GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Valhalla Knights"
(Sony PSP)

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Valhalla Knights (Sony PSP)
Submitted By: midget

(Please use [CTRL+F] to find navigate around this walkthrough.)

Table of Contents:

1. Race (racx1)
2. Job (joxb1)
3. Present A (Prex1)
4. Starting Out (opx1)
5. Old Prison (olpx1)
6. The Lost Road (Tlrx1)
7. Wicked Forest (wfx1)
8. Exterior Fortress (efx1)
9. Inner Fortress (ifx1)
10. Rucell City (rcx1)
11. Akitoki (akix1)
12. Holy Manalum (scx1)
13. Gehena (aogx1)
14. Past (pasx1)
15. Chinon [ospx1]
16. Chinon Prison [olpx1]
17. Promm Tunnel [Tlrx2]
18. Wicked Forest (Past) [wfx2]
19. Wenekera Fort-Corridor [efx2]
20. Wenekera Fort-Inside [ifx2]
21. Rucell City (Past) [rcx2]
22. Akatoki (Past) [akix2]
23. Holy Manalum (Past) [scx2]
24. Gehena (Past) [aogx2]
25. Present B (Prex2)
26. Returning Back To The Present (rbttpx1)
27. Castle (cocx1)
28. After Completion of Game (acogx1)
29. Quest (qsx1)
30. Legal & Credits


1. Race (racx1)

There are 5 types of race: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling and Machine.

You start of with this race (mandatory). The human race is a good balance of
stats and is suitable for any job (not machine). Human class is the most
average of all classes, therefore they have no specialised job.
Male: More on physical strength
Woman: More on dexterity.
Average grant.

Best suited for Mage and Priest (and Anchor).
Male: More on resistivity.
Woman: More on intelligence.
Magic bonus grant.

Best suited for fighter (and Knight).
Male: More on physical strength.
Woman: More on intelligence & resistivity.
Direct attack bonus grant.

Best suited for thief (and Ninja/ Samurai)
Male: More on dexterity and speed.
Woman: More on intelligence & speed.
Defense bonus grant.

Only available after defeating the final boss in Rucell City. Only race that
is unable to change job and uses their own unique weapons. (range and physical)
Male: More on physical strength.
Woman: More on speed.
It is unstable in status bonus grant.


2. Job (joxb1)

Basic Job
Anyone you recruit (but machines) can change jobs anytime at the guild.

Uses direct physical weapon attack.
Shield equipment possibility.
Physical strength is increased more.
In every 15 lvls -> WL+1, in every 20 lvls -> AL+1.
There is no effect for sub-job.

Attack magic and state abnormal magic enabled.
In comparison with other occupation, permanent residence of magic is quick.
Intelligence and resistivity is increased more.
In every 25 lvls -> WL+1, in every 30 lvls -> AL+1.
When acting as a sub-job, mage magic is enabled.

Recovery magic and auxiliary magic enabled.
Intelligence and resistivity is increased more.
In every 23 lvls -> WL+1, in every 30 lvls -> AL+1.
When acting as a sub-job, priest magic is enabled.

Long-range weapon such as bow enabled.
It is difficult to be discovered from the enemy and movement
around the map is quick.
There is a chance for bonus G acquisition at treasure chests.
Vitality and speed are increased more.
In every 17 lvls -> WL+1, in every 24 lvls -> AL+1.
When acting as a sub-job, treasure chests bonus enabled and becomes
difficult to be discovered by the enemy at the time of G acquisition.

Advance Job
Only one card can be used once per person and you'll have to find another
card for another member to acquire at the guild.

-Anchor card is needed.
-Drops from Sorcerer & Priest (saintly capital) inside the
castle near the Will O' Wisps.
-MP value addition is very high with all magic enabled.
-In every 18 lvls -> WL+1, in every +22 lvls -> AL+1.
-When acting as a sub-job, all magic is enabled.

-Knight card is needed.
-Drops from Greater Demon or Greater Demon Lord (gehena).
-Shield equipment enabled, physical attack decreases and priest
magic up to lvl 5 enabled.
-In every 17 lvls -> WL+1, in every 23 lvls, AL+1.
-When acting as a sub-job, priest magic up to lvl 5 enabled.

-Samurai card is needed.
-Drops from female samurai(akatoki).
-Weapon “sword” equipment is possible and critical rate occurrence
is high.
-In every 15 lvls -> WL+1, in every 24 lvls -> AL+1.
-When acting as sub-job(1), critical rate occurrence increases.
-There is no effect for sub-job(2).

-Ninja card is needed.
-Drops from kunoichi (akatoki).
-Long-ranged weapons such as bow is possible to be equiped.
-In every 18 lvls -> WL+1, in every 24 lvls -> AL+1.
-When acting as sub-job(1), critical rate occurrence decreases.
-There is no effect for sub-job(2).

Machine (Special job)
-Machine is an exclusive job for machine class only. This job
class is unable to equip any armor but their own weapons
and consumables.
-In every 15 lvls -> WL+1, in every 20 lvls -> AL+1.


3. Present A (Prex1)

4. Starting Out (opx1)

-After the conversation, you start out in a sudden battle with a dragon.
-After defeating it, you’ll proceed on.

Character making
-The bonus point fluctuates between the 3~10.
-The additional points are not related to the job chosen but is
decided with the name.
-Default name yields 3 points only.
-Use name exploit to get 10 points. (9 Character Name)

-You start from the 2nd floor of the inn. After some conversation with the
guy in your mind, he'll ask you about his name.
-Just choose any of the 3 option will do, it won't affect anything in the game.
-When you try to get out of the inn, the master of the inn will stop
you for not paying your heavy rent.
-After some conversation, you can get out. You can choose to listen or not to
the tutorial given outside by a stranger.
-First, using 500G, recruit a priest from the guild opposite the inn.
-Next, get the “Golden Wolf” quest from the guild counter.
-Advance from the guild to the north-west of the map near the fountain
to find a guy leaning on the walls.
-Talk to him to get the golden pelt, get to the weapon shop and
talk to the dealer and return to guild to claim your reward.
-Get out of town and you'll have the option of "are you ready?",
choose "yes" and just head straight till you see a guard and
a red circle in the map.
-Enter to head for the Old Prison.

Related Quest
-Golden wolf


5. Old Prison (olpx1)

Number of treasure chests: 7 (not including 300G)

-Upon entering, you immediately see treasure box containing 300G.
-Battle with the slime infront yields you a "lump of gold".
-You can now leave the prison back to the inn.
-After a short conversation with the inn master, you'll receive
"? Pendant procurement".
-You can choose to return to the guild to get additional quests or get
to the old prison and continue on from there with the story.
-There are 2 doors adjacent to each other which leads to teleport pads.
-1st teleport pad leads to "The Lost Road" and "Wicked Forest".
-2nd teleport pad leads to "Exterior Fortress" and "Interior Fortress".
-You have to unlock the teleport pad locked rooms in the various place in
order to get access to them.
-Note that quests are optional from here onwards but are strongly
encouraged to be done to get early funding and members.
-The analysis card dropped by the monsters could be used to analyze
items that appears "green" or you could just sell it as appraisal of
item is cheaper (10G).
-Farm here till you get a party of around 3 to 4 people before proceeding
to the Lost Road.
-Beware of rats, they could pose quite some trouble for low levels.
-Proceed through the door from the left of the prison entrance
(map's point of view) and just follow the path to get to The Lost Road.

Related Quest
-The Sin (In Quest section)
-The sea is desired
-Alchemy teacher 1


6. The Lost Road (Tlrx1)

Number of treasure chests: 6

-The monsters here attack quite fast and vigorously, it is better for you to
level up more before proceeding on.
-Try to get the blind spell book from the dark gas cloud as it is very useful
in the future (esp in Rucell City).
-From the lower part of the map, keep going left to reach the Wicked Forest.

Related Quest
-Foil color of the sea


7. Wicked Forest (wfx1)

Number of treasure chests: 4

-Upon entering, you'll directly encounter an event battle.
-The stock of the shop changes, you're able to purchase bow and arrows now.
-You're able to get both bow and arrows from the treasure chests here.
-Inspect all the totems in the maps to proceed on.
-Last seal is heavily locked by 3 totems. After pushing them,
you can proceed on to the Exterior Fortress.

Related Quest
-Light of green
-Catching the thief


8. Exterior Fortress (efx1)

Number of treasure chests: 5

-Upon entering, when you inspect the totem on the left and right immediately,
seal is cancelled and you can unlock the gate infront.
-When you can't advance, there is a possibility of overlooking the stairway
which gets to another direction.
-After unlocking the seal, you proceed on to the middle gate for a
tough boss battle.
-Paralyze (book drop by soul rat here) is effective on him.
-After defeating it, you can proceed inwards into the Inner Fortress.

Related Quest
-There is no related quest.


9. Inner Fortress (ifx1)

Number of treasure chests: 6

-The enemy here is strong especially the paralyze spider which could
easily wipe out your entire party after paralyzing you.
-It is better to avoid the spider for now.
-To door with respect to the left of front passage, there is
a guard there which you must speak to.
-Upon speaking, you'll have a battle with two ghosts and you'll
acquire the key for advancement to Rucell City.

Related Quest
-Time the next
-Electronic clock


10. Rucell City (rcx1)

Number of treasure chests: 3

-There are 3 main bosses in this city. They are on the right, left and
middle each.
-For the right path, you'll reach a room with many panels with
different colors.
-You must step on the darker colored ones to proceed on or you'll reset
back to square one.
-Upon entering the room ahead, you'll encounter a boss.
-Both blind and paralyze is effective on him.
-After defeating him, you'll get one part of the proof of alliance.
-For the left path, there are 2 passages: a passage of red laser and a
passage of blue laser; both will unlock the door infront.
-You'll encounter a group of boss upon entering.
-Both blind and paralyze is effective on them.
-After defeating them, you'll get the other piece of the proof of alliance.
-Get to the door of the middle south side passage.
(An annoying tank is infront of the door)
-The door will be unlocked after you advances through the blue laser room.
-You have to speak with the machine person in the room to merge
the two symbols.
-After getting the seal, get to the inner part and ride the
boat to akatoki.

-At bottom right hand corner of the akatoki map, enter the side path
into a place with some dogs and a lot of statues.
-Find the correct statue to unlock the door to the boss that holds
the key at the southern middle part.
-You will have a one-on-one battle with him, make sure you bring
lots of cure bottles with you.
-You'll receive the key after defeating him.
-Return to Rucell city and talk to the robot in the middle again.

Back to Rucell City
-Unlock the sealed door to encounter the 3rd boss.
-His attack is powerful, however all this can be prevented and an
easy win is possible if paralyze and blind is cast.
-After defeating it, you advance to the inner part to see a cut-scene.
-After some conversation, you chase after the machine person.
-You'll battle it. Just use the same method you did for the previous
robot bosses and you will defeat him easily.
-You'll be able to get to Holy Manalum after defeating him.
-After that, you are able to recruit machine race people from
the guild.

Related Quest
-Alchemy teacher 2
-Screw searching
-The large sum which you dream


11. Akitoki (akix1)

Number of treasure chests: 6

-It is possible to get ninja (from kunoichi) and samurai
(from female samurai) job cards here.
-Gimmick: If you stay near the well for more than 5 mins,
a ghost monster from "the ring" will come out of the well.

From the Map
A: One appearance point of kunoichi.
B: Female samurai appearance point 1. Appearance is the samurai,
but there would be female samurai when battling.
C: Female samurai appearance point 2. Usually, it is the samurai
appearance, but sometimes there may be female samurai appearance.

Related Quest
-Regret first not standing
-Place of memory
-Roll of enduring


12. Holy Manalum (scx1)

Number of treasure chests: 4

-It is possible to get the anchor (from sorceror and priests near the
will o' wisps)
job card here.
-Medusa here is troublesome due to their petrify. Try to ignore them
(buy release bottles in case).
-The elf lady (Rine) is at the left side of the map. Talk to her to have a
one on one battle.
-Rine is weak against blind and paralyze.
-After defeating her, you get the loom key.
-Inside the building from the front gate, just proceed on till you
encounter a boss.
-Blind is effective against him.
-After defeating him, proceed on and you will see a portal.
Unlock the zone with the loom key to get access to the the abyss
of Gehena.

Related Quest
-There is no related quest.


13. Gehena (aogx1)

Number of treasure chests: 4

-It is possible to get the knight job card (from demon lord or
greater demon lord) here.
-When you go towards the door in the center-top of the map,
you'll encounter a boss after a cut-scene.
-After defeating him, you'll have another boss battle.
-You can never defeat him for now, so you will definately lose.
-You'll wake up at the 2nd floor of the inn.
-Speak to the ghost-like lady who is on the left side of the
fountain of the garden of non-returning.
-After that, she'll float into the door near her.
-Just follow her through the door to get to the past.

Related Quest
-There is no related quest.


14. Past (pasx1)

15. Chinon [ospx1]

-Speak to Rastul which is in the port, to Paladi.
-Speak to Rastul which is before the inn.
-There will be 4 lvl 40 members in the guild that can be added to your party.
-They won't be with you in the future, so it's better to just take all their
good equipments and leave them there.
-The paralysis arrow is very useful, especially when the theif's special is
being activated which may paralyze the entire enemy party.
-With 5 or less people in the party, speak to Rastul at the exit of
the town and he will join you till the end of the past journey.
-You'll battle a dragon shortly after he join you.
-After that, speak to the lady at the garden to identify the pendant of
the king woman.
-After some conversation, advance to Chinon Prison.

Related Quest
-The praying which becomes saint


16. Chinon Prison [olpx1]

Number of treasure chests: 5

-Note that all the maps being explored in the present will remain the same
in the past, so there is not need for further exploration.
-However, all the lock and sealed doors need to be re-activated.
-All monsters have become more powerful.

Related Quest


17. Promm Tunnel [Tlrx2]

Number of treasure chests: 1

-Just proceed on and re-activate the appropriate locks to advance to the
Wicked Forest.

Related Quest
-The highest food
-Blue gem


18. Wicked Forest (Past) [wfx2]

Number of treasure chests: 2

-Just proceed on and re-activate the appropriate locks to advance to the
Wenekera Fort-Corridor.

Related Quest
-Liquor of God
-The mirror which moves future


19. Wenekera Fort-Corridor [efx2]

Number of treasure chests: 2

-Just proceed on and re-activate the appropriate locks to advance to the
Wenekera Fort-Inside.

Related Quest
-Dream of the Halflings


20. Wenekera Fort-Inside [ifx2]

Number of treasure chests: 4

-Upon entering, there will be an event where you'll encounter a dark ghost.
-Just advance towards Rucell City.

Related Quest
-The highest food 2
-The highest food 3


21. Rucell City (Past) [rcx2]

Number of treasure chests: 2

-It is not required to get to Akatoki in regards to completion of the story.
-Proceed on to Holy Manalum.

Related Quest
-There is no related quest.


22. Akatoki (Past) [akix2]

Number of treasure chests: 2

-It is still possible to get ninja and samurai job cards here if you did not
get them just now.
-The female samurai encounter rate seems to increase but kunoichi encounter
rate decrease rapidly.
-Upon entering the top-central door, you'll encounter a boss.
-You will not fight individually this time, but as a whole party.

Related Quest
-Blue gem 2


23. Holy Manalum (Past) [scx2]

Number of treasure chests: 2

-Just proceed on and re-activate the grave stone near the portal in
the building to advance to the abyss of Gehena.

Related Quest
-There is no related quest.


24. Gehena (Past) [aogx2]

Number of treasure chests: 0

-Advance to the door of the central-top of the map.
-Upon entering, there is a boss battle with Noir (dragon form).
-After defeating him, there will be another boss batle with the Dark Lord.
-He is not that strong this time, and it is possible to defeat him.
-After defeating him, you will permanently seperate with Rastul and
his lvl 40 companions. (Rastul died)
-You'll be brought back to the present.

Related Quest
-There is no related quest.


25. Present B (Prex2)

26. Returning Back To The Present (rbttpx1)

-You start off at the 2nd floor of the inn again.
-Each enemy drop rate changes and rare item is obtainable from any monsters.
However, drop rate is very low.
-Coming out of the town to the open space. (Old Prison) They will ask you
if you want to proceed on to Old prison, select "no" and you’ll be brought
to the open space for a group boss battle. (Leena and party)
-Blind and paralyze is effective.
-Theif's heaven's cry special with paralysis arrow will give you a
rather good advantage.
-After that, you can proceed on to the castle.

Things to take note before proceeding to the castle (not in map):

Old Prison
-Number of treasure chests: 4
-Treasure chest(s) to take note of: Kite seal

The Lost Road
-Number of treasure chests: 5
-Treasure chest(s) to take note of: (Brass) Leather Boots
(paralysis resistance), Wand and Book of Paralyze Gas.

Wicked Forest
-Number of treasure chests: 2
-Treasure chest(s) to take note of: Long Bow and Gladius

Exterior Fortress
-Number of treasure chests: 2
-Treasure chest(s) to take note of: Arrow of Darkness

Inner Fortress
-Number of treasure chests: 2
-Treasure chest(s) to take note of: Crow of destruction
(Darkness upon attack)

Rucell City
-Number of treasure chests: 1
-Treasure chest(s) to take note of: Big Task

-Number of treasure chests: 3
-Treasure chest(s) to take note of: Katana
(2nd most powerful katana)

Holy Manalum
-Number of treasure chests: 2
-Treasure chest(s) to take note of: Book of Mass Chaos

-Number of treasure chests: 0
-Treasure chest(s) to take note of: None


27. Castle (cocx1)

Number of treasure chests: 6

-The fish monster which can cause paralysis is very troublesome.
It is better to ignore it.
-Upon reaching the front door from the entrance, you'll encounter
Rustul (boss battle).
-This will be a one-on-one battle.
-Towards the entrance to the courtyard, there will be a cut-scene.
-After that, you'll have the final boss battle.
-The sickness spell is effective on him.
-Upon defeating him, you’ve completed the game!

Related Quest
-Hero and princess your song (In Quest section)


28. After Completion of Game (acogx1)

True adventurer
-Speak to the guard of prison entrance.
-He will ask you a question: “Are you a true adventurer?”
-Answer "Yes" and he will say:“strength of the monster exceeded the limit!”
-With this the lvl of monsters become 99.
-You can return the monsters back to normal by speaking to the guard again.

New quest
-There will be a new quest available (Heaven) where you will battle a
boss stronger than the final boss.

Past and Present
-You can now freely travel to the past and present through the door
near the spring of the castle in the garden.

The protagonist removal from the party
-It becomes possible to remove the protagonist from the party now.


29. Quest (qsx1)

Note: Please note that only the harder quests that needs more than the map
provided to complete are listed here. Most of the quests can be completed
just by following the quest location on the maps provided.

Quest: The Sin
Location: Old Prison
-Once you begin the quest venture into the old prison dungeon take the
first left near the entrance (head eastward by map) there is only one path
by which to continue and a few side routes which lead to dead ends.
continue down this path you must move tombstones when you run across
them to open sealed doors in the dungeon their continue thru the area
until you get to a door which leads the long straight hall that is in
front of you when you enter the old prison. Now heading towards the exit
there will be a door on the right side that can now be opened since u
moved the tombstones. This new room should be circular with extensions
on the south, east, and north sides you came in from the west. The
item location is in the east extension room. Go there and a cut scene
should start. After cut scene mission success go the guild to receive
a monetary reward.

Quest: The Challenge
Location: Lost Road
-I suggest you have your main character in his strongest form. With best
weapons and items so this battle which will be one on one can be as simple
as possible even though the enemy is not of a great threat if your at
least a level 5 fighter. Once you accept this quest venture into the lost
road best through the entrance from the old prison taking the left most
path. Heading toward the exit of this dungeon once you have gone thru
a second door you will be in an area where there is a small extension
west of your point, another extension farther east of your point that
has another extension on it to its south. Before that eastward extension
there should be an extension to the north this is where your fight awaits.
Once defeated he will join you party but will be waiting back at the guild.
Once you return to the guild report the quest and continue onto another
quest since the reward is the character you gain.

Quest: Finding Tess
Location: Garden
-Once you accept this quest head towards the castle go to the stairs and
when prompted to head directly to the old prison say yes.Head eastward by
the map in the only path you can take and you will encounter a dog. Examine
it and a cut scene will commence. Return to the guild and receive a
monetary reward.

Quest: Hero and princess your song
Location: Castle, Present B
-Enter the door on the right. When the the passage advances north,
proceed to the left for the princess's diary from the treasure box from
the room at the side of the bending passage. Return to the guild and
receive a monetary reward.

Quest: The highest equipment
Location: Old Prison, Present B
-Check the lower part of the map at one of the room where there is a
large quantity. Inspect it to clear. Return to the guild and receive a
monetary reward.

Quest: True form
Location: Holy Manalum, Present B
-Get the blue gem from the treasure box at the side of the straight
path near the middle fountain to clear. Return to the guild and receive a
monetary reward.

Quest: Alchemy teacher 3
Location: Gehena, Present B
-It is situated at the top of the map before the sealed door.
Get the left eye of the flame dragon from the treasure box to clear.
Return to the guild and receive a monetary reward.

Quest: When returning to the heaven
Location: Castle, after completion of game
-Upon speaking to the king of the ash eye before the fountain of the
courtyard, you'll encounter a boss battle harder than the final boss.
Upon defeating it, return to the guild and receive a monetary reward.


30. Legal & Credits

Copyright (C) Jeremy Yu Ng, 2007

This walkthrough is written by Jeremy Yu Ng (Enral). Do feel free to distribute
this walkthrough but please give credit to me. For any questions, comments,
suggestions or fixes please email me @ ([email protected]).

-I would like to give most of my credits to ( where
most of my info came from and all the maps used in this walkthrough are from
them too.
-I would like to give credits to gamefaq forums where some of my info came from.
-I would also like to give credits to ( for hosting
and distributing my walkthrough.
-If you would like credit for any quotes that belong to you, please send me an
email and I'll be sure to give credit where credit is due.


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