Anyway, this walkthrough covers the main game, and not side quests, though I'd recommend that you play through these too to earn money and build your stats. A walkthrough on these may follow in the future!
The game starts off in a well implemented tutorial mode. You're Colton White (you can tell you're a good guy with a name like that.) you're hunting with your father, Ned. Here you can get used to shooting - which is a major part of the game. First off shoot some elk, then use the quick-draw (B button) mode to shoot some birds that Ned rustles out. Continue to shoot things as Ned directs, which just so happen to be some wolves, more elk, then further wolves. As you're moving along a bear will knock down Ned, and attack you. You have to kill the bear before it kills you or Ned. The best tactic for this is to keep shooting whilst he's still, and when he charges at you dodge left or right (still shooting if possible).
Once he's done for you'll be able to get onto the steamboat, where the storyline will really all kick off.
Ned goes and does some business with an accommodating lady, after which Reed, a priest, slaughters her, and orders a massacre on the boat.
Follow Ned, taking out enemies as soon as possible. Head for the back of the boat and kick out the log that's blocking the wheel of the steamer. Head back to the cannon, and shoot at the boats. This takes on a first person perspective - just shoot all of the boats. Each should take a couple of direct hits, and you'll have to get your accuracy right early on to avoid wasting time. Once these are clear head back to Ned, and fend off more attackers. Once you've killed enough, Ned reveals a secret, and gives you a token. The steamer explodes, and you wake on the shore swearing revenge on those that killed Ned.
Honest Tom & Horses
You're woken by Honest Tom and he takes you on in a number of bets, which is really only a tutorial system for riding the horse. When you have to race Tom, keep sprinting as much as possible. There are four obstacles to jump over each lap, and as long as you avoid these, beating Tom shouldn't be a problem.
Next up with Tom is killing buffalos. Trample attack or skid into them. Shooting bottles is the next task, and the best way to do it is to use quick draw, as time slows Tom won't have the opportunity to shoot as many as you. Finally you have to kill some wolves, and he'll hand the horse over. But that would be too easy. He's tricked you, and calls his friends to take you down. Teach them a lesson with your gun, and once they're all dead you'll be able to travel to Dodge.
Jenny & The Alahambra
Head for the Alahambra Bar, and talk to the bartender. When he asks for Jenny it all kicks off as some rather impatient gentlemen want to have some 'special time' with her first. Do what you're learning to do best, and kill them all, heading up the stairs until you find Jenny. After Jenny has spoke to you about Ned, the gang return and start throwing flaming bottles at the bar. Head downstairs for the siege. As there's a meter measuring the health of the bar, it's best to take out those with fire first, to stop them destroying the bar. Once you've cleared the inside, and stopped more coming in, you have to head outside and hop on a horse. Take out the men on the horses. Shoot them if you like, or trample them. They'll appear at different sides of the bar, so keep an eye out. You'll have to pop in the saloon and back out again before you can finish off the gang. There are some on the roof, so keep your eyes peeled. Save the leader till last, as the others will cause you too much damage if ignored.
The Bridge
After your performance at the bar, the sheriff, Denton, will enlist your help to defend a bridge whilst it's completed. This is in your best interests, as you need to use it to get to Empire, where Jenny believes Reed might be.
Cross the bridge, taking out Indians as you go. Keep moving, as they'll stick arrows in you if you don't. Also, watch out for the TNT barrels, standing near these when they blow up is not good for your health. Once over the bridge, head down the slope and take on the Indians there. Eventually Denton will send a transport. Hop on this, then off in the middle of the bridge where the TNT barrels are. Indians will attack in pairs, trying to light the TNT. Be careful shooting them, as you could blast the TNT. The knife is the safest way. Whenever you have a spare second, pick up a TNT barrel, and throw it into the water. The longer you hold the button on, the further they'll go. Otherwise you'll do what I did, try to throw them off and have them fall at my feet. Use the transport to head back, and the bridge is safe.
The Chinamen will begin working on the bridge, but will again be attacked by Indians. Take them out first, and keep an eye on the Chinamen - if too many die, it's mission over. Most will come from the far side at first, but some will come from behind on rafts, so watch out.
The final part of the bridge makes you use quick-draw to shoot arrows out of the sky. Indians will fire at TNT barrels, and the only way to save them is to tap 'B' as you see them coming, and shoot them. One shot won't blow the TNT, so you can miss a couple. After shooting a few, some Indians will run out with flaming torches - don't let them anywhere near the TNT! Once all his men are gone, the Chief will attack. He'll take plenty of bullets, but will go down if you keep at it.
The Road to Empire
Now that the bridge is open, you can take a coach to Empire. Well, Jenny can, you follow on horse back and shoot attacking apaches. There's a blockage though, so you have to dismount, and locate the TNT. Place this by the blockage, stand back and shoot it to clear the path. Follow the coach again, shooting apaches. Eventually the coach breaks a wheel, so you have to hold off attack whilst it's fixed. They come from all angles, so it's best to keep moving. You also have to ensure that Jenny stays alive, so don't go too far from her, in case she gets attacked. If you can catch them when they're at the bottom of the slope, it'll save you losing sight of them, and having to turn when they come up behind you. Once the coach is fixed you get to do the 'on-rails' bit. Riding on top of the coach, shoot out apaches as soon as you see them. Most are hidden around corners, so keep an eye out for blind spots, and be prepared to fire as soon as they come into view.
Hoodoo's Deputy
In Empire you'll meet Mayor Hoodoo. He'll make you a deputy. Follow the other two to the casino, after talking to the bartender they'll fire on you. Best option is to take out those nearby with quick-draw, and then switch to take out the others. The man you're after will get away - there's nothing you can do about this - so get back on your horse and follow the deputies.
You'll come to a ranch, where horsemen will attack. You'll start getting better at shooting people from horseback the more you do it. It's best to keep moving if you can. After this, follow the deputies to the ranch, they'll shoot some innocent people, and you won't like that. You'll have to kill them. These guys aren't easy if you let them get at you. Take on the one on foot in the barn, hiding around the corner from the shots of the guy still on horseback. Use quick-draw to shoot him in the head until dead. The other chap will ride around the barn on his horse. You can either go out and face him or cowardly hide in the barn and pick him off as he passes. I used the coward method to knock him off his horse, and then ran outside. There's plenty to take cover behind, so simply wait and time your shots, and you should be able to pick him off without taking much damage.
Back at Empire Hoodoo will reveal his true colours; he's one of the bad guys! He slings you in jail, and deals with Jenny too. Now you have to find a way to get out of jail!
Jail break
In the cell with you is Port, he advises you to get hold of the guard. Soapy, in a cell across the way says he'll help, in exchange for his freedom. Soapy will them distract the guard, so you can grab him, and kill him. Now you can pick the lock, and get out. Grab the weapons from the table, and head outside. You need to locate three horses. Use the radar to locate them, and take out people nearby with arrows. Don't sprint with the horses; take them quietly to under the bridge.
Next you need to cause a distraction, so throw a whiskey bomb at the Livery. Whilst people are dealing with this, take a powder keg and place it by the jail. Blow it up to free Soapy, and head to the horses under the bridge. Follow them as they flee. Soapy will head off to Dodge, but you follow Port to his secret hideout.
The Train Ambush
Now you're part of the resistance, and a real enemy of Hoodoo, so why not wind him up some more my ambushing his train..? Follow Clay to Port, and place the TNT barrels in the circled spots. You may be called away for a while, which is a simple case of following, shooting, and getting back quickly. Then it's time to wait for the train, and shoot out the TNT barrel just at the train approaches to cause it to crash.
Once the train has crashed all of the bad guys will start firing at you. Use the cover of the rocks, and keep an eye on the big gun down below, making sure no enemies get on it, as they'll cause significant damage.
Defend the Hideout
As predicted, Hoodoo's not happy to have had his train (and his plans) derailed. He sends men to the hideout, and not only do you have to defend it, you also have to keep Clay alive. Follow Chavez and fire on the enemies, using cover to keep you out of the line of fire. In the open you'll be picked off quickly. Take out the men on the far side first with sniper rifle, but be quick. More will approach up the slope, if you can get the couple that camp out there initially, you'll be able to wait relatively safely for other enemies. When few remain go on a wander picking of the rest until you come across Clay. It's important to keep an eye on him, and take out anyone shooting at him.
It turns out the enemy has a cannon. Keep out of it's line of fire. You should be able to snipe the man at it from a distance, but approach with caution as there are men waiting in most alcoves for you. When you get to the cannon they come in droves, so just keep shooting!
Unfortunately in all of the fuss, Clay is taken.
Return to Empire
With the cannon you have a weapon to cause Hoodoo a bit of trouble. Follow Port into town, and cover him as he pushes the cannon through town. The main dangers are unseen shooters in windows, on roofs and behind carts and the like. Also, beware of those around corners, and don't get sucked into shooting them, leaving Port and the cannon undefended. After a while TNT will be sent down. Shoot it out early, else it will do a lot of damage.
Enter the saloon, and follow the passage through, taking out the enemies along the path. You'll find a wooden door, which you can blow up with TNT. Follow the path along, shoot out the enemies from the passageway, and save Clay.
Follow the path through to take on Hoodoo. He has a few men downstairs with him, so take a few out from the doorway, crouching behind the bar for cover if necessary. The area behind the stairs is relatively safe too, and you can take out men as the approach. Hoodoo will run up to the next floor, which is something of a mistake if you want an easy way to wear him down. If you emerge from behind the steps on the right, you'll sometimes be able to catch sight of Hoodoo as he runs around, and you can pick him off until he runs up further steps.
Chase again, and he'll give up some information, then you'll get the chance to finish him off.
Saving Soapy
You need Soapy to get into the safe on the steamer , but other people want Soapy dead. Here you get to copy The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, and shoot the rope out on a hanging man. Take up a position on the water tower, and wait for the drop. Shoot the rope with sharpshooter, and Soapy should fall to safety. For a second. Enemies continue to try to kill Soapy, so you have to use your position to snipe them quickly. There's more ammo on the tower, so running out won't be a problem, but time is, so don't waste too many shots. Once it's clear, get down, get a horse and flee to the ferry with Soapy. You can hide behind the boxes when on the ferry if you wish. On the other side there are more enemies. Use cover wisely, and try to pick them off. Or go out all guns blazing with quick-fire if you prefer a swifter approach.
The fort
At the steamboat it doesn't go to plan, and you end up thrown into Hollister's fort. Luckily the guards are too busy beating Indians to pay you much heed. Being a nice guy, you should help the Indians out. Creep up behind the renegades, grab them and kill them. Now simply follow the edges of the fort around to find the other Indians. Save them and you're ready to escape. The door will open to allow more men in, Sneak up on the guy guarding the gates, kill him, and you can get out. Crouch and follow the Indians directions to avoid being spotted. Kill all the guards you come across silently, allow Soapy to pick the lock, and you'll be in the caverns. You'll come across a dead Indian, take his bow, and take out the two guards with it. These guys have your weapons, so go to the body to retrieve them. You've got no ammo though, so continue to use the bow to take out enemies from a distance. Go into each bunker to get some ammo for your weapons. Once all enemies are clear, grab a horse, and head for the Indians camp. Trample the gate that stands in your way.
Protecting the Indians
Hollister's men are attacking the Indians, because they're mean like that. And because you are honest and good, you're going to stand up for them. Use quick-draw to knock as many men off their horses as possible. Now you can trample them or shoot them, whichever you prefer. Get rid of them quick as more men appear. Keep moving to avoid getting shot, and once they're all dead, the missions over.
Attack the Fort!
Now you get your groovy Indian gear, ready for the attack on the fort. Use your rifle to pick off the men in the fort - they'll keep shooting at you - with cannons - so don't hang about. Head for the water, and get into a canoe.
Head downstream towards the cave, keeping you sites on the land to either side, as numerous enemies will appear. Use quick-draw when there are a couple of them together to avoid taking too much damage. Once you reach land renegades will attack in groups of three. Blast them - with quick-draw if you've got plenty in your bar - and you're inside.
Cannon Capture
Climb the ladder, and take out the enemy. The appropriately named Fights-at-Dawn will tell you to capture the cannon, and he's a man you're best to listen to. In this section enemies often appear in clusters, so it's best to use quick-draw to take them out, and let the bar refill when you only have one or two enemies. Head through the stables to avoid being in the open, take out the men inside, and grab the whiskey refills if required. Follow towards the cannon, deal with enemies, then take control of the cannon. There are four bunkers that need taking out.
Follow the path to the next cannon, proceeding with caution due to the volume of bad guys. Get on the next cannon, and use it to take out the boats with two hits each. Another cannon (well guarded) waits round the corner, use this one to blow up the ammo dump with a shot through the door. Head into the tunnel take out the men (there's loads) and grab the dynamite refills. Follow the path up top, and you'll see the final cannon. Unfortunately you can't get to it, and it'll keep firing at you. The only way to take it out is with dynamite. Hide, and between cannon-shots stand and throw a stick. Head back for more dynamite if required.
A tough boss fight. Don't hang around, or he'll throw dynamite at you. Use quick-draw when he's in the open and fire as many head shots at him as possible. After this you'll have to run around the rocks popping out to try to catch him with the odd shot. His weapon is far more powerful than yours, so don't stand where you can get hit. Keep an eye on the compass to give you an idea of which way he's going. You'll get a break in the fight, and lose Hollister. When you see him again he'll be running at you on a suicide mission attempting to bring you down, back away from him (and not into a rock) and continue to fire at him to slow him down. If he's too close when the dynamite goes off, he'll kill you too.
Magruder's Riders
At the steamboat you'll be ambushed by Magruder's men or horseback. They'll try to circle you, so get between rocks to give you some cover, and a shot at them as they ride around. Try to knock them off their horses with headshots to slow them down. There's whiskey and ammo hidden around the wreckage should you require it.
Once Soapy's opened the safe, Reed will appear, and it's time for revenge. Hop on a horse and go for it. As he first comes towards you if you use quick-draw you can take out a chunk of his life. His horse is armoured, and you won't be able to take it down, but he will be able to kill yours, try to stay on the horse though, as he's very quick and will be very difficult if you're stuck on foot. Reed will ride over the hill, and burst out when you go to follow. Be ready for him by not moving too fast, and you should be able to fire a few shots into him as he passes. Keep following and firing until he is dead.
Finding the cross
Head for the Apache camp and meet up with Soapy again. He'll introduce you to the Apache Chief, Many Wounds (I love these names) you get a cut-scene here that's full of info I won't spoil for you.
Many Wounds knows where the cross is, and takes you to an abandoned house. More of Magruder's men will attack you, so do what you do best, and take them out. You have to look out for Soapy and Many Wounds here too, so keep an eye on their health, and don't get too far away from them in over eager bad guy shooting! Many Wounds points you in the right direction, and makes his excuses, so it's just Soapy to babysit as you head up the mountain. Take out the lions to progress to the top, where a cut-scene awaits, and you get the hugely entertaining dynamite bow (shoot horse and buffalo with it).
Mountain Ambush
Laugh as Soapy goes tumbling down the mountain as Magruder's men come after you. Make your way down - most of the men stand unwisely by TNT barrels, and a blast on those will take them out with ease. Look out for the guys with the gatling gun around the corner. Throw dynamite if you're any good at it, or jump out and use quick-draw. Once at the bottom, head for Soapy on the tracks by that big menacing train.
Magruder's Train
Try to take out the man on the cannon first, use quick-draw to take down his life quickly. There are other men with rifles on the train, and further enemies will join on horseback. You can head half way up the mountain for cover, or be a badass and stand there, take the bullets and kill everyone. I died whenever I tried to do that though...
Magruder's Mine
After the train crash cut scene, you have a mine to storm and a well guarded one too. Take cover from the gatling guns, and take out the riflemen. Clay will allow you to get on the mine cart with a gun, which you can use to take out the gatling guns. Clay starts the cart moving, and you have to hit switches to keep it on the path. Plenty of men wait around every corner. Hop back on the gun to take out the gatling guns that await. You'll have to pick off guys as they pop out off windows too. Destroy the cannon above the mine entrance, then blow open the doors.
Inside you'll have to run ahead to hit another switch before the cart can move on. There's whiskey in that little room on the right. As the cart moves through the mine, men will run out of side-tunnels. You can stop them by blasting these closed. Again many of the men stand by TNT barrels, so hit these for easy kills. TNT barrels roll down, and these need to be taken out early. One problem with this is they throw up a lot of smoke and dust, and you won't see them until late - it may take a few goes to get through, remembering where the TNT is going to come from.
There's another switch you need to activate, and by this a dark tunnel on the left, where more ammo and whiskey awaits if you crawl all the way in. Continue to follow the path, taking out men by destroying things around them. You'll come to three gatling guns, take them out as soon as you see them to avoid taking too much damage.
You'll come to a turntable, where loads of men will attack. there are numerous whiskey bottles dotted around the area, so grab them when you need them, keep moving, and use quick-draw when you've got a few men in close proximity. You can keep an eye on the compass to see where the men are approaching from to give you a chance to get a jump on them. Eventually Clay will urge you to hop back on the mine cart. It's only a short ride around the corner, blow up a blockage with a gatling gun, and you'll run to face Magruder alone. There's a few of his men to take out first, and be wary of the TNT barrels around you, as if you stand by them and they get hit you'll take severe damage.
Fighting Magruder
He's a strong one, and a good shot too. Don't let him have a series of direct shots at you, or you won't have a chance. Also, at first he's seemingly invincible. This isn't the case, you just need to use the right weapon. He's well armoured, so quick-draw doesn't work either. Your only options are the dynamite bow, or throwing dynamite yourself. Some patches in the area are more volatile than others, grey spots that will go up with the explosion. If you hit Magruder whilst he's on these, he'll take more damage. When he's down to a little health he'll run to a high platform and attack you from there.
Now you need to hit him with a headshot (and avoid getting shot yourself) this will cause him to throw dynamite. Use quick-draw and blow this up when it is high. Repeat this a few times, and eventually the roof will fall and crush him.
This will lead you to the final cut-scene in the game.
Well done, it's all over, and you can now wander the land free to do as you please - finish off side-missions or simply use the amazing nock gun to blow stuff up.
When you get 100% by finishing the side quests you'll get a cannon gun which can do immense damage - unfortunately everything's done by the time you get this, so you don't really get to test it in battle. Nonetheless, it's great to play with, and there's nothing else left to do!