energy Release and return to the gap. Repeat this method and you'll either get rid of all the turrets and defeat your foe or the boss will retreat.
From the off change your polarity to black and move through the gap in the platform to your left. Begin to fire at the closest white gun turret and stay in front of the black one. As the boss rotates, keep moving forward spewing bullets at the white turrets, gaining energy from the black bullets and whenever you get the chance let out an Energy Release. Once all of the white polarity turrets have gone, four huge beams will begin to blast away at you. Keep your polarity as black and follow the nearest black beam while firing at the same time, filling your energy gauge. Once it's full, quickly change to white polarity, let out an Energy Release and change back. Repeat the process and soon enough he'll be nothing but dust.


This mini-boss is probably the easiest boss you'll come across in Ikaruga. As soon as the timer in the right appears, begin spewing bullets and let off any Energy Releases you may have saved up from the rest of the level. Just keep firing and changing polarity in order to destroy the circular boss.
Begin by changing your polarity to black and begin firing away. Go in front of the black beams to charge up your energy gauge and whenever it's full release it. As white energy beams pass over your ship, quickly change polarity but keep firing. After one or two Energy Releases he should be gone.

Straight away, go to the left and make sure your polarity is black. Begin firing at the gun turret, avoiding shots from the gun turrets beneath and you should destroy it easily. After that change your polarity to white and begin firing at the turret on the right, dodging the slow black shots from below. Once it's been destroyed, change your polarity to black and move beneath the two black turrets. Change to white when the black turrets are firing upwards and they'll be destroyed in no time. The simply make sure your polarity is white and destroy the other two turrets.
At the start of the battle, make sure your polarity colour is white and move just left of directly under the black polarity gun turret at the top of the screen. Start firing bullets straight away and on once it's been destroyed move to the left and get in between the fire of the white turret, then change your polarity to black and start firing away. When it's destroyed, get underneath one of the two smaller black gun turrets and change polarity. Once they've both been destroyed, simply change your polarity to black and send an Energy Release or, if you don't have one, fire at them from beneath like you did with the black turrets.

Begin by trying to fire at the metal shutters on the dome and change polarity whenever you come across an energy beam. When the dome gets too close, try to get to the nearest little opening without any beams or your ship will be crushed. Keep trying to fire at the shutters and when one completely opens, change your polarity to black and move into the opening. Now the beams won't be able to hurt you. Use any Energy Releases you may have and keep moving around with the dome. It's fairly hard to navigate within the dome, but much easier than it is when you're on the outside of it. Whenever you get under the weak spot (the very centre of the boss), fire away as much as you can. Try not to fire otherwise because it's harder to stay in the opening if you're constantly firing. You'll most probably get about half of his energy off before he retreats, but you'll complete the level regardless.
Make sure your polarity is white and begin by moving right straight away. Stay under the first energy beam to charge up your gauge and keep firing at the shutters on the central dome. When the dome begins to move further down the screen, quickly dash right, changing polarity to get past some of the energy beams, and stay in one of the openings. Keep firing at the shutters and charging up your gauge, when you have one, change your polarity to black and use an Energy Release, also do whenever you have the chance. The shutters should be open by now, so you can shoot at the centre of the dome. Remember to use black polarity as often as you can because that will make the boss' energy deplete quicker. After a while more beams will begin to appear, moving in the opposite way of the other energy beams. Keep changing your polarity, shooting through the shutters and using energy releases and you should beat him no problem.


At the start of the battle go to the left and aim towards the left-most skull. Hold down fire and try to dodge the gun turrets by changing to the appropriate colour polarity every time you pass over them. Once the first is destroyed, slowly move to the right, whilst still firing, and changing polarity when you come across gun-turret fire. As the bullets move, you may have to move up and down, as well. When he moves onto his second phase, change your polarity to black and begin firing at the white skull. Move up and down, swallowing up the trailing beam that the black-polarity snake leaves behind, using Energy Releases when you can. Once you've destroyed the white skull a second, white polarity snake will be released. Move to the bottom right corner of the screen and wait for the snakes to follow, then move the opposite side, shooting all the time, changing to the right polarity as you pass over the trails. In no time you'll destroy the final skull and beat the boss.
Start off by changing your polarity to black and going after the two middle skulls. As the gun turrets begin to fire, make sure you get into the right position, so the same polarity bullets as you are hit you. Once you've filled your energy gauge, use an Energy Release to get rid of the two white skulls. Keep changing polarity to move across the screen and dispose of the remaining skulls. When its second attack sequence begins, make sure your polarity is black and begin spewing bullets at the white skull on the right of the boss. Try to collect the trail the black-polarity snake leaves behind and use an Energy Release to finish the white skull off. After that a white-polarity snake will be released. Change your polarity to white and follow its trail, filling your gauge and firing at the remaining head. If you come across black trails, quickly change polarity and keep following the white snake. One or two Energy Releases should finish it off.

While it finishes very quickly, this is a still a very tough boss. It will keep changing polarity and firing homing energy beams at you, while turrets fire both polarity bullets at you. To start off change your polarity to white and begin firing. Make sure you're the same colour as the boss and keep you eye on the ship and whenever it's hit by an energy shot, quickly change polarity and try to keep your eye on the turret bullets. Dodge the slow bullets and you should survive easily.
From the off make sure your polarity is black. Begin firing straight away as the boss begins to spray you with white bullets. Wait until the last second before changing polarity, then change back. From then on the boss will begin to fire very quick shots at you. Don't change polarity as soon as the boss does, though, instead change when he fires at you, thus causing more damage. Once your gauge is full, make sure you're the opposite colour polarity to the boss and use your energy release. Just keep your eyes on your energy gauge and turret bullets. It's very hard to beat in time, but if you regularly use Energy Releases, you should succeed.

You can't fire against the final boss, so there's no point in even touching the fire button. The final boss' first attack consists of black and white polarity waves of bullets. Weave in and out changing your polarity very quickly in order to get past this one. You most likely won't lose a life if you're ready for it. For his second attack, he'll fire some beams down at you. Get in between and get ready for some insanely fast reaction use. He'll throw two circular, opposite polarity lines of bullets. Make sure your polarity is blue at first and then keep changing as more and more come. If you manage to survive that, slower lines will begin to drop from the final boss' ship. Try to stay in between the lines and keep an eye out for energy beams. If you see one, make sure you're the same polarity and pass through it. Once this attack ends, watch the huge explosion and relax safe in the knowledge that you've completed one of the hardest games in existence.

Thanks for reading


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