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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Beneath a Steel Sky"
(PC Games)

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Beneath a Steel Sky (PC Games)
Submitted By: Silent Assassin
Beneath A Steel Sky - Complete Solution

Escaping From Security
After the intro sequence, you�ll find yourself stuck on a steel
walkway. Pick up the metal rung from the left of the screen and
use it on the door to the right. After a short series of events,
you�ll end up outside the fire exit. Open the door and go back
in. Now walk down the stairs and go through the door to the
right. Use the circuit board with the middle piece of junk to
activate your robotic pal Joey.
Examine the transporter robot and then go to the room on the
right. Talk to Hobbins and ask him what�s wrong with the robot,
then go back to the left and ask Joey to fix it. He may take
some persuading, so keep pestering him until he gives in. Once
you�ve done this, stand on the lift to set off the alarm, then
quickly enter the room to the right and open the cupboard. Take
the spanner and go back to the left, then, when the lift leaves,
jump down the hole. You�ll now be inside the furnace room.
Examine the slot and the door. Ask Joey if he can open the door.

Reich will appear. Once you�ve killed Reich, examine his corpse
to obtain his shades and his ID card. Go through the door to
reach the walkways. Travel one screen to the right to find the
lift and the entrance to the pipe factory. Enter the factory.

The Pipe Factory
Talk to the girl about everything until Lamb shows up and
transfers her. When Lamb asks you what you are doing here, tell
him you�re doing routine inspection and he should let you stay.
Go to the right and walk into the storeroom to the back. The
alarm will go off and you will be told that only robots can
enter, so ask Joey to search the room for you. While Joey is
doing this, use the spanner with the cogs to jam them. Once
you�ve stopped production, pick up the spanner and ask Joey what
he found in the storeroom - he will tell you about a fusebox. Go
to the
left and you�ll see that the robot has stopped working. Use the
spanner on the robot and ask Joey if he wants a new shell. Now
go back to the right and ask Joey to knock out the fusebox. You
can watch through the window if you want. Once the fuses are
out, enter the storeroom. Now open the gangway and pick up the
putty from underneath it. Give the putty to Joey for analysis
and he�ll tell you it�s plastic explosive. Ignore the key and
the WD40 - they are both red herrings.
Leave the storeroom and you will be searched (don�t worry about
losing the shades - you don�t need them). Leave the pipe factory
and walk to the far left of the walkway. Now go through the door
to the left to enter the steam control room.

The Steam Control Room
To the right of the screen you�ll find two buttons. Loosen both
of them with the spanner and then ask Joey to press the button
on the right. Time your actions carefully, and press the button
on the left at the same time. This will blow the pipe above you
and send the old man running for Hobbins. While he�s gone, turn
off the red switch to the left and pick up the light bulb. Use
the putty on the light socket and turn on the switch again to
blow open the door. Put both switches in
the down position to turn the lift back on, then leave the room
and go back to the lift. Before using it, examine the red cable
to the right and ask Joey to melt through it with his welder.
Now use your ID card to open the lift and go down to the middle

The Middle Level
Pick up the cable and walk left, through the archway. Use your
ID card with the door to the left and enter the apartment. Move
the pillow and pick up the magazine. Leave the apartment and
head back to the lift (but continue to the right). Here you�ll
find an insurance firm and travel agents. Enter the travel
agents and ask the man for an economy tour - he will tell you
about the waiting list. Give him the magazine, though, and he�ll
give you a ticket. Give this to Lamb, who�ll be somewhere
between the apartments and the pipe factory. He�ll now give you
a guided tour of his factory. Follow him into the pipe factory
and then ask him for the tour.

The Factory Tour
Once Lamb has left you, move to the room to the right and talk
to Anita again. Keep talking until she tells you about a Jammer.
Give her your card and she�ll tell you about LINC-SPACE and a
Schriebermann Port (which you must obtain).

Obtaining A Schriebermann Port
Leave the factory and use your ID card with the LINC interface.
Select option four to get past the retina scan. Enter the copy
protection and select option two. Now select options one and two
to make Lamb a bankrupt D-LINC. Use the lift and walk to the far
left of the middle level to enter Burke�s Bio Surgery. Talk to
the hologram. She won�t let you in, so tell Joey to talk to her
using his charm. When she hears the word Overmann, she�ll
immediately let you in. Walk through the door, ask the doctor
for a Schriebermann Port and he�ll ask you for body parts. Offer
him a lung and a kidney. Both organs will be rejected, so it�s
time to give him your testicles (ouch). Once you�ve had the Port
implanted, talk to him again until he tells you about a �special
policy� available at Anchor Insurance Policies. Go to the
insurance company next to the travel agents.

Anchor Insurance
Ask the man about a special policy and tell him that Burke sent
you. While he�s in the back room, ask Joey to use his welder on
the statue. Pick up the anchor and use it with the cable. You
now have a grappling hook. Take the lift back upstairs and enter
the building opposite the steam control room (it�s the room you
started in). Go through the fire exit and use the grappling hook
with the sign to enter the security building.

Ignore the lockers and go to the right. Here you�ll find a
LINC-SPACE terminal. Use your ID card in the slot to the right,
then sit in the chair to enter LINC-SPACE. Once inside, examine
your inventory and you�ll find a selection of computer programs
at your disposal. Start by picking up the ball, which is some
compressed data. Afterwards, go to the right and open the bag.
Now pick up the magnifying glass (the Decrypt tool) and the
present (the Decompress tool). Use the Decompress tool with the
compressed data and you�ll get a red and a green password. Go to
the right. To reach the door at the back of this room use the
passwords in the following sequence (this makes a path appear):
use green, walk right, use red, walk left, pick up green, walk
up, use green, walk right, walk down, pick up red, walk up, use
red, walk left, pick up green, walk up, walk right, walk down,
walk right, walk down, use green, walk up, walk up, walk up.Pick
up the Bust (which is the Phoenix program) and the book (which
is the Phoenix document). Use the Decrypt tool with the three
documents in your inventory. Use disconnect to log off from

Getting Down To The Ground Level
Before you can reach the ground level, you must get out of the
security building. Use your ID card on the LINC terminal to the
right of the screen, select option four, then option one to read
the documents. Read through all three to find out about your
past and the Phoenix program. Go back to the security menu and
select option two, then select option two again to give yourself
unrestricted access to all levels. Now use your ID card in the
slot by the lift and leave the security building.
Head for the lift to the middle level and talk to Lamb, who�ll
be standing outside it. Ask him if he has a problem. He will
tell you that his card doesn�t work and complain about his cat
not being fed. Offer to feed his cat and he will allow you ID
card access to his apartment. Take the lift down and head for
the apartments. Use your ID card in the slot to the right and
enter lamb�s apartment. Take the video on top of the bookcase
and leave. Now take the lift down to the ground level.

Ground Level
Joey has rather carelessly got himself crunched, so examine the
junk and retrieve his circuit board. Walk to the left and talk
to the doorman about getting into the club - he�ll tell you that
you need to get some sponsorship. Find Mrs Piermont (she�s the
one in pink, wandering around with a dog, so she shouldn�t be
very hard to spot) and ask her about Overmann. She�ll tell you
that he worked with her husband. Ask her for sponsorship and she
will tell you to go to her apartment. Follow her there - and
once she�s gone up in the lift, use the buttons by it. Tell
her that it�s Robert. She will invite you up. Once inside, ask
her again for sponsorship and she will get on the phone to the
club. While she is on the phone, use the video tape with the
VCR. The dog will run over and start barking. Go over to the
dog�s bowl and take the dog biscuits. Leave the apartment and go
back to the lift. Use the dog biscuits with the plank and then
pull the rope.Sooner or later the dog will show up and start
barking at the biscuits. When he does, pull the rope again to
send him sailing into the pond. The guard will run to the dog�s
rescue, leaving the cathedral unattended. Enter the cathedral
and you�ll
find a set of dummies. Walk through the back door to the left
and examine the middle locker. Here you�ll find the dead body of
Travel back to the pipe factory, to where Anita used to be. Open
the middle locker and you�ll find an anti-radiation suit. Wear
this and enter the reactor room. Use the control unit to open
the reactor door, then enter the reactor, pick up Anita�s ID
card and leave the pipe factory (change your clothes first,
remember). Enter the security building and take the lift up to
the control room. Enter LINC-
SPACE again, only this time use Anita�s card.LINC-SPACE (yes,
you�ll now find two new items in your inventory, one marked
Blind and the other marked Playback. Go to the room to the right
and use Blind on the eye. Quickly go through the door in the
middle of the screen before the eye wakes up. Ignore the guard
and walk through middle door. Use Playback with the well to view
a recorded message from Anita. She�ll tell you about a man
called Eduardo, who you must find on the ground level (he�s the
gardener by Mrs Piermont�s apartment). She also tells you about
a subway leading to LINC. Log off from LINC-SPACE and go back to
ground level to speak to Eduardo.

Ground Level (again)
Ask Eduardo about the blue flowers. He�ll tell you that they are
dandelions. Now talk to the boy next to him and ask him about
the game he is playing. Keep talking to him about games until he
tells you about the dandelion game. He�ll then tell you that
dandelions are yellow not blue. Talk to Eduardo again and tell
him of his mistake. He will then admit that he is not really a
gardener. Talk to him about Anita, and keep pestering him until
he tells you about a virus hidden inside LINC-
SPACE. Walk around the pond until you find an old shed. Examine
the door and you�ll find it�s got an old-fashioned lock. Use
your ID card with the lock to open the door, then enter and take
the secateurs. Now go back to the St James Club. The door to the
courtroom should be open. Go in for a cross between Fawlty
Towers and LA Law. Say anything you like - it makes no
difference to the outcome of events. Leave the courtroom and
enter the St James Club.

Getting To The Subway
The band should have stopped playing inside the club. Use the
jukebox and select the song called �You Search, But Find
Nothing.� Before long, the record will stick and Colston will
get out of his seat to give the machine a good kicking. While
he�s gone, take his glass from the table and go to Burke�s Bio
Surgery. Give the glass to Burke to obtain Colston�s finger
prints. Go back to the club and use the metal plate next to the
door at the back. You are now in the cellar. Use the
metal bar with the large crate, pick up the lid and use it with
the small box that�s also in the room. Stand on the small box
and use the metal bar with the grating. Now use the secateurs to
cut away at the grating. Climb through to reach the subway.

The Subway
Walk to the right and follow the track where it turns to the
left. Stop when you get to the room with the hole in the wall.
Look carefully to the left of the hole and you�ll find a socket.
Use the light bulb with the socket. The monster behind the hole
won�t hurt you anymore. Walk to the right. Here you�ll find an
old station. It�s a good idea to save the game here. Go to the
next room and, as soon as you can, run towards the exit at the
other end - otherwise the roof will collapse on top of you
(that�s why it�s a good idea to save the game beforehand). To
open the
door to the right, rupture one of the veins. Find the plaster
and use the metal bar on it. Now use the spanner to knock out a
brick. Take the brick, then use the metal bar with the swelling
and bash it in with the brick. Pick up the metal bar. Before
long, a medical robot will appear. Now enter the door.

LINC Central
Look through the grating and you�ll see a room with an android
looking after some android babies. Follow the robot back to his
recharging point. Once he is charging, find the expansion port
on his back and plug in Joey�s card. Ask Joey to inspect the
room to the left. When he comes back, ask him what he found. Ask
him to tell you about the feeding tank. He will tell you about a
tap that can be opened to drain it away - ask Joey to open this
tap. Go back to the door you came through initially, and go
through the door to the back. You are now in the furnace room.
Use the computer at the back of the room and reduce the
temperature. Quickly stand on the iris-style covering and pull
the handle to loosen
the grating. Go back upstairs and look through the grating
again. There should now be a green puddle on the floor. Go back
to the recharge room and enter the room to the left. The android
will now notice the puddle, step on the grating and fall into
the furnace. Walk around to the back and into the other half of
the room. Walk through the open door to the right. Use the
computer by the door to open the main door. Walk back out. A
guard will find you. Joey will try to help, but he�ll get
smashed up (although he will kill the guard before
disintegrating). Take his LINC card and use it with the
LINC-SPACE terminal in the other room.

LINC-SPACE (for the very last time)
You�ll now find a new item, marked Divine Wrath, in your
inventory. Go to the room with the Knight, remembering to use
Blind on the eye. Use Divine Wrath on the Knight to kill him,
then log off and log back on with Anita�s card. You�ll have to
be as fast as you can here - use Blind with the eye in this
room, then quickly go to the right, Blind the eye again, and go
through the door in the middle. Go through the door in the
middle again and go past the hologram projector into the room
with the tuning fork. If you are quick enough, the eye should
still be blind
and you will be able to pick up the tuning fork. Go back to the
room where the Knight used to be and enter the room on the
right. Use the tuning fork with the crystal, pick up the virus
and log off.

Poisoning The Food Supply
Go left and examine the robot to retrieve Joey�s circuit board.
Enter the large door to the right and use Anita�s card with the
computer to give it the virus. Pick up the tongs to the right of
the screen and use them with the tissue samples. Afterwards, use
the tongs (holding a tissue sample) with the vat of liquid
nitrogen. Now go to the room on the right, walk over to the
middle android and open its cabinet. Insert
Joey�s card into the expansion slot and use the monitor to
download Joey�s character. Select the start up program and Joey
will come back to life (as Ken). Go to the room on the right and
ask Ken to push his hand against the panel to the right. When he
does so, push your hand against the panel to the left. The door
will open, but Ken will get stuck. Don�t worry, he�ll free
himself later. Walk through the door and to the end of the pipe,
then use the cable with the pipe connector. Climb down the metal
rungs and drop the tongs into the orifice. A door will open
to the left. Once again, it�s best to save here as the following
section requires fast reflexes. Grab the cable and swing into
the room.

Inside you�ll find your father - soon he�ll be rejected by LINC.
As soon as Ken shows up, ask him to sit in the chair. Now just
sit back and watch the mysteries of Union City and Linc reveal

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