1. Find Tim: Talk to Helen the Mayor, she will refuse to give you a tour of the town, she would have her grandson Tim do it, but she doesn't
know where he is, she wonders maybe the Racquetball Court. Visit the Racquetball Court in Town where you will find Tim, talk to him and cheer
him up. Then return to Helen, when you get there Tim will be with her. She will ask for your name and tell you about others who live in this resort.
2. Meet the Locals: Visit Ewan at his home, you will find him in an angry mood. Cry to Ewan, he is a police officer so helping upset people is what he does best, this will cheer him up. Next go visit Tyler in his shop, he is sad and needs someone to listen and give him a bit of
encourgement. Once he is happy return to Helen.
3. New Arrival: When seeing Helen a girl will run in asking to set up a flower shop in town, Helen is delighted and lets her stay in town.
Continue to chat with Helen whom will ask you to check on Ashley.
4. Ashley: Ashley is standing outside the flower shop, speak with her and she will ask you to fill all the flowerbeds in town. She will then
give you you lots of Tuplips, go round town and plant up all four flowerbeds and return to Ashley. Ashley is so happy she gives you money and you reach Star Level 1.
Star Level News: As more shops open and the town becomes prosperous, the Star Level will accumulate. Once the Star Level meter is full,
the number of tourists will increase, and a wider variety of events will occur. Your acitivities have helped clean up the town a bit and the sims in town seem happier! Keep up the good work!
Star Level 1-2
Hint: Spend all your money every day in the stores. This makes the shop owners happy as the more trade they get the better.
Hint: From here on in you will see toruists. Whenever you see one, chat to them and make them happy, not only does this earn you a little extra money, but it also helps increase the interest in your resort, meaning
more sims will want to visit.
1. Check In: Visit Helen to let her know all is ok, she is really happy with the flowers and all your hard work. She advises you get some
rest and that your belongings have been delievered to your new home.
2. Next Morning: After your rest you will awake and be straight back with Helen who will tell you toruists are starting to visit. In addition
Olivia is back from her buying trip and Joseph is home. Helen has heard that someone has moved into the Forest, but she hasn't seen anyone,
she wonders if the rumours are true.
3. Olivia: Go see Olivia in the General Store, the store will be full of items, but you can't see Olivia. Go to the suit of armour in the corner where Olivia is trapped and tap on it. This will free her, which will make her happy.
4. Joseph: Visit Joseph by the Docks and cheer him up, he needs it.
5. Furniture Shop: Sophie is asleep at the back of her store, you need to wake her up with some comfort and encouragment. She will wake
and will introduce herself.
6. Racquet: Find Tim by a Racquetball Court, go chat to him. He will tell you why he is wearing a dog outfit and
that he doesn't like making his grandmother worry. Chat to him again, he will express that increasing sport in the area may give tourists a
reason to visit and so he asks if you would like to try out Racquetball. He will then give you a Regular Racquet, have a game of Racquetball. Once you have had a go chat with Tim again. He will let you keep the Racquet if you help him improve the town.
7. Back in Business: By now Tyler should have opened his tailer store, go see him and have a chat.
8. Flower Shop: Ashley has opened a new flower shop, visit her and have a chat about it. Keep chatting and Ashley will ask you about making
Leis. She confeses that she is terrible at making them and asks you to make some instead. Make some Leis for Ashley, this mini game gets you
money and Ashley always lets you keep one, which is a great gift to give to tourists when you see them.
9. Deputy: That afternoon go see Ewan, he will offer a test to you. He will give you a camera and ask you to go to the Forest and
and take a picture of the Symbol Tree. Run to the Forest and get the best picture you can of the tree and return to Ewan, show him your picture which he will not only give you money for, but will also award you the position of Deputy and will ask you keep the camera.
10. Go Fishing: Before evening sets in pay a visit to Joseph who will give you the Regular Fishing Rod. He will request that any fish you
catch you take to him, Joseph loves to record all the fish in the area, he also gives you money for the fish.
11. Name the Shop: The following day visit sophie, who you will find sleeping on the job, if you try to talk to her she will mention
something about the name of the shop, as if in her sleep she is trying to think of a name for her shop. If you keep talking to her a screen
will pop up asking for you to name the store. Choose a name and Sophie will wake up and jump for joy as she thinks of a name for her store.
Star Level News: A few stores have opened up and the town is picking up. The mayor is thinking of ways to improve the town's
transportation system.
Mayor's Message: With the number of Sims increasing, we've decided to introduce a Trolley System to improve the transportation
around here. There will be a small fare to ride the trolley, but it'll be very convenient, so please do use its services when you can.
And, to increase the number of shops, I've hired someone to reopen the cake shop that had been closed down. He should be at the shop by
now. With this the Town is taken care of, but there are other areas that need tending to. I think the Highlands needs to be addressed
first. We don't have the funds to hire a ranger for that area yet.
Star Level 2-3
Hint: Tourists are easier to please when you give them better gifts such as Normal Leis and cakes, but certain cakes a not
to certain sims tastes.
Hint: If you see something sparkling on the ground, tap on it twice.
Making Leis: Keep making those Leis, Ashley will eventually be really happy and mention next time making Normal Leis. They are harder to make, but the receiving party is made happier by them.
Cakes: Go visit the new chef Charlie in the cake shop and be sure to buy his cakes everyday. This will be a big help later on, plus they make nice gifts for the tourists. That said, each tourist likes a different type of cake, give them one they don't like and you don't really benefit from giving them a gift.
New Ranger: Pay a visit to Marie, she needs you to help her make the Highlands more appealing. She asks you to find five sparse areas (where there is no grass) and place a nice item. The options are: Bed of
Tulips, Garden Parasol, Bed of Sunflowers or a Sculpture. Once you have placed them return to Marie, she gives you some money for your troubles.
New Items: Time to pay a visit to Olivia, if you have been buying a few bits each day it will be time for Olivia to buy some new stock, have a chat with her so she may tell you the good news.
Improvements: You should be seeing tourists in the Highlands now, be sure to cheer up every tourist you see.
Racquetball: Its time to play a few games, once you have Tim will turn up and offer you a new game, Target 1.
Rescue: The following day be sure to pay a visit to Olivia's store. She has the new stock but once again she is stuck out of sight in her store. This time she is stuck under the table to the right of the shop
door, all you need do is doubled tap on the ink and pen item.
New Racquet: Have a chat with Tim who will give you a new Racquet, what with you improving.
New Sport: Give it a couple of days, then pay a visit to Marie. She is interested in taking up a new sport, she says that she found a glider in her house and would like you to test it. With that you test the glider for her and unlock the Paragliding in the Highlands
Star Level News: All the stores in town are open for business and everyone is eager to work. Sims from the lively town on the outlying island are coming to the mayor's town.
Mayor's Message: A lot more sims are getting involved in sporting activities and this place is becoming more and more like a resort town. Today we got an application from someone applying for the position of Forest Ranger. And, there's going to be a ferry service between here and the Entertainment Area on the other island. Get ready for more tourists.
Star Level 3-4
Hint: Sometimes its better to travel by foot. You meet more tourisits and some of their requests can improve your star rating.
Hard Leis: Keep making those Leis for the tourists. Ashley will be thrilled and offer you to make even harder Leis, these are great for the tourists, makes cheering them up really easy.
Highlands: Visit Marie again and have a char with her, she will have a new item and want you to put five new items out around the Highlands. As before for find the sparse areas and place the same items out before,
but with a Bird House thrown in for good measure.
Inspiration: Visit Sophie at the furniture shop. She has run out of inspiration and wants you to help her design material for her furniture. Design a pattern for Sophie, she will of course love it. In fact she loves it so much she offers for you to design all your future furniture and she will make it to order. Essence of Forest can be used
Big Bucks: If you are tired of your tiny little home, then now is a great time to save 10100. Being good a Paragliding makes this easy to save for.
Mansion Time: Go to the Port and meet Niki, chat with her a couple of times and jump on the ferry to the Entertainment Area. During the day time in the new area you should be able to find Elizabeth. Encourage her to talk to you, she tells you her house is to small for her pets and so she is buying an island where she plans to build a mansion.
She will ask if you want to buy her house, if you say yes she asks for 10000. You don't have to buy it and you have the opportunity to buy it later on, but you do get the huge house, so if you are frustrated buy your tiny little place then this is a great buy.
Mountain: Return to your island and give it a day before returning back to the port area where you should find Elizabeth again, she tells you she bought the Mountain in the town as a commemorative gift. It was the
first mountain she ever climbed.
Foster: Go visit the new Forest Ranger. Foster seems frightened, encourage him and lend him an ear and soon he will be as right as rain. Foster loves animals and asks you to help him in the Forest, by removing dead trees and replacing it with new items and plants. Like with the Highlands place five new items. Your item are: Flowering Tree, Rest Area, Tree or Tent.
Star Level News: The boat can be taken to the Entertainment Area and more new places are opening up. The only place that is still closed is the mountain.
Mayor's Message: You know that closed off mountain I was talking about Well the owner has donated it to the town! It even comes with
a ranger! This is such wonderful news! Ever since you came to this town, things have been going smoothly. It's like a dream.
Star Level 4-5
Hint: Charlie is a cousin to Gino the famous Italian chef in the Wii version of MySims. When you have purchased many cakes from Charlie he will tell you gossip about other citizens. This is great if you are stuck in this game, if you get to a point and you don't know what to do next, Charlie points you in the right direction. I got to five stars because of Charlie.
Tracy: Go to the Mountain and visit the house there. Chat with the blue haired lady, after much chat she will tell you she is the Mountain Ranger and she gives you a shovel and asks you to dig up something valuable. When you have dug up some Ore return to Tracy, she
keeps the gem and instead of giving you money gives you points. She says you can do that for her anytime, but she will charge 50 for the
shovel each time.
Dig Dug: Waste no time and dig up some more Ore for Tracy and earn more points, when you have about 300 points ask Tracy to trade them in for an item. She will show you a list of items, many of them are heads and bodies, swap your points for one head and one body of your choosing.
Town Symbol: Visit the mayor and have a chat with her, Helen asks if you would like to make a statue in the middle of town to attract more tourists. Of course you must say yes, you then give her one head and one body of your choice, the next day your stature is complete in all it's glory.
Leap of Faith: Back to the Mountain to see Tracy, she has decided to complete with the Paragliding at the Highlands area by opening one at the top of the Mountain and she wants you to test it for safety. This will unlock the paragliding on the mountain and gain you your fifth star, congratulations!
Star Level News: All areas are now accessible and the town is almost fully developed. There are some sims interested in taking up a new sport.
Mayor Message: You're making the tourists happy and this town is so full of sims now. An excellent town symbol has been erected and everyone is gazing upon it with deep interest. Also somebody has arrived at the air field in the Entertainment Area. He is having trouble...