"The everybody votes channel is where Wii owners can provide responses to popular questions and let their opinion be heard in their area and even aroudn the world."
Basically you can see the opinions and choices of other people within your country and even see what Wii owners in other countries replied to certain questions.
1. Go in to the Wii message board and open the message from nintendo
2. Press the update button on the bottom right (note this updates your Wii firmware)
3. Enter the Wii shop channel
4. Click the Wii Software button
5. Click the Everybody Votes channel button (it was the top button for me)
6. Click the button in the middle of the screen (telling you this costs no wii points)
7. Click the yes button on the bottom left of the screen.
8. Wait for the download to finish
9. go back to the wii menu
You should now see a pale blue channel box, this is your newly installed Everybody Votes channel
Getting started
First you will be asked to set the region where you live.
the box will appear empty and there will be a box in the bottom right saying "change settings" click this, your wii will then do some checking on the internet. If you are from the UK (which your wii will know) you get four options.
Isle Of Man
Click which ever applys to you, then press confirm in the bottom right of the screen. It will return to the current settings screen and know will be filled with the information. For me it reads.
Current setting:
United Kingdom
Click "Ok" to save these settings or "Change Settings" again if you did something wrong.
The Wii again does some checking and then asks you again if this is correct, press yes or no.
You will be asked to choose which of your Mii characters you are going to have represent you while you use the Everybody Votes Channel.
A screen will come up with all your Mii characters on, click the one that you want and he or she will appear on the screen and then you will be told they are registered, Click 'OK'.
You will now be asked if you want to register more Mii characters as you are allowed up to 6 Mii's to vote, i assume so that other people in your house hold can vote on questions too.
Register them the same way as you did the first and then click no to the 'would you like to register more mii's" question to continue once you have finished.
You are now inside the Everybody votes Channel.
There are 5 menu buttons at the top of the screen.
1. Register New Voter
This will allow you to add another Mii to vote assuming you haven't reached the 6 mii maximum .
2. View Voter Data
This will bring up a screen showing you which Mii characters are registered to vote
3. Suggest New Poll Questions
Here you have 3 empty boxes that you must fill in. You can only submit one question you'd like answered a day.
Poll Question: What every you would like people to answer
Response 1 : one of the options
Response 2 : the other option
Only once you have filled in these 3 boxes will you get the 'Send' button appear in the bottom right of the screen.
Not all suggestions will be used.
4. Change Channel Settings
Here you can change your region if you need to or delete all the saved data associated with the Everybody Votes channel.
5. Return to Wii menu
Will take you back to the Wii menu.
These buttons appear under the 5 listed above.
1. View Active Poll Questions
Read the section below for full details on Voting
2. View World Wide Poll Questions
The same as above only results will be counted from all Wii users in the world and not use your region
3. View The Results of Recent Poll Questions You've Answered
Once a poll has finished the results will be placed in here.
4. View The Results of Past Poll Questions You've Answered
Same as above but includes up to 12 previous polls you have taken part in.
Once you click either the 'Active Polls' or 'World wide polls' you will be presented with boxes which contain questions. Each one will have the 'Time remaining' on the top of it, once this reaches 0 the poll will close and cannot be taken part in.
Hover your WiiMote cursor over the question to see the two options you will have if you take part in the vote. One will be in pink and the other in green.
Click which every question you want to answer.
The screen will change and your mii will run on to the screen inside a large circle. The two options will be large buttons on either side of the screen, Hold the 'A' and the 'B' button to pick up your mii (just like in the Mii channel) and place him or her on the colour that corresponds to your answer.
Your mii will now stay in that colour and a 'Vote' button appears in the bottom of the screen. You will be asked to confirm that you want to vote and then data will be sent.
You now get the option to predict which answer is likely to get most votes, again pick up your mii and drop them on the answer that you think will be more popular, a 'Predict' button will appear on the screen and you will be asked to confirm that you want to predict this result.
Now you will be returned to the 'Active Polls' or 'World Wide Polls' section depending on which you were in.
When a poll has finished the result will be placed in the results section.
The question and answers will be displayed at the top of the screen and a pie chart will show the percentage of people that picked each option. one option being green and the other being pink.
There is also a percentage tally at each side of the screen telling you exactly how many percent voted on each option.
All your registered mii voters will be in the centre of the bottom of the screen in the colour of the option they chose.
There is also a button on the bottom right allowing you to view the result by gender so you can see the results just for males or females.
This is another nice addition to the Wii channel line up and some what of a surprise i think to most people as there hasn't been much talk about it.
Will be interesting to see how result pan out and what questions will be added and how often they will be placed on the channel.
Takes a few seconds to use when you are used to it so probably something you would go to before starting up a game.