GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Timesplitters 2"

This game is also available on PS2 and Xbox.

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Timesplitters 2 (Gamecube)
Submitted By: Rickoss


Primary Objectives :-

1. Deactivate The Communications Dish:

As soon as you start the level, collect the two guns in front of you and select the Sniper Rifle. Aim up towards the main building (By holding L) and zoom in (By pressing Up on the D-Pad) on the stationary guard and shoot him in the head. Then aim slightly to the right and take out a surveillance camera by shooting the lens. After this turn to your right to find a metal fence, zoom in, whilst keeping your distance and a guard will come into view. Shoot the guard in the head and then make your way into the fenced-off area.
Now it's a simple case of going around the corners of the area, shooting any guards in the head using the Sniper Rifle.

Once you've killed the first two guards and are opposite a building with no door, aim slightly to the right of the building and shoot the guard that walks back and forth. Now it's time to get out your Temporal Uplink. As soon as the surveillance camera is facing away from you, run into the building with no door and press A on the computer. The first camera will already be destroyed, so press A again. Then deactivate the next camera and once again press A. Now go into the building left of the one with no door to get the Sniper Ammo, then make your way out again and aim up at the Dam to kill the sniper at the top.

Go behind the main building and make your way up to the second floor of the building. Go inside the building and press the switch near the windows. Then go back out and go across the planks of wood to a building with a hole in the top.
Drop down, collect the Timed Mines and make your way back up the steps.
When you're up again, select the Timed Mines, aim just above the huge Dish on top and wait until you see the words "Deactivate The Communications Dish Complete" flash on the screen before moving on.

NOTE: Before moving onto the next Objective, look under Secondary Objectives, 1, Cabinets 1 & 2.

2. Restore Power:

As soon as you enter the Dam, you'll see a lift in front of you.
Press A near it for your new Objective - Restore Power.

Make your way up the Dam. On the 1st Floor (On the wall there will
be a 1), crouch (By pressing B) to crawl under a gas leak. As you go further up you'll come across two stationary guards.
Shoot them in the head with the Silenced Pistol so you don't alarm the other guards. Just past the first guard you kill, there'll be a surveillance camera up the steps. Select the Sniper Rifle again and position yourself so you can just see the back of the camera but not the lens.

When you get to the top of the Dam, walk forward towards the door and select your Silenced Pistol. Shoot the stationary guard in the head, then select your Sniper Rifle and shoot the one further away in the head. Select your Pistol again and move back from the door. More guards will come but just shoot them as they come through the door and there won't be a problem. After that go through the door and enter each opening on your left. In the first get the armor and ammo on the shelves. In each room, press A on each valve to stop the gas leak. Go through the door past the leak and make your way down the steps. There are three enemies that need to be killed, so get out your Silenced Pistol. On your way down, pick up the armor and ammo, then open the
door at the very bottom.
Before you go outside, select the Sniper Rifle and take out the
surveillance camera by shooting the lens. Then, go to the steps
and aim up to the opposite side of the Dam, there's a Sniper
trying to shoot you, so kill him before he kills you. Select the
Silenced Pistol and go around the right of the building and kill
the first guard you see. At the corner, look up and to the left
to see a surveillance camera, destroy it and move on. There'll
be two more guards to kill but don't go around the next corner,
there's a camera there. When you've killed the two guards, go to
the corner and shoot the camera lens.
After that, go back and inter the building. Go along the short
corridor and turn to your left. Select the Silenced Pistol and
shoot the guard in the head behind the shelf so he can't
activate the alarm. Then look in the top left corner and kill
the guard.

NOTE: Before moving on, look under Secrets, 1.

Go down the steps - ignoring the first door you come across -
and stop at when you get to an opening and a door on your right.
If you're short on armour, go into the room on your right.
Select the Silenced Pistol and shoot the first guard you see in
the head. Then select your Sniper Rifle, move a bit to the left,
and take out the surveillance camera by shooting the lens. Once
again, select your Silenced Pistol and turn to the right to find
another guard. Shoot her and collect the Fire Extinguisher on
the wall near the first guard.

NOTE: Before moving on, look under Secondary Objectives, 1,
Cabinets 3, 4 & 5.

Now make your way down the steps to the checkpoint. Select your
Soviet because there are lots of guards around the corner. Wait
for the first one to come around the corner and when you've
killed him the rest will come after you. When you've killed the
guards, don't go up the steps to the left of the room, and make
your way up onto the metal frame in the middle of the room.
Again, select your Soviet and take out the drone guns. Now you can make your way up to the room on the left of you. Enter the door at the top and press the switch to open the door on the far right. Simply jump out of the window and make your way to the door.

If you running low on armour and ammo, go into rooms marked 1 and 3, then make your way into room 2.
Go into the first door on your left and press A on the first console on your left.
Shoot the guard in the head and turn off the gun. Then press both switches at the back of the room and make your way out and around to the room with the guard in. Pick up the Tactical 12 Gauge and select it. Go along the corridor and into the autopsy room. Go to the back of the room and take care of the guard and get the system disk. Now all the zombies will wake up so just keep move and go for headshots all the time.
When you've killed them all, make your way up to the room near the drone guns and press A on the disk drive to restore power.

3. Investigate The Secret Digging Site:

Wait at the top of the steps with the Silenced Pistol equipped.
4 zombies will come to the steps, so shoot them in the head to
defeat them straight away. Once you've killed them all, make your way to the door on the far right again. There'll be two more zombies to kill, again go for head shots to kill them straight away. Go past the 3 marked rooms, towards the digging site. Kill the zombies that come towards you and enter the digging site.

4. Retrieve The Time Crystal:
It's a simple matter of going to the centre of the digging site
to find it.

5. Destroy The Bio-Hazard Container At The Digging Site:

Select your Timed Mines and head for the bottom left of the digging site. You'll find an Ice-Chamber with a Reaper Splitter inside; it can't hurt you, so throw 3 Timed Mines on it to destroy it.

NOTE: To move on, look under Secondary Objectives, 2.

6. Reach The Top Of The Dam:

After defeating the Hybrid-Mutants, make your way back to the
Dam, you'll come across a few zombies on the way, but nothing a head shot can't handle. Once you're in, get into the lift and go up to the top of the Dam, mission complete!

7. Destroy The Drop Ship:
It's Boss time! First of all, make your way to the nearest Gun Turret and wait for the ship to appear. Watch out for guards who come from inside the Dam, you'll have to kill them as soon as they appear. When the ship appears, send all of your rockets at him to get his energy down and then go for the bombs on the right. Once the bombs are destroying, just keep shooting him - while remembering to take care of the guards - until he flies behind you. When he does this, leave the Gun Turret and rush across the Dam towards the Gun Turret on the far left.
Use the same technique as before, send some rockets, take out the bombs
and keep shooting him. If he flies behind you again, go to the middle Turret and fire all rockets. You'll finish him off in no time.

8. Escape Through The Time Portal:
In the middle of the Dam, the Time Portal will appear, simply
run through it.

Secondary Objectives :-

1. Destroy All The Filing Cabinets:
To destroy each filing cabinet, press A to open it and throw a
Timed Mine at them. Here's where they all are:

Cabinet 1: When you first start the level, look to your right
and you'll see three buildings in the fenced off area. The one
in the middle has the first filing cabinet in it.

Cabinet 2: In the building to the far right corner of the
fenced-off area is the second cabinet, just go into to building
and look to the left to find it.

Cabinet 3: Just after the shower room ( the one that you ignored
when you went into the building on the left of the Dam), you'll
find a room on your right. Go in to find the 3rd filing cabinet.

Cabinet 4 & 5: Just before the checkpoint, up the steps, look to
your left to find the final 2 filing cabinets.

2. Don't Let Any Hybrid-Mutants Escape:

After destroying the Bio-Hazard container, select either your Silenced Pistol or Tactical 12 Gauge (Depending on how much ammo you have). Make your way back up the building and any Hybrid-Mutants (Half of them are normal, the other half mutated) you come across, go for headshots to kill them. When you get to the room with the drone guns, you'll see some guards trying to defeat the Hybrid-Mutant, so give them a hand and then kill them. When you come to the first set of steps, a flaming Hybrid-Mutant will come hurtling towards you, so stay back aim for it's head. If you get set alight, make your way to the room you ignored when you first came into the building and go under the shower. When he's dead, make your way up the steps. Some zombies will be up the stairs as well, but nothing to worry about; again, a headshot will do the job. More guards and Hybrid-Mutants in the next room. Kill them all and move on. When you go up the next set of steps, be careful, there's two guards and Hybrid-Mutant, but one has a flamethrower. Keep your distance and kill them all before moving on. When you get outside, you'll find the last Hybrid-Mutant trying to eat into a guard, so first kill the mutant then the guard and you're done!

Secrets :-

1. Anaconda Cart:

When you first enter the building to the left of the Dam, go along the short corridor and look to your left. Go to the bottom left corner and look on the side of the shelf the box is closest to, to find the Anaconda Cart. Now whenever you want to play it, press Y on your Temporal Uplink.

Reward: After completing the level, you'll be rewarded by getting Hybrid-Mutant as a playable character.
Submitted By: Johnson
Timesplitters 2


Welcome to my TS2 walkthrough guide. Probably one of the greatest FPS ever created, TS2 is also a very difficult and challenging title to crack. Hopefully my story mode walkthrough guide will ease you through all 10 missions.


Silenced Pistol (x2)

The silenced pistol is perfect for taking out unsuspecting single enemies and won’t draw attention to others due to its quiet shot. With double pistols you can fend off more enemies at once but never use against multiple groups.

Lugar Pistol (x2)

More powerful than the silenced pistol, the Lugar pistol should be used to take out fewer groups off enemies on the Notre Damn stage. However this gun is quite noisy and will attract other enemies.

Garrett Revolver (x2)

A very powerful but slow reloading pistol found on the Wild West stage. It is also a loud gun so best used against larger groups of enemies due to its power.


Found on the Aztec level, the Crossbow is a very weak weapon but you can use fire to set alight the ends of the arrows to fire against enemies and set them on fire, making them easy pickings. Best used against single enemies.

Vintage Rifle

A weaker version of the Sniper Rifle, the Vintage Rifle is found on the Chicago stage and should be used to take out enemies from long distances but should never be used from close range.

Sniper Rifle

The modern version of the long range weaponry is very powerful from range and not very noisy. Best used for stealth sections but never use in close combat situations.


Fires a burst of flames that can set an enemy alight. This can only be used in close combat due to the short length of the flames and doesn’t reload, once you’ve run out of gas the weapon won’t work. The Flamethrower isn’t a gun I would recommend to use often.

Shotgun (x2)

A very powerful but slow reloading and noisy weapon found in the earliest levels, such as Chicago. Use this gun against single enemies due to the rapid and slow reload time.

Tactical 12-Gauge

One of the most powerful weapons in the game, what the 12-Gauge lacks in accuracy it more than makes up for in damage. However, with a very slow reload time this gun should only be used against smaller groups of enemies.

Soviet S47 (x2)

A rapid fire machine gun found in the Siberia mission. With the added bonus of grenades, the Soviet S47 is very useful against large groups of enemies and reloads quickly as well.

Tommy Gun (x2)

Found in Chicago, the Tommy Gun is a rapid fire weapon that makes a lot of noise. Best used against hoards of enemies.

Sci-Fi Handgun

Found in the Planet X mission, the futuristic Sci-Fi Handgun can fire up to three beams at one time and they also bounce of walls. Despite it being a weak weapon, the Sci-Fi can be used to surprise unsuspecting victims.


This very powerful weapon is found in the Robot Factory and can be charged up for more power. It also doesn’t need to reload, but your best bet is to charge it up and fire at the stronger enemies as the single laser beams are quite weak.


This bizarre weapon runs on electricity and fires a beam of electric at the enemy. Again it doesn’t reload and although it isn’t the strongest weapon, the enemy can’t attack whilst the beam is hitting them.

Plasma Autorifle

This brilliant weapon fires single plasma beams which can be fired quicker as the player holds down the fire button. It also comes with plasma grenades and should be used against large amounts of enemies.

SBP90 Machine Gun (x2)

This brilliant ‘fire and forget’ machine gun comes as a pair also and despite the slow reload time is devastating to use against multiple enemies.


Another rapid fire and powerful weapon, the Minigun runs off one set of ammo and fires at a very fast rate. Again should be used against larger amounts of enemies as it doesn’t need to reload.

Grenade Launcher

This vintage weapon is found in the Aztec and can fires multiple grenades at once. Despite the noise and slow reloading it is perfect for taking out hoards of enemies.

Rocket Launcher

Similar to the Grenade Launcher, but fires a rocket rather than a grenade and fires in a straight line. Again should only be used against large groups of enemies.


There are 3 types of mine: Proximity which explodes when movement is sensed, Timed which have a 5 second fuse and Remote which are set off by the player. All mines can stick to surfaces and should be used as a trap for enemies.


Exactly the same as the Timed Mine, the TNT is found in Chicago and is an older version of the mines.

Fire Extinguisher

These can be picked up in a variety of missions and can be used to put out burning characters and fires.

Helpful Hints

Once you have cleared a room in the various missions have a good look around and destroy any items. Ammo and Body armour could be found along with items that are needed to complete the missions. All cameras and alarms should also be destroyed so that they can’t be set off.

The little gadget you receive at the start of each mission is your Temporal Uplink. This handy gadget will view enemy’s positions and cameras and also show their line of view. Apart from playing the arcade games this device should be used all the time.

Although it is tempting to start shooting bullets like there’s no tomorrow, the levels don’t exactly contain stocks of ammo. So it is important that you go for head shots which can save valuable ammo and if you do need to use a rapid fire weapon don’t keep your finger on the trigger until one set of ammo has gone.
Whilst playing the missions don’t just rush through the levels. Stealth and surprise are your bets tactics. Adopt stealthy tactics to each mission. Walk slowly through the levels as so not to attract attention and also be aware of your surroundings.

In TS2 there are no health pick-ups, just Body armour. So it is vitally important that your health bar remains virtually intact through the first half of the mission otherwise you will struggle through the harder second sections.


Siberia 1990

Deactivate the Dish

Move forward and collect the Sniper Rifle. Now take out the camera and guard on the opposite tower. Now move slowly around the compound and take out the four remaining guards and the camera.

Go upstairs and enter the tower. Press the switch on the console and exit over the boards and drop into the room and collect the mines. Go back onto the roof and take out the sniper in the dam and then throw a mine onto the dish. Search the compound for ammo and then enter the base of the dam.

Restore Power

Make your way up the stairs and take out the unsuspecting guards. On the top floor take out the two guards through the door window and enter. Take out the remaining guards and turn off the three valve sin each room to turn off the steam jet at the end.

Make your way down the stairs and take out the guards as you go. Once outside take out the sniper to your left in the dam and take out the camera to your right. Walk around the building, taking out the three guards and one remaining camera then enter.

Use the shelves as cover and take out the guard. Get the Anaconda cart from the shelf and go downstairs past the shower room. Take out the two guards in the opening and go down the stairs to reach the checkpoint.

Enter the next room and take out the four guards and the two gun turrets on the roof looking into the computer room. Enter the room and push the console buttons.

Exit into the tunnel on the right and enter door two. In the security booth use the camera gun to take out the guard and press the console buttons. Enter the laboratory and launch a surprise on the guard. Pick up the disk and then use your 12-Gauge to take out the un-dead guards until the room unlocks. Head back to the computer room and insert the disk.

Investigate the Site

When you re-boot power you also re-lease the security locks allowing the mutants to escape. Go back down the tunnel and take out the mutants with head shots. Once you reach the end pick up the time crystal and throw four mines onto the container to destroy it. Also on your way back pick up the Flamethrower from room 1.

Access The Top Of The Dam

Now all hell has broke loose as the Special Forces have been called in to eliminate the mutants. You must now make your way back out of the compound. As the mutants and guards fight, don’t get involved, just keep running.

At the stairs use the Fire extinguisher to stop the mutant burning and exit the compound. Keep running back towards the dam entrance that you came from and once inside run straight for the lift.

Ride the elevator to the top floor and enter out onto the dam and quickly kill the two commandos that try to shoot you.

Eliminate The Gunship

Quickly take control of one of the Gun turrets and blast away when the Helicopter appears. Don’t get distracted by the guards that shoot at you and use the missiles to destroy the Gunship quicker. Once destroyed head toward the time portal to finish.

Chicago 1932

Drain The Whisky Barrels

Start the mission by sniping from the bridge and take out the two gangsters guarding the ship. Then jump down onto the crates for ammo.

Head into the warehouse and shoot the barrel to the right to drain it. Go up the stairs and snipe the guard through the window and the one around the corner. Go downstairs and shoot the second barrel.

Head around the corner and onto the street. Answer the ringing phone and arrange to meet Marco. Kill the guard in the opposite doorway and obtain his Tommy gun. Don’t shoot any civilians.

As you head towards O’Leary’s bar a car will hurtle past with Big Tony’s brother inside. Use the Tommy gun to destroy the car as quickly as possible and complete the secondary objective.

Stop in the doorway close to O’Leary’s for ammo and armour. Shoot the third barrel and enter O’Leary’s. As you enter you will hear the gangsters talking so launch a surprise attack and be prepared to be ambushed by the gang.

Leave O’Leary’s via the right-side back door and go up the stairs. You will see two guards in the opening on the right so take them out and drain the last barrel.

Meet With The Informant

Head back along the street toward the newspaper stand just past O’Leary’s. Approach the alleyway next to it and you see Marco.

Protect Marco

Marco will now set off toward his hideout. He moves at a very slow and frustrating rate so be aware of guards that will appear in front and behind as you move. Also watch out for the sniper on the balconies opposite Marco’s hideout.

Obtain the Pass

Follow Marco until he disappears and tells you Tony leaves a pass in his safe. Get the TNT from the table and head back to the place where you drained the fourth barrel.

Make your way up the stairs to the top. Be aware of the few guards lurking on the higher floors and try to use silent guns so not to attract the other guards above.

Once in the top room get the ammo and Shotgun and use the TNT on the safe. Grab the pass from the floor and answer the phone, but ignore Marco’s advice as this will just get you shot at more.

Eliminate Big Tony

When you leave the building you will be attacked from all angles. Try to just run through them and just shoot the ones in front, don’t stand there and try to take them all out. From here head up the street and call a Taxi in the phone booth so that the green gates will open at the end of the street. Enter for the checkpoint.

Head across the courtyard and up the stairs on the right. Use your Tommy gun to kill the large groups of enemies that approach. Keep going inside the building until you see a big wooden door. Enter through here and shoot the two guards. Grab the armour and enter into the Sunrise club.

Go through the corridors and pick up the Tommy gun (x2) until you reach the room with Big Tony inside. He’ll scream at you to get out of his club. Go up the right flight of stairs and use your Tommy guns to defeat. When he dies collect the time crystal he drops ad enter the portal.

Notre Dame 1895

Rescue the Maidens

At the level beginning, go around the corner and left. This level is full of zombies that will appear dead and then get up and attack you. Use your shotgun with head shots to see them off.

Open the gate in the next sewer and once inside pull the lever at the end. Go upstairs into a room full of barrels and be prepared for the surprise entrance of the burning zombies. If you get caught on fire shoot the barrels to put out the flames.

Go through the hole and you’ll find the first maiden. Kill the two zombies and release her and get the armour from the left. Shoot the lock next and release the second maiden in the prison cell after you have cleared the area.

Ignore the next maiden as she is a zombie and release the maiden at the end after you kill the group of zombies. Go upstairs to reach the checkpoint.

Once into the main cathedral hall head straight for the altar to collect the time crystal whilst shooting the monks and collect their Lugar pistols.

Go through the rear door and up the stairs. At the top pull the rope to lower the maiden and go back down to the main hall. You must know defend the last maiden with the help of the actually very helpful Hunchback.

Fight Off The Portal Demon

Enter through the door on the other side and up the stairs onto the balcony. The portal demon will now appear. It is very easy to kill it off. Just keep shooting it with the shotgun and dodge the laser beams it fires at you. Exit through the other side.

Eliminate Jaques de la Morte

Head out onto the top of the cathedral and fight off the monks until you reach the end and see Jaques. Kill him with the shotgun and enter the time portal.

Return To Planet X 2280

Repel The Beach Attack

Go straight ahead and collect the Sci-Fi handgun, then drop down the nearby hole and move through the caves and dispatch the aliens until you reach the beach.

Run out onto the beach and use the gun turret to destroy all the aliens. There are two types of alien, Ozor and Meezer Mox. A good tactic is too fight for one side as the Moxs hate each other more than you.

Locate The Crashed UFO

After repelling the attack, a door in the right cliff face will open. Enter through the tunnel but don’t waste ammo on the insects. Emerge the other side to find the crash site.

Find The UFO Base

Head for the bright light below the UFO. Once inside head into the outer ring and turn off all the cameras. Use the hole inside the UFO to reach the checkpoint and follow the tunnel. In the clearing take the passage on the right.

When you reach the bridge with the hive above it use the Homing Launcher to kill the insects. Cross over and again destroy the other hive. At the top head forward until you reach the spaceship.

Retrieve The Time Crystal

Use the camera guns inside the UFO to take out all the UFOs. Once completed head outside, down the slope and into the last UFO. Run along the walkway killing the aliens as you go until you reach the inner chamber.

The Time crystal is located in the outer ring of the chamber. Watch out for the aliens as you retrieve it and exit back into the inner chamber and into the time portal.

Neo Tokyo 2019

Follow The Hacker

From the start follow the Hacker, but don’t get too close. When you reach the bridge, don’t follow her down the steps, cross the bridge and descend. Collect the weapons from the window and wait for the Hacker to pass.

Use your Uplink to avoid the camera sight. When the Police camera appears hide behind the pillar to avoid it. Follow the Hacker into the sewer.

When she eventually enters the research area wait for the guard to leave the room and then enter before the doorway is closed. Then use the camera and scroll through until you see a room with the Hacker entering the password.

Gather Evidence

Use the Silenced pistol and shoot the guards in the head from here on. Enter the room down the corridor and press the computer to open the door. In the next room look in the lockers for an SBP90 Machine gun and Astro Ladder cart.

Enter the next room and use your camera to take pictures of the blueprints. Then exit and photograph the machine in the next room. Then go back to the PC and upload the data.

Deactivate The Timesplitter Machine

The security will now alert so be on the ball as you progress. Shoot out the two cameras that are now active, one in the hall and one in the previously locked room. This room is now open so run inside and avoid the Timsplitter and press the switch on the console in the corner.

Retrieve The Time Crystal

From here run back through the sewer and onto the main street. You will now be attacked by the Police force and Sadako’s men. Run to the place where you got the weapons from the glass and shoot the guards. One of them will drop the time crystal, but you’ll have to guess which one. Once recovered go back past the sewer entrance and round the corner and enter the time portal.

Wild West 1853

Rescue Romana From Jail

Make your way along the streets taking out the enemies as you go. Also be aware of the snipers that appear on the rooftops. Once the coast is clear head for the Sheriff’s office and obtain the gunpowder from the chest in the right of the room.

Head back outside and through a dark alleyway on the right of the office, under the ‘Buy a Horse’ sign. You’ll re-emerge in a courtyard with a fountain. Take out the snipe in the bell tower.

Go through the yard on the left and push the cart toward the jail until it stops. Now select the gunpowder barrel and lay a trail of gunpowder from the crates to the cart. Then shoot the crates to ignite the trail and blow up the jailhouse wall, releasing Romana. Now be prepared as the blast attracts a hoard of enemies.

Put Out The Barn Fire

Head back onto the main street and through the door opposite the Sheriff’s office. Take out the snipes on the rooftops and head for the barn.

Go inside the barn and up the stairs. Shoot the barrels above the fire to put it out. Now head on up the main street.

Eliminate The Colonel

Eventually you will reach the Colonel’s mine. Firstly take out the bandits in the huts and then head on through the tunnel and into the main mining area with the railway track running through. Take out the bandits that run at you and then head for the hut straight ahead.

As you head toward the hut you will see the Colonel. Just simply use your more powerful guns to defeat him and then enter the hut and hide in the corner and repel all attacks from the enemies.

Retrieve The Time Crystal

Pull the large lever to the left of the stove in the hut. From here head back into the tunnel with the mine cart. Push the cart along and it will move along the track and blow a hole in the cliff wall. From here follow the track into the cave and collect the crystal from the end. Then head back outside and jump down onto a lower ledge where the time portal is.

Atomsmasher 1972

Defuse The bombs

When the laser burns through the door, run through and turn off all the cameras. Grab the Uplink and open the door opposite. Walk along the pathway and punch the guard not looking.

Get his Silenced pistol and take out the remaining guards. Approach the first scientist and he will defuse the fist bomb. Now head back towards the room you escaped from but turn right.

Move along the boxes and take out the guards. Get the Silenced pistol (x2) and go through the door. Ignore the cowering scientist and look left down the tunnel. Take out the guards and the gun turret and then get the scientist to defuse the second bomb.

Head up the stairs at the end of the tunnel to reach the first checkpoint. Turn the valve on the bottom floor and grab the remote mines from under the stairs. Go up the stairs and take out the guards, then use the fire extinguisher to put out the fire and open the door.

Now you must head along a very frantic set of corridors. Try to use the huge metal containers as cover and be careful of the Special Forces guards. In the second corridor go through the door on the right and turn the valve. Then enter the room opposite.

Activate the camera which doubles as a magnet, and use it to pick up the moving bomb and drop it into the container to defuse it. This part is quite tricky and may take a few attempts.

Next exit the room and head down the corridor taking out the guards and the gun turret near the room you diffuse the bomb. At the end use the fire extinguisher to put out the fire and open the door.

Go through the walkway and take out the two snipers above. Keep going until you reach an area full of crates and metal containers. Take out all the guards and get the scientists to defuse the last bomb. From here through the next door and up the ramp on the left.

Eliminate Khallos

Keep going and you’ll reach a large area with the reactors. Go forward and Khallos will appear behind you. Take him out using your Soviet S47s and then go forward when he dies to collect the time crystal.

Activate The Reactor

Now all hell will break loose as the Timesplitters will appear and try to kill you. There are three consoles on the platform in front and you must press them all to activate the reactor. Once completed quickly jump into the time portal to finish.

Aztec Ruins 1920

Find The Lost Temple

From the start follow the monkey into the jungle until you meet the Aztec warrior. Kill him to get his Crossbow and use the torches to get flaming arrows.

Hit the beehive ahead to destroy it and then use more flaming arrows to kill the Wood Golems that try to attack you.

Continue through the jungle, following the path and taking out the warriors until you reach a cleared area with stone pillars with symbols on them. Take out the monkeys that throw explosive melons at you on top of the rock and then you must solve the puzzle by turning the faces until it matches its twin on the opposite side to complete.

When the door then opens, go through toward the rope bridge. Follow the monkey as he will lead the way. When you reach the lever pull it to open the large Golden door earlier in the level then make your way back to the open door.

Enter and drop down to reach the checkpoint. You will then see the temple but first take out the two melon throwing monkeys.

Defeat The Golems

Enter inside and head down the central stairway and around the back. Pull the lever and then go through the secret door you just opened and down the stairs. Be wary of the warriors that lurk inside and around the corners.

When you reach the bottom you will enter a room with tiles on the floor. Steeping on some of these tiles will result in a trap door opening, which is how you defeat the Golems. There are three Golems in this room to dispatch of.

Enter the next room to find one more Golem and a pesky monkey. Take them both out and collect the armour from the doorway. Then enter the passageway and head along the path, watching out for the spiked walls.

When you exit you will see a suspension bridge and masks on the cliff face. When the masks turn and their eyes glow red you can then shoot them. Shoot all the masks and the bridge will extend. Go through and down a staircase but watch for the rolling boulder.

In the final room you will see the final three Golems. Obtain the Grenade launcher and then destroy all three Golems using the launcher. Then collect the time crystal from the room and enter the time portal.

Robot Factory 2315

Gain Access To The Inner Processing Area

From the start head left using the Sci-Fi to kill the Chassisbots. Follow the corridor around and shoot the security laser to disarm it. Destroy the bots and head into the next room to access the console.

Use the camera on the console to shoot the green laser door open. Now enter and collect the Plasma grenades and then press the switch to lower the bridge.

Locate The ElectroTool

Return to the start of the stage, but this time turn right. Progress through the corridor and take out the turrets with your Sci-Fi. When you enter the main factory area, use your Plasma grenades.

Shoot out the security railbots that come past and at the end go through the door on the right hand side and continue until you reach a flaming room.

Go up the ramp and across the factory bridge, then go down the corridor and watch out for the floating bombs that pop out and follow you. At the end head down the ramp on the left.

Ignore the node for now and take the right path and take out the robot. Go through the doors and around the corner and the ElectroTool will be on a platform in the middle of the room. If you run out of electricity you can always come back as the gun re-appears.

Overload The Energy Nodes

After collecting the weapon, you’ll need to take out a walking security turret. Aim for its disc like head to destroy it. Then head back to where the first node was and from a safe distance fire the EletroTool until it blows up. When it explodes you’ll need to repel the wave of Chassisbots that appear.

Head back up the ramp to the left and down the corridor. Watch out in this area as it is patrolled by the large robots and walking turrets so use the Plasma mines.

Get the armour from the corridor and destroy the Chassisbots that appear at the end of the path. Access the security console and guide the railbot through to the next area where the second Node is.

Use the railgun to shoot the supports under the Node to destroy it. Exit the console and head down to reach the checkpoint. Then head towards the next console.

There is a semi-circular corridor ahead and the railbot will make this next bit so much easier. What you need to do is lure the robots into the corridor and then use the railbot to take them out. However, when the large robots enter don’t shoot at them when their in the corridor as they will destroy the railgun. Instead, aim at the door that they enter and shoot their feet as soon as you see them until they are destroyed.

Go around into the next room and up the ramp. Press the console to move the crane and use the ElectroTool on the third Node. This area is guarded by large robots with Homing Launchers so it’s best to lure them into the corridor trap before you overload the Nodes.

Finally press the last console to set the fourth Node moving and destroy it. Then cross over the main room and activate the last console to activate the Transporter.

Find The Factory Core

Once the last Node is destroyed hoards of robots will appear and try to kill you. Again the best way to defeat them all is to lure them into the corridor trap. Once all the robots are destroyed the barrier will disappear in the main room. Go back to the main area and go through then go through the double doors at the end.

Defeat The Machinist

The Machinist will appear in a huge machine with arms. The best way to destroy it is to use the ElectroTool and Homing Launcher and aim at the little window above the black mark on the robot’s front. There is ammo either side of you in the rooms if you need it. Once defeated head upstairs and get the time crystal then escape through the time portal.

Space Station 2401

Activate The Self-Destruct Sequence

Immediately as you begin grab the time crystals and jump over the edge. Drop through until you reach level three. Go through the door and along the corridor activate the three self-destruct consoles. You now have six minutes.

Shoot Down The Incoming Timesplitter Ships

Go through the door marked Hangar. You’ll be attacked by the drones and Reaper splitters as you progress but just keep shooting and keep going. Reach the end and can the lift down.

Get off the lift and go right. Get the Environmental suit and armour and then head back past the lift and down the corridor. At the end enter the Airlock and step outside. Take control of the gun turret and you’ll need to shoot down 20 ships.

Escape The Space Station

Once all the ships are destroyed, go back into the Airlock and then take the elevator corridor a bit further on the left. Grab the armour and ride the elevator down. This will take a while.

As soon as the elevator reaches the floor run out, ignore all the aliens and dash for the ship and enter inside to complete. Whew!

Thank you for reading my walkthrough. I hope it helped you complete the story mode with ease and without hassle. TS2 is a very difficult game to complete, so give yourself credit for completing such a hard game.


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