GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Resident Evil"

This game is also available on N64, PC, GameCube and Saturn.

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Resident Evil (PlayStation)
Submitted By: Unknown
RESIDENT EVIL - Players Guide by Mark Stephenson.([email protected])

Your first objective is to find some clues. After speaking to Barry go
to the far door and go through it. You should now meet your first zombie
so arm your gun(or knife if you`re feeling a bit handy) and shoot it down.
After a few shots it will fall down, but it isn`t dead so aim down and blast
it to make it stand up again and then shoot it some more. The body is
Kenneths, this is the first clue. Collect the clips and go back to talk to

Barry will still be where you spoke to him(still `examining` the blood).
A zombie will now burst in and Barry will take care of it automatically.
Now go to the Main Hall. Barry will now give you a lock pick and tell you
where to go next, so go through the blue doors. In this room are 2 moveable
objects (a desk and some steps), move the steps next to the statue and collect
the map, now move the desk away from the door and enter. Inside there is a
zombie on the floor, you can either shoot him on the floor or have some fun
and boot his head off(Chris crushes his head), collect the ribbon on the shelf
and exit. Now go through the other door.

As you walk down the corridor a dog will burst through the window and
head towards you. Stay calm and shoot him with timed shots, it takes 5-6
shots. Around the corner is another dog, do the same thing to kill him and
exit through the door. The first door you see is a bathroom, ignore it
(unless you are Chris in which case you should drain the water and find a
cabinet key). Carry on down the corridor and you will come across two doors.
The door on your left leads to a room with a shotgun in it. If you are Jill then
go inside and get it, it will trigger a trap but don`t worry because Barry will
save you. If you are playing Chris don`t go in this room yet as you will be
killed by the trap.

Going through the other door you will meet 2 more zombies, if you Jill
you can get some good practise at blowing zombies heads off(aim high).Go
through the Grey Door and kill the zombie by the stairs. Collect the green
plant and use it if you have been hurt. Going through the door you will
find a save room containing some Earth and a chest with 2 clips inside.
Save the game using the ribbon you found and then dump it in the chest.
Collect the Earth and then exit and go up the stairs. To your left will
be a zombie, quickly take him out and then take out the other one behind
you. Now go through the door at the end of the corridor.

Shoot the zombie and turn right into a small study. Examine the Botany
book and then leave. Head along the corridor, you should see a pair of
green doors, you cannot enter these yet so continue down the corridor.
After shooting another zombie you should find another 2 doors, go through
the unlocked door. You are now back in the Main Hall. Barry will meet you
(Jill only)and give you some bazooka ammo. Now you have to find the bazooka.

The bazooka is being guarded by some vicious crows in the door next to
the one you just came through. Investigate the body and you will find the
bazooka(Chris will find 2 clips).Don`t bother killing the crows as they are
a pain to kill. Exit and go across the hall to the other door.

You are now on the balcony above the Dining Room, there are 2 zombies.
After killing them push the stone statue off the balcony and go through
the far door. You will find 2 more zombies by some stairs, kill them and
then go down the stairs. 2 more zombies await you so be ready. Go through
the door at the bottom of the stairs. Inside is a save room with a chest,
(If you are Chris you meet Rebecca for the first time, she will volunteer
to help you, if you say `Yes` she will prepare some medicine for you which
is handy as Chris has it quite tough and helps you out later in the game,
if you say `No` she will prepare some medicine but won`t help you out later
in the game). Collect the ribbon on the bed(Chris gets a key) and save.
Remember this room as it is important later in the game. Exit this room
and continue down the corridor encountering another zombie. the door on
your right contains a clip, shotgun shells and a rusty shotgun(Chris
needs this to get the shotgun) but can`t be entered yet. Go through the
other door shoot the zombies and head down the narrow corridor towards the
plant room.

In this room is a nasty plant which won`t let you near the key behind
it. To kill it put the Earth in the pump and then collect the key behind
it. Use the green plants if you have been injured. Now go back to the rusty
shotgun room and collect the items(Chris has to use the rusty shotgun to
get the new shotgun). Now go back through the doors and turn right.

Go through the door on your right and you will find a bedroom. On the
bed is a clip. Upon investigation of the desk a zombie will burst out of
the cupboard and try to eat you. Show him who`s boss and blow his head off.
In the cupboard is some more handy shotgun ammo. Exit and continue down the
corridor(ignore the left turning, it leads to a small room with a tiger
statue in it). Going through the door you will find yourself in the place
where you found the first zombie. Go into the Dining room and collect the
wooden shield above the fireplace and the Blue Gem in the debree of the
fallen statue. Now go back to the Tiger statue and use the Blue Gem to get
the first Amulet. Go back to the corridor, turn left and go through the
Red doors into the Piano Room.

JILL-Jill can play the piano so all you have to do is find the music sheet
and play the piano to reveal the hidden entrance.

CHRIS-Chris can`t play the piano so Rebecca comes in. She has some knowledge
of the piano but needs to practise. Now is a good time to go and get the

When you return Rebecca has learnt the score and opens the hidden entrance.

Once the hidden room has been found go in and pick up the gold shield, the
door will now close trapping you. Replace the Gold Shield with the Wooden
Shield and the entrance will open up again. Now take the Gold Shield to the
Dining Room and slot it into the hole above the fireplace, this will move the
clock to reveal another key. Use these 2 keys to open the doors in the upstairs
part of the eastern wing of the mansion.

Go through the pair of Green Doors to find the second Amulet. The puzzle
inside is quite easy(cover the vents, switch the switch). Exit and turn left.

Inside the next door you`ll find Richard, he`s been attacked by a giant
snake and needs the serum. Jill has to now find the serum, remember that
important room?, go back there and get the serum(Chris doesn`t have get the
serum as Richard is already dead). When you return you find that Richard
dies anyway, before he dies he gives you a radio(which is pretty
useless but neccessary) and if you search his body you will find another

Collect some green plants and go through the door.

After entering the room wait a second, a zombie will stumble out of
the side straight into your sights. Going down the corridor where the zombie
came from you`ll find a room with a clip. When you get the lighter come back
to this room. Exit and go up the stairs.

The Giant Snake
As you walk around the room a Giant Snake will appear, use the automatic aim
(R1) to shoot him. After you have shot him a few times he will run away
leaving another Amulet. Search the room to find some shotgun ammo and use
the green plant if you are hurt.

Death Sequence
If you are low on energy the snake will kill you by swallowing you in a
most gory way!.

Once you have killed the snake exit the room, you will be poisoned.

JILL-Jill collapses and Barry will take her to the serum room.

CHRIS-Chris collapses, you now have to control Rebecca. She now has to get
the serum. Chris wakes up in the Serum Room with Rebecca.

You should now have 3 Amulets ,head towards the Grey Door(Eastern Wing,
Floor1) and enter the opposite door. You should find yourself in the Gallery,
there are paintings on the wall and Crows up above. The solution to this room
lies in the paintings. Each painting has a switch behind it, switch them in
the right
order will reveal an amulet behind the farthest painting. The solution is(in the
order you encounter them) 2 4 5 3 1 6, and then the farthest painting. You now
have all the Amulets. Exit the Gallery and go straight forward out of the door
to go outside.

Outside is a dog, waste him with your shotgun and put the Amulets in the
slots, the door will now open.

Inside is a room containing a crank(move the steps to get at it), now go
There are 2 dogs out here so do some careful shooting otherwise they will be all
over you. After killing the dogs go through the rusty gates and use the crank on
the sluese gate. This will drain the water so that you can now go across to the
other side. On the other side run because snakes appear and they will poison you.
Go down the lift.

Stepping off the lift you will find yourself by 2 dogs, kill them from a
distance and go through the other rusty gates(ignore the other lift for now).
Through these gates are 2 more dogs, the first one can be tricky because of the
camera angle but the other one is easy. Enter the door.

In front of you should be a stone statue, push this over the hole down
the corridor(this prevents a vine monster from grabbing you). Go through
the door on your right to find a save room. Save here and dump any
unnecessary items(keys, plants, ribbons), collect the bazooka ammo and
exit. Go into the door opposite to find 2 zombies, some shotgun ammo(in the
drawer) and an important red book. Go into the other door to find an
important key in the bath. The Red door at the end of the corridor contains
2 spiders, a clip and a save ribbon. Go through the door past the statue.
Enter the first door you see. In this room are 3 doors, one is the door to
the Chemical room which is protected by a security lock(light all the lights to
open the door),the next door is the `003` door which you need to find the key for
later and the last door is a one way door of no importance yet. Venturing into part
of the room you will find a wasps nest, by this nest is a `002` key, grab it and run
as wasps start to appear. Exit out of the door you came through and turn right to
find the `002` door. Unlock this door and enter. Inside are 2 bookcases, move the
left bookcase back and the right bookcase towards where the other one was. This will
reveal a
hidden ladder, make sure you have the bathtub key and a space in your
inventory and then go down the ladder.

Down the ladder are some boxes, push them into the water to make a
bridge. Go across the bridge and through the door.

IMPORTANT-Do NOT go left, the shark will kill you instantly.
Turn right and run through the water until you see 2 doors, head towards
the lefthand door. The shark will be right behind you so don`t waste time.
In this room is a switch which drains the water(leaving the sharks high
and dry, and easy to kill). Switch the flashing switch to open the door
nextdoor. Inside this room is some ammo for your shotgun and beretta and
the `003` key. Take this key back to the `003` and open it. Now put the
Red Book in the bookcase and go through the secret door(if you don`t have
a ribbon and want to save you can find a ribbon in the drawer).
JILL-After Jill has shot the plant and it shrivels up, Barry will come in
and finish it off.

CHRIS-If you said `Yes` to Rebecca when she offered to help then Chris
will be grabbed by the plant and Rebecca will appear. You now have
to control Rebecca. Go to the Chemical Room and make V-Jolt(the
instructions are on the wall), now use this in the Plant Room(near
the shark room).

If you said `No` to Rebecca you have to kill the plant on your own.
It takes lots of hits with your beretta and shotgun, don`t stay
in the same place too long as the ceiling will fall on you.

When the Tentacle Plant has died you can now investigate the fireplace
to find a key, use this key to open locked doors in the Mansion. Go back
to the Mansion.

The first door to unlock is the door next to the Grey door(where you
meet the first Hunter). Inside is a dark room, turn the light on and
collect the Red Book and the Python Ammo. This is a clue, life is alot
easier with the Python.

CHRIS-About this time Chris will hear Rebecca scream, if you make your
way to the room where you met her you will find that she is about
to be killed by a Hunter, unless you save her. DON`T go yet as the
Hunter is hard to kill with the shotgun. Instead find the Python.

Your main objective now is to get the Python which is concealed behind
the Tiger Statue. To get the Python you need the Red Gem. The easiest
route to get to the Red Gem room is to go along the ground floor until
you get to the Main Hall, now go upstairs to the Balcony in the Dining
Room and kill the Hunters(if you are low on ammo just shoot one and
dodge the other). Going through the far door you will find 2 more Hunters
either kill these or dodge them. If you are Chris DO NOT go down the stairs.
Enter the door next to the stairs and you will find yourself in a room full of
stuffed animals. On the table are some documents and on the desk is some ammo for
your shotgun and Python. The Red Gem is hidden in the
Stags Head but you cannot see it yet. Push the steps in front of the
fireplace and switch the light off, you will now see the Red Gem, collect
it and go to the Tiger Statue. REMEMBER if you are Chris do not go down
the stairs, instead go the long way round(Balcony, Main Hall, Dining Room,
First Zombie Corridor). You will meet 3 more Hunters, 2 are easy to dodge
but you will have to kill the one outside the Tiger Statue Room. Put the
Red Gem in the Statue and collect the Python, arm it and go kill some
Hunters!(it only takes one shot. If you are playing Chris go and rescue
Rebecca(Serum Room).

CHRIS-If you save Rebecca she will set off the self destruct sequence at
the end of the game.
If you go into Serum Room you hear a scream as Rebecca is killed.
Chris is deeply saddened by Rebecca`s death, letting out a heartfelt
`ReeeeebbbeCCCCCCCCaaaaaaa!!!!`. It truly makes you feel guilty!.

Your next objective now is to find a Battery for the Broken Lift. Go
to the Eastern Staircase(making sure you have the Tentacle Plant Key
and 3 spaces in you inventory). Go up the stairs and kill the Hunters(one
you can shoot in the back!). the door on your right leads to 2 more rooms.
One has a lighter, shotgun ammo and a Red Plant. the other has some
Bazooka ammo(Chris has more Shotgun ammo). the lighter can be used to
reveal a map in the room down the corridor but it`s not really vital.
Exit and go to the room down the corridor. Enter and go through the Red
Door. Inside is a Piano, go up to it and investigate. The snake you
fought previously will now appear from the fireplace and try to
finish you off. Shoot him with either your Python(!) or Shotgun. During
the battle the Snake will make a large hole in the floor, investigate.

JILL-Upon investigating the hole Barry will come in and help Jill to
climb down. When Jill climbs down the rope mysteriously drops.
Barry says that dropping the rope was an accident. If you wait for
him to drop another rope then he will help you out later in the
If you do not wait for Barry and continue down the ladder(underneath
the gravestone) then he will not appear until the end in which he
CHRIS-Chris goes down the hole but cannot get back up.

Go down the ladder and decapitate the zombies. Around the corner from
the ladder is some more Shotgun Ammo. Go down the corridor through the
doors. You will now hear 2 zombies eating something, approach them slowly
and shoot them on the floor. Collect the Green Plants if you need them.
Going through the next door you will find yourself in a Kitchen. The door
in front of you leads back to the First Zombie Corridor, ignore this for
now. If you are Chris collect the Key on the stove. Turn right and go to
the lift(killing the Zombie on the floor). Exiting the lift you find
another Zombie, kill him and turn right. Go through the door ahead to
find some shotgun ammo and a Battery. Exit and on the immediate left will
be a Zombie, kill him. If you continue down this corridor you will see
a Zombie eating another, creep up to them and kill them both. The door
here is locked so go back to the lift and turn left, kill the Zombie and
go through the Blue Doors. Inside is a Library containing 2 Zombies. the
first Zombie is easy the kill, the second is a bit trickier. Go through
the left opening and turn right, be ready as a Zombie will be right next
to you, blow his head off!. The book contains some useful information.
If you need a Ribbon, Clip or simply want a nice view out of the window
then continue forward and push the bookcase left to find the door. Now go
through the other door. There are no Zombies in here so you can relax, find
the switch and push the statue to where the light is shining. Collect the
CD-ROM and exit. If you want some more Python ammo it can be found in the
drawer. Exit and head towards the Broken Lift(by the Waterfall) making sure
you have the Crank in your inventory.

Put the Battery in the hole and go up the lift. Use the Crank on the
Water Gate and go back down to the Waterfall using the new lift. You can now
go down the ladder which was behind the Waterfall. Go through the door.

JILL-If you waited for Barry to drop the rope then he will meet you here.
He will ask to help you.
If you say `Yes` then he will ask if he should go first. If you say
then he will go first. If you want the ultimate ending then you MUST go
through the door on the left to meet him otherwise you will find him
later by the ladder, dying(where he will give you a picture of his
If you say `No` when he asks to help you then he die at the end of the
CHRIS-A Flamethrower will now be on the wall, collect it and find Enrico.

Exploring this section you will find a Health Spray and Bazooka ammo(Chris
gets Shotgun ammo). Going through another door you will find Enrico. Enrico
is wounded and now talks to Jill(He tries to shoot Chris!), but before he
can reveal who is the traitor he gets shot by a mysterious person who runs
away and drops another crank. A clip can be found on Enrico, collect the
crank(on the floor) and go back towards the ladder. The place is now crawling
with Hunters so be carefull. At the ladder go down the corridor and save if you
have a ribbon on you(the next part can be lethal). Around the corner is another
hole you can use your crank on, this revolves the corridor allowing you to go
through the door. This next bit is tricky, but if you can control your character
well then it shouldn`t be a problem. Go right up to the boulder and run back to the
door, the boulder will now start to roll very fast towards you, if it catches you it
will kill you instantly. Now go to where the boulder(this will trigger a Hunter so
arm your Python and kill him) was and collect the Bazooka ammo(or Python ammo for
Chris). Go through the wall past the boulder. Inside this next room is a large
poisonous Spider, kill him with 2 shots of your Python and watch out for the baby
Spiders(exit the room and come back in and they will be gone). The opposite door is
blocked by a spiders web so collect the Knife in corner to cut through it(or use Chris`s
Flamethrower). Go through the door and turn left. Go through the door(avoiding the snakes).
You should now be in a save room ,collect the ribbon and save as there is another boulder
section coming up. Collect the Heal Spray and put it in the Chest, there is also a Blue
Plant on the floor, use it if you have been poisoned. Before leaving this room make sure
you have the Reb Book and the Hexagonal crank. Exit and go through the far door(if you
are Chris put the Flamethrower back on the wall to open the door). Turn right and head
towards the hole for the Crank, use the crank 3 times to turn the corridor. Go up to the
boulder and run towards the corridor you just made, once the boulder has past go to where
it was and collect the CD-ROM. Now go back to the corridor you just made and enter the door.
The puzzle in this room is quite easy(use the crank to push the statue away from the wall).
Collect the Blue book and exit. You should now have a Red and a Blue Book, open them to reveal
2 Amulets. Go back to the door and turn left towards the lift. Up the lift is a round pool,
use the amulets on the holes and go down the steps and the ladder at the bootom.

You will now be in a room with a chest, dump any unnecessary items and
collect the 2 CD-ROMS. Outside this room are 2 Zombies, careful as they
spit acid at you. CUse the Plants if you get injured. Collect the CD-ROM
on the desk(the door cannot be opened yet) and go down the stairs. This
place is crawling with a new kind of Zombie, they are slow but if they
catch you they will inflict massive damage, use your Shotgun to shoot them.
Turn right at the bottom of the stairs and go through the doors. The first
door on your left is a room containing clues on how to decode a password.
Use the 2 lights to solve the puzzle(the other light is hidden behind the
bookcase). A clip is hidden in the box and there is a plant in the corner.
Go back to the stairs and go straight forwards. Go through the doors into
the Computer Room and login as JOHN, and password ADA. You will now be
given the option to unlock some doors, use the password found in the
previous room(CLUE:Monty ****). Now collect the Slide Reel on the floor
and go back up the stairs to the previously locked door. Use the Slide Reel
on the machine to view some interesting details(is that Wesker?). Look at
the Vent on the wall to find a switch, use it to find a Key. Now go back
down the stairs, turn right through the doors and go to the other door.
Inside you will find a room with 4 Zombies in it, use your Shotgun, Bazooka
or Python to get rid of them. Collect the file in the wall and then use
a CD-ROM on the machine in the corner(past the `interesting` picture).
This CD-Rom machine opens one of the 3 switches that lock the other door
outside, this door leads to a cell containing Chris(or Jill) so if you
want the ultimate ending you have to find all the machines. One is in
Power Room 2 and the other is in a secret room only accessible through
an Air Vent, both of which you`ll find later.

With the key you found in the Slide Room go to the stairs and find
the door with a Red marking in front of it. Enter and turn left through
the doors. Solve the box-moving puzzle inside(don`t step on the switch)
and go through the Air Vent. Inside is a spooky room containing some
dead corpses, Python Ammo and another CD-ROM machine. Exit to find
yourself back by the Red door, go back through the door and go straight
ahead. Kill the Zombies and go into the first door you see, this should
be a Save Room. Save here and collect the Bazooka ammo(or Python Ammo).
If you don`t have any Ribbon, one can be found in a crack in the wall
by the Stairs. Arm yourself with the Python and make sure you have the
final CD-ROM before you exit. On the right is a lift butit needs to be
turned on first, go in the opposite direction, into Factory Room 1.
Be ready with your Python as the next Monsters are nasty. these
monsters can climb on the ceiling and slash you from above, use the
automatic aim and shot them down, there are 2 in this room(3 for Chris).
Find the Terminal and switch it on. Exit through the other door. Use the
same strategy as before to kill the monsters in here and then find the
CD-ROM machine and use the CD-ROM(the door leading to the cell is now
open). Go through the next door to find yourself in the Power Room, find
the Terminal and switch it on. You can now use the lift, but before you
go there, go back to the 3 Switch Door and go talk to Chris(or Jill). The
door cannot be opened yet so go back to the (now working) Lift, before you
go up the lift stock up on Python ammo and any Health items. Go to the


JILL-If you DID wait for Barry to drop the rope AND he didn`t die in the
caves he will appear now and go up the lift with Jill.

If you didn`t wait for Barry to drop the rope AND he didn`t die in
the caves then he will appear and offer to go with Jill. Jill says OK
but warns him not to `Screw up` like he did with the rope.

CHRIS-If you said `Yes` to Rebecca when she offered to help(in the Serum
Room) AND you saved her from the Hunter she will appear now and go up
the lift with Chris.

If you said `No` then she will still appear(if she didn`t die of

You now meet Wesker, who is the traitor. He now reveals a few surprises.

JILL-If you waited for Barry to drop the rope then Barry will knock Wesker
out as you go into the Tyrant Room. You now go into the Tyrant Room
with Barry. He fiddles with the computer letting the Tyrant Free. He
tries to shoot it but is to slow and the Tyrant hits him before going
for Jill.

If you didn`t wait for Barry to drop the rope OR he died in the
caves you will go in the Tyrant Room with Wesker. He now releases
the Tyrant and it turns on him ,kills him and then goes for Jill.

CHRIS-If you have Rebecca with you, Wesker will shoot Rebecca(cad!)before
`escorting` you into the Tyrant Room. He releases the Tyrant and
it turns on him, kills him and then turns on Chris.
THE TYRANT(remember to rearm your weapon)
`The Ultimate Fighting Machine` is quite tough if you don`t have any Python
or Bazooka ammo. The best strategy is to run and then shoot him from a
distance, careful though as he sometimes runs towards you. With the Python
he only takes 3 shots.

JILL-If you came in with Barry go back to Barry and talk to him. Collect
the key(if you`ve used all the CD-ROMS)and/or switch the computer to
get out. Go to the cell and rescue Chris(careful of new monsters) and
then go up the ladder(by the Chest). You will now have Chris and Barry
with you. This is the Ultimate ending for Jill.

If you came in with Wesker go and rescue Chris from the cell.
By the ladder(by the Chest) you will find Barry, he will give you
picture of his family and then die. This is a bad ending as the
self destruct sequence won`t be set.
You should have trusted Barry.

CHRIS-As you exit the Tyrant Room you find that Rebecca is still alive
(Bulletproof jacket), she now sets the self destruct sequence. Free
Jill and go to the ladder. You will now have Jill and Rebecca with
you. This is the Ultimate ending for Chris.

If you didn`t save Rebecca from the Hunter then the self destruct
sequence won`t be set. This is a bad ending, next time save
The next part only applies to the endings in which the self destruct
sequence has been set(Barry or Rebecca).

Collect some heal sprays from the Chest and go up the ladder and out
the door. Collect the Battery and use it on the door.

This will trigger the 3 minute countdown.

Your parnters(whoever they are)will stay behind while you send a signal
to the awaiting helicopter. Get the flares from the box and use it.

The helicopter now comes BUT not before another Tyrant bursts through
the floor and attacks you.

This one is alot tougher than the first. It is quicker and it takes a
Rocket Launcher to kill. The best strategy for this Tyrant is to run around in
circles for awhile ,since you cannot kill it yet. With around 30 seconds to go ,
the helicopter drops a Rocket Launcher. Run to it, pick it up AND arm it, then
Providing you didn`t miss the Tyrant will now explode. Time to sit back and watch
the ending.

1-Jill on her own(don`t rescue Chris, Barry dead) -Bad
2-Jill and Chris(rescue Chris, Barry dead) -Bad
3-Jill and Barry(don`t rescue Chris, trust Barry)+Explosion -Okay
4-Jill, Chris and Barry(rescue Chris, trust Barry)+Explosion -Best

5-Chris on his own(don`t rescue Jill, don`t save Rebecca) -Bad
6-Chris and Jill(rescue Jill, don`t save Rebecca) -Bad
7-Chris and Rebecca(don`t rescue Jill, save Rebecca)+Explosion -Okay
8-Chris, Jill and Rebecca(rescue Jill, save Rebecca)+Explosion -Best

Bad Ending - FMV, Boring credits, picture of Tyrant.

Okay Ending - FMV, Funky credits, no end picture.

Best Ending - FMV, Funky credits, end picture, Special Key

Complete the game in under 3 hours and you will be able to save a game
on your memory card(remember to press the square button). Load this game
and you will find that you have a Rocket Launcher with infinate ammo!!!!.

Complete the game on the best endings and you will get a Special Key.
This key opens a closet(in the room next to the Blue doors in the Main
Hall) which allows both Chris and Jill to change their clothes!. Check
out Jill!!.


>Can the doors by the Round Pool or the Helipad be opened?.

>Is it possible to complete the game using only Rebecca?.
(maybe with a game shark code?)

>Can you control Barry?.

>What is the other Terminal for in the Power Room?.

>What is the meaning of the pool cues?(a clue to the V-Jolt room?)

>Can you use the FlameThrower elsewhere in the game?.
(Burn a Zombie?)

>Does Rebecca or Barry have a change of clothes?.
(Whats the excuse for not being able to open the door?)
>I`ve seen a picture of Pick in a magazine(Gamefan), where is it and whats
>it for?.

>Is it possible to kill Chris when you have to control Rebecca?.
(By waiting around?)
>What is the passcode that Barry gives Jill for?.
(it opens the 7924 door)

>Is it possible to set the self destruct sequence on your own?.

>Can Chris/Jill get the Bazooka/Flamethrower?.
Maybe if Chris had the Rocket Launcher he

Submitted By: Unknown

This walkthrough is for playing with chris but you can also use it
when playing jill.

Go to hallway and see zombie.

Run back out to Main Entrance and pick up Jill1s Berreta get Ink Ribbon
from typewriter.

Go back to through to first zombie and get 2 Clips from dead body (Kenneth1s).

Go back to Main Entrance.

Go to Blue double door and move stairs to get 1st Floor Map, move chest
and get and Ink Ribbon in small room. Beware of Zombie

Main Entrance and go up stairs and to the right at the first tier, go to
door a t the far end (above blue door) get small key. Down hall to examine
Forest on the terrace and get clip. Quickly leave to avoid Crows.

Back out to opposite side of upper level (above Dining Room) Kill Zombies
and push statue over the edge.

Get Blue Jewel from Statur rubleDining Room below.

Back up to above dining room and through far door on opposite side of
where you entered.

3 Zombies must be taken out and then down stairs.

Zombies are easily avioded by running here so conserve ammo and got to
first room behind stairs and meet Rebbeca -get Sword Key on bed - store
Knife, Small Key - get Clips - Save -

Leave without Rebecca and contiue to end of hall and through door
avoiding Zombies.

Immediately turn to the left an run to end of hallway - Make sure to have
at least 30 round and shoot away at oncoming Zombies.

Next got to smallTiger Room in short hallway and use Blue Jewel to get
Wind Crest

Go across to small bedroom to get Clip, examine desk and kill surprise
Zombie. Get Keeper1s Diary- Shells, leave if you only have one slot

Go through door at the end of the hall and proceed to left (up) and enter
Bar Room, (next to double doors.)

Move to around piano and push case away from bookshelf - get Music Notes
and use them at piano -Rebecca shows up to practice let her do that - got
to Dining Room

Get EMBLEM from above fireplace in Dining Room, go save in main hall and
return to piano room where secret door should open *You should have at
least one open inventory slot.*

Go into Secret Room and take Gold Emblem. Replace it with Emblem.

Go to Dining Room and place Gold Emblem above fireplace and get Sheild Key
from behind clock.

Go to Main entrance and through the Double blue doors. Go to door on other
side and unlock it. Sword Key should now be discarded.

Through door and run like the dickens to avoid Dogs and reach door way.

Go back to dog hallway and take out dog. Move chest and get Clip.

Bacck to winding hall. Get green herb and unlock door next to where you
entered but do not enter. Proceed doown hallway go into door at corner
turn (Bathroom).

Drain tub and get small key. Leave.

Move to the end to long, winding hallway. Through the double doors. Get
ready for two Zombies.

Go to end of hallway and to door on the left (Crow Gallery).

Inspect the pictures and hit the switches in order from youngest to oldesy.
Newborn, Infant, Lively Boy, Young Man, Middle-Aged Man, Tired Old Man,
and then Picture at End. Get Star Crest. Leave.

Go into Grey Door in middle of hall and get ready to fire at Zombie. Get
Green Herb. Go into Storeroom. Get other crest if necessary and save.

Out to Back Hall. End of Hall on the right is a door that leads to out
side passage. Get ready for a Dog.

Place Wind and Star Crests at end of passge.

You now should get the Chemicals (in Storeroom) and proceed to area where
to Tiger Room is located. At the very end of the L-shaped hallway is the
Green House.

Use Chemicals in pump to kill off plant. Got to the area behind the plant
to get the ARMOR KEY. Use Herb if required. ***Remeber this room if you
are hurtin1.***

Leave to Green House and go through the next door with three
zombies(maybe). Go to the door immediately on the right.

Get Broken Shotgun, Clip, and use Small Key to unlock desk to get Shells.
*You may have to do inventory adjustment in Rebecca Room.*

Now proceed back to the Winding Hallway with the Bathroom. Enter room that
is opposite the double doors and go through to Living Room ***You should
have Broken Shotgun and one available inventory slot.***

Replace Shotgun with Broken Shotgun. You are now a killing machine!

Proceed to Main Entrance and enter door next to blue double doors. There
is a Zombie inside just around the corner. Get Shells using Small Key.
Proceed down hallway to Mirror Room. Zombie is slow so avoid him if you
can. Get Ink Ribbon and Herb if necessary.

Make you way upstairs. Go to the right at the first tier and into first
door at top. Get ready for 2 Zombies in u-Shaped Hall.

Go into double green doors. Carefully move statues over the circle grates
on the floor. Hit switch to open the show case. Get the Sun Crest.

Go to end of U-Shaped Hall and into Small Library and get Botany Book to
file. Out opposite door. Get ready for two zombies and one waiting at far
end of hallway.

Go into door in the middle of the hallway and have shotgun ready for Zombie.

Go to Small Office on your left (top). Examine insect display and hit
switch to drain aquarium. Push auarium to the right and them move cabinet
toward it. Get Shells. Get Researcher1s Will on the desk.

Go to Bedroom on opposite end of Antler Room. Lighter is found here. Take
it. There are also Shells and Red herb. Leave Antler rooms.

Move to end of hall and into Blue door. Use the Lighter on firplace to
reveal Map of 2nd floor. Leave and go to down the stairs and to Storeroom.

Load up on Shells and make sure your life is replenished.

Make you way back upstairs to the U-Shaped hallway and into door that you
haven1t entered. (Make sure to have the lighter)

Move down the hallway and examine Richard - get Clip. Now go through next
door and get ready for a Zombie.

Move upsatirs and unlock door. Sheild Key should be discarded. DO NOT
enter. Back down stairs and down narrow hallway.

In this room use the Lighter on the candles to reveal secret room behind
case. Move case and get Shells in small room. Clip is also found in main

Now proceed back to short staircase and enter unlocked door. By exploring
you will encounter a snake so let him have it. Blast away and it will
retreat. Examine the hole where it came and went to get final Moon Crest.
Shells are also in Attic. Proceed out - you will soon collapse from
poisoning and awake in the Rebecca Room.

Get Two Crests and move to outside passage and place in final spots in
Ouside Passage. You should store eveything but guns and ammo now.

Through the now open door and push stairs to shelf. Climb up and get
Square Crank. There1s a small key on the one of the barrels.

Move through double doors and be ready for three dogs. There is a Map of
Garden on the wall next to useless elevator. Go through gate at other end
of Courtyard.

Move around pool and use crank on square hole. Water will drain and reveal
passage. Go across passage and run crazy for the elevator or the snakes
will poison you.

Down the elevator and prepare for DOGS. Move through gates and look out
for three more Dogs. Proceed to Guard House.

Push Statue down the hall and cover hole. Save Room is first door on
right. Store the Square Crank.

Go into door across from Save Room and look out for 2 Zombies. Go into
first door and drain the tub. Get Control Room Key from tub. Explore the
bedroom to get Red Book and Small Key and Shells.

Store Red Book and then got to door in area where you moved statue. Move
down hallway and go into first door you come to.

Move down passage to left by wasps1 nest and grab Dormitory Key 002. Run
and leave room. Continue down hall to Room 002. Discard key 002. There is
herb hidden behind Statue. Enter Room 002.

Inside first door(bathroom) will be a Zombie and a Clip. Leave clip. You
will be back. Proceed back into other room and get Dorm Map, Plant 42
Report, Leave Shells.

Push cabinets to reveal ladder down. Go down to Lower Passage.

Push the three boxes into water to create a walkway. The first box will
have to be pushed backwards, at first, to get it away from the wall. Go
through double doors at the end.

Run, Run, Run! Look out for the big fish! Move around to other side of
room and into Control Room. Discard Control Room Key! Flip the Lever to
drain rooms. Hit button next to door to open Weapon Storeroom next door.
Go to room next door.

Get the dormitory Key 003. Two Clips and Two boxes of Shells are here, but
be sure to save one slot for a Small Key that is found in corner of room
directly across from the one you are in. Go get the Small Key.

Load up on all that you can carry and head back up the ladder. Take a look
at the sharks doin1 the ole1 crappy flop. Be sure to collect ammo that you
left in Room 002.

Move back to Main Guard House Hall and enter Double Red doors. Have plenty
of Shotgun Shells to take on the two Giant Spiders. You will most likely
be poisoned and there is Blue Herb near the entrance to the Guard House.
Get Ribbon, Clip, and take a look a the pool table.

Get Red Book from Save Room and stock up the ammo for a big fight.
Navigate back to the Room with the Wasps1 Hive and enter Door 003. Discard
Key 003.

Enter bathroom and kill Zombie. Get Clip from the floor. Back into
bedroom. Get Ink Ribbon from desk using Small Key. (It may be wise to save
now if you haven1t for a while.) Go to book case and replace V-Jolt Report
with Red Book.

The other cabinet will move to reveal a door. Go in the door and be
prepared to meet Plant 42. Stay to the side and run to avoid the falling
acid. A trail of white will tip you off to when it will drop. You1ll
probably only get one or two shots off before you1ll have to move. Get
Helmet Key from fireplace.

Move out and encounter Wesker, load up the ammo and head back to the mansion.

Once you enter the mansion again you1ll be introduced to the Hunters. Take
the first one out and enter first door on the right using Helmet Key.

Go to the desk and turn on the light using switch. Get the Magnum Rounds
on the Desk, Leave the DOOM Book for later if you don1t have the space.

Go to Grey Door that leads to the Storeroom. Look out for the Hunter. Read
the note behind the stairwell and enter Storeroom. Store the Magnum

Proceed back to hallway where first hunter was encountered and go through
double doors. Slowly move down the hallway and you1ll encounter another
Hunter. Take Œem down! Contine to end of hallway and through wood door.

The next hallway has two spiders in it but thay can be avoided by running
to the entire hall. Make your way to the main entrance and go upstairs.

Now go to the room above the Dining Room where you1ll be greeted by a
couple Hunters. To conserve ammo take out the first one you see quickly
and run that direction to avoid the other. Proceed to the far door and get
ready for more of the same.

After disposing of the tough Hunters, move around staircase and enter
first door on the left. Pick up Orders and Shells, leave the Magnum Rounds
if it is the last slot. Hit switch next to door and look at the head above
the fireplace. Push the stair in front and clib to get Red Jewel. Leave.

Head down the stairs and lend Rebbeca a helping gun. Go to Rebecca Room
and do use the Ink Ribbon.

Go to the end of the hall and toward the Tiger Statue Room. Two Nasty
Hunters await you in this hall. Use the Red Jewel at the Tiger Room to get
Colt Python. (Remember that there may be Health Herb in the Greenhouse.)

Move back the way you came and make you way back to the Storeroom (near
outside passage). Grab the Colt and head upstairs. You should see a Hunter
in the hallway. Let Œem have it.

Proceed to the end of the long hallway and into room with fireplace Two
Zombies should be there. Save Ammo and go to next door.Unlock the door.The
Helmet Key is now useless. GET READY!

The Snake Room is activated by touching the piano in the corner. It1s will
take numerous rounds to kill this nasty reptile, so have plenty of health
and ammo. One you have taken care of the Snake, make sure you have the
Shotgun before you drop into the hole.

Once you1re down move to the gravestone and hit the switch to activate
trap door. Go down the ladder. There will be 2 Zombies in this area, the
first is around the corner guarding a box of Shells. Get the Shells and
proceed to the far door.

Two Zombies are feasting on another and behinfd them is 2 Green Herbs.
Move toward them and don1t attack until they stand. (Take them on only if
you1re in dire need of health.) Move down to door that will take you into

In the Kitchen you1ll find a Small Key on the counter. There1s a dying
Zombie lying near an elevator to the right of where you entered. It is
probably the best to let him grab you ankle if you1ve got health to spare.
The head stomp will save many rounds. Proceed up the Elevator.

When you get to the top a Zombiw will be right there. Take him out and
proceed in that direction if you1re low on ammo. Go into closet that is
directly ahead.
Two boxes of Shells and a Battery are here. Leave the Battery, but remeber
to save a slot for it.

Leave closet and quickly run back toward Elevator and look for a Zombie
end of the hall directly ahead. There1s also Green Herb it a small nook.
Go into Blue double doors and get ready to shoot.

Once you1ve taken care of first Zombie there is a desk in the corner to
the right. Use the Small Key and get the Magnum Rounds. Move to door in
opposite corner and beware of the Zombie that1s behinf the bookcases.
You1ll find a Scrapbook to file. Move through door and move straight

Moving straight ahead will run you into a statue. Push it just enought to
get around it and then go to statue with Red Switch. Hit the Switch and it
will light a small area. Push the statue over to lit area and Secret
Office will open. Get the MO Disk. Leave.

Move to the other side of the room and push bookcase to the top of the
screen, (away from blue doors.) Enter the Secret Observatory and get Ink
Ribbon and Clip if you have the space. Look out window. Return to Closet
to get Battery.

If you need the health and have some ammo to spare, continue down hall
past the Closet. There1s a Zombie right next to the closet door and
another when you continue into the next door where there is also Green and
Blue Herb. There are also 2 Zombies feeding down at the ens of the passage
and a door that cannot be unlocked.

Move back to Elevator and return down to Kitchen. Move to door and
stairwell at the opposite end of the Kitchen. You be presented with a
cut-scence and fresh Zombie to kill. Move to F1 via stairs.

Move around elevator and unlock double doors. You1ll enter a familiar
hallway and greeted by two hunters. Take Œem on if you dare or get out
quick! Proceed to back Storeroom.

In the Storeroom consolidate inventory and be sure to have the Doom Book 1
stored. Take Square Crank, Battery, and any guns with Bullets. Proceed to
Outside Passage.

In the Outside Passgage there is a Hunter in the middle of your path. If
you1re bold, take him out. With some quick movements it can be avoided.

Move through the Courtyard and arcoss waterpath, past snakes, down
elevator to Lower Courtyard. Use Battery on othe elevator and go up. Move
back to large pool and Square Crank panel. Use the Square Crank to stop
the water. It may be a good idea to go back and store the Crank because
you1ll no longer need it.

Move back down to Lower Courtyard and down ladder that was behind
Waterfall. You should have Shotgun and other loaded guns. An Ink Ribbon
would be useful, but only if it has one use left.

A Typewriter is directly ahead and around corner. Save if you have less
than two slots open. Otherwise go into door directly at the bottom of the

There is a Flamethrower on the wall. (We left it alone, but it can be
useful.) Proceed to the left and through the door.

In this large room there is F-Aid Spray and a box of Shells on the far
side. Get those and move toward passage to Enricho Door.

Go to the end of the hall and see Enricho cut-scene. What did he mean by
double-crosser? Enricho has a Clip but save room if it will fill last

Move back to out and you1ll immediately be attacked by two Hunters. Take
these two down!. There is also a Crank ahead. Use F-Aid Spray if
necessary. Move out and be ready for two more Hunters in this next area.

Move out either door and yet another Hunter will await. Replace
Flamethrower (if necessary) and exit area. Move down to area next to

Use Hex Crank on panel and move through door. Make sure to have one open slot.

Get Flamethrower and run down to trigger rock. Duck out at entrance. Now
move to area where rock rolled and look for a Hunter there. It is possible
to get more Flamethrower Fuel ant the opposite end of passage, but it also
triggers another Hunter. Proceed through double doors and Giant Spider.

Run around Spider and use small blast to kill him. Four or five rounds
with the Colt should do the trick. Leave and reenter to dispose of Small
Spiders. Use Flamethrower or Combat Knife on Web Door. Go out an to the
rom to the left.

In this save room there is Blue Herb, F-Aid Spray, and Ink Ribbon. Use the
Blue Herb first if you1re poisoned and then the F-Aid Spray. Save and take
Hex Crank and Flamethrower with you.

Move out and to opposite end of hall, you1ll need to run because of snakes
on the ceiling. Replace Flamethrower to open door and go.

Move to the left (up) and down passage. Use Hex Crank three times (x3) on
crank panel to access small passage. Run down and trigger boulder and duck
into small passage. There is a Map and MO Disk in area where boulder was.

Move into secret room and move Statue down wall to line up with
highlighted area. Use Hex Crank two times (x2) on panel to move statue
away. Push statue to highlighted trigger and grab Doom Book 2.

Return to Store Room and stash Crank and pick up Doom Book 1. Have at
least three slots. Proceed back to other end of passage and through door.

Move to the left (down) and go up elevator to Fountain Area. Check both of
the Doom Books through the inventory menu. Turn the books1 and use the
action button to inspect all sides. The books will eventually open to
reveal an Eagle and a Wolf Medal. Use thes on the appropriate ends of the
Founmtain to reveal stairs. Before you go down acquire an the Blue and
Green Herbs. Mix Green-Blue if necessary.

Go down Fountain Passage via stairs and elevator. Once down, move around
corner and down ladder.

There will be a Storage Box here so grab the pistol, and any other useful
weapons with ammo. Procced through door and be ready for 3 Zombies. If You
have limited ammo run directly around to stairs and down. Otherwise take
the them out and get MO Disk from Desk in nook next to double doors.
There1s also Green Herb in this passage. Down.

Go directly through double door at the bottom of the stairs and then
through the first door after that. Hit Red Switch to turn on lights. Get
Researcher1s Letter, read to get Login and Passwords. Push bookshelf away
and use blue switch to dicypher code words on painting. Clip is in box
next to sink. Green Herb is also here. JOHN ADA MOLE. Leave.

Move back out double doors and run straight ahead to door and into Small
Lab. Use Computer and Passwords to unlock B2 and B3 Doors. Get Slides from
floor. Move out and back up stairs.

At the top of the stairs move striaght ahead to doulbe doors. Enter
Conference Room

Use Slides on Projector, acquire Security System File, and open panel and
hit switch to activate secret panel. Get the Lab Key. Return down.

Run to door at opposite corner of stairs. Avoiding or taking on the slow
but deadly naked Zombies. Use Lab Key on Lab Door that is marked with red
emblem. Lab Key is now discarded.

A Zombie will be directly ahead. There is also one around each corner. Go
directly ahead to Save/Storeroom. There is an Ink Ribbon, Magnum Rounds,
and Herb in this room. Save and take Shotgun and Magnum and One (1) MO
Disk with you. Leave and go back to Operating Room.

Get Shells and Red Herb. Move boxes and stairs to get to air duct. Go
through and enter the Morgue. Use MO disk to get Passcode 2, get Magnum
Rounds from shelf. Exit and be ready to blast if you haven1t killed all
the Zombies. Go back to save room and load up on herbs for next mission.

Power Maze - Bring MO Disk/Health(s) -
Review the area map and look for the doors - Run to terminal in corner
opposite the door to activate power panel. Go to far door to enter next
maze. Get Pass Code 03 from terminal that is straight ahead. Run through
avoiding the ceiling hunters to main generator room. Activate the terminal
on the left side. Run out. There are Two hunters in first room and three
in second.

Now with MO Disk and some weaponry, head back toward the stairs and go
through double doors and through door midway down the passgae. 4 Zombies

It is possible to get more than one Zombie with the Shotgun at close
range, (three is our record.) Get Fax File from wall and use MO Disk on
output machine to get Pass Code 1. Leave and go to end of hall.

Use passcode machine to enter codes and prceed to cell to be reunited with
Jill. The door is locked so return toward Save/Storeroom and move to
Tyrant Elevator that is at the end of the hall. Rebecca should join you.
*You should have at least six rounds of Magnum/ Shotgun or at least 15 or
more Berretta.*

Up and encounter Wesker1s evil plan and he1ll introduce you to the Tyrant.
Take him on and then use the computer terminal to unlock the door. Go out
and down elevator.

Now make your way back to Jill1s cell and free her. Look out for the
Ceiling Hunters!

Move upstairs and Zombies are everywhere! Run past those slow guys and to
the ladder. Make sure to have at least one open slot.

Up ladder and through Emergency Door that is right next to you.

Down the passage and get the Battery. Use it on the elevator. Up.

Get flare from box right next to elevator - Use it in middle of Heliport.
Await the return of Tyrant. Aviod him until Brad drops Rocket Launcer.

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