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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Battlefield 2: modern combat"

This game is also available on PS2.

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Battlefield 2: modern combat (Xbox)
Submitted By: gRoZzEr
BIGFOOT's Battlefield Guide - Hope it helps!

Battlefield 2 is a breakthrough in single player and multiplayer gaming. The graphics are pretty good, smooth, intense game play, frighteningly realistic AI, the realism and excitement explosive. Conduct multiplayer and single payer assaults, guard flags and positions and immerse yourself in the action! You have the chance to fly helicopters, drive tanks and jeeps, parachute to objectives and play as anyone on your team by a new method called hotswapping. You play on 4 different sides – USA’s, China’s, EU's and for the Middle East Coalition


The standard breed of soldier who is an all round top performer. Effective in close quarters and long range and perfect for conducting rapid assaults or guarding a point.
*Standard assault rifle with 2x scope and attached grenade launcher
*3 fragmention grenades
*3 smoke grenades

Another class who again is effective at getting the job done. Performs better in close-quarter environments than the Assault troops and also good at medium range, great at carrying out secret missions without being detected.
*Silenced SMG with 2x scope
*Silenced pistol
*4 loads of C4 explosive
*3 Stun grenades

Provides cover for his team-mates and keeps hidden from battle on roof-tops or hills. Effective at long range but is vulnerable in close-quarter fire fights.
*Sniper with 4x zoom
*Silenced pistol
*GPS device
*Laser target
*3 smoke grenades
Perfect for demolitions and blowing up enemy vehicles. Also very effective at close-quarters and can take out large groups of hostiles. This guy deals the most damage with his destructive arsenal.
*Bazzoka with 2x zoom
*Blow torch (to fix vehicles)
*3 Land mines

Performs best in street battles where vast amounts of cover is needed. Can definitely cope at short range and does equally well at medium range. Also deals a lot of damage and can take out large hordes of enemies.
*Light machine gun
*Mortar strike
*3 medical syringes
*3 Fragmentation grenades

VEHICLES (The different nations have vehicles with different appearances)





.50cal – Very fast firing and powerful mounted machine gun
Rocket Launcher – Fires rockets
GTAM – Used to lock onto helicopters and fires seeking missiles at the target




-Once you have landed by parachute make your way to the end of the street and stop at the right corner. Here you can kill all the hostiles and from a safe distance too. Try to get some head shots as their heads will be poking up and at the end of the mission you will get more points. In this mission it’s best not to go storming in, stay concealed and hotswap as much as you can. Hotswapping is a slightly alien procedure and takes some getting used to, but it can make your life a lot easier. Hotswapping in Battlefield missions is imperative, as different soldiers are armed with different weapons, which suit needs differently. It provides a huge tactical advantage.

From the corner you have an overall good view of all the hostiles near the fences and cars, and it should be relatively easy to get head shots. The jeeps that come whizzing along shouldn’t be taken seriously unless they have a gunner on top, just make sure you don’t get run over. However, if you have a good shot it’s always worth it, to raise your points at the end. Also, try not to die as 5000 points are deducted!

Your next objective is to take out the tanks. Seeing as you started the missions as a Spec Op I would suggest it’s time to change, as you don’t yet have C4. Swap to an Engineer (the best one to swap to is the one round the corner, further down the street and on a rooftop). Also from here it is a clear shot to the tanks. Whilst reloading your rocket launcher then I would suggest going prone as it takes a few seconds to reload it and you are covered from any shots). Destroy both the tanks with the Bazooka.

The next immediate threats are the men on the ground. It would be hard to kill them with a Bazooka and it would leave you with bad health, you need an automatic to take them out. Hotswap again to either a Spec Op or Assault soldier and do the business. Remember if you are about to die or go out of your depth then hotswapping provides a good escape route. However, you can only hotswap when you teammate’s tag goes yellow, so it’s normally a good idea to stay near your team.

When you have eliminated them, resistance turns heavy. A helicopter arrives to the scene as well as a few Humvees and reserve troops. The best place to be is in the seat of a tank, where you are protected. It also takes only a few good shots with the tank to take down the helicopter and only one blow to destroy the jeeps. If your tank has taken a beating then remember to get out before it is too late!

Next, try to get to the Refinery (guarded by another tank). You will need to become an engineer again to blow it up and get rid of the annoying jeeps that come zooming around. As soon as the tank is down become an Assault or Special Op as the enemy would mince you if you ran in trying to defend yourself with a bazooka or even a shotgun. It’s much easier in Battlefield to swap to someone who has the weapons that you need, rather than using something else.

When the hostiles in the open are killed then don’t go charging in at the sight of the mounted machine gun (I’m not being a kill-joy). On your right is a roof where there are 5 or 6 men and if you even manage to get the gun, then you’re a sitting duck while you try to get head-shots (only the top-half of their body’s are visible). Remember to always use your map for the location of enemies and constantly check your health; if it’s low then hotswap to someone else with reasonable health.

Tentatively run adjacent to the wall and go up the stairs and neutralise them. Don’t still be tempted to get on the .50 cal as more enemies will approach. They will appear on the roofs again and take them out, remembering to keep hotswapping for better angles to shoot them and when your health gets low.

When they are all out then go onto the machine gun and fire some well deserved rounds into the helicopter. When all hostiles are down then mission complete. Get your breath back.


-This next mission can be rather tricky. Sometime it’s hard to no where to go, but if you consult your mini map and go to the green dots and keep it simple then you should do great. Ok “crank-up” and get into that jeep. If you know you’re not that good at driving then it would be best to let them drive and you can get on the gun (or in the back). You change positions in vehicles by pressing white (but black in multiplayer). One thing to remember though is not to leave teammates behind. Leaving them behind basically means your team is a man down and it will be harder to fight of the hostiles. Make sure that your teammate isn’t left behind, by letting him in the jeep. Also if you don’t get in the jeep quick enough then he will drive off without waiting for you. If you hotswap to him then the guy who you were, is going to be left behind. Think tactics, always.

Whoever’s driving (it doesn’t matter so long as you get to the destination) don’t be put of by the all the streets and all the action. In all Battlefield 2 campaigns there will be crashed cars, burning houses, antennas, billboards, fences and generally lots of objects that make up the environment. But, that is so realistic! In real life the streets wouldn’t be empty with a straight forward drive, no there would be some character! That’s what so many games don’t have and why Battlefield is such a good game!

When you get there, the enemy will arrive pretty soon, so get ready. Staying on the gun would be a good idea, or if you want extra cover I would hide behind the stacks of copper pipes on the floor. One thing I wouldn’t recommend is to go inside. You can shoot out of the windows but you wont have a good view of anything and your team will be struggling without you. Keep looking at you map as it shows where the enemy are coming from.

If you feel that your teammate on the gun isn’t doing too well then hotswap to him and take over! Remember to keep a careful eye on those rooftops. The more you hotswap the better! If you do get into any trouble then hotswap to the engineer on the rooftop. Try and do some damage with the bazooka (remembering to aim at the ground near small bunches of hostiles). If you are going to stay up there then don’t pull out your shotgun as it isn’t effective at long range.

Keep an eye on your teammates! If they are about to die, them help ‘em out. If one is in a vehicle and it’s about to blow up then hotswap to him and get him out of it! Their survival is imperative for your survival.

Keep the enemy off as well as you can. When you need to go to the second site make sure that your whole team goes and that no one is left behind. When you get their then I would recommend staying on the .50cal. It is very effective at mowing down large groups of hostiles and this site makes the enemy come out into the open. Keep checking your vehicles health because if it blows up then it will be too late.

Go to the third site when you are done. Again here I would stay on the gun unless the jeep has taken a beating. Crawl around a bit behind crates, fences etc. where the enemies are hiding. Try and seek them out. When all the tangos have been wiped out then your final job is to get to the evacuation point (just over the hill). Follow the green arrow on your mini-map if you are unsure.


-You’ve now got a rest from all that up close action and you’re sniping on rooftops. This guide will say where the enemies are and I’ll summarise a few handy hints. When you begin there will be a sniper right in front of you, perched on another rooftop. Once you kill him (don’t worry about headshots, one shot in the body should do) if you turn 45 degrees to the right there will be another by the billboard. Take him out.

The best option now is to hotswap. Swap to your allied sniper who is further to your right. The next enemy will be on the school balcony. Another will appear above on the roof. Take them out before they kill you. Again a third sniper will appear on the roof. Kill him and staying the same person, turn 180 degrees. Here more hostiles are parachuting down. Deal with them.

Once they are down, turn left and you will see 3 other snipers who appear like magic. They will disperse to different ends of the rooftop. From now on if you are un able to sport any enemies then just change to other members of your team. Remember you can also use your GPS as it will show the location of hostiles on your mini-map; seek them out as best you can. One thing I would recommend for the moment is to stay on the rooftops, as if you jump off you will have a few seconds to get back to your original position on the rooftops. Don’t worry though because there will always be a staircase nearby. If you aren’t threatened by any snipers or cant see any then knock some bullets into the helicopter. If you are a confident sniper, try shooting the pilot or best of all the gunner. If you do keep shooting at it then eventually it will fly off.

At some time a jeep will come from the streets below. Make sure you are covered from the powerful machine gun on the back. If you are visible it will drain your health considerably. There will also be a group of men with automatics below, keep hidden and kill them. If the jeep comes round again try again to kill the gunner, don’t worry too much about the driver. If you’re low on health or cannot get a good shot at an enemy the answer is to hotswap. Remember death swapping (dying and then automatically taking control of someone else on your team) bites out a large chunk of points (-5000).

Another helicopter will come whizzing about. Again, try to shoot the pilot or gunner as best as you can! A good tip for sniping : If you keep your cross-hair on a chosen spot that crosses the enemy’s path and take a shot when they are targeted is much more accurate than moving the crosshair about or along with the enemy’s motion. Also when sniping from distances do the same but fire just before they reach the point, as you need to allow time for the bullet to get there. Obviously, the further away you are, the sooner you need to shoot so that they run on to it!

Loads more enemies will come down the street below and if you use the technique I mentioned you should be able to take them out. Don’t forget to keep your eye on shooters on balconies and hiding in windows. Use GPS.

If you see a red dot on your mini-map (indicating an enemy) that is relatively close to you, but you cannot see him then move your crosshair all the way up and down and if he isn’t hiding behind something you will see him. Keep taking the enemies out efficiently and remember to keep checking your health. Once all the enemies are down the mission is complete.
Submitted By: gRoZzEr

Helicopters are probably the most destructive, feared and fastest vehicle in Battlefield (especially on Xbox Live Multiplayer). They can be used to transport team-mates who bail out, clear out streets harbouring hordes of tanks and jeeps and can be useful to get to good sniping points high up. The list goes on and I don’t want anyone missing out on all the action and excitement of flying a helicopter which is probably one of the best parts of playing. I hope this quick guide will help you to understand them and how to pilot them.

TAKING OFF – Ok, before you take off wait for anyone who wants to get in. This adds to the excitement and realism of team play on Xbox Live and it’s common courtesy. If you didn’t wait for someone you shouldn’t be surprised if you get shot down by someone on your team. Also, if you are in the process of taking off and you are being shot by an SMG or pistol by someone on your own team then don’t take it personally; they aren’t trying to blow it up, they normally just wanna catch a ride.

When everyone’s aboard, the next step is to make sure there are no obstructions. Even a parked jeep next to you could somehow make the heli blow up. Something that you should watch out for is if you get to close to another helicopter then you run the risk of blowing yourself up and the other one, so watch out and always look at the mini-map to see if your getting too close! Above all keep an eye on your rotor blades, because if something taps them then they stop spinning and you free-fall for a bit. You constantly have to be careful and observant.

OK, if you use the default controls then the pitch control should be the left thumbstick. Pitch control is basically how high or low you want to go. Gently push the thumbstick up (assuming you haven’t inverted your controls) and you should rise up into the air. During the whole flying experience I would say that you shoud be most careful whilst taking off as it’s infuriating when you randomly blow up if you get careless and the fact that they take forever to respawn. Congratulations!! You have taken off!!

FLYING THE BEAST – There are many different styles of flying a helicopter; it depends on what reason you got into the helicopter for. Did you get in to transport your mates or do you want to blow enemies up and melt some metal? Whatever you want to do its always best to fly it fast. If you fly it slowly then you are a sitting duck to GTAMS, .50cals, Tanks or Laser Targets. … Yeh, the enemy don’t appreciate helicopters in the air. To fly it fast takes some time to figure out. The idea is to angle your helicopter. To do this (when in the air) you use the left thumbstick.

Push it diagonally right or left, whatever direction your going in. What this does is turn the back of the helicopter to the side and raises it. You also have to push the right thumbstick diagonally in the same direction as the right one. So if you are going in a left direction then push the right thumbtick diagonally left and left thumstick diagonally left. If you are going straight ahead it doesn’t matter. If you don’t angle the back of the helicopter and just push the left thumbtick forward then you will go really slowly. So to fly it fast you use both thumbsticks. Use both! The left thumstick forward (to go forward) and the right thumbstick diagonally left or right. Obviously, when flying it if you want to go lower or higher then just push the right thumbstick up or down. Well done!!! That’s how to fly your helicopter fast!

SHOOTING AND ATTACKING – When your team has bailed or if their going on a cruise with you it’s time to go hunting. The multiplayer maps are pretty huge, but now you know how to fly your helicopter fast I wouldn’t worry. Obvious targets are tanks and jeeps. I normally go straight to the tanks because they are big targets and are slow, but beware of their shells! 2 or 3 good strikes should destroy tanks. But how do you get your helicopter in the right position?

This is pretty easy. If you see a tank and if you are high up then immediately start diving down lower (push the right thumbstick down). If you want to fire some accurate missiles then you will need to go quite low down. When I’m flying I’m often a whisker away from touching the ground. So decrease your elevation so your almost level with the tank and fire. If he’s aiming at you then circle around by pushing both the thumbsticks diaganolly. However, don’t worry it takes a few seconds to fire 3 shots but it takes a lot longer to reload a 50mm. 10mm and 23mm tanks deal less damage.

A good but risky way to quickly dive down low is to switch positions in the helicopter (black button for multiplayer/white for single player). This means that no one will be piloting it while you are switching positions so it free falls. Don’t leave it to long as the further it goes down the faster it will go and he harder it will be to pull it back up. Another tactical hint is to know where vehicle repair sites are. Hover over them and you heli will be repaired. The easiest sites are helipads, but there not on all maps (only backstab I think). OK. That’s pretty much it. It took me a while to find all this out but once you learn it and practice it you will soon master it. A good way of practicing is by going on empty multiplayer maps where there are helicopters. You can fly about and practice diving, flying fast etc. GOOD LUCK!

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