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Retro Game Walkthroughs For
"Luigi's Mansion"

Retro Game Walkthroughs for Luigi's Mansion (Gamecube)
Submitted By: Bejam
Welcome to Luigi’s Mansion, one of the first launch titles for
the Nintendo Gamecube. It’s a brilliant game that oozes the
Nintendo seal of quality from the beginning right through to the
very end.
In a change from the usual Nintendo tradition, this is the first
adventure game that actually stars Luigi instead of Mario (Mario
is the one who was captured this time and not the Princess!).
Luigi has to rescue Mario, who is trapped somewhere deep within
the mansion; but there’s just one slight problem....the mansion
is infested with ghosts! So armed with a vacuum cleaner and a
flashlight, along with the help of the wacky scientist Professor
E. Gadd, you must infiltrate the creepy house and free Mario from
the clutches of the spectral fiends.

Control Stick = Move Luigi.
A = Examine things, open doors, display the next message, select
options and call for “Maaariooooo”.
B = Hold down to turn off flashlight.
C Stick = Control the direction of the flashlight or vacuum.
R = Hold down to suck up ghosts and other items.
X = Search mode (1st person view mode.)
Y = View map. On the map screen use up & down to switch floors,
left & right to rotate the map, the C Stick to move around, A
button to zoom and B button to go back.
Z = View item list.
L = Shoot an element out of the vacuum.
Start = Pause the game.

Hearts: These allow you to regain health.
Coins, bills, and gold: Collect these to increase your score.
Pearls: Portrait ghosts will drop these while being sucked up,
collect them to receive more points.
Keys: Use these to open locked doors.
Gems, diamonds and jewels: Come in many different shapes and
colours. Add up to your final score.
Fire emblem: Enables you to use your vacuum as a flamethrower
Water emblem: Enables you to spray water from your vacuum
Ice emblem: Enables you to spray ice from your vacuum
Purple mushroom: Shrinks Luigi for a short period, leaving him
vulnerable—avoid at all costs.

There are certain ghosts that do not have actual hearts. Those
ghosts cannot be sucked in the usual method using the vacuum. You
must use an elemental attack to cause damage and eventually
defeat it. The colour of the ghost's insides determines what
elemental ability it possesses (fire, water, or ice).
After you collect the appropriate Element Medal, you can suck in
that type of element to gain its ability. For example, if you
have the Fire Element Medal, go to a fire and use the vacuum to
suck the flames to make a fiery ghost come out. Suck that in to
gain its fire element ability. A meter will then appear at the
bottom of the screen showing how much of the element you have
left to use. The more you use it, the more the meter is depleted.
When you run out, you'll have to find and suck in the elemental
ghost like described above if you want to continue using it.
Water beats fire,
Fire beats ice,
Ice beats water.

There are a few different types of ghosts. Each requires a
different strategy to beat. To beat any ghost you must expose
their heart; then you can suck them up with your vacuum. The
trick is getting their hearts to show by shining the torch onto

Regular Ghosts: These ghosts will simply try to attack you by
flying at you, and don't present much threat. Flash them with
your flashlight and then turn on your vacuum cleaner. You'll need
to keep the vacuum cleaner aimed on them until they are
completely disposed of. Pull the control stick in the opposite
direction of the ghost to suck it up.

Grabbing Ghosts: These will try to grab you and do damage. Some
of them must be defeated with elements. To shrug off a grabbing
ghost if it grabs you, simply rotate the control stick.

Ceiling Ghosts: These ghosts drop off of the ceiling and present
almost no threat at all, apart from if they throw bombs.

Banana Ghosts: These green ghosts will drop banana peels, which
make you slip, and cause damage.

Explosive Ghosts: These are found in some hallways and explode if
you try to trap them.

Mask Ghosts: These look like Shyguys and wear masks, making them
a little tougher than regular ghosts. Vacuum off their masks,
stun them with the flashlight and then suck them up.

Money Ghosts: These are tough ghosts to nab. They hide in
cupboards and closets, waiting to scare you. You will have to
flash them quickly and then suck them up. They disappear fast so
be on your guard whenever opening a cupboard, cabinet, drawer, or
closet. If you manage to catch one, he'll leave behind goodies
like gold, money, and gems.

Treasure Ghosts: Similar to regular ghosts, except that they are
blue, and will disappear forever soon after you see one. If you
catch one, you will receive lots of money.

Elemental Ghosts: Capture these harmless little ghosts to be able
to expel elements from your vacuum.

Portrait Ghosts: These are basically mini-bosses; you have to
capture them so they can be turned back into portraits. Plenty of
them won't actually attack, but they don't show their hearts as
easily. You will have to outwit them to see their hearts.

Boss Ghosts: There are 4 of these ghosts, 1 at the end of each
area. You fight them in a separate arena away from the mansion,
and you will return to the lab after beating one of them.

Boos: There are 50 Boos throughout the mansion. Unlike other
ghosts, they can move through walls to other rooms, and are not
easily trapped in the vacuum.

Ghost Animals: These include ghost mice and bats. They are easily
sucked up.

Fake Doors: Not actually ghosts, these are fake doors which slam
in your face if you open them. Fake doors do not appear on the
map screen.

Fire, Water & Ice Ghosts: These nasty fellows have an element
protecting their hearts. Use the correct element in your vacuum
cleaner to defeat these foes.

--CHECK EVERY OBJECT all the time. The great thing about this
game is that almost every object is searchable. Lamps, portraits,
cupboards, everything!
They often hold money or gold and sometimes even gems, which all
counts up to a final score.

--When searching objects, do so with your vacuum. You can walk up
to an object and press A to search it but if you take a little
distance and just aim your vacuum at the object for a short while
until it starts shaking, it gets the same effect. In many ways
this is a better method because if money falls out, it will
almost immediately be sucked up. If a ghost pops out you won't be
shocked so much and be of a safer distance.
Some objects will swing open, causing harm to Luigi (e.g., the
fridge in the kitchen or the shed in the garden). Keep this safe
distance. Of course, to search some items like lamps and ceiling
fans, you NEED to use the vacuum.

--Always water EVERY plant you come across! Plants only give up
their treasures after watering them, not by searching them. And
some plants hold many treasures.

--When checking objects ALWAYS be on your toes for Money Ghosts
that might pop out.

--Use any mirror in the game to warp to the entrance hall. Just
go into first person view mode, look at a mirror and press A.

--Before tackling the ghosts of a room or the Boo, get rid of all
tablecloths or bedspreads. You don't want your vacuum stuck on
one of these when a ghost is after you.

--When treasure appears, it eventually disappears again. For this
reason go for the highest value treasure first (gold bars, then
money, then coins). Usually you can get all treasure by vacuuming
it all up, but sometimes you won't have time.

--Save regularly with Toad or the professor, as you don’t know
what evil might lurk around the next corner….

--Avoiding trapped doors—to avoid losing coins and life from trap
doors, just vacuum towards the door you want to enter. If it
rattles and shakes around, it is safe to enter. If it does not
move or rattle, it is a trap. Alternatively, look to see if there
is a doormat at the base of the door. If there is a mat, it is
safe to open. Or use the fire element on the annoying fake doors
and they will melt and disappear. Note: They will return after
you enter another door.
You can easily tell if a door is real or not by looking at the
map; if the door you are standing next to isn’t on the map then
it’s a fake.

-- Big heart locations:
First floor graveyard: When you interact with one of the
gravestone you will collect a big heart.
Second floor nursery: The design of the heart-shaped dresser is a
clue. Open the drawer to find a 50-point heart.
Third floor safari room: The big heart is in a chest on a corner
Basement cellar: The shelves in the centre of the cellar hold a
big heart. Pull it out with your vacuum.

--Treasures from plants: Go to the outside section and find the
seed to the right of the doghouse. It can be found under Toad's
balcony. Get the Water Element ability and water the seed. A
plant will appear. Press ‘A’ on the Game Boy Horror while
examining the doghouse to enter it. Defeat the Boss that is
inside the graveyard, then water the plant again. Continue
playing the game, then water the plant again after defeating the
next Boss. The plant will flower and give you a golden diamond
worth 20,000,000G. If you do not water the plant after each Boss
battle, it will die.

-- Mario item locations:
Mario's Cap: Laundry Room
Mario's Letter: Courtyard
Mario's Glove: Projection Room
Mario's Shoe: The Twins' Room
Mario's Star: Observatory


START: The game starts with a cut scene of Luigi looking at the
map of his new Mansion. You then see him walk up to the mansion
with great trepidation. When you get into the game, the first
thing you will notice is there a door right in front of you with
a pulsing web on it. Do not walk up to this door. It will only
hurt you. You can open this door after you get the key for it.
Now head up the stairs. You will notice a double door in front
of you. Press 'A' to try and open the door. It’s locked. Head
back down the stairs. This opens another cut scene. A ghost
will drop a key right in the middle of that circle on the floor.
Pick up the key. Head back up the stairs. Now you can open the
double doors at the top of the stairs. When you do, another
little cut scene will appear with Professor E. Gadd trying to get
some ghosts. You two will leave, and appear back in the
professor’s lab.

TRAINING: The Professor will explain a few things to you about
the mansion. He then gives you the Poltergust 3000 and the
Gameboy Horror. The professor then will let you test your skills
in a training room. The idea is simple: hit the ghosts with the
flashlight to have them show their hearts, then press the 'R'
button to start sucking up the ghost, and then press the opposite
direction on the analogue stick of the ghost to suck it up. Once
you get the hang of it, its quite simple. When the training is
done, you will get the choice of seeing Gadd’s gallery.

GALLERY: The professor explains about his gallery, and the ghost
paintings that were there. Walk around the gallery, and then come
back to the professor. When given the choices pick 'Go Back to
the Lab.' He will then ask where you want to go. Pick 'The

FOYER: You will now be back in the mansion. Don’t step forward
into the circle. If you do the chandelier will try to fall on
you (you can move out of the way, but must do it quickly). Talk
to Toad, he will tell you about Mario and will then let you save
your game. Head up the stairs and suck up the coins on the floor.
Also suck on the two vases; they will sometimes give money, or
hearts. Then vacuum the chandelier from the top of the stairs to
receive lots of cash. Open the double doors to enter the

PARLOUR: Suck up the money on the floor. Walk up to the purple
candles, and suck on them, until all six go out. The paintings
will then get angry with you, and you will then have to fight
three yellow ghosts. After you defeat them, the lights will come
on, and a small treasure chest will appear.
Open the chest for a key (whenever you receive a key the GameBoy
Horror map will appear and show you which door the new key
opens). Try sucking on everything in the room for money (even the
chandelier). Use your key on the door in the upper right hand
corner of the room.

ANTEROOM: You will be instantly locked into the Anteroom with
spikes covering the doors. Be careful to not touch the doors or
you will lose money and health. Suck up the yellow ghosts, and
the lavender ghosts. When you get them all, the lights will come
back on, and the doors will be unlocked. Again suck on all of
the furniture in the room for money, and health. Head to the door
on the left hand wall.

WARDROBE ROOM: Be very careful in this room, there are yellow
ghosts and green ghosts. Green ghosts throw banana peels that can
make you fall down. Stay away from the cabinets on the north
side of the room until you are sure you have gotten all the other
ghosts. The right side cabinet has a Blue Ghost in it. The left
hand side cabinet has a Yellow Ghost in it. After getting all the
ghosts the lights will come on. Don't forget vacuum on
everything in the room. On top of the coat rack is a key. Start
vacuuming while facing the key, and press down on the 'C' stick
to have the vacuum raise up to bring the key down to you.
Take the door on the left hand side of the room to step out on a
little balcony. Talk to Toad, and he will let you save. Now you
can open the door using your new key, and you will be in a
hallway (you must now start being careful, check the map to make
sure any door you open is a real door, and not a fake one that
will hurt you). Suck up the money on the floor, and suck up the
mice so they do not hurt you. Take the first door on the north
side to enter the study.

THE STUDY: This is the first portrait ghost. Before worrying
about him, be careful of the flying books that will come at you
from the far north right corner. You can easily suck them up.
Suck on the chair in the upper right corner, and when the Blue
Ghost appears, stop sucking, and shine your light on him. The
portrait ghost is in the rocking chair on the left hand side.
Stand just in front of him on the south side and face away from
him. When he yawns quickly turn around and start sucking him up.
After beating him, the lights will come on, and a chest will
appear. Open the chest for a key. Leave the study, and head to
the end of the hallway, and open the last door on the north

MASTER BEDROOM: The portrait ghost here is combing her hair in
front of the mirror. Walk past her, and vacuum on the right hand
side curtains. When they open a draft will enter from a hole in
the window. She will gasp, and that is the time to shine your
flashlight on her. Her heart will appear, and you can start
sucking her in. If she escapes from your vacuum grip, she will
close the curtains, so you have to repeat the process to finish
her off. A small chest will appear that has a key in it.

BABY ROOM: Head to the second door in the hallway on the south
The baby is in its cot. In the upper corner is a small dresser
with a lamp on it. This houses a large red heart (which heals 50
of your health points). The first thing to do is to suck on the
rocking chair, and make it rock. This will make the baby come to
the rocking chair. He will then want to play with you, be
careful because he likes to launch his teddy bears at you, but
you can just suck them up.
Go over, and suck on the ball near the crib, and get it stuck on
your Poltergust 3000. Line up the baby, and then release the 'R'
button to shoot it at him. When you do, he will cry, and this
will start the Boss Battle.

BABY BOSS BATTLE: You will now be in what looks like a large baby
cot, and the baby will be larger than you. He launches rocking
chairs at you, just avoid them by moving to the right or left.
He will then send 4 large bouncing balls at you, avoid them, but
look for one that is left on the floor. Walk up to the one ball
that is left, and suck it up. Hit him with the ball, and his
heart will appear. Start sucking him up. If he escapes your grip,
he will bounce around the arena trying to hit you. Then the
series will reset itself. Once you defeat him, you will return to
the room, and a giant chest will appear. Open the chest for a
key. Once you grab the key the Professor will page you. He
explains that you have to return to the lab, because the
Poltergust 3000 gets full after capturing a boss ghost.

BACK TO THE LAB: The professor will show you his invention (it’s
a similar idea to the ghost containment unit in ‘Ghostbusters’).
This machine will convert the ghosts from ghosts to paintings.
Then you are back in the lab, and get to return to the Mansion.
Walk up to the double doors in front of you (with the pulsing web
on it). When you get close, the pulsing web will disappear, and
then you can use your key to open the door. Welcome to Area 2. Be
careful of the hanging ghosts in the hallways, and the bats on
the ceiling. After walking through the doors, go to the right,
and then take the first hallway that goes away from the screen,
and finally take a left at the end. This hallway will swing
around away from the screen, and at the end of it will be another
door with a pulsing web on it.
Take the last door to the left.

BATHROOM: There are two lavender grabbing ghosts in here. If
they grab you, then rotate the stick to break free. After
defeating them, the lights will come on. There is a key up on the
top left hand wall. Suck it down.
Notice on the map where the key opens. Exit the bathroom, and
then head down the hallways to the door the key fits.

THE BALLROOM: There are masked ghosts here. Suck off their masks,
and then hit them with your flashlight, then you can suck them
up. After getting all the masked ghosts, a dancing couple will
appear. You need to wait for them to finish their dance, then
quickly shine the flashlight on them and suck away. After getting
them, the lights will come on, and a small chest appears. Open
the small chest for a key. The key goes to the far right corner
door in this room.

STORAGE ROOM: After sucking up the pink and red ghosts, the
lights will come back on.
If you look closely in the mirror, you will notice a red button
on the opposite wall.
Push it by pressing 'A'. The left hand wall rolls off, and locks
much farther down. On the back wall will be a poster. Suck that
poster off the wall, to reveal another red button. Press that
button to see a cut scene with a lot of Boo ghosts. The professor
pages you, he tells you all about the Boo ghosts.
The professor reveals that your Gameboy Horror has a special
feature, a
Boo Radar. When you are in a room with a Boo it will blink
Yellow, when you are near a piece of furniture that the Boo is
hiding in it will blink red, when a room has no Boo in it, it
will be Blue. Also note, that Boos will not be sucked in towards
you like other ghosts; you must follow them around while sucking.

HUNTING BOOS: Boo Ghosts will hide in all forms of furniture.
Sometimes they will throw little balls out at you, and other
times they will throw bombs at you.
You must now revisit all the rooms from the previous areas, find
the hiding Boos and suck ‘em up.
Once you catch your first 5 Boo Ghosts, the professor will page
you. He will suggest you go to the Washroom to freshen up after
working so hard. The Washroom is just south of the bathroom. You
can now open the door.

WASHROOM: Walk into the Washroom, and you will see Toad crying in
the corner. Talk to him, and he will tell you that he is crying
because he dropped something important into the toilet (!!!).
Tell him: "Don't worry about it." Use your vacuum on the toilet
to get a key. Then use the key on the appropriate door.

FORTUNE TELLER'S ROOM: Shine your flashlight on the crystal ball,
until it shines brightly, and the fortuneteller appears. When she
appears, talk to her. When you bring her dropped items she will
tell you about them. Open the door on the right wall.

MIRROR ROOM: You will be instantly locked in. Use to the mirror
to see any ghosts that are trying to sneak up on you. After
defeating all the ghosts in this room, a treasure chest will
appear. Open the chest for Fire Element Medal. The professor
will page you, and tell you about your medal. You can now go near
fires, and make fire elementals come out, and after sucking up a
fire elemental, you can shoot fire out of the Poltergust 3000 by
pressing the 'L' button. Get a fire elemental from the fire in
the far right corner, and then light the candles in both corners
to open the door.

BACK TO FORTUNE TELLER'S ROOM: After getting the fire medal, and
filling up your fire gauge, head back to the Fortune Teller's
Room. Light all four candles in all four of the corners. Once you
do that, a key will appear on the far right pillar. Vacuum the
key down. Take the key down the hall to the corresponding door.

LAUNDRY ROOM: Defeat all the ghosts that are in here. After
defeating them a small chest will appear. Open it for a lot of
cash. Suck on the washing machine in the left hand upper corner
and Mario's Hat will come out. Do not try and open the door on
the north wall. Open the door to the south.

THE BUTLER'S ROOM: At first glance this room seems worthless.
The butler is not here. He is walking around in the hallways near
the Washroom. Go there, and look for the floating candles. Light
those candles with some fire. The butler will appear and return
to his room. Follow him, and once he sits down, shine your
flashlight on him to show his heart. Once you defeat him, a chest
will appear with a key in it. Hit the 'X' button to search the
room. In the right hand corner is a mouse hole. Press the 'A'
button to investigate it. Once you do that, it will open a secret
entrance to another room.

HIDDEN ROOM: Suck up all the yellow bats on the ceiling. There
are some Ice Ghosts here. You must hit them with fire, then your
flashlight to make their hearts appear. After beating all the
ghosts, a chest will appear containing a lot of money, and some
emeralds in it. Exit the room the same way you entered it. Now
use the key from the Butler's room on the correct door.

CONSERVATORY: Turn on all the instruments in this room except the
piano (do this by walking up to them, and pressing 'A'). When
all are playing, walk up to the piano. Melody will introduce
herself. She will play a song for you, and ask you a question,
answer it correctly and she will then challenge you to a battle
with music sheets. Vacuum up the music sheets, and then hit her
with your flashlight. Her heart will appear, and then suck her
up. A small chest will appear after defeating her with a key in
it. Take the key down the hall to the correct door.

DINING ROOM: The first thing you have to do in this room is to
vacuum up all of the banana peels. Next, get a fire elemental and
light the candles on the table. Now suck up the fat ghosts food
and then look for the two serving ghosts. Get them both before
they replenish the food, and eventually the fat ghost will run
out of food. He will then start spitting fire at you. Avoid him
until he pants, and grows tired. At that point, shine your
flashlight on him, and start vacuuming him up. Once you defeat
him a small chest will appear with money, and a diamond in it.
Open the door to the left (and be sure to have some fire
elemental power on you).

KITCHEN: Suck up all the flying pots and pans that try and hit
you. Once they are all gone, open up the refrigerator (but stand
on the left hand side of the fridge, that way you do not get hit
from the opening door). An Ice Ghost will come out of the fridge.
Hit him with fire, and then shine your light, and finally vacuum
him up. A large chest will appear, open it for a new medal. The
professor will page you, and tell you about the Water Element
Medal. Very similar to the fire, but now you can get water. So
get a water elemental from the sink. Hose down the door that is
on fire to the left. Now you can open it.

BONEYARD: Water the plant on the right side in the dirt. It will
eventually open to a nice flower. Then wake up the ghost dog by
running by him, and calling to Mario. The ghost dog will start
chasing you around until a skeleton ghost comes out of the
ground. Shine your light on Mr. Bones, and vacuum him up. Once
you got him, then a ghost bone will be left for the ghost dog.
The ghost dog will start chewing on the bone. Shine your light on
him to vacuum him up. Once you vacuum him up, look at his
doghouse in the 1st person mode and press 'A'.

GRAVEYARD: You are now in the graveyard. The green gutter on the
right hand side has a red ruby in it. Hit all the tombstones,
some will have hearts, and one near the middle will have three
ghosts come out at you. Once you vacuum them all up, the last
tombstone will start shining. Walk up to it for a boss battle.

BOSS BATTLE: Vacuum up one or more of the black ghosts, and then
shoot the black orb that you have at the purple ghost. He will be
surrounded by a black orb, now is when you start vacuuming him
up. It is easier to beat him, if you suck up most of the black
ghosts before going for him, that way there is less things that
can hit you while vacuuming up the boss. Once you defeat him you
will be back in the Graveyard with a large treasure chest. Open
the chest for the key to the next area. The professor will page
you, and its time to empty the Poltergust 3000 again. Now you
can head back to the Mansion, go through the double doors, and
work your way to the door with the pulsing web on it. Walk up to
it, and the web will go away. Open the door.

COURTYARD: Be sure to water the plants because the far right one
has an emerald. Hit the birdhouse for Mario's Letter. Open the
outhouse from the left hand side, that way the swinging door does
not hit you. Toad tells you to go into the well.

BOTTOM OF THE WELL: Walk to the far right. A little cut scene
will occur. When the scene ends, walk back to the left, and a
hanging ghost will appear. Hit it with your light, and then
vacuum it up. A key will drop down. Grab the key, and climb the
ladder, on the far right wall is where the key goes.

REC ROOM: Press ‘A’ when next to one of the punch bags to bash
the bodybuilder. He will then try and hit you. Hit him with a
second body bag to knock him down. Run over to him, hit him with
your light, and then vacuum him up. A chest will appear, open it
for a diamond, and a lot of cash.
In the weight room is a treadmill to the left of the screen. Run
on it to get the key to the hall door just to the left of the
room. With the hall door unlocked, you will not have to run
around the back of the house to get to the stairs that lead to
the second floor.
Head out of the door on the south wall. Go up the stairs, and
spray water on door with fire on it. Enter that room.

TEA ROOM: Get the ghosts. Use the red & blue floor/ceiling pads
to go from the floor to ceiling, and visa versa. Open the chest
for the Ice Element Medal. Get an ice elemental from the ice
bucket on the right table. Leave this room, and head to the
west, and open that door.
Be careful in this hallway, there are a lot of ghosts here. Walk
to the end of the hallway, and open the last door to the left.

BATHROOM 2F: Open the curtain with your vacuum, and then hit the
fat lady ghost with some ice. Hit her with your light, and then
vacuum her up. A treasure chest will appear. Open that chest for
a key. Go to the room just to the south.

WASHROOM 2F: Be sure to bring water in with you to this room. A
fire ghost is hiding in the toilet. Open the toilet to get him to
come out, then spray him with water, then hit him with your
light, and finally vacuum him up. A treasure chest will appear.
Open it for a lot of money. Now head out of this room, and a
little north, and open the door on the right.

NANA'S ROOM: There is a Blue Ghost in the far right chair. Hit
the table and knock out the three balls of wool. Nana will start
to rotate around the room, and when she is facing you, she will
shoot needles at you. You will need to suck up the balls of wool
one at a time, and shoot them at Nana. You must hit her will all
three, otherwise she will vanish, and you must start the room
over again. Once you hit her with all three, hit her with your
flashlight, and vacuum her up. A chest will appear, open it for a

ASTRAL HALL: Head out of Nana's Room, and head back down the
hall, and when you encounter the hallway to the south, take it.
Open the first door on the right hand side to enter the Astral
Hall. Be sure and bring fire with you to this room. Light all the
candles, and then stand in the middle of the circle. Get all the
ghosts. Exit to the door on the right hand side.

2F OBSERVATORY: Walk up to the telescope and press 'A'. You will
look at the stars, and the moon. The wall to the right will fade
away and you will be able to see the stars and the moon. Falling
stars will regularly fly right by the pathway to the right. Walk
onto the pathway, and vacuum up a shooting star. Turn to the
left, and up a little aiming for the moon. Release the shooting
star and hit the moon. The moon will explode, and a path to the
right will appear. Walk to the end of the path for Mario's Star.

BILLIARD'S ROOM: On the first floor just south of the 1F Washroom
is where the Billiard's Room is. There is a ghost in this room
playing Billiards. Wait for him to hit the three balls, then
vacuum one up, and then hit the ghost with it. Once you hit him
with 3 balls, he will start panting. Hit him with your light, and
vacuum him up. If you lose him, you only need to hit him with one
more ball, and he will start panting again. Defeat him and a
chest will appear, open it for a diamond, and lots of money. Take
the door on the right hand side.

PROJECTION ROOM: Turn the projector on by pressing 'A', and then
suck up all the ghosts. After getting all the ghosts, a chest
will appear. Open it for Mario's Glove.

THE TWIN'S ROOM: Head to the foyer, then up the stairs, and take
the left hand door. Take the first door to the south for the
Twin's Room. On the far right hand side of the ceiling is a
mobile. Stand under it, and start vacuuming, walk around in
circles to make the mobile go in circles. Once it goes around a
few times, the twins will appear. They challenge you to a game of
hide and go seek. Exit the room, and once they say okay, come
back in. Vacuum on all five of the boxes, two of them will
vibrate, those two are the ones that the twins are hiding in.
Press 'A' to open those two boxes. The twins accuse you of
cheating, and start attacking you. Go after the twin in the car
first. Vacuum away his car, and then shine your light on him to
vacuum him up. Once you get him, go after the twin in the little
airplane. Use the same strategy; vacuum away his vehicle, and
then shine your light, and start vacuuming. A chest will appear
after beating them, open it for Mario's Shoe.

RETURN TO FORTUNE TELLER'S ROOM: Retrace your steps back to the
Fortune Tellers room. After bringing the fortuneteller all five
of Mario's items, she will tell you that she is ready to go back
into her painting. All you need to do is vacuum her up. A small
chest will appear, open it for a key.

SAFARI ROOM: Head up to the third floor, and open the door on the
south side for the Safari Room. The right table in this room has
a small box on it; open it for a large heart. Aim your vacuum at
the wall mounted deer heads and ghosts will appear. After beating
the water ghosts (use an ice attack), and the green banana ghosts
a chest will appear. Open the chest for a key.

3F BALCONY: Walk up to the Boo circle, and a cut scene will
occur. All of the Boo's will combine, and bounce around trying to
hit you.
Submitted By: WelshMiyamoto
Here is my guide to complete the bosses of Spiderman - the movie
for Gamecube

The burglar
This is the guy that killed peter parkers uncle, He is a thief
and works for the skulls, Peter Parker could have stopped his
Uncles death but opted for revenge on The man that gave should
have gave him $3000 for wrestling but gave him much, much less.

Birth of a hero.
a combo that works well on him is the handspring. use the dodge
whenever you see him fire his machine gun. you can break some of
the crates to get extra power ups, you can also get extra health
and webbing by web-zipping up to the beams/rafters. you could try
to stick to the ceiling and fire impact webs at him.

The shockers real name is Herman Schultz, who after serving
several prison terms for robbery, he continues to build a special
yellow suit, that can send out shockwaves. he uses special gloves
called Vibro-shock.
Showdown with shocker
1. dodge his blasts while running down a empty subway tunnel. The
best way to do this is to web zip and and right in the middle of
you're web zip, let go and run for the nearest interval between
subway tracks.
2. You then fight shocker in a big room with power ups and some
empty subway tracks, this part has two floors. when shocker fires
his blasts at you, try to use the dodge feature to move away from
them, when he casts his shockwaves (usually when you are near to
him) jump up in the air. When he activates his tornado attack,
fire impact webs at him.

The vulture
Adrian toones is very old, and skinny. He learned that his patner
was cheating him out of the profits before he created his
electromagnetic suit. The electromagnetic suit that he created
contained radiation, this exposure to radiation resulted in
granting him enhanced strength and endurance. After he steals all
from his partner, he teams up with Shocker to go on a crime

Vulture Escapes

The easiest way to dodge everything he throws at you is to be
above him, if the gauge at the top of the screen says that he is
getting too far away, lose some altitude to get to his level.
When he knocks down the billboard and water tower, web up the ir
broken beams quickly. Then resume the chase, pretty soon after
the water tower, the level will end.

Air duel with Vulture
Strategy 1: fire impact webs at him
Strategy 2: try to attach to him and do a fly kick and then right
when you get down to him, then drop.
Strategy 3: keep doing fly punchs and kicks till he drops onto
the building.
When he drops onto the building do all the combo's you can on
him, when he starts to charge up, run away a little bit and
repeat the previous steps.

The Scorpion
The scorpions real name is Max Gargan. He has gone insane, noone
knows exactly how he became insane. Scorpion is trapped in a
metal suit which Jonah jameson put him in, he wants revenge on
this man but for the time being he is running away fom the Oscorp
HK's (Hunter killers) in an attempt to catch Spiderman and the
Scorpion together, they will have to team up to evade or take on
the HK's and after that Scorpion turns on him.


This level is hard. the only advice I can give is to not let
Scorpion out of you're sights and yank all the HK's out at the
same time off the wall.

Scorpions Rampage
For this level, I have a trick. From the start. to straight and
to the right, look up a bit and you will see a stack of boxes, On
top of one of those boxes is a Golden Spider, this golden spider
unlocks the combo tackle. just use the tackle over and over again
on him, it works Great!.

Green Goblin
Norman Osborne tried to complete a formula which enhances human
performance. he tries it out on himself, with bad consequences as
he turns evil and crazy, but, he also has more strength, speed
and intelligence ability, he is also armed with Pumpkin bombs,
his Goblin glider and razor bats, he is a threat.

Coup D'Etat
Swing down and pick up Mary Jane, set her on the pad to the
right. you will have to take on Goblin for the first time, I like
to pummel him with fly kicks or attempt to ride his glider or
fire impact webs at him. after you take his life down he will
escape to a broadcasting tower and take out it's supports, keep
on fly kicking him and attempting to ride his glider and he will
escape to the bridge, Im usually stand between the beams and web
them both up. repeat the pummeling process and he will go away.

The Offer
Use the same strategy I listed above until he hops off the glider
and crashes through the glass, when you fight him hand to hand,
hang on the walls and use impact webbing or you can use the
tackle trick which is great.
After that, repeat the aerial pummeling process yet again, he
will go to a room full of elecric generators. You can use the
tackle combo here, but I find it easier to use impact webbing, in
this situation.

Razors Edge
Th goblin will release around 25 Razor bats immediately, attract
them all then land on a building. Use web dome and it will take
all of the Bat's out. After you will have destroyed all 50, head
over to the construction site.

Mary Jame Kidnapped
This is a difficult level, anticipate the Green goblins path
ahead of time
Straight through the two buildings in front of you.
Then,Go over to the back of the billboard
Next, wait until he turns around a building and then go left (he
will then go left around another building)
Then followthe main street, don't follow him, turn right when he
crosses your path from left to right
Whenhe turns right after he swings round a little building, turn
around and strafe till you see a billboard, follow him when he
crosses your path and go above the building when he go's to the
left of it.
Dodge his bombs and follow him to the end of the level.

Face off at the Bridge
Rescue Mary Jane and set her on the ground. Next, attack and
pummel Green goblin in all of the ways mentioned before, when he
lands on the ground. you can do three things. One: run up and
attack him with all of your combo's (Not the best one)two: run
around and throw cars at him (Not the best but it takes off some
damage)three: do tackles or web fists on him. You can get health
from one of the bridges and at the bottom of the bridge.

Congratulations you have completed the game.


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