The Contents
(1)The Basics
(2)The Walkthrough
(4)Journal Items List
(5)Quests List
(6)Hearts of the Lands List
(7)Ability Items List
(8)Keys Locations
(9)Bonus Items
(1)The Basics
The controls of the game are as follows:
START Pause Menu
SELECT Switch Breath Type
A Jump
B Flame
R Charge
L+R Show map of area
L+A Use Phoenix Glasses
L+START Go straight to Journal
START - Pause Menu
A Tap repeatedly to fly
B Primary Guns
R Drop Missiles
L Drop Missiles
START Pause Menu
A Jump
B Use gun
R Fire grappling device
L Hold to look around
Down Duck/Crouch
(2)The Walkthrough
Right then, here we go with the walkthrough:
1)The Professor's Secret Lab
Taken blindfolded to the Professor's Secret Lab you begin the game. He showsyou the Peephole machine and tells you about another thing which isn't quite ready to be shown yet. He points you in the direction of his Virtual Playgroundwhich will get you through the basics of gameplay and get you used to thecontrols of the game.
Basically the challenges train you how to breathe fire, how to charge, how tojump, how to glide and how to get that last little bit of height at the end of a jump. The challenges may be slightly more difficult if you aren't quite used to Spyro on the GBA but they should be quite easy anyway. Once completed return
to the Lab to continue the game.The Professor will now show you what wasn't ready before, his robot Butler.The robot still doesn't work so this will be your first boss battle in the game. Quite a basic one this though as all it involves is luring Butler to the electrical machine to the south of the room. This will trigger the Peephole
machine to malfunction and expand. The Professor will tell you about Hearts of Lands and to collect them to enable him to take control of the machine again and close it up. He also tells you of a warp machine of his which will allow you to travel to all the different lands with ease. But before you can do anything Ripto comes through the hole and steals it. He then tells you his entire plan and warps you off to Dragon Shores away from him and his evil plan. Luckily though this will now allow you to start the real adventure.
2)Dragon Shores
a)Dragon Nests Region
Now you can fully explore most of the Dragon World. There are gems aplenty in this area and several Quests for you to complete, all of which will take most of the game to complete so don't worry about the finer details of the Quests given to you.
The first Quest will be given to you by Elder Terry; he's a big pink dragon with yellow wings and stomach. If you look on your map (L+R) he is found just north east of a pineapple on the green bit. He will give you a quest to find lots of toys that have been stolen by Rhynocs. In return for finishing this quest he will give you the Heart of the Dragon Shores.
Moving on, when you find Moneybag's Vault, you will be able to open it quite easily by stepping on the two red buttons before the time runs out. His vault is situated slightly north of the second beach area.The next Quest (although it will never appear as a quest and you won't get a heart out of completing it) is to find all of the Dragon Toddlers which have gone missing. You should find these easily along your adventure so there is little point in concentrating on searching for these. This challenge will be given you by Elder Hedgewick who is slightly northwest of Moneybag's Vault.Past Hedgewick you will find a new area with lots of room. Moneybags is around here willing to sell you a Spyro Action Figure, one of the missing toys, butit'll cost you 300 gems and you don't have that much yet so move on.
Petal the Toddler is located on the slope towards the Fairy Library and should be easy to spot, and if not you'll probably bump into her without noticing.She will also give you an item which is very useful as it will serve as partof a Quest in the next land you go to.
The Fairy Library is situated right in the top left-hand corner of your mapand so shouldn't be too difficult to find.
3)Fairy Library
A few Gems in this area but it's mostly just an area to pass through. To get through it you'll have to do a few things first. First flame the bug to get a lift and as soon as you are above your target area (the bugs cannot be controlled by you, they have a set course) press A and jump off. Repeat to the second area and then fire up the boiler. Doodles will give you a spell book which will now allow you to use Ice Breath. To switch between Ice and Fire press Select. Then again use a bug and fly off to the exit of this part of the
Library. But before exiting make sure you flame the Ripto banners to get a gem out of them.
b)Main Hall
Lots of Gems here. When you come in talk to the fairy on your right and she'll tell you about a load of books on fire and tells you to put them all out.She'll give you a nice prize for completing the challenge but it's not a Quest.Also there's no hurry so don't go running around looking for them. Just find them as you explore. Oh, and to put them out use your new Ice Breath.
Locations of Burning Books
1-In the bottom right corner of the platform you start on.
2-To the right of the starting platform near to the water.
3-To the left of the platform near a fairy who goes on about banners.
4-Just round the corner from #3.
5-On the third corner on the water edge from the right.
6-A bug ride up to a pink platform on the far left of the map.
7-Just south of Moneybanks' Vault in the Library.
8-A bit further on from Moneybanks' Vault and in the south corner.
9-During a bug ride that starts by a button for Moneybag's Vault drop off onto a platform with Gems and a Red Box on to get this book.
10-Above where you started and in the corner a bit.
11-Directly above the last book.
12-Southwest of the Green Box in the north of the map.
13-Dropdown from the location of #12 to get to this one.
14-Catch the bug from #12 across and it is on the lower platform on the right.
15-Just southwest of the Pink Box in the north of the map.
16-On the first long platform over water right at the south end of it. Once you've got all of these, return to the fairy and get your reward of a Kangaroo History book. (At the moment called ??? in the Journal).While you are getting the books, you can do other stuff. One is to get the Library Quest off of Zoe. She is in a section up on the big platforms which has only got access to by a green book and is right in the middle of the map. Her quest is to find bits for a machine to help with the upkeep of the Library. You should already have the Book-B-Gone Storage Unit from the toddler outside
the Library.To get into Moneybag's Vault this time will require a little more effort then in the Dragon Shores but not much. Go to the red button that's on a platform above the door to the vault and run off to the other button down by the door and around the corner. Simple. In his vault you'll find the Ripto Action Figure
and a Red Chest. This one's locked for the moment but you'll be able to returnwith the Red Key later in the game. Next leave the place and catch a bug ride part of the way to the next location and drop off onto a hidden section which is out of bounds by any other method.Another Red Box here and some more gems. Now go back to the bug and this time go all the way to the end of its trip and drop off there.Here you'll find more gems, and more books along with a Green Box. You'll need a Green Key to open this one but that'll have to wait for now. And again catch the bug on a little hop across to another platform with yet more gems. Again flame the bug and go across to above Moneybag's Vault where you couldn't reach
before. Another box, this time Purple (looks more like Pink to me) which youcan't open yet is here. You should now be able to glide all the way down off of the big platform place and back to the main floor. Now go to the most southerly part of it and then jump off onto another platform across some water. Some more gems, Rhynocs and a book is over here, as well as something unreachable for most of the game.Another bug ride will take you to further away platforms to get more Gems and if you look carefully you'll see some footprints, remember where these are for later. And again take the bug over to the next platform.It's now time for a big boss battle in the XYZ Section which is located on the ground floor right in the middle. It's through a door by a fairy so shouldn't be easy to miss:
c)XYZ Section
This is a boss battle for a spell book that will allow you to transport right back to the middle of the Dragon Nests Region. To get it you have to battle a big caterpillar thing which Ripto sends after you. This requires a simple bit of following and flaming. Then once you've beaten it grab the book and go grab the gems that are in this room. To get to them go by bug which is in the northeast section of the floor.Up here you'll find a Red Box which is locked. This location will need to be revisited later when you get the red key. but since you don't have the Red Key yet collect the gems and leave the Library to go on to new lands.
4)Dragon Shores
a)Dragon Nests Area
Back here again; you should now be able to pay Moneybags for the Spyro Action Figure for 300 Gems, he's just south of the exit from the Library.Next go to your Start menu and select Quick Escape. This will now take you to a previously unreachable part of the Dragon Nests Region. Collect the gems there and move on to the next area which is located through the arch in the top left hand corner of the map.
b)Stormy Passage
If it wasn't for the Gems here you'd think this section was really pointless,well at the moment it is. Just go through after collecting the gems.
c)Dragon Coast Region
This area is basically a big area full of gems, but it does also have several exits to different locations. However there is also a Dragon Star which is a yellow plant growing right at the top of the most northerly section of this area. Collect it and go to the boat by the fairy which is located in the middle of the two big platforms in the water area.
Once you reach the destination, collect the few gems there are and go straight to the Yeti Serengeti.
5)Yeti Serengeti
a)Frozen Hills Region
The door in the hill you come to can't be accessed properly yet as it's too dark inside so you'll have to wait a little while to get in. To progress a bit further jump up onto the big ice platforms, freeze the Springboks and move them so that Douglas can get back to his dig site. Do this two times and follow him to get your reward of a Yeti Lamp, just the thing for that dark room before. Go back to the room and grab the gems then go past Douglas this time and through the doorway to the next part of the Serengeti.
b)Frontier Region
Before getting to the main part of this section you'll have to go through a tunnel with lots of gems in. Also a nice Red Box which is still inaccessible. Exit the tunnel to get to the main area of the Yeti Serengeti. Now is the time to start running wild! Well not really. Grab gems as you go past them and glide over to an almost blocked off section with a Moneybags button on as well as a Red Box! Ignore the button for now and carry on down to the icy part below. To kill the Rhynocs around here just flame them as they land. Manoeuvre the Springbok into place so that you can get up onto a higher platform just past the Vault. Collect gems and stuff there too. Up here you'll find the second Vault button, a Red Box as well as Bentley. Talk to Bentley to get a brand new Quest in which you have to find loads of climbing gear. When you've done that press the button and jump down to the area where the other button was and press it to open the vault. Inside the Vault you'll find loads of Gems, a Sheila Action figure and a Red Chest which is still unlockable! Leave the vault and head back up to the top section. This time go southeast from where you jump up and jump down to another section with a Springbok. Freeze it to get to another area and gather the gems
there and use the next Springbok to get up to the next section.
Up there you'll find a Purple Chest (Pink!) and loads of Gems. That's all there is in this north section (except for a doorway on the ground to the north but I'll cover that in a minute). Now head to the ground again and jump over thewater onto some platforms in the southwest section of the map. The first platform has an ice platform on which has some gems and some more footprints (useless for now), so again jump over to the next section and carry on with this trend until you reach the end and a Lettuce for a Quest. The last part of the Yeti Serengeti for now is the Whistling Caves. They are in the northeast area on the ground floor, just go through the big black hole in the wall.
c)Whistling Caves
The order of the whistling statues must be remembered and charged in order forthe door to open. The order for the first room is 1, 2, and 3. Charge them and go through to the next room. The order here is: 3, 1, 3, 2 and 1. The next room is: 2,1,1,2,3,1,3.
Once through the third room you'll be in a bigger room with lava in. In the iddle of the lava you'll find a nice medal for you. This is yet another item or yet another Quest you have yet to get. In the rest of the room there are ome Gems and of 2 Red Chests and a Green Chest, and still you can't open them. That's all for Yeti Serengeti for now so leave and go back to the place where the boat landed we're off to Byrd Barracks which is through the other doorway.
6)Byrd's Barracks
a)H.Q. Perimeter
Go up to Private Flap and talk to him. He'll tell you to freeze the Walrus, do so This is a very useful way of getting around, whenever you have to travel by Walrus you have to freeze him first with your Ice Breath and then while on him, manoeuvre him with your Wind Breath. After getting him across (don't hit any of the ice at the sides!) he'll give you a Super Breath Mint which will allow you to use a more powerful version of your Ice Breath by holding down B and then as you power up letting go to fire a bigger blast. You can use this to freeze large patches of water that you are allowed to freeze; these are identified by their being a single colour rather then a water pattern on them. To move on use the ability over the ice patch he tells you to freeze and move on to collect more Gems! Finish off this area by going through the door on the top of the platform to get to the next part of the game.
b)Camp Headquarters
Collect the Gems around here again, and to get yourself yet another Quest jump up to the platform right at the start and use the fish to get to the top of it. There you'll find Capt. Beek who will give you a Quest of finding loads of lost Medals, you should already have one of them. After getting the Quest move on to the end of the platform on the ground level and freeze the Walrus that pops up every now and then. Use it to cross the water and when you land, go south and jump over some water to a larger island. As soon as you land you'll see a dark purple patch of water, Super Freeze it and run along it as fast as you can as this one is really long and by the time you get to the end it will be disappearing. You'll rescue a penguin (you'll be
told why by someone a bit later) and also you should collect the flower that's lying nearby. Collect the gems and go back to where you ran from. Now head south again and you should see two more purple patches. Go over them both after freezing them to rescue some more penguins. Once you've set them free head even further south and onto a large part of the island where a lot of tents are situated along with all the rescued penguins and if you talk to the one in the middle he'll give you the mission you are already doing. Head
slightly north from there and cross another bit of water you need to freeze to get to another island. If you want from here you can jump to another small island which has some mysterious footprints on, but there is little reason for that yet so just head straight back. Now for the final penguin, on the far southeast side of the map. Freeze the water and free the penguin. Then head back to collect your reward of a nice uniform for use in a Quest. Head back to the small island which was right after the Walrus. This time go north instead of south and jump over the water onto yet another small island. From here go west and use the Walrus for a ride over the water. Grab all the many gems around here and when you get to a place above Moneybag's Vault jump down to it. Right around here is an air vent for you to 'explore'.
c)Rescue Mission
This is your first adventure into an air vent, the prize for completion will be half a Red key! You now take the guise of Sgt Byrd and have to complete a small section of rescue missions. To fly you have to keep tapping A and to fire use B, to fire larger missiles press L or R. To heal, return to the tent and you'll get healed and receive a full load of missiles again. First collect the gems flying around here then head down to the right. Shoot your first baddie with the B gun and go left shooting any other baddies as well as you go past them. When you get to the bottom you'll have to take out the
next baddie carefully as one of the penguin cages will block you. When he's gone destroy the cages and you can now either take them out one by one or both at the same time. Your choice. To pick 'em up simply fly slightly above their hands and they should pick up. To get the other simply fly the one beneath you above the other one to carry each other. Return them to base camp (a handy arrow will help you if you are lost) and start out again. When you go down this time go right instead of left and you should easily spot a penguin trapped, rescue it then return here. Now go right and get the penguin
out of the cage. Fly up killing things and rescue another penguin as well. And if you shoot the flashing red button you can rescue a third as well. Take them all back to base camp and return to the bit where you rescued the third penguin so far. Now instead of going right, go down this time to where you will find yet more gems and more penguins along with more baddies. When you meet the big orange guys hit them with the missiles from the L or R buttons for a faster kill. Search around this area for the last four penguins and all the gems and then take them back to base camp (two by two I would recommend as four at a time is a bit much) to complete the level. Then go talk to Sparx and he will give the newly found key half to Spyro.
d)Camp Headquarters
Now you're back in the real world, freeze a Walrus to get back, and then jump on the button, go across slightly north and then jump on the next button to open the Vault. Freeze a new Walrus and head back into the Vault. Inside there you'll find an item to help with the Library Quest along with Gems and two Red Chests which you still can't open, even with half a key. Go back to where the second button was and get all the Gems, then talk to the penguin standing there to get yet another mission. This one requires you to fly around shooting things! Basically you drop bombs on Rhynocs; I can't be bothered to tell you exactly where each one is but it just requires you to be able to see what is coming and to be able to drop a bomb using the B button. Oh, and don't press the Start button, it cancels the challenge while you're in it. There are a few tricky ones but it should only take you a few goes to complete this challenge. You get
a nice Sgt Byrd Action figure for your troubles. That's all you can do on this land so use your Quick Escape Option and head
straight back to Dragon Shores.
7)Dragon Shores
a)Dragon Nests Region
Nothing new here so just head straight up to the Stormy Passage section through the northeast doorway.
b)Stormy Passage
As soon as you try to get to the steps leading out of Stormy Passage, Butler will burst out of the wall and begin a new attack on you. To beat him this time requires you to lead him under three storm clouds to get electrocuted. However the clouds can also get you so watch out. This battle is a little more difficult then before as he needs to be got three times and the clouds aren't always firing lightning so it may take some time. As soon as you beat him the rocks blocking the way will explode and a new exit will be available to you. Go through the hole in the wall to get to the Thieves Guild.
8)Thieves' Guild
a)Secret Cave
As soon as you get in you notice one of the toddlers with a thief. Chase down the thief to free the kid. He will give you a magic bag which changes your skin colour, pretty much useless for actual gameplay but nevertheless you can use it if you want. Collect the few Gems that are lying about and exit the cave via the southwest exit.
b)Main Guild Hall
To start off collect gems! They are everywhere, just pick 'em up. To get into Moneybag's Vault you'll have to chase down two thieves to get the buttons, the first is in the big yellow area near the start and the second is in the area right next to it (in the southeast direction). In the Vault you'll find the usual Gems along with a small jar containing a silvery powder which is used in a future Quest. There are also two Chests, one Green the other Red. Straight out of the door of the Vault and a bit south you'll find a Thief
Teacher and she will give you a racing challenge. This one requires you to take as many shortcuts you can possibly make and of course to beat the other two, they take about 1 minute to finish the track so you gotta hurry! My record so far is 57 seconds. She'll give you one of the Medals you need. Move on back to the area where the second button was and carry on down the path there. Jump over some water in the south to reach a small island with a few gems on, and some footprints too. Then go back to the main island and carry on
along the path collecting gems on the way. When you get to the end, near some giant steps of platforms, go left carrying along the ground level to get to the Master Thief who will give you a new Quest! You have to find his tools to open the safe the Heart is stuck in. Go back to the steps, go up them and jump across the gap to another large platform. Jump across a larger gap to get to Moneybags. Pay him 600 Gems to get an item for the Library Quest. Then carry on past him to get to an air vent. Send Sparx down it to start a new mission.
c)Stealth Mission
This ones an Agent 9 mission requiring stealth. The controls here are shown in the Introduction + Basics section of the guide.
Replace the first two guards sneakily and then run up on the third whilst he's going the other way. To get the two that keep popping up and down, jump in between them when they are looking in opposite directions. Then just jump up and free the first monkey. The next guard requires a jump and fire to get him, then get the one on the level below as well. Grab the Red Key in this level and then go left and sneak up behind the guard. Hide behind the big apple until
the camera has started to look the other way and then get that too with the gun thing. To get the flying guard, stay down until he turns round and goes back then jump up and fire on him. Again when the guard in the hole is looking the other way, get him. Go up to the Red Gate and shoot the Guard right away. Set free the second Monkey and save your progress via the fairy below it. Hide behind the Pencil to wait for the flying guard to come along then get him. Then jump across the gap and sneak up on the guard. Then get the one in the
hole the usual way, then use the Grappling Hook to get across the larger gap and get the one in a hole right away before he can raise the alarm. Then get across the next gap and get the sleeping guard and free the third monkey. Go back to where you jumped over the gap and go down this time. Make sure to land on the left side of the large block as there is a guard patrolling the other side. As soon as his back is turned get him. Use the Monkey Bars to get across the next gap and then jump on the floating platform to get to the next
Fairy. Get onto the next floating platform and grab the guard in a hole right at the end and jump off. Grab the flying guard and jump off after the Gem. At the bottom, use the Monkey Bars to evade the mines on the floor which will kill you. They are the flashing things by the way. use the Grappling Hook again and then shoot the Gem Vase. Again use the Grappling Hook to get to the next Monkey. Be careful about the next leap as a Camera may see you. Use the looking
feature (L button) to see when the camera is not looking. Also watch out for the Guard too. Get them both when you can and move on to get the next guard in a hole. Jump over to get the 5th Monkey and to get a nice welcome save from the fairy.
Jump down the hole to get to the bottom of the level. Get the flying Guard right away and grab the key at the far left. Then use the Grappling Hook again and watch out for the guard patrolling. Grab him and use the grappling hook again, and again watch out for a guard. When you've got him, move on, get the three final guards and release the 6th Monkey, and also grab the Green Key. Return most of the way back to the start until you get to the place with a Monkey behind a blue barrier. When the camera is not looking open the gate and grab it, along with the Monkey. Then return all the way back to the start
of the level and jump past the vent where Sparx is. Open up the locked Green Door and free the final monkey. He gives you half a Red Key for you to use. Now you have a full Red Key!
All Red Chests are available for you to open now! Once exited the Vent go to the Vault and open the Red Chest there to get a whole bunch of gems. Now head to the door that is located right in the middle at the top of the map.
d)Fast Eddie's Turf
All you have to do here is catch Eddie to get an Agent 9 Action Figure. That's all for this level so exit the level via the door you came in through and back out onto Stormy Passage. Head north out of this place until you get as far north in the Dragon Coast as is possible. Head down the rabbit hole there.
9)Rabbit Habitat
a)Rabbit Hole
Another simple dark cave to go through, just collect the Gems.
b)Land of Wonder and Amazement
As you enter the main area, Uncle O'Hare will ask you to put him back together, but as soon he says this two Rhynocs come along and steal each side of him. The first half of him is to the southwest of the place, by some giant carrots. The other half is in the top northeast part of the area. Take his head to his
feet and he'll be back together. He'll give you a nice Spinning Top which will make your Wind ability stronger, and now known as a Tornado Ability for obvious reasons. This new ability will help you through this level as it requires it! Collect any gems and kill any Rhynocs you find on the ground level. Now head to the northwest where there is a Thief standing. Don't bother talking to him, he'll just tell you that to get rid of the moles use your new Tornado ability,
then to use them to get up to the next platform, you should jump into the hat and then it will shove you back up and out, then just glide to where you wanted to go. Position the Hat there just below the platform above and use the tornado, jump up and open the Red Chest to receive one of Bentley's boots. Next move on up the nearby ramp and kill the dancing Rhynoc whilst avoiding his attacks on you. Grab all the gems around here, and get the second Rhynoc and go talk to Bianca. She is standing next to a Pink Chest which is still unopenable. She'll give you a brand new quest to complete before she can give you the Heart of the Rabbit Habitat. You should already have about three of the list she gave you by now. Afterwards, jump down to where you can see the gems and open up the Red Chest to get a part for the Fairy Library. Now jump down off here and move to the
northeast of the place where there is a large platform place. Move a Mole as near to the corner as possible and use it to get up onto the platform. Use the next Mole to get right up to the top and grab all of the gems around. Next go to the southeast part of the island and go through the doorway which is right at the bottom of the big platform there, you could probably go up there right now if you wanted but it's best to do that a bit later.
c)Rhynoc Infestation
This little minigame will require you to run around a little making sure that when each of the Jack-in-a-Box toys pops out you need to flame it as fast as possible. Do this fifty times to complete.
For completion the monkey outside will give you a Medal for the Quest.
d)Land of Wonder and Amazement
Back in the real world, grab the gems on the big platform now, getting up there via the nearby mole. When right at the top, walk over the button for Moneybag's place and run to the platform just a bit west of there using the second mole to get up to it. Jump on the button to open Moneybag's Vault. Inside the Vault you'll find loads of Gems and a stethoscope for the Master Thief's Quest, and a nice Pink Chest as well. That's all for this level, it's time to leave! Use the Quick Escape for the level and return to the Dragon Shores.
10)Dragon Shores
a)Dragon Nests Region
When back in the Dragon Shores, head south, if you look on your map, in the bottom left corner you may be able to see a slightly different coloured path in the water, head there and use you Super Ice Breath on it.
11)Banana Savannah
a)Jungle's Edge
Talk to the Monkey as soon as you get in to get a task to do to help you to get through the level. This is a simple training exercise and teaches you the ways of the jungle. To complete it, simply flame the large Smiley plant that is just round the corner. he'll leave a nice little prize for you over the other side. It is a nice Hot Banana Pepper which gives you Super Flame ability! You can now fire bolts of fire at things in the same way as you can use the Super Ice Breath ability. If you go back and flame the Smiley thing again, the plant will take you to the platform above the smiley thing to allow you to collect up some gems. Flame the Smiley thing whilst up there and jump into the plant again to get to the entrance to the main area. When ready, go through...
b)Primate Plantation
As soon as you arrive talk to Albert the monkey to get a level-long mission to do. His mission will be for you to shoot all of the Rhynoweeds in the plantation to stop them interfering with the Banana Plants. You will need to use your newly acquired Super Flame for this one.
Locations of Rhynoweeds:
1 Behind the monkey at the start of the level.
2 At the end of the path on the first platform, near after a Rhynoc
3 End of another path leading off the first platform going south this time
4 Second platform using open flower on first platform in the NE corner
5 South from the entrance to the third platform
6 Right in the SE corner of the map just next to the jutting out bit
7 Go as near to the middle of the map as possible
8 South of where you first arrive on the fourth platform
9 On the first corner on the fourth platform
10 After the big plant on platform four.
The only way off this first platform is the open flower, so jump in that and move on to the next platform. When you get there, grab the gems and flame the big plant to switch the plant you just came out of. Jump back into it and you'll get transported to a new platform.
This third platform is a load bigger then the previous two as it is the main land for this level. Flame the Rhynoweeds that are around and collect the gems. When you reach a monkey standing next to a big flower, he'll give you a Quest for getting a Heart. His Quest will involve you getting some ingredients to help fertilize the bananas in the plantation. Up by Moneybag's Vault, you will find a door which you can go th