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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Spyro 3: Year Of The Dragon"

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Spyro 3: Year Of The Dragon (PlayStation)
Submitted By: Silva
Spyro Year Of The Dragon
Sunrise Spring Home World

Spyro appears in this level at the beginning of a new game.

Dragon Eggs: 5

Egg by the Stream / Isabelle Dragon Egg: This is in plain sight, on the grassy steps in front of Spyro when you begin a new game.

Learn Gliding / Coltrane Dragon Egg: Talk to Hunter the Cheetah about gliding in the Sunrise Spring homeworld. Follow Hunter when he jumps to a nearby platform, and then to a cave to get the Coltrane Dragon Egg.

Fly Through the Cave / Ami Dragon Egg: Go to the cave where Hunter gave you the Coltrane Dragon Egg when you learned gliding. Drop into the hole in the cave floor and go through the Super-flight-power-up to begin flying. Fly to the raised landing on the far end of the cave before the flight power-up wears off to get the Ami dragon egg.

Bottom of the Lake / Bruce Dragon Egg: The Bruce Dragon Egg is at the bottom of the lake that Spyro can swim in.

Headbash the Rock / Liam Dragon Egg: There is a rock beside Rocky, the keeper of the Molten Crater portal, that wobbles when you run into it. Get on top of this rock and use the Headbash move to break it open and get the Gerik Dragon Egg.

Free Sheila the Kangaroo

Opening the portal to Sheila's Alp: If you agree to give Moneybags 200 Gems, he will free Sheila, the kangaroo who's in a cage. Afterward, you will be able to access the world called Sheila's Alp.

Extra Life

Go to the cave where Hunter gave you the Coltrane Dragon Egg when you learned gliding. Drop into the hole in the cave floor and go through the Super-flight-power-up to begin flying. Fly through the elevated opening on the far end of the cave and make a sharp left turn where you get outside. If you do this before the flight power-up wears off, you'll be able to get to a landing where you can collect an extra life.


Q: How do I get the egg that's is a cave overhead? A: With your back to the Cloud City entrance portal: go the edge of the platform and look to the right. See the cave? Glide into the cave and fall down the hole inside. Speak to the fairy Zoe to permanently activate the Flying Power-ups in all worlds. Pass through the Flying Power-up and go to the far end of the cave. Fly through the widow at the end of the cave, near the ceiling, to get the Sachi Dragon Egg.

Sunny Villa

Entrance Portal:

The Sunny Villa portal is located directly in front of the save fairy near the beginning part of the Sunrise Spring world

Dragon Eggs: 6

Rescue the Mayor / Sanders Dragon Egg: Go forward from the level's entrance and climb the ramp to get to an elevated area. Follow the cobblestone path to a narrow passage. When you reach the gate at the end of the passage, turn left and speak to the mayor to get the Sanders Dragon Egg and open the level's exit portal.

Egg by the Building / Vanessa Dragon Egg: Go forward from the level's entrance and climb the ramp to get to an elevated area. Look for the Haimi Dragon Egg on the green, grassy stairs in this area.

Lizard Skating 1 / Emily Dragon Egg: Climb the stairs that lie to the left of the exit portal. Enter the Dark Portal to get to Hunter's Skate Park. Here you must ride a skateboard and use your flame breath on 15 lizards to get the Emily Dragon Egg. Press the X-button at the top of ramps to jump to elevated areas and lizards that hang in mid-air.

Lizard Skating 2 / Daisy Dragon Egg: Similar to Lizard Skating 1 but you must get all 15 lizards without falling of the skateboard, and you have a limited time to do it in. get the Daisy Dragon Egg. Always straighten out Spyro's Skateboard before he lands to avoid wiping out. Press the X-button at the top of ramps to jump to elevated areas and lizards that hang in mid-air. Plot a course that will carry you past all the lizards in the shortest possible time.

Locations of Lizards:

1. Jump from the orange ramp that's on the same landing as Hunter to find one lizard.

2. Jump Straight up into the air from blue ramp that's on the same landing as Hunter to find one lizard.

3. There are two orange ramps in the lowest area in the park. Jump from either one to reach an elevated area where two lizards can be found.

4. Follow the narrow rail where a few vases with gems in them were when you first entered this level. Hop onto a ramp, and them jump form the ramp to an elevated area where two lizards can be found.

5. There is a blue ramp near the mouth of the tunnel. Jump straight up from this ramp to find a lizard.

6. Skate through the tunnel to find two lizards.

7. There are five lizards in the elevated area where two blue ramps form a half-pipe. Three of them are out in the open. Jump straight up from each blue ramp to get two more lizards.

8. One lizard is running around in the lower area, near the mouth of the tunnel.

Hop to Rapunzel / Lucy Dragon Egg: Sheila Portal: before you can enter this area, you must: Free Sheila the kangaroo in Sunrise Springs Home, enter the portal to Sheila's Alp and exit that level through the portal. Go forward from the Sunny Villa level's entrance and climb the ramp to get to an elevated area. Look for the green, grassy stairs in this area (where you found a dragon egg previously). Climb them to get on top of a yellow house, and then glide to another nearby yellow house. From here you can ride a whirlwind to the top of a tower. Glide to the left and into the archway to reach a door that's marked by a "Sheila Sign." Once you're controlling Sheila the Kangaroo, go forward using jumps and double jumps to get into the tower. Make your way up by jumping on the steps that extend from the tower. When you get to the top, Rapunzel will reward you with the Itchy Dragon Egg.

Glide to the Spring"/ Miles Dragon Egg (& a few gems): Go forward from the Sunny Villa level's entrance and climb the ramp to get to an elevated area. Look for the green, grassy stairs in this area (where you found a dragon egg previously). Climb them to get on top of a yellow house, and then glide to another nearby yellow house. From here you can ride a whirlwind to the top of a tower. From the tower you can glide to the first of two white pillars in the distance. Glide from the first pillar to the second one, and collect the gems along the way. From the second pillar you can glide to a grassy clearing where the Miles Dragon Egg is found.

Sheila Portal:

Before you can enter this area, you must: Free Sheila the kangaroo in Sunrise Springs Home, enter the portal to Sheila's Alp and exit that level through the portal. Go forward from the Sunny Villa level's entrance and climb the ramp to get to an elevated area. Look for the green, grassy stairs in this area (where you found a dragon egg previously). Climb them to get on top of a yellow house, and then glide to another nearby yellow house. From here you can ride a whirlwind to the top of a tower. Glide to the left and into the archway to reach a door that's marked by a "Sheila Sign."

Extra Life

There is an extra life on a grassy clearing that's near the waterfalls.

Hidden Gems

(When you play as Sheila the Kangaroo)

Drop down from the entrance to this area and immediately go left. Look up for a platform in the cliffside that you can double-jump to. Double-jump from this platform to get to a room where 10 gems can be found in a vase.

Drop down from the entrance to this area and go forward. Get onto the second tall landing that blocks your path and double-jump up to see a door in the castle wall. Enter to get some gems in a hallway. Drop down from the far end of the hallway to find even more gems.

Cloud Spires

Entrance Portal:

Climb the grassy stairs that lie to one side of Moneybags (or the Sheila's Alp portal if you've opened it). From the top of the stairs, glide to the nearby portal to enter Cloud City.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Turn on the Cloud Generator / Henry Dragon Egg: Open Level Exit: Make your way from the beginning of the level to the red button that's near a fellow named Nimbus. Run into the red button to lower a platform and then jump onto it. Glide across to a whirlwind and ride it to the next area. When you find Moneybags on the upper level, pay him 200 gems to gain the use of a pair of moving platforms called Bellows. Cross the Bellows and glide to the distant archway. Follow the path and talk to Fluffy to get the Henry Dragon Egg and open the level exit.

Run Along the Wall / Stephanie Dragon Egg: On the same landing at the second elevator, you must bash a red button to activate: look in one corner for the Stephanie Dragon Egg, next to a winged enemy.

Plant the Sun Seeds / LuLu Dragon Egg: Enter the Dark Portal that's next to the level's exit to get to the Sun Seed area. The object of this room is to chase three sun seeds into the lava fusion cauldron. Stand on the yellow floor tile to make a sun seed jump out of the lava pit. Repeatedly use Spyro's flame breath on the sun seed to chase it into the lava fusion cauldron. Stay close to the sun seed, because they'll disappear if you leave them alone too long. When the first sun seed hops into the cauldron, repeat the process two more times to get the LuLu Dragon Egg.

Bell Tower Spirits / Jake Dragon Egg: Ride the whirlwind that's beside the level exit portal to get to a new area. Pass through the Flying Power-up. Circle the room while flying and use Spyro's flame breath on the black spirits that are floating in the gazebos around the area. When all the black spirits are destroyed, you'll get the Jake Dragon Egg.

Bell Tower Thief / Bryan Dragon Egg: Ride the whirlwind that's beside the level exit portal to get to a new area. Chase the Blue Thief in this area and use Spyro's flame attack on him to get the Bryan Dragon Egg.

Glide to the Island / Clare Dragon Egg: This egg is not available until you've opened the level's exit by getting the Henry Dragon Egg.

From the beginning of the level: Take the first whirlwind into the red room, and proceed to the area with three bellows in it. Follow the right hand wall to another whirlwind, and ride up to a platform with an extra life and some gems. Then glide across a series of platforms. From the top platform you can glide to the place where the Clare Dragon Egg is.

Money Bags

Pay Money Bags 200 gems to activate the bellows.

Hidden Gems

Search every area in the level, especially areas that appear to be sheer drops. Sometimes there will be a lower platform with a couple of gems on it.


Q: How do I get to the extra life that's out of reach, on an overhead platform?

A: Once you've opened the exit portal in this level, a whirlwind will open directly below the extra life bottle. Follow this path to get the Clare Dragon Egg.

Molten Crater

Entrance Portal:

You need at least 10 dragon eggs to enter this level. The Molten Crater portal can be found directly to the right of the 2nd saving fairy.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Get to the Tiki Lodge / Curlie Dragon Egg Go forward form the level's entrance and cross a bridge over lava. Glide over a patch of lava and then go into the door on your right. In the next open area, cross the right-hand bridge and climb the stairs to get the Curlie Dragon Egg and open the level exit.

Egg by Lava River / Rikki Dragon Egg: Shortly after the beginning of the level you will cross a bridge over lava. Go forward from there and glide over the lava patch in your path. Directly ahead there is large, grey rock. Drop down behind the rock to get the Rikki Dragon Egg.

Replace Idol Heads / Ryan Dragon Egg: You can only complete this mission if you have freed Sgt Byrd in the Miday Gardens Home World. Enter the Sgt. Byrd portal and speak to the Tiki guy to start a mini game.The object here is to place all of the Tiki Heads on their respective bodies.

Sgt. Byrd Blows Up a Wall / Luna Dragon Egg: You can only complete this mission if you have freed Sgt Byrd in the Miday Gardens Home World. In the central chamber of the Sgt. Byrd area, look for a portion of the wall covered with small red cracks. Use your missles to expose a small room with the Luna Dragon Egg.

Catch the Thief / Moira Dragon Egg: From the platform where the level's exit is, you can glide to another platform where Moneybags is. Pay him 300 Gems to open a Dark Portal that leads to a new area.

Tips: Go inside and chase the yellow thief around the ramp that has arrows on it. Charge into the yellow thief, or get close enough to use your flame breath on him to get the Moira Dragon Egg, and activate the supercharge ramp.

Supercharge after the Thief / Kermitt Dragon Egg: A red theif will appear after you've gotten the egg for catching the green thief. Chase the red thief around the turbo ramp and charge into him to get the Kermitt Dragon Egg. HINT: try jumping over corners of the supercharge ramp to close the distance between Spyro and the red thief.

Sgt. Byrd Portal

There are two eggs to be had in the Sgt. Byrd Portal. This portal will only be open if you have freed Sgt Byrd and completed his level in the Midday Garden Home World.

The Key and the Locked Treasure Chest

The key is located in the large room, where the level's exit portal is found. Go behind the exit portal and drop down to a small outcropping where the key is located. The locked treasure chest is located at the very beginning of the level.

Extra Life

There is a hidden extra life in the area where you must chase two thieves to get dragon eggs. To find it, look for the red-colored rock that's partially cracked. Run into this rock with the speed you gain from a supercharge ramp to break it open and get an extra life.

Hidden Gems

At the foot of the steps which lead to the level's exit: face away form the steps to see a doorway where there are two vases. Glide through the doorway and break the vases to get some Gems.

There are many gems in lava pool that surrounds the level exit. When you first enter this area, glide to the right to reach a platform with an enemy and some gems. From here you can glide to another platform where there is an Extra Life and an enemy. From here, if you look carefully, you'll spot a single gem on a landing at the edge of the lava pool. Glide there and get it!!!!

In the turbo ramp area there is a box that can only be destroyed if you supercharge into it. This box is initially behind a cracked wall that can be broken by charging into it. The indestructible box contains 24 gems.


Q: How can I get 100% in this level before I move on to the Midday Gardens Worlds?

A: You can't. There are portions of the level, Molten Crater, that aren't accessible until you've:

1. defeated the first boss and reached World 2: Midday Gardens.

2. Paid Money Bags 700 gems to free Sgt. Byrd.

3. Entered the level Sgt. Byrd's Base and exited through the exit portal.

Once all these things are done, you can ride the Rocket Ship in Midday Gardens Home back to to Molten Crater and enter the Sgt. Byrd portal.

Seashell Shore

Entrance Portal:

In the body of water that Spyro can swim in, there is a small platform where you'll find Snappy the Seal. Talk to him after you've collected at least 8 Dragon Eggs to open the portal to Seashell Shore.

Underwater controls

This level starts off underwater, where Sypro cannot use his flame breath.

1. Press the X button to swim.

2. Press the Square button to swim fast and bash enemies/objects in your path.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Free the Seals / Dizzy Dragon Egg: Charge into the wooden door that's on the ocean floor. Swim into the chamber and follow the passage that's directly across from the door you broke down, and swim to the surface. Cross the narrow bridge and glide to the next area. Break the wooden door by charging into it, and climb the series of platforms to reach a circular pool of water. Find the door in the huge, yellow shell and break it by charging into it. Bash into the octopus inside to free the jailed seals, and get Dizzy, the Dragon Egg for "Free the Seals."

Under the Docks / Jason Dragon Egg: Dive into the pool that's beneath the first bridge that you cross in this level. The Jason Dragon Egg is at the bottom of the pool.

Clear Out the Pipe / Duke Dragon Egg: To get to this area: enter the dark portal on the side of the second underwater chamber, where the huge yellow seashell is. The goal of this swim through the tunnel, bumping into ten Rhynocs along the way. If you hit all ten Rhynocs without bumping into any mines, you'll be rewarded with the Duke Dragon Egg. This takes good reflexes and lots of practice to complete this task, so be patient.

Defeat the Shark Sub / Jackie Dragon Egg: Dark Portal Location: In second underwater chamber, where the huge yellow seashell is: swim to the top of the chamber and jump out of the water.

Tips: Enter the Dark Portal and talk to Smelt the Seal on the other side. Kill the first two enemies, and then boat over to the large, open area. Use missiles to destroy the shark-submarine. Dodge missiles and the charging shark-submarine by pressing the X button to make the boat move faster. Act quickly, because the submarine restores health each time the pilot pops out to repair it. When the submarine is destroyed, you will get the Jackie Dragon Egg ("Defeat the Shark Sub"). When Spyro gets in a boat the controls are:

1. X button to speed up

2. Circle to fire missiles

3. Collect crates to get more missiles.

Destroy the Sand Castle / Mollie Dragon Egg: Dark Portal (won't open until you pay Moneybags 100 gems to release Sheila in the Sunrise Springs Homeworld): after breaking the second door down, pass through the room and take an immediate left turn. Climb the steps. At the top, do your best glide and flutter at the end to reach a platform. Cross to the left-hand platform to get to the Dark Portal that leads to Sheila's mini-game.

Tips: When playing as Sheila the Kangaroo, jumping a second time the instant you land will get you much higher in the air. Do this to get onto the wall above each turret and them stomp on the turrets by pressing the Triangle button in mid-air. When all the turrets are destroyed, you will get the Mollie Dragon Egg for "Destroy the Sand Castle."

Hop to the Secret Cave / Jared Dragon Egg: After crossing the water in the area where Sheila destroys the sandcastle, double-jump to find a hidden cave. Inside is the Jared Dragon Egg and some gems.

Sheila Portal

The Sheila portal will not open up unless you have freed her and completed the Sheila's Alp level within the Sunrise Spring home world. Within this portal you can get two Dragon Eggs if you Destroy the Sand Castle and Hop to the Secret Cave.

Enemy tip

Jump over the barrels that certain enemies in this area toss at you, and use flame breath to kill them.

Hidden Gems

Gems can be found inside of seashells that break when Spyro charges into them.

Drop down form the first bridge in the level to enter a pool of water where you'll find the "Under the Docks" egg and some gems. (Swim straight through the egg to collect it.)

After crossing a wooden bridge and breaking the second door down: pass through the room and take an immediate left turn. Climb to the second step and turn around to see a second, higher staircase. From this second step it is possible, albeit tricky, to glide and flutter to the higher stairs, which lead to a circular walkway with 6 gems on it.

In the second underwater area (where there's a huge yellow seashell): look at the bottom of the chamber, behind the huge yellow seashell, for a hidden tunnel where there are green bottles that contain gems.

After crossing the water in the area where Sheila destroys the sandcastle, double-jump to find a hidden cave. Inside is the Elton Dragon Egg and 10 gems.

After you defeat Bruto's Shark Submarine, go back to the area and search in the water. Also look for gems on the narrow path that surrounds the pool where you fought Bruto.

Mushroom Speedway

Entrance Portal:

You will be able to enter this level when you have collected at least 20 Dragon Eggs. The portal is located in front of the small river by the Sparx sign.

Dragon Egg: 3

Time Attack / Sabina Dragon Egg: The best way to get a 100% in this level is collect the following items in this order; Rings, spiders, dandelions, and then butterflies. When attacking the butterflies, you must get very close to them before your flame breath will have any effect.

Race the Butterflies / John Dragon Egg: Place all around first in this 3 lap race. Make sure to use all of the turbo stars while racing, because they will help you get past the competition. Spyro can also use his flame breath on butterflies that are right next to him, causing them to slow down for a moment. Don't try this on butterflies directly in Spyro's flight path, because they'll slow down and block from passing them.

Hunter's Dogfight / Tater Dragon Egg: Look behind the large red mushroom towards the center of the level while you are playing the Time Attack challenge. Speak to Hunter inside the mushroom to trigger the event. The object here is to destroy 7 U.F.O.s to get the Tater Egg. It's easier to avoid the U.F.O.'s gunfire if you always hold down the X or Square button to go faster.

Sheila’s Alp

Entrance Portal:

If you agree to give Moneybags 300 Gems in the Sunrise Spring, he will free Sheila, the kangaroo who's in a cage. Afterward, the portal to Sheila's Alp will be open.

Dragon Eggs: 3

Help Billy Get Home / Ruby Dragon Egg: Hop to the platform where Billy the Mountain Goat is in front of a house to get the Ruby Dragon Egg.

Help Pete Get Home / Jenny Dragon Egg: In the cave, talk to Pete the Mountain Goat. Break the boulder that's blocking the door to the house that's behind him. If you do, you'll get the Jenny Dragon Egg.

Help Bobby Get Home / Nan Dragon Egg: Pass through the cave and jump up to the house where Billy the Mountain Goat is. Talk to Billy to get the Nan Dragon Egg.

Level Exit

To open the exit portal: Use the Headbash attack on the tops of all four mushroom houses. This will open the level exit, reveal hidden gems and stop the annoying guys that carry pick-axes from endlessly regenerating.

Hidden Gems

Use Sheila's kick attack and Headbash on boulders to uncover hidden gems. There are five boulders to break inside the cave, and two more in a small opening in the wall above the level's exit.

In the first grassy area there is a high ledge next to Billy the Mountain Goat. Jump to this ledge using Sheila's double-jump (jump a second time when landing from a jump). Use the bash attack on the box found here to reveal hidden gems.

Inside the cave there are two elevated passages that are blocked by boulders. Double-jump over the boulders to get into each passage. Use the bash attack on boxes that have target on top to get some gems. (Bash attack is done by pressing Triangle in mid-jump.) Use the bash attack on the boulders to reveal more gems.

On the landing where there are four mushroom houses, look for a raised platform that you can double-jump to. Use the bash attack on the box with a target on top to reveal some hidden gems. Use the kick attack on the glass bottle to get an extra life here.

Above the level's exit portal there is a cave entrance that you can reach by double-jumping. Collect the gems here and then double-jump to a platform where there's a box with a target on top. Use the bash attack on this box to reveal some hidden gems.

Buzz's Dungeon

Entrance Portal:

You must collect the 1st dragon egg in five different levels before you can ride the balloon in Sunrise Springs to Buzz's Dungeon. When you return to Sunrise Springs after getting the fifth required dragon egg, you will automatically be transported to the balloon that says it will take you to Midday Gardens. This balloon will actually take you to Buzz's Dungeon. If you don't want to go to Buzz's Dungeon at this point, you can always go back to the balloon later.

The 5 Dragon Eggs you must collect before you can fight Buzz are:

that earns required Dragon Egg Level Task that earns required Dragon Egg Sunny Villa Rescue the Mayor Cloud Spires Turn on the cloud generator Molten Crater Get to the Tiki Lodge Seashell Shore Free the seals Sheila's Alp Help Bobby Get Home Troubleshooting Tip: each time you collect one of these dragon eggs, a picture of a character's head will appear in the Atlas next to the level you found the egg in. When five heads appear, the balloon will be ready to go!

Midday Garden Home World

Dragon Eggs: 5

Underwater Egg / Dave Dragon Egg This egg is found in the pool at the beginning of this world.

Secret Ice Cave / Mingus Dragon Egg Enter the cave over by the beginning of the level and look for another cave within it. Follow this cave all the way to some gems and the Mingus dragon egg.

Catch the Thief / Trixie Dragon Egg There is an egg thief that hangs around the main temple. Catch the thief with your fire breath to get the Trixie Dragon egg.

Super Flame the Flower Pots / Matt Dragon Egg This egg is found inside a large stone vase near the Super Flame power-up. You need to have the super flame power up to destroy this stone vase.

Climb to the Ledge / Modesty Egg This egg is found inside a shallow cave near the Country Speedway Portal. You can use your climb ability to get inside the cave.

Money Bags / Free Sgt. Byrd Money Bags is located within the large temple in the middle of the area. Pay him 700 gems to free Sgt. Byrd. This will also open up the portal for Sgt. Byrd's Base.

Opening the Enchanted Towers portal

To open the portal to Enchanted Towers, speak to Hunter at the top of the grassy staircase. Hunter will instruct Spyro to shoot a rock at the target above him. Shoot the target to open the portal.

Hidden Gems

Look for some gems behind the Bamboo Terrace portal.

There is an Indestructible Box near the temple. Use the Super Flame power-up to open this box.

Icy Peak

Entrance Portal:

The portal for this level is located within the Icy Cave. The Icy Cave is located to the right of the pool at the very beginning of Mid Day Gardens.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Find Doug the Polar Bear / Chet Dragon Egg Speak to Doug the polar bear in front of the gondola to get this egg. He will also open up the exit portal for you.

On top of a ledge / Maynard Dragon Egg Destroy the Icy Barrier blocking your path when you get to the second cannon. Go all the way through the icy cave and make a sharp right when you get to the other side. Jump and glide to the small icy staircase and follow it all the way up to the Maynard Dragon egg.

Protect Nancy the Skater / Cerney Egg In order to get this egg you must first pay money bags 250 gems. Money Bags is trapped behind a wall of ice and is located over by the third cannon. Shoot the cannon at the ice wall to free money bags. Money bags will open up a dark portal for you that leads to an ice skating rink. Speak to Nancy to trigger an event. The object here is to protect Nancy from the hockey players while she performs her routine. Use your flame breath to thwart off all of the hockey players to get an egg.

Speedy Thieves 1 / Betty Dragon Egg

Getting to the Supercharge area: Take a right when you reach the last room leading to the gondola and go all the way down the staircase. Go into a cave at the bottom of the staircase to reach a dark portal. The dark portal will take you to a large area with many turbo charge ramps.

Catching the Green Thief The object here is to chase the little green thief around the winding turbo paths. Use your fire breath when you get close enough to him to get the egg. Be careful in this area because it is really easy to fall or fly off the paths. Do not go into this area unless you have at least 5 or 6 lives.

Speedy Thieves 2 / Scout Dragon Egg

Getting to the Supercharge area: Take a right when you reach the last room leading to the gondola and go all the way down the staircase. Go into a cave at the bottom of the staircase to reach a dark portal. The dark portal will take you to a large area with many turbo charge ramps.

Catching the Red Thief The object here is to chase the little red thief around the winding turbo paths and, when you get close enough, use your fire breath on him to get the egg. Be careful in this area because it is really easy to fall or fly off the paths. Rather than chase after the red thief, you can get on a part of the level that's above the red thief. Then glide toward him. When you get close enough to the red thief, use your fire breath on him to get the egg. For some people, this method is easier than chasing the thief.

Glide to the Sky Island / Reez Dragon Egg Take a left when you reach the last room leading to the gondola and get onto the cannon. Aim and shoot the cannon at the large ice crystal in the distance. This will create an airlift for you. Jump and glide to the airlift and continue your way to a small ledge with gems on it. Follow the path all the way to another airlift you couldn't get to earlier. Jump to the new airlift and glide to the sky pillar on the far right.

Hidden Gems

From the last cannon that you use before reaching the level's exit, you can glide to a airlift. From there you can glide to a ledge with gems and an extra life!

There is a hidden room near the second cannon. Hop onto the cannon and aim to the left of the Icy Barrier. Shoot the wall to the left of the Icy Barrier that has cracks in it to open up a hidden room. Inside the small room you will find several gems and an indestructible box. Aim and shoot the cannon at the box to open it up. Glide and flutter into the cave to collect the gems.

Look for a large crack in the second ice-covered room. From outside the ice covered room, jump and glide into the second ice-covered room, and use Spyro's head bash ability on the crack to open up the area under the ice. Collect all the gems under the ice.

There is an indestructible box on a remote island near the second large ice crystal. Look for a rocket on the ground by the second ice cannon. Use Spyro's fire breath to set the rocket alight and it will destroy the box for you.

There is an another indestructible box in the super charge ramp area. If you charge into the box with the speed that the Super Charge ramp gives you, the box will break open. Stand on the Super Charge ramp, face the indestructible box and hold the Square button down to run toward it.

Take the Hidden Airlift that's inside the Super Charge Ramp area to get to a far away pillar where gems can be found.

Hidden Supercharge area

To get to the Super Charge area, take a right when you reach the last room leading to the gondola and go all the way down the staircase. Go into a cave at the bottom of the staircase to reach a dark portal. The dark portal will take you to a large area with many turbo charge ramps.

Hidden Airlift

From the beginning of the Super Charge Ramp area: Go forward and jump to the ramp on the right. Follow this ramp and jump to the next one. At the next gap, jump to the right-hand ramp and stop running. From here you can jump to the left, into a cave that has an airlift in it. Take the airlift to get to a far away pillar with gems on it.

Extra Life

From the last cannon that you use before reaching the level's exit, you can glide to a airlift. From there you can glide to a ledge with gems and an extra life!


Q. How do I get the gems that are under the ice?

A. Look for a large crack in the second ice covered room. Use Spyro's head bash ability on the crack to open up the area under the ice. To do this, you must stand outside the room, at the edge of the ice, then jump and glide into the room. Just before Spyro lands on the ice, press the Triangle button twice to perform the head bash move and break the cracked ice. Timing is critical, and it may take a few tries to get it right.

Q: How do I break the indestructible box that's in the Super Charge ramp area?

A: If you charge into the box with the speed that the Super Charge ramp gives you, the box will break open. Stand on the Super Charge ramp, face the indestructible box and hold the Square button down to run toward it.

Enchanted Towers

Entrance Portal

The Enchanted Towers portal is right next to Hunter. To open the portal, speak to Hunter by pressing the Triangle button. Hunter will then give you a rock to spit at the bulls eye above the portal. Place Spyro's head next to the rock and he will swallow it, and then hold the triangle button to aim at the bulls eye. Press the circle button to shoot the target. If you did everything correctly, the portal will then open up.

Sgt. Byrd Portal

This area will only open up after you paid Money Bags 700 gems in the Midday Gardens and have completed Sgt. Byrd's Base.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Destroy the Sorceress Statue / Peanut Dragon Egg Speak to Jasper and he will tell you to ignite all 3 rockets in the area surrounding the statue. Igniting all 3 rockets will destroy the statue and will get you the Peanut egg. Jaspar will also open up the exit portal for you.

Glide to the Small Island / Gladys Egg From the beginning of the level, work your way over to the second tower. Follow the small path to the left once you get inside the second tower, and carefully glide to the small pillar in the distance to get the egg.

Trick Skater 1 / Caroline Dragon Egg Speak to Jasper and he will tell you to ignite all 3 rockets in the area surrounding the statue. Igniting all 3 rockets will destroy the statue and open up a large hole in the pedastal that the statue was on. Climb the grassy staircase that's near the level's exit portal, and then glide into the center of the round pedestal. Go into the dark portal to enter the skate park. Speak to hunter and he will have Spyro perform numerous skateboarding tricks. You will get the Caroline Egg after completing all of the tricks.

Trick Skater 2 / Alex Egg After getting the Caroline Dragon Egg from Hunter for completing tricks, speak to Hunter again and he will challenge you to one-on-one skateboard challenge. The object here is to get as many points as possible within a 60 second time limit. The person with the most points wins the challenge. If you can defeat Hunter, he will give you the Alex Egg.

Here's an easy way to earn lots of points: Use the long ramp where Hunter challenged you to get 500 points during the first Trick Skater event. Jump from this ramp and do any trick (Triangle + Up to flip forward, for example) four times before landing to earn big points. Now do it again with a different trick (Triangle + Right to roll) to keep rackin' up the points.

Rescue the Lost Wolf / Lys Dragon Egg From the Sgt. Bird house, enter the dark portal nearby and speak to Andy who wants you to find his lost wolf. Drop down into the hole and swallow the ball next to the wolf. Spit the ball onto the hexagonal tile next to the closed door. The wolf will then step on the tile allowing you to reach the red button on the far wall. Breathe fire on the button to open the door.

In the next area, kill the enemies to have the wolf follow you. Once the area is cleared, spit the ball onto the next hexagonal tile. This will cause a platform nearby to rise. Spit the ball once again, but this time onto the raised platform. The wolf will then jump on the platform as it lowers. Spit the ball up to the archway near the wolf and have Spyro step on the hexagonal platform. The wolf will the jump to the other side to get the ball.

In the third area, have Spyro stand on the hexagonal tile that is on the ground. Spit the ball onto the hexagonal tile on the newly lowered platform and the wolf will then raise the platform under the button. Go up to the wolf and spit the ball near the closed door. This will cause the wolf to raise the platform near the button. Take the ball and then hop onto the lowered platform under the button. Carefully aim and shoot the ball back onto the hexagonal tile near the wolf. This will raise the platform under the button that Spyro is on. Hit the button to open the door and proceed to the next area. Continue forward and hit the red buttons to get the Lys egg

Collect the Bones / Ralph Egg: |The directions to collecting the bones are for when you play as Sgt. Byrd. If you haven't freed Sgt. Byrd in the Midday Garden home world and completed Sgt. Byrd's Base, you will not be able to get this egg.

Start off by going to the Sgt. Byrd Portal and turning into Sgt. Byrd. · The first bone will be found on the small pedestal next to Ooga the bone collector. · The second bone will be found in the spire closest to Ooga the bone collector. · The third and fourth bone will be found on the cliffs directly above the exit portal. · The fifth and sixth bone will be found inside the spires near the exit portal. · The seventh bone can be found in a small room high up on the second large spire from the beginning of the level. · The eighth bone can be found in a small cave high up on the first large spire from the beginning of the level.

Hidden Gems

Go to the tower with an airlift on it and ride to the upper level. When you walk outside, turn to the left and hop to a path where a few gems can be collected. From here you can jump and glide to another path with a single gem on it. From this path you can glide to the top of a tower, where several gems and an extra life are located.

Each of the flying enemies in this area will yield 2 gems the first time you kill them. It's easiest to finish these enemies off when you're playing as Sgt. Byrd, since he can fly and shoot missiles.

Many of the hard to reach gems can only be accessed by using Sgt. Byrd, since he can fly anywhere in the level.

In the skate park area, there are three pillars with gems on top of them. Look for a ramp nearby, and jump form there onto the first pillar. Then jump from pillar to pillar to get all the hidden gems.

Extra Life

Go to the tower with an airlift on it and ride to the upper level. When you walk outside, turn to the left and hop to a path where a few gems can be collected. From here you can jump and glide to another path with a single gem on it. From this path you can glide to the top of a tower, where several gems and an extra life are located.

Spooky Swamp

You will need 25 eggs to enter this level.

Entrance Portal:

The Spooky Swamp portal is inside a tree right across from a bridge near the large temple.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Find Shiny the Fire Fly / Thelonious Dragon Egg Shiny is found at the end of the level next to the Sheila Portal. To reach him, you will work your way to Money Bags and pay him to open the large door. Talk to Shiny and he will give you an egg and he'll open up the exit portal.

Jump to the Island / Michael Dragon Egg From the beginning of the level, climb up the first tea light tree, and follow the path ahead of you. Look for a small island near the second broken bridge. You will find an egg on this island.

Escort the Twins 1 / Peggy Dragon Egg To get to this event you must go through the dark portal, which is next to the Sheila-the-kangaroo-sign that's near the exit portal. You will then be in control of Sheila . Break down the rock barriers and speak to the twins to trigger an event. The object here is to clear the path for the twins while they carry bombs. Make sure to use the square button on all of the rocks in there way and to use the head bash move on all of the mushrooms blocking their path.

Escort the Twins 2 / Michelle Dragon Egg After you complete Escort the Twins 1, speak to the twins again to start the next event. Once again you'll have to clear the path for the twins while they carry bombs. Make sure to use the square button on all of the rocks in there way and to use the head bash move on all of the mushrooms blocking their path. This time it will be a lot harder since the twins seem to go in random directions.

Defeat Sleepy Head / Herbi Egg The first tea lamp is at the beginning of the level. Continue along the intended path and jump to the other side of the broken bridge. Climb up the ladder to get the 2nd tea lamp. Continue along the intended path and over another bridge to get to a tree with the 3rd tea lamp. The 4th tea lamp is found right after you pay money bags a 100 gems to open the last door. The large door in the center of the level will open up once you have lit all 4 tea lamps. Enter the door and go through the dark portal for a boss battle.

Across the Treetops / Frank Dragon Egg Go inside the small house where you found the 4th tea lamp over by the exit portal. Jump out the opposite door you came in from and glide to a small platform with a ladder on it. From here you can jump and glide to 3 other platforms. The platform over the water has an egg on it.

Money Bags

Towards the end of the level you will come to a locked door that can only be opened if you give money bags 500 gems

Boss: Sleepy Head

The object here is to charge attack 3 bombs at him. This guy has 3 types of attacks. The first attack he has is when he shoots 3 alligator enemies at you. His second attack is when he throws blue bubbles at you. His third attack is when he throws one bomb at you. Dodge all of his attacks except when he throws a bomb at you. When a bomb is on the battlefield, carefully line up Spyro between the bomb and the Rhynoc Wizard. Then face toward the wizard and charge into the bomb so it hits and damages the wizard. Repeat this until the wizard is defeated.

Sheila Portal: Go through the stone archway that's next to this level's exit portal. Follow the path to a Sheila portal, which leads to the area where you can earn two dragon eggs for Escorting the Twins.

Hidden Gems in the area where you play as Sheila the Kangaroo

There are two caves in this area that contain boxes you must stomp on to get the gems out of them. There is also a cracked wall in each cave that can be kicked open if you double-jump first. (Remember: to double-jump you must begin a second jump as you land from a normal jump).

There's another cracked wall you can kick open. To see the cracked wall, face the twin fireflies at the beginning of the area, before escorting them, and then look up and to the left. Double-jump up to the cracked wall and kick it open to reveal a cave with 4 gems in it.

There is a gem-behind-a-gate that's visible near the dark portal entrance to this area. To get it, go to the spot where you get the dragon eggs in this area, and look for a brick wall. Kick it to reveal the hidden gem you glimpsed earlier.

Treasure Chest & Key

The treasure chest is located under a large tree over by the 2nd tea lamp.

To get to the key, you must have paid Money Bags 500 gems to reach the area where the level's exit is. Then, climb into the tea-lamp-house that's closest to the level's exit, and then glide to a nearby tree that has a ladder in it. Climb the ladder, walk to the edge of the platform and then turn to the right. From here you can see the tree where the key is. Glide over and get it.

Bamboo Terrace

You will need 30 eggs to enter this level.

Entrance Portal:

The Bamboo Terrace level is located in the Midday Gardens Home, near the Super Flame power up.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Clear the Pandas Path / Tom Dragon Egg: Destroy all the rhinos in the first area to get the small pandas to open up the large stone door leading to the second area. Destroy all of the rhinos in the second area to get the small pandas to lower the drawbridge. Once again in the third area, clear out all the rhinos and then speak to the small panda in the large pagoda. She will give you the egg, open up the exit portal for you, and lower the escape drawbridges for you.

Glide to the Small Island / Dwight Dragon Egg: Dwight is found in the second area on a small island. Jump and glide to the small island to reach the egg.

Glide to the Hidden Cave / Madison Dragon Egg: The hidden cave is located in the second area. Follow the path behind the house near the small pandas who lowered the bridge for you. At the top of the path you can jump and glide to the hidden cave where you will find the egg.

Smash to the Mountain Top / Brubeck Dragon Egg: To start this event, enter the Bently portal over by the exit portal. You will now be in control of Bently the Club Wielding Yeti. Your main goal here is to work your way up to the top of the mountain. Bash all the enemies and rocks to get gems. You will receive an egg when you get to the top of the mountain.

Shoot from the boat / Rusty Dragon Egg: You can not start this event until you have completed "Clear the Panda's Path". Once you have completed that event, 2 drawbridges will lower. Go over to the drawbridges and take the path up to a small cave. Enter the dark portal and speak to Shui the Panda. The object of this event is to shoot all 16 of the Rhynocs while you are riding the boat so you can get an egg. You will fail this event if you hit any of the pandas or if any of the pandas get harmed by the Rhinocs

Catch the Thief / Pee-Wee Dragon Egg: After you complete the event "Clear the path" an Egg Thief will appear on the side of the pagoda. Chase the thief down as he runs around the entire level. When you close on him, use your fire breath, and he will give up the egg.

Question Mark Bottle

The bottle will first be found on a small island behind the large pagoda. The bottle will next be found on the small bridge connected to the large pagoda. The 3rd place that you will find the bottle will be next to the 3 pandas who lowered the first drawbridge for you. The bottle will move to 3 more location within the same area. The last place the bottle will end up at is at the very beginning of the level.

Extra Lives

Jump into the water below the lowered drawbridge. Look for a wall with a crack in it to the left of the bridge and use Spyro's charge move to break it open. You will find 4 free lives in the hidden small room.

Bently Portal:

The Bently portal is just outside of the pagoda with the exit portal. Inside the portal you can earn a dragon egg if you Smash to the Mountain Top. You cannot enter the Bently Portal unless you freed him in the Evening Lake World and completed the level Bently's Outpost.

Country Speedway

You will need 36 eggs to enter this level.

Entrance Portal:

You will be able to enter this level when you have collected at least 36 Dragon Eggs. The portal is located near the Super-Flame Power-up.

Dragon Eggs: 3

Time Attack / Gavin Dragon Egg: In Time Attack mode, the best way to get a 100% is to collect the following items in this order; Rings, tractors, cows, and then airplanes.

Race the Pigs / Shemp Dragon Egg: For the Bi-plane race, place all around first to get an egg. Make sure to use all of the turbo stars while racing, because they will help you get past the competition. Fly through red stars to get missiles that fire when you press the Circle button.

Hunter's Dogfight / Roberto Dragon Egg: In Time Attack mode, look for a large house that is on top of a hill. Speak to Hunter inside the house to trigger an event. The object here is to destroy all of the U.F.O.s and Space Cows in order to get an egg.

Sgt. Byrd's Base

Entrance Portal:

The portal for this level is located within the large temple in the middle of Mid Day Garden Level. You must pay moneybags 700 gems in order for him to open the portal. This will also free Sgt. Byrd.

Dragon Eggs: 3

Clear the building / RyanLee Dragon Egg From the beginning of the level, fly up to the open passage and follow the hallway to a large door. Shoot the door down with Sgt. Byrd's missiles and continue your way to another room with a large door. Once again shoot the door down with Sgt. Byrd's missiles and meet up with Gabrielle in the next large room. In order to open the next door, you will have to pick up the 2 large weights and place them on their respective pedestals. Continue on to the bombing area and carefully take out all of the Rhynocs in the vicinity. Eventually Gabrielle will show up and open the exit portal for you and give you an egg.

Clear the Caves / Sigfreid Egg From the beginning of the level, fly up to the open passage and follow the hallway to a large door. Shoot the door down with Sgt. Byrd's missiles and continue your way to another room with a large door. Once again shoot the door down with Sgt. Byrd's missiles and meet up with Gabrielle in the next large room. Speak to Gabrielle and she will give you an egg.

Rescue 5 Hummingbirds / Roy Dragon Egg

1. The first bird will be found at the beginning of the level within a birdcage. Shoot the birdcage to free the bird.

2. Fly upwards by pressing the X button, and go through the door leading to the second floor. Continue through two more rooms and shoot a missile at the next closed door. Here you will have freed the 2nd bird and have gotten Sigfreid the egg.

3. Follow the bird you just released into a large room with 2 large weights in it. Inside this room you can find the third bird locked in a cage. Shoot a missile at the cage to free the bird. To advance to the next room, carry both of the weights, one at a time, into the open blue pits by the closed door. This will open the door to the next area.

4. In the Bombing Area, go past the exit portal and carefully fly into the fire cave. At the end of the cave you will find some gems and a bird.

5. In order to get the fifth bird, you are going to have to pick up some bombs in the bombing area and back track all the way to the 2 small rooms in the beginning of the level. Drop the bombs on the indestructible box to open a large hole. Go down the hole and through the hallway to reach the 5th bird and remaining gems

Hidden Gems

The only way you can destroy the indestructible boxes in this level is with the bombs. The bombs are located at the last part of the level, the bombing area. To pick up the bombs, simply land on top of them, and Sgt. Bird will automatically pick them up. To drop the bombs, fly directly over a target and press the triangle button. This will open up a target screen for you. Press the square button to drop the bomb.


Q. Where do I find the last hummingbird?

A. Drop a bomb on the first indestructible box you came to (it's in a small room with grass on the ground) in order to open up a large hole in the floor. Go down the hole and through the hallway to reach the 5th bird and remaining gems

Spike's Arena

Entrance Portal:

You must collect the first dragon egg in five different levels before you can ride the flying machine in Midday Gardens to Spike's Arena. When you return to Sunrise Springs after getting the fifth required dragon egg, you will automatically be transported to the flying machine that says it will take you to Evening Lake World. This machine will take you to Spike's Arena, first. If you don't want to go to Spike's Arena at this point, you can always go back to the machine later.

The 5 Dragon Eggs you must collect before you can fight Spike are: Level Task that earns required Dragon Egg Icy Peak Find Doug the Polar Bear Enchanted Towers Destroy the Sorceress Statue Spooky Swamp Find Shiny the Firefly Bamboo Terrace Clear the Panda's Path Sgt. Byrd's Base Clear the Building Troubleshooting Tip: each time you collect one of these dragon eggs, the picture of a character's head that appears in the Atlas next to the level you found the egg in will become darker. When five heads are darkened, the flying machine will be ready to go!

Dragon Egg: 1

You will receive the Monique dragon egg when you defeat Spike.

Evening Lake (Home) World

Dragon Eggs

Glide to the Tower / Hannah Dragon Egg To complete this event, go into the lake and climb the ladder that leads onto the central tower to where the Sparx sign is located. From the top of the ladder, turn Spyro around and glide toward the roof of the smaller tower below you, where the egg is.

I'm Invincible! / Stuart Dragon Egg The Stuart Dragon Egg is located on a small ledge just past the invincibility power-up. In order to reach the Egg, you must have Spyro pass through the invincibility power-up so he can glide to the small ledge without getting damaged by the super flames.

On the Bridge / Ted Dragon Egg The Ted Dragon Egg will be found on a bridge that connects the two large towers. To reach this egg, go through the invincibility power-up and glide to the small ledges without being damaged by the super flames. Here you will find the bridge that connects the two towers. Climb up the ladder and go to the small bridge on the right to find the Ted Dragon Egg.

Break the Tower Wall / Stooby Dragon Egg From the sunken pirate ship, which is also the portal to the lost fleet portal, head straight to the large cobble stone tower in front of you. Use Spyro's charge move to break down the wall, which in turn, will reveal a large room with the Stooby Dragon Egg and some gems.

Belly of the Whale / Jonah Dragon Egg There is a large whale that randomly patrols the depths of the large lake. Swim directly in front of the large whale so it can swallow Spyro. You will find the Jonah Dragon Egg inside of the whale.

Hidden Gems From the sunken pirate ship, which is also the portal to the lost fleet level, head straight to the large cobble stone tower in front of you. Use Spyro's charge move to break down the wall, which in turn, will reveal a large room with the Stooby Dragon Egg and some gems.

Free Bentley the Yeti Bentley and Money Bags are located above the lake, within the central tower. To reach him, you must swim through the opening directly under the ladder to the main tower. This will lead you to a small enclosed room with Money Bags and Bentley the Yeti. Pay Money Bags 1000 gems to free Bentley the Yeti. This will also open the portal to the level Bentley's Outpost.

The Rocket Ship This will take you to the next boss battle, Scorch's Pit. Before you can go there, however, you must collect the first dragon egg in five different levels. When you return to Evening Lake after getting the fifth required dragon egg, you will automatically be transported to the rocket ship and asked if you want to go to Evening Lake World. This rocket ship will take you to Scorch's Pit, first. If you don't want to go to Scorch's Pit at this point, you can always go back to the rocket later.

The 5 Dragon Eggs you must collect before you can fight Scorch are: Level Task that earns required Dragon Egg Frozen Alters Melt the Snowmen Lost Fleet Find Crazy Ed's Treasure Fireworks Factory Destroy the Wocket Charmed Ridge Rescue the Fairy Princess Bentley's Outpost Help Bartholomew Home

Frozen Alters

Entrance Portal: From the rocket ship, follow the grass path all the way to the waters edge. Dive under the staircase like structure to find the Frozen Alters entrance portal.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Melt the Snowman / Jana Dragon Egg: There are two giant snowman in this level that can only be destroyed by using the remote laser beams. Destroy both of the giant snowmen with the remote laser and then head over talk to the penguin next to Money Bags. The penguin will then give you the Jana Dragon Egg.

Catch the Ice Cats / Ba'ah Dragon Egg: After you've completed Melt the Slowmen, pay Money Bags 800 gems in order to open up a dark portal. This portal will lead you to the Cat Hockey mini-games. The object of this mini-game is to freeze 5 cats and put them into your goal before the rhynoc does. Use Spyro's icy breath to freeze the rhynoc and temporarily prevent him from scoring. Get 5 cats in and you'll be rewarded with the Ba'ah Dragon Egg.

Across the Rooftops / Jasper Dragon Egg: Climb up to the roof of the building that Money Baggs presides in. From here you can jump and glide to the roofs of other buildings. Follow the path on the other building's roof to get the Jasper Dragon Egg.

Glide From the Temple Roof / Cecil Dragon Egg: The Cecil Dragon Egg is located on a remote spire over by the first snowman and can only be reached by getting to the top of temple. To get on top of the temple, use the laser to melt the block of ice at the beginning of the level. Continue forward a make a left up the windy incline. At the top of the incline, position Spyro so that he is facing toward the corner of the large temple. Then charge toward the edge to build up speed and carefully jump and glide to the corner of the temple platform. If you do this perfectly, you will be able to flutter onto the corner of the temple. This is very difficult and will take most players many attempts. Jump and glide around to the temple steps and climb them all the way to the top. From the top, position Spyro so that he is facing the smaller temple with the laser. Jump and glide to the temple with the laser.. From here you can easily make it to the Cecil Dragon Egg.

Box the Yeti / Aly Dragon Egg: Enter the Bentley portal and beat the Yeti in one round of boxing to get the Aly Dragon Egg. The easiest strategy for boxing is to back the yeti into a corner with a series of quick jabs (Square button). Keep jabbing until the yeti is knocked out.

Box the Yeti Again / Ricco Dragon Egg: After you beat the Yeti for the first time, you can then challenge him to a 3 round fight. The next match can be pretty tough, so keep a good distance from the Yeti and stick to your strongest punches. The easiest strategy for boxing is to back the yeti into a corner with a series of quick jabs (Square button). Keep jabbing until the yeti is knocked out. Beat the Yeti for the second time to get the Ricco Dragon Egg.

Hidden Gems Inside the ice cave there is a large rock with 2 gem baskets on it. Normally Spyro can reach these gems, but if you freeze the penguin in front of it, you can then jump on top of him to reach the gem baskets.

There are a lot of hidden gems on top of the temple. To get on top of the temple, use the laser to melt the block of ice at the beginning of the level. Continue forward a make and left up the windy incline. At the top of the incline, position Spyro so that he is facing toward the corner of the large temple. Carefully jump and glide to the corner of the temple platform. If done correctly, you should be able to explore the top of the temple and get the hidden gems.

Killing the Snowmen: The only way you can get past the Snowman is by going inside the small hut over by Ernest the penguin and using the manual laser defense. Keep using the laser on the Snowman until he has completely melted.

Bentley Portal The Bentley Portal is near the area where you melt the 2nd Snowman. Before you can enter this portal, you must have already freed Bentley and completed his level Bentley's Outpost. Inside this portal you can challenge Box the Yeti and Box the Yeti Again to earn two dragon eggs.

Money Bags Pay Money Bags 800 gems in order to open up a dark portal. This portal will lead you to the Cat Hockey mini-games.

Lost Fleet

Entrance Portal: The entrance portal for Lost Fleet is inside the sunken pirate ship within the large lake.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Find Crazy Ed's Treasure / Craig Dragon Egg: From the beginning of the level, follow the path ahead of you making sure to use the cannons on the red x's on the side of the ship wreckage to clear the path in front of you. Talk to Crazy Ed in the 2nd pirate ship and he'll open up the exit portal and the Craig Dragon Egg.

Swim Through Acid / Chad Dragon Egg: Go through the door behind the exit portal to reach a small room with an invincibility power-up beside an acid pool. Go through the power-up, dive into the pool and quickly swim through the acid. Continue to swim forward through the narrow acid until you pass underneath a brown piece of wood, and then make the first right turn. This passage will surface in a small room with an airlift and the Chad Dragon Egg.

Sink the Subs 1 / Ethyl Dragon Egg: Take the air lift behind the exit portal to get to the top of the pirate ship. Walk to the edge of the plank and jump/glide into the large mouth in the side of the mountain. Speak to the man inside the dark portal to start a mini-game in which Spyro has to shoot down 6 enemy subs. Destroy all of the subs to get the Ethyl Dragon Egg.

Sink the Subs 2 / Dolores Dragon Egg: Talk to the man again after you complete the "Sink the Subs 1" event and he will ask you to once again shoot down more enemy subs, but this time they will shoot back. Shoot all the subs down to get the Dolores Dragon Egg.

Skate Race the Rhynocs / Oliver Dragon Egg: Go through the door behind the exit portal to reach a small room with acid and an invincibility power-up. Go through it and quickly swim through the acid to reach the other side of the level. When you get back on land, go through the dark portal and speak to Hunter who will allow you to race against the rhynocs. If you place all around first in this 3 lap race, you will be rewarded with the Oliver Dragon Egg. If there are no more crabs left, complete awesome tricks to gain more turbo

Skate Race Hunter / Aiden Dragon Egg: After you beat the rhynoc race and get the Oliver Dragon Egg, Hunter will personally challenge you to another 3 lap race. If you beat Hunter and get all of the crabs, he will reward you with the Aiden Egg.

Hidden Gems From the beginning of the level, hop onto the large cannon and point the barrel up to the small cave on the mountain. Keep shooting into the cave until you can see several gems fly up into the air. Follow the path all the way to the second pirate ship and take the air lift behind the exit portal. Walk along the plank in front of the cannon and jump/glide to the small cave where you shot the cannon.


Q: How can I progress from the area where there are two boats and a cannon?

A: In order to clear the path in front of you, aim and shoot the ground cannons at the large red Xs on the pirate ships.

Q: How come I can't do anything in the area where the skateboarders are?

A: If Hunter the cheetah has been captured by the Sorceress in your game, then you'll be unable to complete this area until you've defeated Scorch, the boss in the Evening Lakes Worlds.

Fireworks Factory

You will need 50 eggs to enter this portal.

Entrance Portal: The Fireworks Factory Portal is located inside in the red cave within the large lake.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Destroy the Wocket / Grady Dragon Egg: From the beginning of the level, go through the archway leading to the second area. Cross the bridge and enter the building on the other side. Climb the stairs and speak to Gretel at the far end of the path. Hop into the dragon cannon and you will be launched to the other side of the level. Cross the next long bridge and enter the temple on the other side. Speak to Gretel on the other side of the temple and she'll give you a dragon egg.

Hidden in an Alcove / Noodles the Dragon: From the beginning of the level, go through the archway leading to the second area. Hop and glide you way across the small platforms to the right of the bridge. You will find a dragon egg on the small green platform.

Bad Dragon / Evan Dragon Egg: Speak to Gretel when you reach the top of the temple and she will ignite the rocket, open the exit portal, and give you the Grady Dragon Egg. Walk through the temple to get to the other side. Jump and glide to the tall building and then jump and glide to the dark portal above the dragon cannon. The object here will be to destroy the two Chinese Dragons. Make sure to focus all of your attacks on one dragon at a time, because they can heal themselves if you don't attack them for a while. After you defeat the 2 wo dragons, you will be rewarded with the Evan Dragon Egg.

Ninja H.Q. / Sam Dragon Egg: From the beginning of the level, go through the archway leading to the second area. Cross the bridge and enter the building on the other side. Climb the stairs and speak to Gretel at the far end of the path. Hop into the dragon cannon and you will be launched to the other side of the level. Cross the next long bridge and go to the left side of the temple. Look for a dark portal on one of the side of the top temple. Enter the portal and work your way up the long and winding path to reach the Sam Dragon Egg.

You're Doomed! / Patty Dragon Egg: This egg is found deep within the Ninja Dungeons in the Agent 9 portal. You will not be able to get this egg unless you have freed Agent 9 and completed the level Agent 9's Lab in the Midnight Mountain world. From the beginning of the level, go through the archway leading to the second area. Cross the bridge and enter the building on the other side. Climb the stairs and speak to Gretel at the far end of the path. Hop into the dragon cannon and you will be launched to the other side of the level. Cross the next long bridge and go to the right side of the temple. Jump and glide to the thin tower and then glide again to the Agent 9 portal. Fight your way through this 1st person shooter and make sure to dodge all incoming attacks. Eventually by following the intended path, you come to a small room with the Patty Dragon Egg.

You're Still Doomed / Donovan Dragon Egg: This egg is found deep within the Ninja Dungeons in the Agent 9 portal. You will not be able to get this egg unless you have freed Agent 9 and completed the level Agent 9's Lab in the Midnight Mountain world. From the beginning of the level, go through the archway leading to the second area. Cross the bridge and enter the building on the other side. Climb the stairs and speak to Gretel at the far end of the path. Hop into the dragon cannon and you will be launched to the other side of the level. Cross the next long bridge and go to the right side of the temple. Jump and glide to the thin tower and then glide again to the Agent 9 portal. After you've gone to the core of the dungeon and received the Patty Dragon Egg, fight your way all the way back to the entrance and rescue the boy to get the Donovan Dragon Egg.

Agent 9 Portal: The Agent 9 portal is located in a room directly below the exit portal. This portal will not open unless you have paid Money Bags 1,300 gems to free Agent 9 and completed the level Agent 9's Lab. Complete the area inside the portal to earn the You're Doomed dragon egg. Complete it a second time to earn the You're Still Doomed dragon egg.

Charmed Ridge

Entrance Portal: The Charmed Ridge portal is located on the small underwater bridge within the Evening Lake Home world.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Rescue the Fairy Princess / Sakura Egg: This level is full of cat wizards that will use magic to make other enemies bigger, drop pillars on Spyro and generally make things difficult. Destroy all cat wizards as you make your way through the level. From the beginning of the level, glide to the nearby landing and climb the ladder on its left side. Talk to the fairy at the end of the level and she will open up the exit portal for you and give you the Sakura Egg.

Egg in the Cave / Benjamin Dragon Egg: To reach this egg you must have already paid Money Baggs 600 gems to lower the stairs. Climb up the stairs and work your way over to the 3 large sliding blocks. When you get on top of the largest and tallest sliding block, jump and glide to the small cave. Inside the cave you will find the Benjamin Dragon Egg.

Glide to the Tower / Moe Dragon Egg: To reach this egg you must have already paid Money Baggs 600 gems to lower the stairs. About halfway into this level there is a Cat Wizard who levitates a pillar to block your path. You must get onto the fallen tower beside this Cat Wizard to get the Moe Dragon Egg. First, climb the collapsing stairs and then hop to the platform that's surrounded by water. Turnaround. Glide to the small cave on the lower right, where the Super Flame Power-up is. Climb the ladder in this cave and glide to the stone block were there is a Cat Wizard. Then glide toward the fallen tower, and press the Triangle button to hover onto it. From here you can glide to the pillar where the Cat Wizard who levitated the pillar is. This is where you'll collect the Moe Dragon Egg.

Cat Witch Chaos / Abby Dragon Egg: This egg can be won in the Sgt. Byrd Portal. To reach the Sgt. Byrd portal, take the airlift by the exit and ride it up to a circular platform. Jump/glide to a small terrace and follow the path all the way to a remote pillar. Glide to the pillar and enter the Sgt. Byrd Portal to play another exciting mini-game. Defeat all of the witches without losing a life and you'll win the Abbey Dragon Egg.

Jack and the Beanstalk 1 / Shelley Dragon Egg: The Shelley Dragon Egg will be found in the Dark Portal Area. Speak to Jack on the other side of the portal and he'll give you two seeds to plant. Plant the yellow seed on the dirt near the gem basket on a ledge and the pink seed on the other spot of dirt. Use the plants to get to the next area. In the next area once again plant the yellow seed on the spot of dirt that is closest to the castle and plant the pink seed on the remaining dirt spot. Use the plants to get the third area. Once in the third area, glide over to the ledge near the castle in the second area so you can get another yellow seed. Take the yellow seed back up to the third area and plant it in the dirt spot. Climb the plant and you'll be rewarded with the Shelley Dragon Egg.

Jack and the Bean Stalk 2 / Chuck Egg: After you get the Shelly Dragon Egg, Jack will have you continue to work your way to the top of the castle. Start of by using the pink seed and growing a plant. Take the next 2 pink seeds over to the second area and make plants in the appropriate places. Work your way over to the third area via the plants you just grew and grab the yellow seed. Head back to the area where you just planted two mushrooms and breath fire on the plant closest to Jack. This will turn it back into a pink seed. Plant the yellow seed in the now open dirt area and work your way back to the third area. In the third area, plant all 3 pink seeds in their appropriate places so you will have 3 mushrooms. Work your way over the mushrooms to reach the top of the castle. Here you find the Chuck Egg.

Money Bags: Pay Money Bags 600 gems to lower the staircase for you.

Sgt. Byrd Portal You will not be able to enter the Sgt. Byrd portal unless you freed him and completed the level Sgt. Byrd's Base in the Midday Garden world. To reach the Sgt. Byrd portal, take the airlift by the exit and ride it up to a circular platform. Jump/glide to a small terrace and follow the path all the way to a remote pillar. Glide to the pillar and enter the Sgt. Byrd Portal, where you can earn a dragon egg for stopping the Cat Witch Chaos.


Q: How do I get past the large moving pillar?

A: Approach the pillar and when it smashes to the ground, quickly run around it to get past it. If it doesn't work at first, keep trying, eventually it will work

Q: How do I get to the gems in the indestructible box next to the large moving pillar?

A: You can destroy this box with the help of the Superflame power-up. To get to the power-up, work your way over to the 3 large sliding blocks. When you get on top of the largest and tallest sliding block, jump and glide to the small cave. Inside the cave you will find the Superflame Power-up. Pass through it and then run to the opposite end of the cave to get back to the large moving pillar that's near the indestructible chest.

Honey Speedway

You will need 65 eggs to enter this level.

Entrance Portal: The Honey Speedway portal is located on one side of the small underwater bridge within the Midday Garden Home world.

Dragon Eggs: 3

Time Attack / Chris Dragon Egg: The best way to get a 100% in this level is collect the following items in this order; honey combs, boats, bees, and then bee hives.

Race the Bees / Henri Dragon Egg: Place all around first in this 3 lap race to get the Henri Dragon Egg. Make sure to use all of the turbo stars while racing, because they will help you get past the competition.

Hunter's Narrow Escape / Nori Dragon Egg: From the beginning of the "Time Attack" challenge, head to the right and speak to Hunter under the bee hive. You will then be in control of hunter as he is riding down the honey stream in a little boat. Carefully avoid all obstacles or else the U.F.O. will nab him. Complete this event to get the Nori Dragon Egg.

Bentley's Outpost

Entrance Portal: To find the entrance portal, swim in water beneath the tower with a ladder on it that leads to the Sparx level. Enter the underwater passage and swim to the surface to find Money Bags and the Bentley's Outpost portal. To open the portal to this level, you must pay Money Bags 1000 gems to free Bentley the Yeti. Money Bags is located within the central tower. To reach him, you must swim through the opening directly under the ladder to the main tower. This will lead you to a small enclosed room with Money Bags and Bentley the Yeti.

Dragon Eggs: 3

The Gong Show / Brian Dragon Egg: Use Bentley's Spin Move on the snowballs that are tossed in his direction in order to hit the gong on the other side of the chasm. Do this correctly and a bridge will form leading you to the Brian Dragon Egg.

Snowballs Chance / Charlie Dragon Egg: Use Bentley's Spin Move on the snowballs that are tossed in his direction in order to hit the gong on the other side of the chasm. Do this correctly and a bridge will form leading you to a large metallic box. Push the box over the cliff and go through the passage it was blocking. Continue forward to get the Charlie Dragon Egg.

Help Bartholomew Home / Eric Dragon Egg: After you slide the large metal box out of your way, go to the next room and slide the two crates into place. This will form a small bridge for Bentley to cross. Speak to Bartholomew on the other side and he will open up the exit portal for you and give you the Charlie Dragon Egg.


Q: I'm at the area that can only be reached by pushing two boxes and then jumping on them, but there isn't anything to do. Whassup?

A: First, be sure you talked to (helper name here) before moving the boxes. Second, make sure you pushed both boxes as close as possible to the platforms. When you do this, (If you don't move the boxes all the way toward the center of the raised platform, (helper name here) won't open the level's exit for Bentley.

Scorch's Pit

Entrance Portal: You must collect the first dragon egg in five different levels before you can ride the rocket ship in Evening Lake Home to Spike's Arena. When you return to Evening Lake after getting the fifth required dragon egg, you will automatically be transported to the rocket ship and asked if you want to go to Evening Lake World. This rocket ship will take you to Scorch's Pit, first. If you don't want to go to Scorch's Pit at this point, you can always go back to the rocket later.

The 5 Dragon Eggs you must collect before you can fight Scorch are: Level Task that earns required Dragon Egg Frozen Alters Melt the Snowmen Lost Fleet Find Crazy Ed's Treasure Fireworks Factory Destroy the Wocket Charmed Ridge Rescue the Fairy Princess Bentley's Outpost Help Bartholomew Home Troubleshooting Tip: There is a faded picture of a character's head next to each of these levels in the Atlas. When you earn the required dragon egg in one of these levels, the corresponding picture in the Atlas will darken. When all five heads are darkened, the rocket in Evening Lake will be ready to take you to Scorch's Pit!

Dragon Egg: 1 You will be awarded the James Dragon Egg when you defeat Scorch.

Midnight Mountain Home World

Dragon Eggs: 6

Shhh, it's a secret / Billy Dragon Egg: Look for a cracked wall to the right of the "Desert Ruins" portal and use Spyro's head bash ability to break that wall. Glide to the spire to receive the Billy Dragon Egg.

Glide to the Island / Saki Dragon Egg: Climb the steps that are to the right of the Rocket ship chamber where you first arrived in this level. Glide from the top of the steps to a nearby pillar to get the Saki Dragon Egg.

Stomp the Floor / Buddy Dragon Egg: There's a small cave over by the Sparx sign that has cracks on it's floor. Use Spyro's head bash ability here to open up a small room containing the Buddy Dragon Egg.

Catch the Thief / Miken Dragon Egg: Catch the Egg Thief on this level to get the Miken Dragon Egg

At the Top of the Waterfall / Evie Dragon Egg: This egg can be found on top of the waterfall within the mausoleum.

Egg For Sale / Al Dragon Egg: After you defeat the Sorceress in the "Sorceress's Lair" level, Money Bags will reappear on the bridge over by the "Desert Ruins" portal. Speak to him and he'll run away from you. Chase Money Bags and each time you hit him with the fire breath, he'll give you a small portion of your gems back. Repeat this process until he has given you all of your gems back. Once you have all of the gems back, Money Bags will give you the Al Dragon Egg.

Sorceress's Lair Portal:

If you climb the stairs that are near the Dino Mines entrance portal, you'll arrive in the chamber that leads to the Sorceress' Lair, where you will fight the final boss. You will be able to enter this portal to fight the 4th world boss when you've collected at least 100 dragon eggs.

Free Agent 9

Pay 1,300 gems to Money Bags in order to free Agent 9 and unlock the portal to Agent 9's Lab.

Money Bags (after defeating the Sorceress)

After you defeat the Sorceress in the "Sorceress's Lair" level, Money Bags will reappear on the bridge over by the "Desert Ruins" portal. Speak to him and he'll run away from you. Chase Money Bags and each time you hit him with the fire breath, he'll give you a small portion of your gems back. Repeat this process until he has given you all of your gems back. Once you have all of the gems back, Money Bags will give you the Al Dragon Egg.

Crystal Islands

Entrance Portal:

Look for the portal to this level on the side of a bunch of huge, crystal shards.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Reach the Crystal Tower / Lloyd Dragon Egg: When you first arrive in this level, you'll need some help from the magicians in order to earn the dragon egg for reaching the crystal tower. Go forward from the level's entrance, cross the water and glide to the lower platform where you will see some stairs. Go upstairs, kill the flying beavers and then talk to the Magician, who will create moving gem platforms to help you cross the water. Jump from the top gem to the next area where you must climb to the highest platform and glide to the next area. Kill all the enemies in this area and then speak to the Magician to activate an airlift in the building over the water. You'll have to hurry because this airlift will only remain active for a short time after you speak to the magician. Cross the bridge and kill all the enemies in the vicinity of the water, including the flying beavers and the octopi in the water. When all the enemies are gone, speak to the magician to activate another set of floating, pink gems. Cross these to get to the next area. Talk to the magician there and he'll open up the exit portal and give you the Lloyd Dragon Egg.

Whack a Mole / Hank Dragon Egg: To get this egg you must win the Whack a Mole mini-game that's found within the Bently Portal in this level. To get to the Bently Portal, head over to the airlift on an isolated pillar by the exit portal and ride it up to the area above you. Glide over to the nearest platform to find the portal. Try to whack each mole the instant it comes out of the hole. This egg is rewarded to you if you can whack 20 moles in less than one minute.

Catch the Flying Thief / Max Dragon Egg: Head over to the airlift on an isolated pillar by the exit portal and ride it up to the area above you. Glide over to the Bently portal and continue on to the Super Flying power-up. Chase the thief on the airplane and use your fire breath when you get close enough. Once the thief is caught, you will get the Max Dragon Egg. Make sure to use the turbo stars to get closer to the thief.

Fly to the Hidden Egg / Grace Dragon Egg: Head over to the airlift on an isolated pillar by the exit portal and ride it up to the area above you. Glide over to the Bently portal and continue on to the Super Flying power-up. Fly directly ahead of you and land on the platform near the large pillar. Follow the path down to collect the Grace Dragon Egg.

Glide to the Island / Manie Dragon Egg: Glide to the small pillar just outside the building where the magician creates large gem platforms.

Ride the Slide / Elloise Dragon Egg: This egg is located at the bottom of the long slide. To reach the slide, simply enter the dark portal to the left of the exit portal.

Hidden Gems

Head over to the airlift on an isolated pillar by the exit portal and ride it up to the area above you. Glide over to the Bently portal and continue on to the Super Flying power-up. Fly directly ahead of you and land on the platform near the large pillar. Follow the path down to collect the Grace Dragon Egg and some gems.

There is a single gem on top of the little shack that the exit portal is in. You'll need to use the Super Flying Power-up to reach this gem

Treasure Chest & Key

The treasure Chest is located on an isolated pillar near the exit portal. Head over to the airlift on an isolated pillar by the exit portal and ride it up to the area above you. Glide over to the Bently portal and continue on to the Super Flying power-up. Fly directly ahead of you and land on the platform near the large pillar. Follow the path around and look for a large block with the key on it.

Money Bags

After a wizard creates a airlift to get Spyro to a new area, you'll have to pay Money Bags 1000 gems to create a bridge to get to the level's exit portal and earn the dragon egg for "Reaching the Crystal Tower."

Bently Portal

To get to the Bently Portal, head over to the airlift on an isolated pillar by the exit portal and ride it up to the area above you. Glide over to the nearest platform to find the portal. Win the Whack a Mole mini-game inside the Bently Portal to get a dragon egg.

Desert Ruins

Entrance Portal:

The Desert Ruins portal is located in the Midnight Mountain Home, inside of the large Trojan helmet.

Dragon Eggs

Raid the Tomb / Marty Dragon Egg: Talk to Gus at the beginning of the level. Then cross the sinking platform to get to the next area. Cross the hot bridge and climb the ladder on the other side. From here you must cross a series of sinking platforms and hot bridges to get to a building. You must pay Money Bags 800 gems to open the door to this building. Then, go through the building and out the other side to find Gus's girlfriend, Tara. When you speak to Tara, she'll open up the exit portal and give you the Marty Dragon Egg.

Shark Shootin' / Sadie Dragon Egg: After paying Money Bags the 800 gems to open the door to the last building, work your way up the ladders, and jump into the hole. Go through the dark portal at the end of the hallway and speak to Hunter in order to trigger a mini-game. Defeat all of the sharks to get the Sadie Dragon Egg.

Krash Kangaroo 1 / Lester Dragon Egg: This is the first egg you will come to in the Sheila portal. To get to the Sheila portal, Make your way to the building that Money Bags opened for you, but don't go inside. Instead, turn away from the building's entrance and hop to the platform that's in front of you. Hop the next platform, climb the ladder, and make your way to the ledge that's above the entrance to the building. Glide past the building, to the large hand that is in the middle of the acid lake. From the hand, you can jump and glide to a landing that's a short distance from the Sheila portal. This is the first egg you will come to in the Sheila portal. To get to the Sheila portal, make your way to the building that Money Bags opened for you, but don't go inside. Instead, turn away from the building's entrance and hop to the platform that's in front of you. Hop the next platform, climb the ladder, and make your way to the ledge that's above the entrance to the building. Glide past the building, to the large hand that is in the middle of the acid lake. From the hand, you can jump and glide to a landing that's a short distance from the Sheila portal.

Krash Kangaroo 2 / Pete Dragon Egg: This is the second egg you will come to in the Sheila portal. To get to the Sheila portal, Make your way to the building that Money Bags opened for you, but don't go inside. Instead, turn away from the building's entrance and hop to the platform that's in front of you. Hop the next platform, climb the ladder, and make your way to the ledge that's above the entrance to the building. Glide past the building, to the large hand that is in the middle of the acid lake. From the hand, you can jump and glide to a landing that's a short distance from the Sheila portal.

Sink or Singe / Nelly Dragon Egg: Make your way to the building that Money Bags opened for you, but don't go inside. Instead, turn away from the building's entrance and hop to the platform that's in front of you. Hop the the next platform, climb the ladder, and make your way to the ledge that's above the entrance to the building. Glide past the building, to the large hand that is in the middle of the acid lake. From the hand, you can jump and glide to a landing that's at the mouth of an acid-filled tunnel. Make your way to the third sinking platform in this tunnel to get the Nelly Dragon Egg.

Give Me a Hand / Andy Dragon Egg: Make your way to the building that Money Bags opened for you, but don't go inside. Instead, turn away from the building's entrance and hop over to the platform that's in front of you. Hop to the next platform, climb the ladder, and make your way to the ledge that's above the entrance to the building. Glide past the building, to the large hand that is in the middle of the acid lake. From the hand, you can jump and glide to a landing where the Andy Dragon Egg is found.

Treasure Chest & Key

The Treasure chest can be found on a small ledge at the beginning of the level. To get to the key, go to the small tunnel with several sinking platforms and look for a part of the wall that has cracks in it. Smash through this wall with Spyro's charge ability to enter a hidden cave . The key can be found at the end of the hidden cave.

Money Bags

Pay money bags 800 gems so he'll open the door for you.

Sheila Portal

The Sheila portal is located on a ledge over by the acid ponds. Entering the portal will take you to a side scrolling mini game in which you must guide Sheila through a series of jumps and obstacles. Complete the Krash Kangaroo area inside the portal to earn two dragon eggs.

Haunted Tomb

You need 40 eggs to enter this level.

Entrance Portal:

The Haunted Tomb portal is located in the pink pond within the large Mausoleum.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Release the Temple Dweller / Will Dragon Egg: Speak to Allgeier at the end of the level and he'll give you a riddle. Choose the answer "An Egg", and he'll open up the exit portal for you and give you the Will Dragon Egg. To reach the end of the level, you must step on the hexagonal tiles on the floor of each room. The tiles will temporarily open up the door to the next room.

Snake Slide / Malcom Dragon Egg: Carefully slide down the snake slide without falling off, and you will be rewarded with the Malcom Dragon Egg. The snake slide is located on top of a ladder near the exit portal.

Tank Blast 1 / MJ Dragon Egg: Go through the dark portal at the top of the temple steps and destroy all 4 tanks in the mini-game to get the MJ Dragon Egg. The Dark Portal is located on top of a staircase in the room before you reach the exit portal. Enter the portal and talk to the man in the next room. Choose the answer "twelve years" to start the tank mini-game.

Tank Blast 2 / TJ Dragon Egg: Go through the dark portal and destroy all 4 tanks in the mini-game to get the MJ Dragon Egg. Talk to the man one more time to start another tank mini-game in which you must destroy 10 tanks. Destroy all of the tanks to get the TJ Dragon Egg. The Dark Portal is located on top of a staircase in the room before you reach the exit portal. Enter the portal and talk to the man in the next room. Choose the answer "twelve years" to start the tank mini-game.

Clear the Caves / Roxy Dragon Egg: This egg is awarded to you when you complete the Agent 9 mini-game. Enter the Agent 9 portal to play a short mini-game in which you must clear out the enemies in each area with your blaster. To begin the mini-game talk to Ali and choose the answer "footsteps".

Climb the Wall / Christine Dragon Egg: This egg can be found in third chamber from the beginning of the level. Look for a small ladder on a ledge and climb up it to get the Christine Dragon Egg.

Agent 9 Portal

The Agent 9 Portal is located directly across from the Exit Portal. Enter the Agent 9 portal to play a short mini-game in which you must Clear the Caves with your blaster. To begin the mini-game talk to Ali and choose the answer "footsteps". You can only enter this portal if you have already freed Agent 9 and completed the level Agent 9's Lab.

Dark Portal / Tank mini-game

The Dark Portal is located on top of a staircase in the room before you reach the exit portal. Enter the portal and talk to the man in the next room. Choose the answer "twelve years" to start the tank mini-game.

Dino Mines

You need 80 eggs to enter this level.

Entrance Portal:

The Dino Mines portal is found in-between the large mausoleum and the Sparx sign.

Dragon Eggs: 6

Jail Break / Kiki Dragon Egg: There's a large panel you can break through by using Spyro's charge ability over by the large barrel with a ladder on it. Behind the panel you'll find the sheriff who will open up the exit portal for you and give you the Kiki Dragon Egg.

Shafted / Elliot Dragon Egg: This egg is located at the end of the flooded mine shaft. To get there, get on top of the large brown barrel near the exit portal and Agent 9 portal, and dive down to the dark portal. Speak to the Sheriff and then work your way down the long and winding mine shaft to get the Elliot Dragon Egg. Avoid all of the obstacles and sea horses in the flooded mine shaft or else you will have to start all over.

Swim Through the Wall / Romey Dragon Egg: Look for a wall with a crack in it when you are in the underwater cave, and break through it using Spyro's charge move. Inside the newly opened passage you will find the Romey Egg.

Gunfight at the Jurassic Corral / Sharon Dragon Egg: This egg will be rewarded to you after you complete the first mini-game in the Agent 9 portal.

Leap of Faith / Dan Dragon Egg: This egg is found at the very beginning of the level. In order to reach it you'll have to make a blind jump/glide around the first building. On the other side of the building you will find several gems and the Dan Dragon Egg.

Take it to the Bank / Sergio Dragon Egg: This is one of two eggs in the Agent 9 portal. This egg can be found in a small house with several wanted posters on it. You will only be able to get this egg after you completed the "Gunfight at the Jurassic Corral" event.

Agent 9 Portal

The Agent 9 portal is located on a ledge over by the large yellow barrel with a ladder on it. Inside you can earn a dragon egg by winning the Gunfight at Jurassic Corral. You can only enter this portal if you have already freed Agent 9 and completed the level Agent 9's Lab.

Harbor Speedway

You need 90 eggs to enter this level.

Entrance Portal:

The Harbor Speedway portal is found on the other side of the bridge where the Sparx Sign is.

Dragon Eggs: 3

Time Attack / Kobe Dragon Egg: The best way to get a 100% in this level is collect the following items in this order; Arches, lobsters, hovercraft fish, and then seagulls.

Race the Blue Footed Boobies / Jessie Dragon Egg: Place all around first in this 3 lap race. Make sure to use all of the turbo stars while racing, because they will help you get past the competition. Spyro can also use his flame breath on seagulls that are right next to him, causing them to slow down for a moment. Don't try this on seagulls directly in Spyro's flight path, because they'll slow down and block from passing them.

Hunter's Pursuit / Sara Dragon Egg: Look for Hunter inside the lighthouse while playing the Time Attack challenge. Speak to Hunter and chase the rings that come out of the U.F.O.. Complete this event and you will get the Sara Dragon Egg.

Agent 9's Lab

Entrance Portal:

Find Money Bags in the Midnight Mountain Home world and pay him 1,300 gems to free Agent 9. Then enter the portal behind him to get to the level, Agent 9's Lab.

Dragon Eggs: 3

Blast and Bomb the Rhynocs / Rowan Dragon Egg: Destroy all of the Rhynocs in this level with bombs and the blaster to get the Rowan Dragon Egg.

Snipe the Boats / Tony Dragon Egg: Near the exit there is a force field blocking a small area with gems. Carefully aim and throw a bomb over the field so it takes out the red generator behind it. This will turn off the force field allowing you to collect gems and reach the rhynoc boats. Use Agent 9's sniper ability and take out all of the Rhynoc boats to get the Tony Dragon Egg.

This Place Has Gone to the Birds / Beulah Dragon Egg: Use your sniper vision to pinpoint and destroy the birds within the Professor's lab. Defeat all six to get the Beulah Dragon Egg.

Hidden Gems:

Near the exit there is a force field blocking a small area with gems. Carefully aim and throw a bomb over the field so it takes out the red generator behind it. This will turn off the force field allowing you to collect gems and reach the rhynoc boats. Look for two balloon carrying gems high above you in this area too!

Once you get the bombs for Agent 9, head back to the beginning of the level and use a bomb on the indestructible box to get the gems out.

Look for a balloon carrying gems high above you in the computer room and at the beginning of the level.

Sorceress's Lair

Entrance Requirements:

You need a 100 eggs to enter this level. If you have 100 eggs when you first arrive at the Midnight Mountain Home, you can enter this level immediately!

Entrance Portal:

If you climb the stairs that are near the Dino Mines entrance portal, you'll arrive in the chamber that leads to the Sorceress' Lair.

George Dragon Egg

When the Sorceress is defeated, you'll get the George Dragon Egg and see the end of the game.

What are Sparx worlds and how do I access them?

This game contains four levels in which you get to play as Sparx the dragonfly. The entrances to Sparx worlds are marked by a sign in each home world that has a picture of Sparx on it. Sparx will gain a new power for each level he completes in the Sparx World. Each level becomes available after you've defeated the boss for that home world. For example: the Sparx world in Sunshine Springs Home becomes accessible after you've defeated the Sunshine Springs Boss in Buzz's Dungeon.

Crawdad Farm

Entrance Portal & Requirments

The entrance to the Crawdad Farm is in Sunshine Springs Home, next to the balloon that you can ride into Midday Garden. It is marked by a sign with a picture of Sparx the Dragonfly on it. Return here after Buzz has been defeated in Buzz's Dungeon to enter the Crawdad Farm.

Dragon Eggs: 1

Take Sparx to the Farm / Nora Dragon Egg: Make your way through each area, destroy the wooden crates that generate more crawdad enemies. Collect keys to get into new areas. Defeat the Crawdad Boss in the final area to earn the Nora Dragon Egg.

Training in Sparx World

Listen to the directions to learn how to control Sparx the Dragonfly.

Sparx Power-up

The fairy will grant Sparx the Gem Collector power-up after you complete this level. This power-up allows Sparx to pick up gems that are much farther away from Spyro.


Red Key: This key will be found in the first large room you come to that has a shielded crawdad-spawner.

Green Key: Use the red key to open the large red door to the north. Follow the path all the way to the green key.

Yellow Key: Use the green key to open the large green door to the east. Follow the short path to the yellow key.

Blue Key: Use the yellow key to open the large yellow door to the northeast. Make sure to stand on the red hexagon in the next room. This will lower the shield to the crawdad-spawner. Destroy the crawdad-spawner and grab the blue key to the west.

Boss: Crawdad King

Make sure you come to this battle with full health because this boss has several nasty attacks. It will also help a lot if you come to this battle with a special weapon equipped, such as the homing missiles or the spread gun. Use your strafe technique to attack the boss and dodge his attacks. The Nora Dragon Egg will be awarded to you after the battle.

Hidden Gems / Lowering the force field

After you beat the Crawdad King, return to the main room and then go through the yellow gate. Fly over the red switch in this area to make it turn to green. This removes the force field that protects the crawdad-spawner that's in the main area. Destroy the crawdad spawner to find another gem.

Spider Town

Entrance Portal:

The entrance to Spider Town is in the Midday Garden Home, next to Country Speedway portal. It is marked by a sign with a picture of Sparx the Dragonfly on it. Return here after Spike has been defeated in Spike's Arena to enter Spider Town

Dragon Egg: 1

Go to Town / Tootie Dragon Egg Make your way through the level and destroy the potted plants that generate more spider enemies. To deactivate the force fields that surround some potted plants, locate a nearby red button and fly over it to turn it green. Collect golden keys to get though the force fields that block your progress. Defeat the Spider Queen in the final area to get the Nora Dragon Egg.


There are 5 yellow keys to collect on this level. Each key you get allows you to pass through a force field that blocks your progress in the maze.

Boss: Spider Queen

Always destroy the baby spiders first so they won't be in your way, and then focus all of your attacks on the Spider Queen. After several successful hits, the Spider Queen will become invulnerable and will begin a spin attack. Avoid her at all costs and prepare for the next wave of baby spiders. Repeat this process until the Spider Queen is no more.

Sparx Power-up

The fairy will grant Sparx the Gem Compass power-up after you complete this level. Press R1, R2, L1, L2 all at the same time in order to get Sparx to point in the direction of hidden or previously overlooked gems.

Starfish Reef

Entrance Portal:

The entrance to Starfish Reef is in Evening Lake Home, inside the main tower. From the beginning of the Evening Lake, Follow the path in front of you all the way to the water's edge. Climb up the tall ladder on the side of the building to reach the Sparx sign on it. Return here after Scorch has been defeated in Scorch's Pit to enter Spider Town.

Dragon Egg: 1

Beach Party / Ahnashawn Kill all the enemies in each area to unlock doors. Destroy the seashells that generate enemies. Defeat the Manta Ray to get the Ahnashawn Dragon Egg.

Boss: Manta Ray

Stay close to this guy when you attack him so he won't use his grenade attack. This boss will separate into two smaller manta rays when you have depleted half of his energy. Finish off the 2 smaller manta rays by attacking in short small bursts. If you're unable to defeat this boss with Sparx normal weapon, I suggest re-starting the entire level so you can arrive at the battle with 300 shots of rapid-fire ammo. You will be rewarded with the Ahnashawn Dragon Egg after you defeat the boss.

Hidden Gems

Don't forget to go through the southern pass after you defeat the Manta Ray. There are several gems over there.

Sparx Power-up

The fairy will grant Sparx the extra hit power-up after you complete this level. This power-up allows Sparx to get hit one extra time for Spyro. In other words, Spyro will be able to get hit five times before losing a life.

Bugbot Factory

Entrance Portal:

The entrance to the Bugbot Factory is in the Midnight Mountain Home, next to the bridge by the Harbor Speedway portal. It is marked by a sign with a picture of Sparx the Dragonfly on it. Return here after Scorch has been defeated in Scorch's Pit to enter Spider Town.

Dragon Egg: 1

Shut down the Factory / Anabelle Dragon Egg: Make your way Defeat the Centipede to get the Anabelle Dragon Egg.

Stealing Keys

Steal the keys from the bug thieves. They'll drop the key they're carrying when you shoot them or bump into them. Each key will open the door to the next area.

Boss: Centipede

Patience is the key to defeating this boss. Pick your shots wisely and avoid all incoming attacks. Eventually the centipede will split into two, at which time you should focus your attacks on one centipede at a time. It is a good idea to have 300 shots of rapid-fire ammo when you arrive at this boss battle.

Sparx Power-ups

The fairy will grant Sparx with two new power-ups after you complete this level. The first power-up allows Sparx to open up treasure chests and the second power-up allows you to warp to any level by using the Atlas.

Super Bonus Round

Entrance Portal: This portal will only open if you have collected 15,000 gems and 149 Dragon Eggs. This portal is located on a remote island within the Midnight Mountain home world. To reach this portal, navigate Spyro all the way to the Harbor Speedway entrance. Jump/glide to the remote island to reach the entrance portal

Dragon Egg: 1 · Woo, a Secret Egg / Yin Yang Dragon Egg: This egg will be rewarded to you after you defeat the Sorceress within the 20,000 gem door.

Doors · 16,000 Gem Door / Mini Sub Game: Destroy all 7 subs to get enough gems to allow you to enter the 17,000 Gem Door. · 17,000 Gem Door / Skateboarding game: Place first all around in this 3 lap race and Hunter will reward you 1000 gems. You'll need lots of Turbo to win this race, so do frequent stunts to build up your turbo meter (stunts work the same on the hover-board as they do on the skateboard). Try jumping off of the ramp at the beginning of the race and then do a series of forward or back flips to fill up the Turbo meter.

· 18,500 Gem Door / U.F.O Shooter: Make use of the Super Flame/Flying power-up to destroy all 7 U.F.O.s.

· 20,000 Gem Door / Sorceress: Defeat the Sorceress to receive the Yin Yang Dragon Egg and view the extra game ending sequence.

Gem Thieves Five Gem Thieves are located throughout the parameter of the Super Bonus World. Chase each thief and catch them to get a lot of gems

Boss: Sorceress The hover tank vehicle will allow Spyro to fly over the arena and shoot at the Sorceress. Don't fly too close to the Sorceress, or she'll knock you out of the Hover Tank. You have to also make sure not to fly the hover tank to close to the lava below you, or else you will crash into it and instantly lose a life. Carefully aim your shots at the Sorceress and make sure to dodge and avoid all of her projectile attacks. You will successfully defeat her once you have hit her 20 times.

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