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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
(PlayStation 2)

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Ghosthunter (PlayStation 2)
Submitted By: templet
Haunted School

1. Pre Ghost Hunting:

Select New Game and the Intro cut-scene will start, followed by the Anna and Lazarus cut-scene outside the haunted school. When this has finished run Lazarus through the entranceways under the main staircase.
Turn left and head down the staircase at the end of the corridor. At the bottom of the stairs enter the basement and descend down the ladder, taking you into the sewers.
In the sewers, head forward and turn left into the side room.
Descend down to the hole in the floor into the Professor’s lab.
Once in the lab run to the Array, the machine with the jukebox interface.
The cut-scene Ghost’s Escape will trigger.
When this has finished head through the open door that the player through to the sewers. The cut-scene Steele Kidnapped will trigger. Once complete head further on, right, and up the lift shaft into another area of the school basement.
In the far room a Revenant is trapped in the Generator room.
Revenant Puzzle: When the Revenant is lined up with the player and the far wall, shoot him with the pistol. He will recoil. Keep shooting until he hits the back wall bridging the gap between the two generators. The power is back on.
Head back down to the Professor’s lab and the Computer Online cut-scene will trigger. Once this is complete the second door in the Lab will open, leading the player into the Training cut-scene.
The end of the Training cut-scene is interrupted by a Revenant smashing down the far wall. Pick up the Grenade and the Machine Gun. Capture him and progress through the smashed wall, where another Revenant will emerge.
Take the right hand ladder to the top of the lift shaft and the Lazarus will find himself back in the school ready to begin ghost hunting.

2. Ghost Hunting

From the lift walk forward and turn right into the restroom (savepoint). Head forward into the staff room and capture the Blue Spook.
Head into the next room, shoot out the window and clamber outside. Collect the shotgun weapon from the trunk of the car.
Climb the ladder and re-enter the school on the first floor. Walk forward; turn right into the classroom. Capture the second and third Blue Spook. Leaving the room the Steele Awakes cut-scene will trigger.
Head down the stairs and into the lower classroom. Capture the third Blue Spook and move through into the Janitor’s room, and back to the foyer.
There are two Blue Spooks in the foyer. Capture them and then head up the main staircase. Turn right and enter the final classroom, and then go into the upstairs toilet.
Here the player is introduced to Astral (Astral First Use Cut-Scene).
Capture the Revenant that appears to give Astral the Revenant ability.
Fly with Astral up the broken stairwell and use the Revenant Ability on top of the lift to push it down, allowing Lazarus to climb up the emergency lift shaft ladder.
Swap to Lazarus, climb the lift shaft ladder and enter the attic (savepoint). In the attic capture the two Revenants and the Blue Spook then walk through the broken wall and the Hawksmoor Start of the Fight cut-scene will trigger.

3. Boss Fight

Lazarus will find himself in the Library. Defend yourself while dispatching all of Hawksmoor’s knights.
When they are all captured Hawksmoor will flee and Lazarus is warped back to the Professor’s lab.
The player triggers the Portal Online cut-scene. When this kicks in, the player is warped to The Swamps.


1. Graveyard

Run forward into the first Graveyard corridor to trigger the first Howler encounter.
The Howler will follow a path that takes him through all the closed gates from the beginning of the level to the crypt. If he spots the player he will return to his crypt house for ‘X’ amount of time, and then begin his patrol again.
His route will take him through to the main hub area with the statue. From here if the player remains hidden the Howler will head through the final door to the crypt. The Howler will dig up some graves releasing some Blue Spooks – these can be captured. He will then enter the crypt and fall asleep. After running through the door capture the Howler (this will activate Astral’s charming ability).
In the Crypt the player can pick up the crowbar. Running back across the hub area the crowbar can be used to open the door to the Woodcutter’s shed. In the woodcutter’s shed, the player can pick up the rusty key.

This can be used to open the final door to a path up the hill. A group of Blue Spooks will attack – fend them off and head past the church and out of the Graveyard. From here head towards De Montford Mansion.

2. De Montford Mansion

Run straight from the Graveyard across the bridge into De Montford Mansion. Enter the door on the left and the Meet Lady De Montford cut-scene will trigger.
Leaving the mansion Digital Richmond will contact Lazarus and warn him of a new type of enemy. Shortly after on the run back towards the Graveyard, a small intermission will trigger showing Rednecks shooting at Lazarus.
Follow them back into the graveyard and into the church.
Once in the church the Priest’s speech will be triggered. Head down the hole in the floor and into the Mausoleum. Fight the Blue Spooks and make your way through the flooded tunnels into the sunken village.

3. Sunken Village

Head between the gaps in the fences to the backyard of the first house. Two Redneck Snipers will warp into the far barn, and a third will appear in a window of the first house. When two snipers have been defeated a Redneck Croc will ambush the player, smashing through a fence. If the player explores the far barn for pickups the more Redneck Snipers will attack. Going through the gap left in the smashed fence, there is a second backyard area; here there is another house and barn. Slightly beyond this new barn is a gate which only opens for Howlers, similar to those seen at the Graveyard.
Take Lazarus back and through the second house, which leads to the front lawns of the street. From here you access the front door of the first house, too. Enter the first house, climb the stairs and find the room with the Howler. Scare the Howler and it rushes out of the window.
The Howler now starts a patrol from its kennel outside the first house, goes between the houses and through the barn, opening the gates on the way. Sneak behind the Howler and hide if it gets startled.
After the second Howler gate is a new area, where two Redneck Snipers are defending a building (the Howler will wander around a corner and go to asleep in a nest; it can then be captured).
Defeat the Snipers, enter the shed and walk down the stairs into the tunnels. Crouch and sneak through the tunnels, which lead up into the third house.
Find the way through the house, tackle any redneck snipers that are present, and climb down the ladder out of the house front.
Turn right and head to the back of the next house, fighting any snipers that are encountered. This will lead you round to a sunken barn. Climb the ladder and wade out. Here, a Redneck Croc will attack you. Next is a ruined house, where snipers attack and then fall back. Chase the snipers through the ruins and fight with them around the corner.
Head towards the Town Hall, through the other dilapidated buildings.

4. The Town Hall

Climb the stairs to the belfry, shoot the bell and trigger the cut-scene. This will open the door on the first floor balcony. Move through the door and head towards the back of the hall to the start of the swamps.

5. The Swamps

After the first swamp battles, head down the paths to the basin of water with the upturned car. Turn left and follow the path round to the bayou.
Wade through the bayou to the shack in the distance (while fighting the Redneck Snipers) and pick up the dynamite.
From the shack head right up the slope and run back along the high path. Once back at the basin head straight to the rock blockage. Plant the dynamite and use the detonator to blow up the blockage.
Run over the bridge into the valley and head into the first mining section. Follow the passage round to the astral swap point and switch to Astral.
Fly Astral into the water. Find the flooded construction room and, using the Revenant ability, smash the planks in the floor to enter the bottom passage.
Fly up the vertical shaft. In the top room switch to Revenant mode and activate the switch to turn on the diesel generator which starts the pump and lowers the water.
Swap back to Lazarus. Run towards the water and crouch through the low gap which used to be submerged.
Run out into the valley and enter the second mine. Shoot out the hook holding the pump in position. It falls and lowers the water, allowing the dynamite to be collected on the far side.
Climb the ladders to reach the dynamite in the top of the construction room.
With the dynamite collected return to the valley and blow up the rock fall. Ascend the waterfall and shoot the explosive barrel on the Redneck fort.
The fort will explode and the resultant rubble forms a blockage halfway down the river.
Cross the blockage and head into the mining compound on the far side.
There is a Howler in the compound that opens the gates out. Carefully follow the Howler without alerting it and exit the gates, then turn left and enter the final mine.
Cross the monkey bars. Halfway across a Howler in a cage will spot the player and shut the far door.
On the far side is a swap point. Swap to Astral and head straight up into the room above. Use Astral’s Revenant ability to turn on the fan, then use Astral’s charming ability to lure the Howler into the top room. The Howler will get sucked through the fan and spat out near the Lazarus.
Swap back to
Lazarus and you can capture him. Once he is captured the door opens and the player can walk around to the other side of the waterfall.
Waterfall: Climb and cross the waterfall to the high tunnel entrance.
Work through the tunnels to the top of the river and turn the corner for the final Redneck battle of the game.

6. Redneck Village

Once the battle is complete, the doors to the village open.
Enter the village and head forward and then left. Follow the path around to the barn interior.
Push the car into the shack and enter the tunnel to the second area. In the second area solve the chime puzzle by repeating the sound order and capture the swamp monster.
Head down the tunnel to the third village section, and find another tunnel entrance. Climb down, wade through the water and climb the ladder into the tank room. The Lazarus Captured cut-scene triggers.
After the cut-scene the player finds himself in a cell. Wall-hug through the gap to the next cavern. Swap to Astral and enter the water tunnel.
Follow the route into the tank room and travel up to the Chief’s throne room. The Lazarus Rescued cut-scene triggers and Lazarus is warped to the start of De Montford Mansion.

7. De Montford Mansion

Enter the mansion, move down the corridor to trigger the Ghost Girl, then chase the girl into the kitchen. Capture her and head up to the corridor to trigger the first Ghost Girl puzzle.
Warp Puzzle 1: Move into the room. The lights darken to indicate that the doors have flipped into position. The route across the broken floor between the rooms is too slow to capture the Ghost Girl. To solve this puzzle use the doors to warp quickly to the opposite side of the corridor. Reach the girl before she has time to recover jumping through the walls and capture her. The doors revert, and the player can head through the door to puzzle 2.
Warp Puzzle 2: Entering the Pillar Room, the Ghost Girl will run and jump through the slime, triggering all the doors.
Capture the Ghost Boy and then head through the door in the tree, into the garden and capture the Girl. This will reset the doors. Continue into the Dining Room.
Dining Room: The picture needs the two missing pieces.
First Picture Piece: Head left and travel up to the attic. Capture the two Whirlwind Boys in the attic and then capture the ghost girl. The doors to the bedroom will open allowing access to the first picture piece.
Second Picture Puzzle and Third Warp Puzzle: Head right from the dining room down into the basement. The Ghost Girl in the basement jumps through the wall. Go through the door, down the tunnel, to see the Girl jump through the ceiling. The solution to the puzzle is to go through the basement door and then turn back through the same door, which takes the player back up to the ground floor where the girl can be caught. Once caught the doors revert and the basement door takes the player into a new area where the second picture piece can be found.
With both picture pieces the painting can be activated, warping the player to the weird version of De Montford Mansion.

8. De Montford Mansion 2

Run all the way through to the dining room to the girl in the cage.
The girl tells the player about the stars in the sky. Head right into the basement and kill the Teddy Monster holding a Kaleidoscope. Pick it up and use it with the torch (by pressing the torch button twice). Shine it in on the picture back in the dining room to activate the attic door.
The girl will then ask for the date of her death. Go through the door and up the stairs to find the three numbers that are needed. 1. Shine the torch into the Zoetrope. 2. Activate and shuffle through the slide projector images. 3. Kill the Teddy Monsters that spawn after 1&2, and pick up the ultra-violet lens that is dropped. Use this with the Torch and it reveals the final number when shined onto one of the attic walls. Return to the girl and the cage opens, capturing the girl. Astral will receive the Spectral Ability.
This allows her to use the near by swamp point and reach the upper attic where she can open the door for Lazarus. He can then go up to the attic to free the Redneck girl.
Once freed, the girl runs through the picture. Follow her to cue up the final section of the realm.

9. Swamp Boss Fight

Run to the back of the house to cue Lady De Montford’s Death cut-scene. Follow the girl to the point where the Crocodile smashes the gantry. Turn back, clamber up to the barn and activate the zip-line. Race to the final island.
The fight is simple. Shoot the Croc’s stomach until he ‘barfs’ the human form. Then get the humanoid to smash down the three buildings by standing in front of them. He will then revert back to the Crocodile and swim back into the water.
The girl will usher Lazarus onto a boat which will take the player to the final island. Run back to the Graveyard and fight the boss for a second time.
The Second Fight: Here, get the Boss to smash the statue of himself and he will rip the Crocodile off his arm.
The Crocodile will then keep attacking Lazarus and the human will be injured.
If the player lures the crocodile onto the human, the two will fight and reduce each other’s health to the point where they can be captured with the Grenade.
Once captured the final cut-scene is triggered and Lazarus is returned to the Haunted School.

New School

After the cut-scene, head up out of the lab using the scaffolding in the corner. Make your way up to the old school foyer and find the door blocked by wooden chairs and tables. Shoot this with the new Grenade Launcher weapon and it will blow up, giving access to the New School.
Enter the New School and head straight and towards the library.
The Steele Spotted cut-scene will trigger. Entering the library, the player cannot progress because of the stairs coming to life, blocking the player’s progress.
Head back out of the library, turn left, run towards the entrance doors and then turn right, towards the poltergeist-infested Science Block.

The Poltergeist Block

Each main room has a poltergeist puzzle, which requires the poltergeists to be revealed before they can be captured. These can be done by creating fires, smoke, shooting objects, and so on.
One thing to mention here is one room (number 5) cannot be solved until the player has turned on the water in the Janitor’s room. This is the small room on the corner of the first floor. Once all the poltergeists have been captured Astral gains the Poltergeist ability.
When this is complete, head to the Death Angel Block. Here, the player can use Astral’s poltergeist ability to smash the rubble and enter the rooms.
The Death Angel Block: Fight through the block. Follow the rooms round and fight the Death Angels. At the end of the block is a pickup. These are smoke grenades. Equip the Grenade Launcher. Using Square to change ammo types will result in smoke grenades being fired off the R1 button.

Library and Castle

Return to the Liberty and capture the Poltergeist controlling the stairs – this guy patrols around the front desk. Fire off a grenade; he appears in the smoke and then capture him.
The librarian will appear and set the player the task of getting the books.
The first book, the diary, is on the first floor of the library. The second is in the school bus in the car park, which can be accessed from the fire escape in the first floor of the Library.
When each book is collected, give it to the Librarian and she will give you information on them. She will place the books back down. Lazarus should pick up the books again, and place each on its plinth on the first floor.
When the books are placed down on their plinths, Lazarus warps into the book itself, at Hawkmoor’s Castle, and sees history unfolding. In the ‘Diary’ visit, the player will see an early encounter between Richmond and Hawksmoor. In the ‘History Book’ visit, the player will see how Sir William Hawksmoor was originally killed.
The Librarian will leave and open the doors to the Theatre.


Hawksmoor is on the Theatre stage with Steele. He will first summon Death Angels to attack Lazarus, and then poltergeists. He will then escape with Steele under his power.
When Lazarus picks up Richmond’s Diary from the Theatre stage, he will be returned to the lab for a cut-scene with Digital Richmond. He can then progress to the next realm.


Before the realm starts the Parliament of Spooks cut-scene is played.

Section 1: To The Bridge

Lazarus starts in the vehicle holds. Walk down the first staircase. Climb onto the Tank and jump in the turret. Fire the Gun (R1) at the crates blocking end of the room to blow them up.
Move to the next room. This contains two Tanks. Run around the back of the right-hand tank and pick up the ammo on the floor by the back of the truck.
Place the ammo in the back of the left-hand tank. Mount the tank as before and shoot out the door at the end of the room.
Fight the troops that attack, and run to the next room and enter the warehouse.
Shoot and capture the troops and the Gatling Gunner will emerge from the lift. Capture him and enter the lift.
Activate the lift and travel to the next floor. Turn lift into the first Cold Storage Room.
Cold Storage 1: Shoot the switch to open the door. Turn left into the second room.
Cold Storage 2: Here, shoot the pressure switch and then run to the door before it closes.
Travel straight ahead and up the stairs to the final room
Cold Storage 3: Swap to Astral to blast away the obstruction with the poltergeist ability. Then flick the switch as Lazarus opens the door and progress through.
Turn left twice to enter the Kitchen. There is a Detonator in the kitchen to capture.
Turn right into the corridor to trigger the Richmond Intervention cut-scene. Head straight onto the Promenade.
On the Promenade fight and capture the Detonators and the Gatling Gunner.
Climb the stairs and the ladder and head towards the front of the ship where the Meet Fortesque cut-scene will trigger.

Section 2: To The Engine Room

From the bridge, head down the staircase and turn back on yourself to enter the first of the tentacle cabins.
Walk through the cabins avoiding the first two Attack Tentacles in the room. Follow the fuse line into the next cabin, avoiding getting attacked by the tentacles.
The fuse line leads the player to the Plunger in the corridor. Use the plunger and the explosives will go off, killing the Tentacles and blowing out the door on the opposite side of the corridor.
Walk through this door avoiding the tentacles in the following cabins. Again, follow the fuse line round until the second plunger is reached and destroy the tentacles.
From the plunger, head down the corridor and turn right. Ignore the room with the plunger on the left, and enter the cabins on the right. Turn right and in the final room pick up the dynamite.
Return to the cabin with the plunger and follow the fuse line to the end. Plant the dynamite, return to the plunger and destroy the tentacles. The explosion will blow a hole in the floor.
Clamber down to the lower cabin floor.
Lower Cabins: Here the enemy placement is reversed the Tentacles are in the corridors and the cabins relatively safe.
Travel round the cabins picking up the four sticks of dynamite. At the end of the first corridor is an engineering room where Lazarus can swap to Astral. Fly through the tunnel grill and Astral will find herself in the Main ballroom.
On the far side is a door covered with debris. Use Astral’s Poltergeist ability to remove the blockage. Swap to Lazarus and enter the Ballroom.
Lazarus In The Ballroom: Move around the top floor and plant all four pieces of the dynamite on the balcony (points are marked).
Descend to the lower floor and use the plunger to detonate them. The resulting explosion will open the main Ballroom door taking the player down to the funnel.
Leave the Ballroom through the main doors. Head through the door straight ahead and go two floors up the stairs.
Head forward into the engineering rooms and enter the funnel (there is a savepoint here).
The Funnel: Head down to the bottom of the funnel. At the bottom is a plunger. Fire it and the two sections of the funnel explode. Enter the new area and swap to Astral.
Astral can fly down into the water at the base of the funnel.
After leaving the funnel, turn left and then right down the corridor. The Steele and Hawksmoor cut-scene will trigger as Astral approaches the pump.
The Pump: Directly opposite the pump room, a corridor takes Astral up to the top of it. Switch to Revenant mode and flick the switch.
Follow the tunnel down to the bottom floor of the pump room where a blockage in the door is stopping the ship from being watertight. Use Astral’s Poltergeist ability and remove the blockage and the pump will start to lower the water.
Switch back to Lazarus and climb down the funnel following the path that Astral has taken. When you get to the stairwell, go down to the floor below, move down the corridor, turn left and drop down the scorched hole in the floor to enter the engine rooms.
Move down the pipes onto the gantries and work your way down to the entrance to the piston room.
A battle with the detonators takes place here. Once they have been defeated the cut-scene Fortesque In The Engine Room takes place.
As soon as the cut-scene has finished, head up to the top of the pistons. Fire Lazarus’s weapons to distract the tentacles from Fortesque’s headless body as it tries to plant the explosives at the final door.
When he has done this, the player can activate the plunger and blow out the final door to the Stern of the ship. The Meet The Beast cut-scene is triggered.
The beast is dormant. Lazarus must climb the ladder and move into the engineering sections. In the first three rooms Lazarus has to avoid the Tentacle/Detonator combo. In the final room there is an engineer. Shoot him off the wall and he will activate the first event.
Follow the corridor round and the player will find himself back in the Engine room. Head straight across and descend the ladder to the Astral Swap Point.
Entering the water, Astral can free the second Mechanic, who starts the pistons.
Lazarus can move across the areas previously occupied by the tentacles. Mount the ladder and free the third detonator.
Once he has been freed the Beast will come back to life, after being crushed on the pistons and switching to its humanoid form. The player will then be warped to the boss fight section.
Boss Fight: Wait until Fortesque fires a tank shell into the boss and then shoot the shell. If the shell is detonated the boss will release one of the lost souls. If the player captures the lost soul with the Capture Grenade, the boss loses power. Repeat three times and he is defeated.
If the player doesn’t manage to get the tank shell then the boss will split the shell at Lazarus. After the boss Victory cut-scene is played, Lazarus is warped back to the Professor’s lab.

Haunted Prison

Lazarus arrives at the Prison docks. Cross onto the land and turn left. The docks have a revenant on the ground and a Prison Guard on the gantries of the far building.
Turning round and head up the slope turn right and enter the guardhouse. Run through the guardhouse to emerge on the other side of the car blockage. Head forward towards the church, fight the guards and enter the sewers via the sewer outlet down on the beach.
Sewers: Crouch through the entrance into the sewers. Wade through the sewers. If the guards attack, head towards the side of the tunnels where Lazarus can shoot the guards.
At the end of the sewers, a slope leads the player to the lift that takes him down to the filtration plant.
Filtration Plant: This consists of three circular rooms connected by tunnels. Guards patrol the rooms.
Room 1: Descend the ladder. Wade round to the next ladder and ascend to the middle of the room. Cross pipes and run down the tunnel to the next room.
Room 2: Has an exit door without a ladder and a tunnel that take the player to room 3. In room 3 the player can swap to Astral.
As Astral, fly back to room 2 and complete the filtration puzzle. Here Astral has to possess the Driller and then start him drilling. A cart appears on the tracks below and collects the rocks before disappearing down a side tunnel.
The solution to the puzzle is to smash two track sections and switch two sections of points on the tracks below the Driller.
Once this is complete the truck falls from the tracks and forms rubble that Lazarus can climb up to get to the exit. Swap back to Lazarus and complete this.
The player enters a new lift, which takes him to the Furnace Room. In the furnace the player has to avoid the wheels and steam by crouching.
After the furnace, climb the ladder in the sewers to the Shower Room.
From the Shower Room run down the corridors to the hospital ward and operating theatre.
The Shower Room has to be unlocked by pressing the switch on the balcony.
Following the corridors around, the player comes to the Medical Centre. There are prison guards and a mini boss in the form of the Surgeon.
Once he’s defeated, Lazarus can exit from the operating theatre into the Prison Courtyard.

The Prison

Enter the Prison and turn right. Head down the tunnel to the apparition room. Answer all the phones as they ring and the Apparition will appear and drop the Rose, which the player will pick up later.
More doors out of the reception are now open, and they lead to a room with an Astral Swap Point.
Switch to Astral, fly down and use the Possession Ability to take control of the guard. Get him to operate the switch in the control room, to open a set of sliding doors.
Fly through these, back down into another room into the armoury. Fly out of the armoury and head right onto the main corridor.
Fly straight at a gap in the ceiling, towards a trapped revenant.
Possessing the revenant smashes the crumbling walls to create a path back to the telephone room. This lets Lazarus into the Prison.
Swap back to Lazarus and pick up the Rose. Head through the Mess Hall into the Prison cellblocks and on to Death Row.
Death Row: This contains the Guardian’s daughter puzzle. There are three open cells. In one of them is a vase. Use the Rose in the vase. Turn round and a staircase that leads to the electric Guardian’s house replaces the prison. Climb the stairs turn right and pick up the photograph from the bed. The player is warped back to the cell.
Run to the cell with the Picture frame and use the picture. The player is again taken to the house. Turn left and trigger the Guardian’s daughter. She will say how lonely she is. The player is returned to the Prison.
Return to the first cell, use the Rose again and return to the house. Turn left and enter the girl’s bedroom. There is a Teddy Bear in the room. Pick this up and the player is returned to the Prison.
Repeat the steps to get back to the girl and give her the Teddy. She will give the player the Bride and Bridegroom. The player is warped back to the Prison.
Take the Bride and Groom back to the final cell and an interactive cut-scene is triggered walking Lazarus to the Electric chair.
The Birth Of The Electric Guardian cut-scene is triggered. Lazarus meets the Professor and fights the Electric Guardian. As soon as he is weakened he flees and Richmond leads the player out of the Prison. Follow Richmond to the Generator room where the final fight takes place.
Electric Guardian: Avoid the guardian as long as you can and have shot each of the generators out. The Generators have a weak point (the fuse box on the side). Shoot there and the generators will explode. After they have exploded the Guardian can be worn down. Once he has been defeated a cut-scene will trigger taking the Professor and Lazarus to the scrapyard.

The Scrapyard

The scrapyard starts with the Professor Richmond cut-scene. Once this is complete follow the pathway round to the scrapyard Poltergeist puzzles.
Puzzle 1: Shoot the truck to create smoke. Capture the two poltergeists to open the doors of the truck.
Puzzle 2: Shoot the water tank to create a shower to reveal the poltergeist. Capture him to receive the cog that opens the car crusher.
Puzzle 3: Trigger the cut-scene Goggles Fixed. Here Richmond adjusts the player’s Goggles so that he can see poltergeists. Capture the poltergeist to progress.
Scrapyard Boss: Once in the scrapyard boss arena the Birth Of The Scrapyard Boss cut-scene will trigger. To defeat the boss shoot the poltergeist on the boss’s shoulder and the boss will collapse. Repeat this three times and the boss is defeated.
Run to the Lighthouse. The boss reappears. Richmond now takes the goggles and runs to the lighthouse. When the Lighthouse beam falls on the boss the Poltergeist is revealed. Shoot him when you can see him and he will be defeated.
The Death Of The Scrapyard Boss cut-scene triggers and the player is warped to the Professor’s lab.

The Military Base

The Military Base is the final realm but also structurally the simplest (Intro cut-scene, Herobase Lab).

Military Base, Level 1

Battle the first Blue Spook inside the chamber as Richmond takes cover. When it’s captured, the area is considered ‘decontaminated’ and the chamber door opens. Capture the next Blue Spook to open access to the next door, which allows passage out of the room.
Follow Richmond across the corridor into the command centre room. Here he will give information about the situation. Follow him out of the room and capture the next Blue Spook before the decontamination doors that seal off the core. Then follow Richmond again into the core.
Here try and keep the Death Angels away from Richmond while he hacks the computer panel and opens the next decon door.
In the cargo bay defeat all the original Ghosthunters that are patrolling, and hit the emergency switches when the alarm lights turn on. This releases a trapped revenant. Capture it to fully decontaminate the sector and Richmond will be able to unlock the Cargo Lift. Now follow Richmond down the ladder into Level 2.

Level 2

Follow Richmond left down the corridor, passed the Munitions Factory, then left into the ghost experimentation room. In here capture the 3 blue spooks and then use the lift in the corner with Richmond to enter Level 3.

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