1. Green hill zone Act 1
Go forward and jump and get the ring box on the first platform. Jump into the rings rather then running across the bridge. Keep on going destroy ing the crab bots on the way. Jump across the bridge. When you come to a spring instead of going on the spring miss the spring and go down.
Jump on the spring in the middle of the 2 sets of spikes. the jump in beetween the other spikes. Get all the ring boxes and the invincility box and jump up and rounf the loop-the-loop. Now all you have to do is keep pressing forward until the end and you're done.
2. Green hill zone Act 2
Go forward jumping over the bridge. Keep gonig jumping on all the enimeis on the way until you come to a hole go down it and go <- throgh the waterfall and get the speed-up box and run all the way back as fast as you can. Keep pressing forward until you come to a rock. Get the invincibility box and go <- round the loop-the-loop and go forward agian but only holding forward not any other button. then take out all the enemies whilst going forward. over the bridge and then keep pressing forward and dont let go until the end. And you're done.
3. Green hill zone Act 3
go forward then jump on the spring whilst astill going forward. Go on the other springs jumping over the bridge jump on the platform and go throgh the check point. Go throught the tube and round the loop-the-loop jump over the red spring. and slowly walk across the spinning spike thingy. Jump over the rock in the waterfull keep going and duck before you go into a wall and go through it. Jump at the last minute at the spikes. keep going forward and you will be at the boss jump up on the platform to the right and get him while he is still getting down from the sky. You will need to hit min about 7 times. once youve done that jump on the capsule and set the animals free and youve done it.